Highland Legends 04 - Captive Highlander (24 page)

BOOK: Highland Legends 04 - Captive Highlander
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“Father has given his blessing
and he asks one thing of you as you approach your wedding,” Jamie added.

“I canna believe it,” Brianna
said, breathing a sigh of relief. She looked at both of them. “What does ask of

“This is not meant to confound
you. Father wishes that you sequester yourself in the days leading up to your
wedding,” Jamie told her.

“Aye,” Tessa added. “Apparently
Rowan told him of the passion both of you experience when you are close, and
father wishes you to wait until your wedding night to taste this joy again.”

Brianna felt her face flush.
“Rowan told this to father?”

“Aye,” Jamie said. “He made his
case well for a speedy wedding and father agreed, but father is a man of
tradition. He wishes you to remain a virgin until your wedding night.”

Brianna licked her lips. “I dinna
ken what to do.” She sighed. “Rowan hasna taken me. Every night he comes to me
and asks for small favors: a touch, a kiss, or a peek beneath my gown.”

“All the more reason to do the
sequestration until the day of the wedding,” Jamie suggested.

“Aye,” Tessa said. “’Tis just
three days. What is that in a lifetime?”

Brianna thought of the night
before and how close she had come to begging Rannoch to take her. Would he have
been able to stop if she had lured him thus? Perchance this made sense. She
would sequester herself and think only of him—remembering each touch. She would
be so ready to join with him on their wedding night that he would never want
Sorcha again.

“Well, what do you think?” Jamie

“Aye, ‘tis a good idea,” she
agreed. “But where can I go?”

“Retreat to the north tower,”
Jamie suggested.

“First write a missive to Rannoch
to tell him of your intent. Beg him to honor your wishes and leave you this
time to reflect on your upcoming marriage,” Tessa said. “That way he wilna

“Aye, I will do it.” She gathered
her necessities and began a message to her betrothed.


Chapter 30


Sleep overtook Katie as she
awaited Ian’s return. She stirred in his bed when the door to their chamber
opened. “Ah, you wake,” Ian said coming closer. “And you wait in my bed. What
do you wait for, Katie?”

“’Tis late, you spent a long time
on the plan,” she commented, ignoring his jibe.

“Aye, so.” Ian smiled at her. “Is
it too late, Katie?”

She grinned at him. “Too late for
what, Milord?”

“Do you wait in my bed to sleep
beside me? Or could it be you want something else.”

Taking his hand in hers, she led
it to her flat stomach. “Should something go wrong, Milord, I want to do
everything in my power to conceive your child. Our love will never die as long
as part of both of us survives.”

“Very well,” Ian said with a
smile. “I will do my best and then I must get some rest before we ride out.”

Smiling, Katie stood in the bed
and ripped off her nightgown.

“Eager are we?”

“Aye, Milord.”

“Lie down.”

She dropped immediately onto the
bed. Ian grabbed her hips and pulled her close to him running his hands over
her. He towered over her, bringing the juncture of her thighs to the edge of
the bed so that her legs dangled off. “You are so lovely,” he said as he
stopped and dropped his plaid.

Katie started to rise, but he
pushed her back down and used his hands to push her thighs apart. Before she
could speak, he bent over her tasting her breasts, suckling harder and harder
until she groaned and held him to her. Then his fingers began a steady stroke
up inside her. He continued until her breath grew short with each invasion.

“You are ready,” he whispered.
“Have you been dreaming of me?”

“Aye, and it was such a beautiful

“What did we do?” he asked.

“You tasted me again,” she

“You liked that,” he said. “I had
hoped your would.” Dropping his head, Ian took her legs over his shoulders. He
began a trail of kisses up her thigh. She held her breath waiting for him to go
further, but he left off that leg and sampled the other, making her desire it

“Ian… please,” she begged.

He looked into her eyes and
smiled. “Anything you wish, my love.” With that, he moved to the sweet spot
between her legs finding the place that spawned all her desire. He didn’t stop
until she cried out in ecstasy.

“Oh—oh—oh,” she broke off as her
body contracted in delight. “Dinna stop,” she begged.

“I am far from done,” he
promised. He let her legs slip off his shoulders, stood, ran his hands down her
body, and grasped her hips.

Something about this whole
conversation excited her more. He talked to her as he brought her pleasure.
“Ian,” she gasped. “What can I do?”

