High School Reunion (8 page)

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Authors: Mallory Kane

BOOK: High School Reunion
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Laurel did a double take. “Sorry, what did you say?”

“Nothing.” He opened the front door for her. “Dad, bye,” he called. “I’ll see you later.”

As he followed her to his truck, he pushed aside thoughts of his brother. Concentrating on Laurel’s well-rounded backside helped.

“So what’s

“Huh?” He almost plowed into her. In a finessing move worthy of a gold-medal ice skater, he managed to avoid a collision while at the same time sliding around to open the passenger-side door of the pickup.

“What’s your favorite candy?”

Now his brain was back where he didn’t want it to be. He had a vision of his dad coming home with a box of dark chocolate cherries and James grabbing for them. He didn’t bother to answer her.

When they were in the truck, Laurel tapped the box Cade had set on the console between them. “Your dad did a great job. He found a couple of shots that Misty’s dad took that were a wider-angle than mine. You need to look at them. A lot of them were burned too badly, but there are a couple that the FBI lab should be able to analyze. Not only can you see the ring in the photo, but there’s a portion of a face. I can’t tell who it is. I’m hoping the lab guys can enhance it enough to recognize.”

“FBI lab?” Cade took a corner more aggressively than he needed to. “So did someone put you in charge?”

“I was going to ask you again about requesting the FBI’s help.”

Irritation crowded up into his chest, squeezing it. “With what?” he snapped. “A flimsy theory about a ten-year-old picture?”

“Setting aside for the moment that the Unsolved Mysteries Division is in the
of reinvestigating old cases, we also have two assaults in the same night, plus a fire intended to burn the pictures that support my flimsy theory. So you might want to pay attention to it.”

Her voice was cold, but he heard an undercurrent of something he couldn’t identify. “And you might want to stop right there. I don’t have to let you sit in on these interviews.”

“No, you don’t. And I don’t have to wait for your request. If I present my
flimsy evidence
to my boss, he’ll get me assigned through the governor if necessary.”

“I didn’t say your evidence was flimsy.”

“Oh, right. Big difference. Flimsy theory—flimsy evidence.”

He kept his mouth shut as he turned onto the road to the creek bank.

“I remember this. Too bad this road wasn’t paved when we were in high school.”

Cade glanced over at her. The road below the old high school had always been a popular parking spot. “Spend a lot of time parked down there?”

Her cheeks turned pink. “No. But I’m sure you did.”

He’d been down there a few times, but he’d always felt that making out with a girl while other kids were doing the same a few feet away was a little sleazy. “You’d be surprised,” he muttered as he pulled up in front of the Visitor Center.

Laurel stared at the building. “This is Ralph’s Visitor Center?”

Cade gestured. “See where they’re breaking ground? By the time they’re done, the Swinging Oak and the swimming hole will be history. Hell, knowing Ralph Langston, he’s liable to put a fountain in the bend of the creek.” He sighed. “Still, the convention complex should be good for Dusty Springs.”

“You almost sound like you believe that.”

A scowl marred his handsome features. “Let’s go. We’re late for our first interview.”

“Why are we questioning them here?” Laurel asked, as she climbed out of the truck.

“The party’s tonight. They’re going to be working here all day.”

“Oh, and heaven forbid the CeeGees or Ralph, the moneybags, be inconvenienced. Fine. Who’s first?”

“Kathy. She’s got a hair appointment this afternoon.”

“Wow. She really
working hard,” she drawled. “Wouldn’t want to let a police investigation interfere with her day.”

Cade stopped her at the door. “Look. I get how you feel about these women. Am I going to be able to count on you to be professional? If not, I can’t have you in the room.”

“Sorry.” She felt her face burn. She didn’t like being reprimanded by him. “I would never say anything in front of a witness or a suspect. I was just venting.”

He opened the door.

Laurel stopped him with a hand on his arm. “Cade, can we keep Wendell’s death out of it until we’ve had a chance to look at the photos?”

He looked through the glass door as if he were thinking about it. “No problem,” he finally said.

When they entered, Kathy was pacing in front of a small conference room with an unlit cigarette in her hand.

“It’s about time, Cade. I told you I could spare you ten minutes.” She looked at her watch. “Half of that’s already gone.”

