High Score (10 page)

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Authors: Sally Apple

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: High Score
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“You can scream if you want.” He knelt next to her. “My basement is completely soundproof.”

Oh, great! I can scream if I want.

Shelley didn’t feel she was getting enough air into her lungs.

“Are you afraid?” he asked, gently brushing her hair away from her face.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Are you going to punish me?”

“Do you deserve a punishment? Have you done anything lately that you’re ashamed of? Have you been naughty?”

She thought about her recent behavior. Not only had she been unfaithful to Dickie, she had hurt Thor. She was engaged to one man and lusted after another. “Yes. Very naughty.”

He leaned down to kiss her lips. “I don’t like to have to spank you. But you’ll be a better person for it, won’t you?”

“If you say so.” She had no idea what triggered her cooperation. Whatever it was certainly didn’t spring from conscious thought.

He lifted her head to deepen his kiss, probing inside her mouth with his tongue. He took his time, kissing her deeply. She recalled how he had done the same thing to her most private places. A strong contraction between her legs robbed her of any further resistance.

Anticipation grew stronger. Being immobilized and vulnerable was as powerful a turn-on as the book had suggested. Lord, she had never been so aroused in her life!

Thor rose and disappeared from view. Faint thumping and scraping noises told her he was busy arranging something for her pleasure. After a moment, his warm hands touched her legs, stroked upward along the backs of her thighs. Her legs were bare, because wearing sandals had meant she could dispense with pantyhose. He pushed her skirt higher, bunching it around her waist. She was glad she’d worn her best lace-edged panties.

“In the olden days,” he said, “women didn’t wear underpants. That made it easier to throw a woman facedown and spank her bare bottom. Or fuck her. Face up or down, he had her at his disposal. Not that a scrap of nylon and lace like this would stop a man for long.”

Cold metal against her hip and a ripping sound suggested he had cut through her panties with a blade of some sort.


“Wise men in earlier times always administered whippings on naked flesh, whether they flogged a slave or tamed a woman.” Thor reached down to slip his hand between her legs. He parted her folds and traced one finger along her creaming slit. “This device is good for a multitude of activities, as you can imagine. Water sports comes to mind, but that’s a game for another day.”

Shelley squirmed, enjoying the plight of being at his mercy. No matter what happened, she couldn’t really be held accountable. Who could blame her for participating in sexual activities, no matter how kinky, which she was helpless to prevent? That thought brought a heady sense of relief and gave her permission to enjoy what may occur.

Excitement mounted, and her hands curled into tight fists.

He slowly inserted a finger into her. “You’re sizzling, baby!”

“I know!” she panted. “I can’t help it.”

“I may fuck you later, but first I must deliver the spanking I promised. It’s a punishment you most assuredly deserve.” He rather indolently stroked her clit a few times with a wet finger, then withdrew his hand and rose to his feet. “Prepare yourself.”

The cool air on her exposed legs and buttocks intensified her feeling of vulnerability. Anticipation had built steadily from the moment she had assumed the awkward position, pushing her to a state of feverish impatience. Tiny contractions began to ripple through her womb like a time bomb about to go off.

A moment passed before a swishing sound preceded instant pain as the quirt or whatever it was laid a streak of fire across her buttocks.

She gasped in surprise. “Ouch! That hurt!”

“Good. Maybe you’ll learn to behave.” He laid three more stripes in rapid succession across the plumpest part of her ass.

“Ow, ow, ow!” A scream rose into her throat. “God almighty!”

His hands brushed her burning flesh, stroking and soothing the pain. “Let’s see if that turned you on.” His fingers probed her vagina. “Oh, yes. You’re fairly gushing. I knew you’d love this.”

Shelley panted, straining for air. The mixture of pleasure and pain made her lightheaded. The ache in her lower abdomen told her he was right. She was gearing up for a bodacious climax.

“Are you going to be a good girl now?” he asked.

She felt confused. What did it mean exactly to be good? If cheating on Dickie was wrong, would she have to change her ways? Never see Thor again? “I don’t know if I can.”

“You get three more swats, then we’ll see whether you can make up your mind or not.” He delivered them rapidly, yet firmly, as though to prevent her the time to beg and plead between each swat.

Her butt cheeks stung like fury. Tears squirted from her eyes, and she began to sob.

Again his hands soothed her burning flesh. “That’s all for now. But if you aren’t a good girl, I’ll have to spank you again.”

Shelley gave in to her turbulent feelings. Weeping released her pent-up guilt, and she gave in to her remorse. Crying drained her emotionally. On the other hand, her arousal didn’t diminish, but grew as Thor continued to stoke her fires with his gentle touch.

“Shelley, I can’t resist you,” he confessed. A zipping sound made her suspect Thor of opening his fly and bringing his big cock into play. Unless she was mistaken, he was also ripping open a condom packet.

“Does that mean you forgive me?” Her heart swelled with hope.

“All forgiven.”

Sure enough, the rounded tip of his penis nudged her labia. He rubbed the tip from one end of her exposed crease to the other, moistening the head of his shaft. Then he centered on her entrance and shoved his cock slowly inside her.

“Ooh,” she moaned. “Yes…”

As she took the full length of his cock, his balls bounced against her sensitive nerve endings. An orgasm grew more imminent. He withdrew, then thrust into her again. His impossibly huge organ seemed to swell, filling her to capacity. Gathering steam, he rammed into her, again and again, pushing her higher, and yet higher. Delicious tremors, centered between her legs, radiated throughout her lower body.

His fingers spread her cheeks to allow room for maximum penetration, and he leaned into her, grinding his pelvis against her crotch.

“Yes, oh, yes!” she cried, as powerful contractions rocked her to the core.