“Just lay back and let me come
into you,” he said. He jerked her to him and came into her hard. She arched
with each powerful thrust. They rocked back and forth with an in and out
motion that took him deeper and deeper inside her. Breathless, he bent over
her. His arms went around her, lifting her torso just enough to allow his mouth
to find her nipple again and nip her each time he came solid inside her. Her
head fell back as he rode her. She could feel her hair skimming across the bedding.
Ian held her to him and suckled while he moved inside her. Each drive grew
harder making her come. Her body contracted wildly with each powerful thrust.

He stopped his attention to the
tender tips, kissed her neck, and ran upward to capture her mouth with his. She
could taste their union on his tongue. Her full breasts pounded against his
chest with each invasion. She ran her hands over his buttocks and pulled him
into her praying for his release. Then it came. He cried her name and spewed
his seed. Her body answered, grabbed him, and held him inside her as wave after
wave of pure pleasure wracked every part of her. Katie writhed in the sheet as
he continued to move. “Oh… Ian,” she whispered. “Each time I want you more.”

Laughing he collapsed on top of
her, pushing them both further onto the bed. He used his elbows to hold
himself above her so she would not crush her with his weight. She could still
feel him though he was not hard like before. “Squeeze me,” he petitioned.

“What… how?”

“Like you do when you come, but
with intent.” He looked into her eyes. “Will you try?”

She forced her body to contract
around him.”Like this?” she asked.


Laughing, she did it again. “How
much can you take, Milord?”

“As much as you can offer,” he
challenged. Ian rolled them over as one so he lay on his back with her on top
of him. Her hair fell down around them like a red-gold curtain.

In this position, she took him
closer to where he had been at the height of their passion. He groaned at her
success. “Can I do more?” she asked.

Ian eyes sparkled with desire in
the dim light. “Sit up,” he urged.

Katie sat on her knees straddling
him. He guided her hips and she felt him slide further into her. “Oh—oh—oh,”
she moaned as her body erupted again. Restless, she moved against him feeling
his shaft beginning to firm up with her constant urging.

“You entice me to the
impossible,” Ian gasped. “Dinna stop. Squeeze harder.”

She did it repeatedly. An
eternity passed in this sweet pleasure. Then things grew more serious, purposeful,
and harder. Soon the whole bed shook with their frenzied motion until in one
quick burst Ian brought her to the paradise of fulfilled desire. Spent they lay
entwined for a long time before they disengaged. She snuggled to his chest.

“I love you, Ian.”

“And I love you,” he answered.
His hand moved her flat stomach. “I think we have done our best.”

“Aye,” she whispered. “Thank

He laughed. “Thank you, Milady.
You have saved me from a frivolous life and helped me find purpose.”

“And what is your purpose,

“To please you,” he murmured as
he drifted into sleep.

Katie watched him in the glow of
the fire that warmed their chamber. “And mine is to please you,” she told him
through the darkness.

The chamber still wore the cloak
of night when a knock came at the door. Jared MacLean called to Ian. “Time to
move out,” Jared said. “Meet me in the bailey.”

Ian roused as Katie got up, threw
a robe around her, and lit a candle from the dying embers in the hearth. She
watched as he rose and stretched in all his naked glory. He came over and
pulled her into his arms. “Thank you for making my night so memorable. I will
dispatch Rannoch with all speed so I can come back to your arms.” He grinned.
“And a few other places,” he added.

Her jaw tightened. He could make
light of it, but Rannoch was a formidable foe. “Have a care, Ian. Rowan Rannoch
has ensconced himself in Duntaigh Castle. For the last year, he controlled my
father’s clan. Many of them are loyal to him now.”

“Dinna worry. I will vanquish him
and return to you unscathed.”

Her fingers ran across the scar
on his shoulder. “I shall feel better knowing Jared is at your side when you
breach the castle and go after Rannoch.”

Ian kissed her long and
lingering. He broke off the kiss with a sigh. “When I return we will speak the
vows and become man and wife in the eyes of the church,” he told her.

“I will always be yours, vows or

He laughed. “I have made you into
a wanton woman.”

“Not wanton, just a woman who
kens what she wants,” she corrected.

Ian moved away from her and
dressed quickly. “Until you are once more in my arms,” he said blowing her a
kiss as he walked out the door.

Katie crossed her arms over her
chest feeling lonely already. How long would it be before Asilinn showed up?

A short time later, Asilinn came
to Katie and Ian’s chamber. When Katie ushered her inside, she noticed Asilinn
dressed like a stable boy. She wore a floppy top and small britches. Her golden
hair hung down her back in a tight braid. She held a bundle of clothing in one hand.