She started to put the cigarette in her mouth, then looked at it and muttered a curse. “I’m so tired of these no-smoking buildings,” she complained as she dug in her purse and came up with a cough drop.

Laurel noticed Kathy’s hand shaking. She watched her closely as Cade apologized for being late and held the door for her. She looked better than she had the night before—barely. Her makeup was smeared and her eyes were puffy. She’d been drinking already.

Kathy laid down her unlit cigarette as Cade explained why he was questioning her.

“I didn’t see anything. I didn’t hear anything,” Kathy said, crumpling the cellophane wrapper.

“Hang on just a minute, Kathy.” Cade reached in his pocket for a miniature tape recorder and set it on the table. “Do you object to being taped?”

“Would it matter if I did?”

“Kathy, I need your cooperation.” Cade leaned forward. “You’re a leader in this town. If people see you doing the right thing, they will, too.”

Kathy actually preened at Cade’s words. “Well, I trust you. You won’t ask anything that might embarrass a lady, will you?”

Cade’s mouth widened into that killer grin as he pushed the record button and recited the necessary identification and date and time stamp information.

“Have you been inside Misty’s house?”

“Well, of course. I was at the Reunion Committee meeting on Monday. Are you trying to trick me, Cade Dupree?”

He shook his head. “You walked up the street to check on Misty when the EMTs arrived, didn’t you? What did you do after that?”

“You know what I did. That officer of yours walked me home. I read for a while and then went to sleep.”

“So you didn’t hear the car alarm go off later? Your house is only three doors down from Misty’s.”

Kathy shrugged. “What can I tell you? I’m a sound sleeper.”

I’ll bet,
Laurel thought.

Cade leaned back in his chair. “What about Harrison? Did the car alarm wake him up?”

Kathy’s mouth thinned and lines appeared around her lips and nose and forehead. “I have no idea.”

“You don’t know if your husband woke up when the alarm went off?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, Cade Dupree, but no. Harrison was in his study, passed out from brandy as usual.”

She straightened her shoulders, glanced at Laurel for the first time, then stood. “I have to leave now. Please try not to take up too much of everyone’s time. We’re trying to put out all the last-minute fires before the big party tonight.”

“One more question. Where were you around six o’clock yesterday evening?”

“Six o’clock?” For a split second Kathy looked blank, then she blinked. “Was that when Misty was attacked?”

“Do you remember where you were?”

She looked at the filter tip of her cigarette. Her fingers trembled. “I was at home.” She took a deep breath. “Taking a nap.”

“Alone, I take it.”

She blinked slowly and touched her finger to the corner of her lip, as if smoothing her lipstick. “Of course.”

“Thanks, Kathy. Send in Ralph.”

Kathy eyed Cade. “Well, aren’t we all
Law & Order?
” She turned.

“Kathy,” Laurel said, pulling a business card out of her purse. “There’s my cell phone number. Let me know if you think of anything that might help us.”

Kathy took the card between two fingers as if it were tainted. She stuck it in her purse without looking at it or at Laurel, then she swept out the door.

“She’s been drinking,” Laurel whispered to Cade.

He arched a brow at her. “You just figured that out?”

“No. I
it out last night.” Laurel wanted to sti
ck out her tongue at him or give him some other rude adolescent gesture but she restrained herself. “But drinking in the morning? She’s a mess.”

A wrinkle appeared between Cade’s brows. “Sometimes I wonder if she’s as big a mess as she likes to appear. I have a feeling it suits her to be underestimated.”

“Well, she’s obviously an alcoholic.”

“What do you think about her alibi for yesterday evening? Taking a nap—alone?”

“I don’t believe it. You know her. She’s hardly charitable about her husband. Could she be having an affair?”

Cade shook his head. “More likely she was passed out.”

The door opened and Ralph Langston blustered in.

Laurel was surprised. Skinny, nerdy Ralph from high school had changed—a lot. Here was one classmate she would not have recognized. She studied him as he shook Cade’s hand and then hers. He’d had some kind of plastic surgery. His jaw looked more square. He had more hair than he’d had in school, too, and the pullover shirt and khaki pants he wore revealed muscular arms and abs and thighs. He must have gained sixty pounds since she’d last seen him—and it looked like it was all muscle.

