Highland Harmony: Avelina and Drew (Clan Grant Series Book 8) (8 page)

BOOK: Highland Harmony: Avelina and Drew (Clan Grant Series Book 8)
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“My thanks.” Logan grasped his shoulder. “You have my deep gratitude. If you ever need aught, let me know.”

Gwyneth, who stood next to her husband, added, “You have my gratitude as well. We are all verra devoted to Avelina. She is a treasured member of our clan.”

Drew nodded. “I can see that.”

Turning back to face Lina, Logan said, “You still have not answered me. Who was it? Someone you knew, someone from Aedan’s clan?”

Drew crossed his arms, never taking his gaze off Lina. “It was a lad from Clan Burnes, actually the laird’s eldest and only son. He will not be back. I convinced him to leave.”

Speaking directly to Logan, Aedan said, “My apologies that this happened on my land. ‘Twas my job to protect her.”

“Lina’s beauty is known all across the land of the Scots,” Gwyneth said. “Unfortunately, such a reputation oft becomes a beacon for unseemly sorts.”

Lina blushed and twisted her skirts in her lap, probably wanting this discussion to end. Lina was not one that liked being the center of attention, of that he was certain. The topic alone would be difficult to discuss with a brother. The weans looked upset again, so Gwyneth said, “Why do we not sit down for something to eat?”

Logan nodded. “We’ll talk later, Cameron.” He strode over to the table, and Aedan and Jennie and the rest followed, leaving Drew alone with Lina.

Drew sat in the chair next to hers, deciding this was as good a time as any to make amends with her. The bairns made enough noise to ensure that no one would overhear them.

“Lina, I know I apologized to you the other night, I just would like to be certain you heard me. You were verra sleepy. The issue in the kitchens, please forgive me. I no longer have any interest in that kind of passing relationship.”

Lina gazed into his eyes, and it was as if she hit him with a sledge hammer. Hellfire, between her innocence, her beauty, and how adept she was with those young ones, the lass was mighty enticing to him. Damn, but she had the most kissable lips he had ever seen. This was not a simple case of blood rushing to his groin… He would do aught he could to protect her and prove himself to her.

Suddenly, he felt a bit like the lads with their swords, wishing to stand in front of her at all times.

Lina whispered, “I recall. My thanks for the apology.” She fingered her linen square before she continued. “Drew.” She reached up and touched her fingers to his lips, silencing him. “But you do not need to apologize to me. I am aware that men have needs.” She dropped her hand from his lips, and he caught her hand with his.

“It was a mistake, and it will not happen again. I like you.” He paused, not knowing what else to say. He rubbed his thumb across the tender skin on the back of her hand. This was not the time to confess that he had sworn he would never marry or that Lina was making him question everything he had ever believed in. He just didn’t know yet. But what he did know was that everything about him was changing and mostly due to the lass who sat before him. But he needed to say something. “I know you’re an innocent, and a lad should not subject a respectable innocent to such things.”

She pulled her gaze from his. “Mayhap I am tired of being innocent.”

Drew didn’t know what to say to that.


Chapter Eight


Lina tiptoed down the stairway toward the kitchen. One of the luxuries she’d enjoyed while at the Cameron keep was a chamber of her own. She had quite liked it. But now that her family was staying at the keep, she was back to sharing her bed with the lassies, though Sorcha and Maggie were with Logan and Gwyneth. Molly, Lily, and Bethia were all with her. She enjoyed it when they all huddled together to keep warm and told stories until they fell asleep, but she was oft awakened by movement, especially Bethia, who wrapped herself around Lina.

As soon as she stepped into the kitchens, she froze. There, next to the table in the middle used for chopping, stood Drew Menzie in just his plaid, no tunic or breeches or boots. Her mouth went dry as she stared at his chest, the sprinkling of dark hairs she wished to touch. He didn’t notice her at first, but then his gaze caught hers.

All she could think about was the maid he’d been with the other eve. She knew there was a room off the kitchens somewhere for the maids to sleep, if they so desired. Was he here to meet another maid? As soon as the thought entered her mind, she spun around and headed back toward the door.

A strong arm caught her from behind, wrapping around her waist. “Please stay. I’m not here for another, just for food. But since you’re here, can we not talk?”

His breath warmed her neck, and she caught the aroma of apples from him. Aye, the old Lina would have pushed against him and run away. But the new Lina was surprising her.

The new Lina wished to stay. Now that she trusted him enough to talk to him, she wished to get to know him better. Or perhaps find out a wee bit more about what he’d been doing with Senga.

She whirled around and smiled. “Aye, I’ll stay.” She glanced at the apple pastry in his hand. “That is, if you’re willing to share your pastry. ‘Tis what I came for, and it appears to be the last one.” Lina couldn’t believe how bold she was being. A blush that had started at her toes had continued up to her face, but she didn’t care. It was just the two of them, and she wanted more—anything at all from Drew Menzie.

