Highland Mist (18 page)

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Authors: Donna Grant

BOOK: Highland Mist
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Talk? You don’t want to talk. You want to ravish her.

Ah, it was true. Every time he thought of her he imagined her silken skin against his and her mouth open and willing. His cock came to life instantly.

Damn. He couldn’t—and wouldn’t—go to her in this state. There was no telling what he would do if he did.

The sound of chanting reached him. Beltaine. How could he have forgotten this all-important Druid festival, the most powerful night where the Otherworld could be seen?

The last time he had witnessed Beltaine he had been but a lad of fourteen and had snuck out of the castle. He could still recall the desire that flowed so freely on that night.

His rod swelled. He had Druid blood and powers. He had shunned Beltaine and the other feasts for many years. Maybe it was time he took part.

He might be able to learn something of Iona.

And maybe, just maybe, he might retain some of his honor when all this was over.

With the decision made his legs quickly carried him to the nemeton, a sacred clearing in the midst of a wooded grove, and the Faerie mound.

* * * * *


Glenna’s body hummed with a need she didn’t understand. Everywhere she looked couples were entwined together while a few Druids stayed by the mound and talked with the Otherworld beings.

The cool caress of the moon on her skin was mystical. The shadows in the forest offered her a promise of primal secrets and mystery. She briefly wondered where Conall was and if he had indeed went to her chamber to seek her out, but those thoughts quickly faded as the fires of Beltaine roared high enough to reach the sky.

Her eyes couldn’t stray for long away from the Fae who stood next to Moira and Frang. One man and one woman, but it was obvious by their clothes they were very powerful. The other Fae had ventured off with the Druids into the woods as sounds of moans reached her.

Suddenly the male Fae turned and she could have sworn he looked right at her, but surely that wasn’t possible. She was hidden behind many trees. She closed her eyes as the chants of Druids around the fires peaked. Her soul blossomed and spread its wings. She was home, and nothing Conall could say would change her mind. She was destined for this world and the power it held, and she would fulfill the prophecy or die trying.

* * * * *


Conall felt the pull the closer he came to the nemeton. Sacred fires lit the way to the mound for the Sun on his return from the dead, or winter. For the first time in days Conall could
his power. He stood in the shadows and stared at the magical Fae and Druids, and he had to wonder why he had never ventured here before.

No wonder the Druids found this place so special. The magic radiating from the Faerie mound was strong, and the trees made a natural barrier so the spirits were free to frolic and interact with the Druids.

A giggle to his left signaled a couple mating. Conall’s feet took him toward the mound and the stunning Fae who conversed with Moira and Frang, but a naked figure stepped in front of him.

His cock demanded release, and Conall could no more deny himself than he could stop the Druids. Slim, elegant hands reached for him, but it was the blue glow from her eyes that signaled it was a Fae who wished to mate with him.

He opened his mouth to speak, but she held up a hand and shook her head.

No words
, he heard whispered in his head.

She leaned closer and pressed her body against his. Her magic engulfed him as she traced her hands down his bare chest.

* * * * *


Glenna turned at the sound of her name. Except no one had spoken. She had heard it in her head. Standing before her was one of the beings who had come from the mound.

He smiled and held out his hand. Without hesitation she accepted it and allowed him to remove her cloak. He then led her deeper into the trees. Her body pulsed with growing need, and when his fingers lightly skimmed her arm, she almost cried out from the pleasure of it.

“What’s happening?” she asked, but he wouldn’t answer her.

He covered her eyes with his hand and walked behind her. He pulled her back against him. Glenna offered herself up to the magic that flowed through her. It beat strong and sure and she gloried in it.

You are destined for something great, Glenna. Always follow your heart and it will lead you.

His words penetrated her mind. She opened her mouth to speak the same time he removed his hand from her eyes. Her words were forgotten as she stared at Conall embracing a very naked female Fae.

Slowly his head raised and his eyes locked with hers. He turned away from the naked creature in his arms and took a step toward her.

He wants you.

She didn’t need her Fae to tell her that. It showed brightly in Conall’s silver eyes, eyes that promised pleasure beyond her wildest dreams. His feet moved toward her, her body waited for his touch.

With her heart thundering in her chest, Glenna turned and ran as fast as she could to the safety of her chamber. She slammed the door and leaned against it, the chants of the Druids coming through her window.

She jumped at the knock on her door. She knew it was Conall. She turned on shaky legs as the fire crackled and hissed. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Conall filled the doorway. He was still bare-chested with his kilt wrapped around his waist. She couldn’t catch her breath once she saw the desire in his eyes. He stepped into her chamber, his gaze holding hers firmly. She backed away until she bumped into the opposite wall. His hands came up on either side of her face, stopping any retreat she might have thought of making.