He sat at the head of the table and glared at Cade and her like a boss about to reprimand his employees.

“So, Cade. What can I do for you?”

“When did you get into town?”

Ralph sat back in his chair and smiled. “Come on, Cade. I’ve been in and out of town for weeks, supervising the building of my convention center. Just cut to the chase. Where was I last night? I’d be happy to tell you, if I’m being charged with anything. Otherwise, I’ll keep my mouth shut. To do otherwise would compromise a nice woman.”

“You’re saying you were with a woman last night? For how long? Give me the specifics.”

Ralph certainly had the young executive act down. He had the suit, the body and the hair weave. But he was creeping her out. He was too smooth, too coy.

“We met at eight, had dinner, and then—” He glanced at Laurel. “Let’s just say I left after midnight.”

“You were at her house?”

Ralph waved a hand. “Again, no comment.”

“Will your lady friend verify that you were there?”

Ralph shook his head. “No. Absolutely not.”

“Tell me about the meeting at Misty’s house.”

“The meeting? You mean Monday? What about it? Misty’s house was dark and musty, but the meeting was productive.”

“Do you recall Misty getting a phone call while you were there?” Cade asked.

Ralph’s gaze flickered to Laurel. “I went to the bathroom and when I came back into the dining room Misty was talking on the phone. I didn’t pay much attention to the conversation.”

“So you don’t know who she was talking to?”

“Sure.” He smiled at Laurel. “She told us all after she hung up.”

“What else did she tell you?”

“Nothing. Just that Laurel was going to stay with her this weekend.”

Cade stood and walked behind Ralph. “Okay. If you can’t give me something to prove to me that you weren’t anywhere near Misty’s house last night, I’ll have to ask to search your hotel room.”

Ralph obviously didn’t like Cade standing behind him. He smoothed the back of his hair nervously and struggled not to turn around.

“Give me a break. First of all, you won’t find anything. Second, no judge would give you a warrant based solely on my refusal to embarrass someone just to give myself an alibi.”

“All right,” Cade said, still behind him. “If I won’t find anything, it can’t hurt to let me look.”

Irritation and something else flashed in Ralph’s eyes. He spread his hands. “You’re asking me to prove a negative. I’m thinking it’s
job to find proof. Now if you’ll excuse me—”

Cade stepped out of the way as Ralph pushed his chair back.

“I have a party to finalize, and thanks to you and your questioning, we’ll be lucky if we’re ready by the time the party starts.”

Cade put his hand on the door. “One last thing. Where were you at around six o’clock yesterday evening?”

“Around six? I was in my hotel room, getting ready for my date.”

“Can anyone corroborate that?”

“I called Kathy about that time—a question about the decorations.”

Laurel sat up straight. “Kathy said she was taking a nap.”

Ralph pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and punched a couple of buttons. “I called her at 6:11 p.m. on the dot and talked to her for two minutes and seventeen seconds. Are you saying she doesn’t remember talking to me?” Ralph shook his head and locked gazes with Cade. “Poor girl. She really needs help.” He reached for the doorknob.

“Ralph.” Laurel stood. “Did you call Kathy’s home phone?”

Ralph looked thoughtful. “No. Her cell.”

She exchanged a glance with Cade. Kathy could have been anywhere, even inside Misty’s house.

Ralph turned as he stepped through the door. “Laurel, you look nice. Nice.”

Shuddering inwardly, Laurel handed him her card. “Call me if you think of anything else.”

Ralph pointed a finger at her and winked, then closed the door behind him.

“He is so creepy,” she commented.

Cade flashed her a quick grin. “Creepy, maybe. Cagey, definitely. I’d bet you a hundred dollars he talked to his lawyer last night or this morning.”

She shook her head. “I’m not taking that bet. Do you think he’s the one who attacked Misty and me?”

“You need to answer that question. Was it a man who maced you and threw you down?”

She closed her eyes and replayed the attack in her head. “I don’t know. I didn’t see anything—the perp must have been wearing black. And he barely touched me. Just maced me and tossed the blanket over my head when I came inside. I hit the floor like a rock.”

“Footsteps? Aftershave or perfume? Anything?”

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