His mouth quirked at one side, and a challenge danced in his eyes. His arm fell from her waist, and he reached for the pastry in his other hand, broke off a wee piece and held it out for her to taste. She hesitated for just a second, taking in everything about him—his scent, his heat, and the sheer animal magnetism arcing between the two of them.

Her tongue darted out to take the piece of pastry. She closed her eyes and inhaled the scent of apple, breathing deep enough to send the sweet taste shooting to her pleasure centers.

Embarrassed by the slight moan she released, she fluttered her eyes open, worried she would find him laughing at her. But Drew’s gaze was dark and focused, and it was aimed at her and her alone. A bolt of lightning shot straight to her core. His free hand reached for her hair, his fingers running through the silky strands before he pulled her close. His mouth descended on hers with an intensity she could hardly have imagined, and she found herself completely entranced in the taste and feel of Drew Menzie. His lips were warm and soft at first, but they turned possessive as he angled his mouth over hers. Her lips parted and his tongue swept inside, causing a soft mewling sound to build in the back of her throat.

Wanting to be even closer to him, she twined her arms around his neck, and he tugged her to him until every inch of her body was pressed against his. The full length of his hardness melded against her, and she wished that she could tear his plaid off and run her hands over his skin, his muscle, feel his strength under her fingertips.

He ended the kiss and her knees buckled, but he caught her and held her against his heat. She buried her face in his shoulder, wishing the moment wouldn’t end. Forcing herself to move away from him, she licked her lips and stepped back. “What happened to the pastry?”

He chuckled. “Seems I did not much care about it. ‘Tis now on the floor.” His fingers grazed the line of her jaw, and he reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear. “I have never seen you with your hair down before. ‘Tis beautiful, as you are.”

She smiled, but turned away from his close perusal. This was all so new to her—kissing, touching, being close to a man whom she liked. A painful memory broke through her thoughts, so she pulled away from him.

His thumb brushed her cheek. “Does it still pain you?”

She shook her head, tugging her night rail closer.

“Are you leaving? Is that why Logan has come? To take you home?” He wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her close to him.

“Aye, ‘tis his wish to take me home, but I’ve requested to stay. I’ll not go home unless he forces me.” While his closeness made her a wee bit uncomfortable, it also gave her a boldness she’d never experienced before. Just the way he gazed at her spread a heat to her core that she didn’t fully understand.

“Why not? Would your family not comfort you after everything you’ve been through? Your nieces and nephews adore you.”

“Aye, because I spend all my time with them. I do love them, but I feel like I have a chance to grow up here. There are things here…” She took a deep breath and paused. “I have a difficult time explaining myself sometimes.”

His finger lifted her chin, forcing her eyes to his. “Am I fortunate enough to be one of those things?”

She grinned, unable to lie to someone this close to her. “Aye,” she said in a small voice. Then, summoning up all her courage, she squared her shoulders and lifted her chin with confidence. “Aye, I’d like to get to know you better. You make me feel like an adult, not a young lassie. And I like it.”

“Have you expressed this feeling to your brother?” He tugged her closer and kissed her forehead, then each cheek, and wrapped both arms around her waist. “I’d like to get to know you better as well, but I do not wish to incite his anger.”

Lina nodded and leaned into him, wanting just to stay as she was at this moment—protected, special, beautiful. She didn’t wish to break the spell cast upon them, and she just now realized another thing about him.

He hadn’t tried to touch her breasts once. But there was something more about him, a sweet vulnerability that she wished to explore. She knew little about him, his clan, or his castle, yet it seemed he was often at the Cameron keep. Why? She found she wanted to know. But the sincerity in his apology, the way he’d been there for her during the most recent attack, just made her want more. At first Drew’s looks had drawn her to him, but there was much more to Drew Menzie than a handsome face.

Aye, she was falling for him, and she liked it.


Logan and Gwyneth left less than a sennight later, guards and bairns all in tow. They had continued to try and to convince her to go home, but in the end, they had acquiesced to her wishes.

Logan had also given in to the promise from Aedan that he would deal with Lachlan should he ever return. Drew had believed Burnes would never return, but Aedan wasn’t so sure. Lina hoped Drew was right, she never wanted to see Lachlan Burnes again. The whole issue of marriage had escaped her. He had told Drew they were to marry, but yet Lina had no memory of Lachlan discussing marriage with her.

True, women were little more than possessions in their land, but the woman had to agree to the marriage.

She certainly did not agree.

Gwyneth had taught her a few more moves to protect herself. One day, when Logan wasn’t around, she had pulled Avelina aside for a private talk. “‘Tis much different for you here, aye?”

Lina nodded. “In my family, I will always be the youngest, the wean. Here, I feel older.”

Gwyneth hugged her and said, “I understand. Your brothers all treat you like you are still five summers, and you are shy because of it. They are too protective, especially Logan and Quade. Micheil is a mite bit better. Mayhap you could visit him. I’m sure Diana would love to see you.”