He groaned loudly as he came, shuddering against her thighs, gripping her hips with both his hands and pulling her tightly against himself. She never wanted the moment to end. Never, never, never…

After his breathing slowed, he withdrew.

He gently unlatched the restraints on Shelley’s wrists and knees. He gathered her up in his arms and rolled her toward him, clutching her to his chest.

Still trembling, she slipped her arms around his massive torso and burrowed her face into his neck.

“Ah, Shelley, you are really something, you know that?” He pressed his cheek against her hair and stroked her back. “I can’t keep my hands off you!”

Not trusting her voice, she snuggled closer, leaning into his strength. In that moment, she felt safe. If only he would hold her like this forever.

Chapter Five


The doorbell rang. Shelley was curled up on the sofa sipping her second brandy. “You expecting anyone?”

Thor paused in the middle of loading a music CD into his state-of-the-art player and glanced at his watch. “No. I can’t imagine who would drop by my house this late. I’ll see who it is.”

All four of the Bad Boys stood on the porch dressed in their gypsy outfits.

Hank gave him a cheeky grin. “Hey, Thor!”

“What in hell are you guys doing here?” Thor opened the door wide with a gesture for them to enter. “I thought you had a gig tonight.”

“They cancelled on us.”

“You’re kidding!” Thor led them into the living room and waved them toward the sofa and chairs. “Sit down. Meet Shelley Flynn. Shelley, this is Greg, Hank, Bud and Jerry.”

They greeted Shelley and found seats.

She wondered whether any of them remembered seeing her in the audience during their last performance. Judging by their perfunctory acknowledgements to the introductions, she doubted it. Truth was, she couldn’t recall which of them she had felt up. She rubbed her nose in an attempt to hide a foolish grin—and to cope with the awkward moment. Gosh, they were cute!

So often, when she met more than one or two people at a time, she failed to remember their names for more than five minutes. This time she made an effort to keep them straight. Greg was the dark-haired man with nearly black eyes who most resembled a gypsy. Bud had dimples and heavy eyebrows. Hank, with blond hair, had a ready smile showing even, white teeth. Jerry was tall and lean like a marathon runner.

“So, what went wrong?” Thor asked.

“Well, what happened was somebody wound up in the hospital,” Bud explained.

“Yeah,” Greg cut in. “One of the organizers got sideswiped on the freeway. They rushed him to the hospital. He’s going to be okay. But they cancelled their event. It wasn’t a huge affair or anything. And they’d like to reschedule for next month.”

“The calendar’s full next month.” Thor moved toward the liquor cabinet. “By the way, we’re having brandy. You guys want something?”

Hank and Jerry opted for wine, Greg asked for ice water, and Bud passed.

“They’ll want their deposit back if we can’t make it next month,” Hank said, accepting a wineglass from Thor.

“Tough,” Thor grumbled. “We lost money tonight.”

“That’s what I told ‘em,” Bud said.

Thor sat on the sofa beside Shelley. “They’re all a waste of time, you know. These private parties.”

Nodding heads and sighs of resignation indicated a general agreement.

“Are you ready to scrap future bookings of that kind?” Thor asked. “Once we hit the road, we’ll have our hands full with the clubs anyway.”

Hit the road?
Puzzled, Shelley tried to make sense of the conversation.

“What’s the time frame on our project?” Hank asked.

Thor swirled his brandy around in his glass. “The sale of my store to Joe closes this week. When I get the rest of the down payment, I’ll invest in the sound equipment we need.”

“So our estimated time of departure is?” Bud asked.

“Give Joe and me another month or so to get our act together,” Thor said. “Let’s plan on leaving around the first of December.”

Shelley felt an unexpected jolt of disappointment. “You’re selling out and leaving?”

Thor reached over and squeezed her hand. “Not my house, just the store. The Bad Boys are going on the road.”

“A tour?”

“That’s right. We’ll be gone until late spring. This first jaunt will be a short one—experimental. If it goes well, we’ll plan another one for mid-summer.”

“I see.” She didn’t know why this news depressed her. Why should she care if Thor left town for several months?

“The real reason we dropped by tonight,” Hank said, “and please excuse the intrusion, Shelley, is we came up with a new idea for our performance.”

“Yeah? What do you have in mind?” Thor sipped on his brandy.

“What if we picked some girl from the audience and included her in our act? The other women would identify with her and get a kick out of it.”

Thor frowned. “Pick one at random? How would she know your routine?”

“That’s just it,” Hank said, flashing his teeth in a smile. “She wouldn’t have to. It would be simple for her because we did all the work. She’d just be a prop, you understand.”

“I don’t know.” Thor shook his head. “I’d have to see what you mean.”

“Here, let’s show him.” Greg got up and moved his chair back to open up space in the middle of the room. “Hank, shift that other chair back. Okay, we come out on stage like we always do. Go through the preliminary routine. Then we ask for a volunteer. Shelley, would you mind improvising with us a minute? Bud, put our music on.”

“What?” Shelley, still reeling from the news of Thor’s upcoming trip, refocused her attention on the verbal interplay.

“Could you help us demonstrate our new routine?” Greg held a hand out toward her. His dark eyes sparkled with good cheer.

Bud went to the CD player, while the others took their places.

She shook her head. “I don’t know what you want me to do.”

“It’s simple,” Greg coaxed. “At first, you just stand here while we dance around you. Come out here, and we’ll show you. It’ll be easy.”

She glanced at Thor, wondering how he felt about the idea.

He shrugged and grinned.

Did he remember that she wasn’t wearing any panties? He’d cut them off her, for goodness sake!

Hesitantly, she set her drink on the coffee table. Maybe it was the liquor talking, but she really wanted to dance with the Bad Boys. At the risk of losing her self-respect in a shocking display, she got up and joined them. “You won’t flip me upside down or anything, will you? I’m wearing a dress.”

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