“All is ready,” Asilinn said. “I
need you to put these on and we’ll head for Duntaigh Castle unless you have
changed your mind.”

Katie took the clothes and
striped off her robe. “I canna wait to wreak havoc on Rannoch,” Katie said as
she dressed in the things Asilinn had provided. “What is the plan?”

“We will strike out directly
toward Duntaigh Castle. We will arrive before the gathering troops. We can get
inside and prepare for the invasion that is about to occur.”

“Asilinn, you risk much if we are
not successful.” Katie looked her newfound friend in the eye. “I dinna want to
be the cause of any harm that may befall you. Perchance I should go alone.”

“Nay, Katie. I have seen your
wedding. All will be well.”

“You’re sure?”

“As sure as I can be.” She smiled.
“Come. Let’s go to rescue your family.” Katie followed Asilinn to the bailey
where their horses stood ready and waiting. “I ken you can ride and now we must
go sure and swift to the heart of Duntaigh Castle.”

“Aye, so,” Katie agreed mounting
her horse.

They traveled for hours without
much conversation. At length, Asilinn pulled up atop a ridge where they could
see for miles around. The sheer rock outcropping allowed them to see the forest
trails below and the breathtaking view of Loch Laiden and Rannoch Moor. “I
dinna think we have anyone following us,” Asilinn commented. “Let’s take a
break and have a small repast.”

They dismounted and partook of
the food and drink Asilinn brought for them in relative silence. Finally, Katie
had to ask. “Asilinn, when did you ken you had the gift of foresight?”

Asilinn’s blue eyes focused on
her. “You ask because of Tessa,” she said with surety.

“Aye,” Katie admitted, a little
startled at Asilinn’s quick appraisal.

“I was very young when I had my
first vision. I have a feeling the same thing happened to Tessa.” She put her
arm around Katie. “I ken ‘tis hard to accept in those we love. It can be scary
and wonderful at the same time. To the one who has the gift, it is a treasure
and a curse. I never ken when I might see some terrible vision of someone I
love.” She shrugged. “Or I may be able to offer counsel because I see things
that others do not. Oft times my visions can be misinterpreted. It is not easy
for the soothsayer or the ones they love.”

“I canna fathom it and so I dinna
have much patience with Tessa. I wish to believe when her insight is good. When
it is not, I wish she never told me.”

Asilinn laughed. “That is the
normal reaction to those of us with the gift,” she said. Her face grew more
serious. “I have been aware of Tessa’s presence for some time. Her gift is
strong and slightly different from mine. I am anxious to see her again.”

“She is so young,” Katie
objected. “How can her gift be so strong?”

“Only God kens the depth and
breadth of these special gifts.” Katie felt like Asilinn could read her every
thought. “It is God, not the devil who grants these visions. I promise you that
is true. The greatest thing you can do for Tessa is to accept her for what she

“And what is that?” Katie asked.

Asilinn smiled. “A seer who can
help us with our mission.”

“You are sure?”

“Aye, as I live and breathe.” She
gave Katie a questioning look. “Has she not already shown her accuracy?”

Relenting, Katie nodded. “It is
so,” she said.

“Time to get back on the trail.”

They mounted and rode on toward
Duntaigh Castle. Katie prayed they would arrive before Rannoch could marry her

Night fell by the time they came
to the far side of the mountain. The cave entrance loomed ahead of them. By
riding straight through they had cut a lot of time off the trip. Katie thought
of the stop she and Ian made in a different cave. She smiled to herself at the
images that ran through her mind. Now she must focus on the task at hand and
make sure she and Asilinn stayed safe as they embarked on this risky adventure.

They tied the horses inside the
entrance of the cave, lit torches, and made their way on foot through the dimly
lit tunnels. Katie led the way through the winding maze. When she reached the
secret door, she checked for guards through the spy hole. No one attended the
empty cells. She opened the cantilevered stone and led Asilinn into the
dungeon. Katie started in the direction of the upper levels, but Asilinn
grabbed her arm and stopped her. “One of your kinsmen is nearby,” she said.
“Let us go the other direction and find him.”

“Who?” Katie asked.

“I dinna ken,” Asilinn said. “I
only ken he will help us.”

Following Asilinn’s lead, they
made their way to a far corner of the dungeon. Katie heard Keith’s voice cry
out when they entered the dark and dingy cell block. “Keith, is that you?” she

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