Lina had considered her suggestion, but then rejected it. “I like it here. Jennie is my closest friend, and she understands me.”

“You’re growing up, and your brothers have to allow you to do that. I’ll help your mother understand, as well.”

“My thanks, Gwyneth.” She loved her brother’s wife because she was so strong, so different. Gwyneth was always patient with her, even when she had taught her to use a bow and arrow. But being attacked was something different, something she wasn’t comfortable discussing with anyone in her family. She was just too embarrassed.

Throughout their visit, Gregor and Gavin had sandwiched her in kisses multiple times, as they were wont to do, and she’d loved every minute of it.

Right before they left, wee Gregor had run over to say a final goodbye. “I wuv you, Aunt Wina.”

“I love you, too, Gregor.”

“Aunt Lina!” Gavin hopped over to her side. “If you need protecting again, we will come back for you. You know Gregor and I are the best protectors.”

Gregor chimed in, “Aye, we are da best ‘tectors.”

Then off they had gone. Her heart felt a wee bit empty now that her family had left, but that sense of hope that had bloomed inside her the night she’d seen—or dreamed—the faerie had not left her.

Jennie sat down next to her at the table not long after the others rode off. “Lina, have you seen the fae again?”

Lina shook her head. “Sometimes, I think I imagined it all.”

“Nay, not if what you said matches what my mother told me. ‘Tis true. I believe it. What else did she tell you?”

Lina was about to tell Jennie everything when a loud commotion erupted in the bailey. Jennie gave her a puzzled look and got up from her stool. Lina followed her as she made her way to the door, curious to see what had transpired outside.

Jennie opened the door and stepped out, but then twirled back to face her and said, “Go back inside.”

Now she was more curious than ever. She peered over Jennie’s shoulder at all the horses in the middle of the bailey, trying to understand what all the shouting was about. As soon as her gaze stopped in one spot, it felt as if a fist had punched her in the gut.

Lachlan was back. Lachlan and a man who had to be his father, accompanied by several guards still on horseback, were arguing with Aedan, Drew, and Neil, the head of the Cameron guards. She tried to listen, but Jennie pushed her back inside. As she wasn’t interested in seeing Lachlan ever again, she turned toward the door readily enough. Then one word caught her attention.

. They were arguing about a fabled sword. Now, she had to stay. She gave Jennie a pointed look, and her friend’s eyes widened.

Lachlan’s father shouted the loudest. “Someone stole my son’s sword! Possession of the legendary sapphire sword came to him fairly, and now it’s disappeared. Lachlan had it when he came over here, and he didn’t have it when he returned. It had to be a Cameron who stole it. You all want it.”

“His sword was not stolen by anyone on Cameron land, Burnes. Take your daft son and go home, or I’ll hold him in my dungeon for attacking a lass on my land.” Aedan’s face, usually calm, was furious at the Burnes laird.

“Nay, we’ll not leave without the sword of the fae. He came by it honestly. ‘Twas destiny, destiny that would protect our clan for years into the future. Now, I do not know who stole it, but we expect you, Cameron, to do a search of all those that were here when Lachlan was knocked out. That’s when it was taken, and we need to get it back. By all rights, ‘tis our sword.”

Lina listened intently, not wishing to miss a word of the exchange. A sword? Stolen from him? A fabled sword…just like the one Erena had described. And for some reason, she could actually picture the sword hanging from Lachlan’s belt, its hilt encrusted with jewels. Her fingers rubbed her forehead as she tried to force her mind to function.

Could Lachlan be the evil force that held the sword? The very sword she was supposed to watch for?

She couldn’t take her eyes off the action unfolding in front of her. Lachlan’s face had not completely healed from Drew’s beating, but then neither had hers. Lachlan’s face was a mix of bruises from before and some fresh ones. From where? She didn’t care.

“There she is!” Lachlan pointed his sword at Lina. “Mayhap she stole the sword.”

Drew yanked him off his horse and punched him again. “You beat the hell out of her, you filthy swine. How could she have stolen aught from you? I found her lying on the ground and there was naught in her hands.”

“Then mayhap you stole it, Menzie. You were the last to see me before I awoke. Where is it? Where’s my sword? It belongs to me. It protects me and my clan. You all know the fable of the sapphire sword.” Lachlan’s misshapen face was covered in spittle he was so riled up.

His father brought his horse next to Drew. “We’ll hang you for stealing what’s ours.”

Aedan and Neil, the head of the Cameron guards, came up on either side of the Burnes laird. “You’ll not do aught to him. He’s on my land, and your son was on my land when he committed his crime. You’ll get no assistance from me. In fact, I banned him from Cameron land, so if you do not leave, I’ll throw him in our dungeon and he’ll pay for his crimes here.”

“Against a whore?” Hogan asked. “All women are sluts. She asked for it. Who wouldn’t want the son of Hogan Burnes?”

Drew reached for the daft man just as an arrow flew through the air and embedded in the flesh of the man’s thigh. He bellowed and reached down to protect his private parts.

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