But she wasn’t afraid.

His head lowered until he looked her in the eye. “You shouldn’t have left the castle.”

Glenna blinked. “Wh…what?”

“I didn’t expect to find my prisoner so willful. I’d heard MacNeil kept his women meek.”

Her mind raced at his words. “He does like his women meek.”

“Why did you leave the castle?”

“I have questions that need answered.”

He raised a dark brow. “Really? So that makes it all right for you to disobey me? This wasn’t a night for you to venture out,” he said softly, and ran a finger down the side of her face.

Her knees shook, but she was determined to put up a brave front. Never in her life had she seen a man look as Conall did. It frightened her, but it also thrilled her. His eyes almost glowed, but he was so gentle when he touched her. Her breasts tightened and the ache between her legs grew.

She licked her lips and saw his eyes travel down to her mouth. “Will you lock me in the dungeon now?”

“Nay,” he said after several long, agonizing moments. “I’ll have your word you won’t return to the Druids.” He leaned forward and placed a hot kiss on her neck.

Glenna’s body cried for more of his touch, and she struggled to keep her hands to herself. “I cannot offer you what would be a lie. Moira is a good woman who does nothing that would harm you.”

“This isn’t about Moira. It’s about you accepting yourself as a Druid,” he said, and lowered his head.

As she gazed upon his tormented face she yearned to comfort him. The urge to ask him about his oath to his mother was strong, but she didn’t want him to know she had listened in on his conversation with Moira. He needed someone to care for him, and she could easily do that simple task.

Yet it wasn’t for her to do. This would never be her home. Oh, she wanted to stay, yearned to stay, but knew she couldn’t. If she stayed her feelings for him would become known, and he had already made it clear he didn’t want her involved with the Druids. Nay, it wouldn’t work. She was a Druid.

He hated Druids.

“I ask once more. Give me your word,” he said as he raised his head.

She looked into his silver depths and wanted to cry tears of despair. “I cannot.”

“Why the hell not?” he thundered.

“Do what you must, laird, but given the chance I will go to the Druids again.”

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t lock you in this chamber,” he said, but his eyes were once again fastened to her lips.

“MacNeil will return, and when he does, I need to be ready.”

His gaze jerked to her eyes. “Of course he’ll return. He’s made that perfectly clear. I’ll need something better than that.”

“You know why.”

And Conall did know why. “Because you’re a Druid.”

“Aye,” she said, tears shining in her eyes.

He could never stand to watch a woman cry. He pushed away from the wall and paced. “And if I lock you in here?” But he knew.

“I’ll go to the Druids. MacNeil will never be able to reach me there and your clan will be safe.”

And I’ll never be able to reach you

He stopped pacing and looked at her. He never tired of staring at her. Her long dark brown hair hung in waves almost to her waist, and her golden-brown eyes showed such sorrow it nearly broke him in two. “You could always turn your back on the Druids. I can fight MacNeil.”

She tilted her head to the side and smiled. “I can’t change what I am, Conall.”

“I’m not asking you to.”

“Aye, you are. Tell me the real reason you don’t want me with the Druids.”

“I am.”

“You aren’t. How can you expect me to understand you when you won’t share the truth.”

The fire roared, sending sparks shooting up the chimney, but he didn’t look at it. His eyes were on Glenna and the glow of her skin from the light of the fire.

Of their own accord, his feet walked to her. She licked her lips. He couldn’t stop the groan that came from his mouth at seeing her pink tongue, and all the feelings that had flooded him in the nemeton came back in a whoosh. She was going to be the death of him.

He raised his arm and ran his thumb along her lower lip, and nearly fell to his knees when her tongue darted out to touch his thumb. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, and he found his own breathing irregular.

Her eyes burned with intensity. His hand wandered to her neck to thread his fingers into her thick hair. With his hand cradling her head he urged her mouth toward him. The Fae had told him to take Glenna, to make her his. Glenna took that last step that brought her against his chest. The impact of their bodies touching brought a rush of blood to his cock and made his balls jump in anticipation. He wanted to devour her, to love her until the sun peaked across the horizon.

His body screamed for him to take her, to make her his. After all she was his prisoner.


Chapter Fourteen


Conall pushed his thoughts aside and let himself feel as he brought his other hand to her tiny waist. Her lips parted, waiting for him, her breathing harsh and her heart beating rapidly.

He couldn’t stop the satisfied male smile at seeing her thus without touching her. But his body was on fire and he needed to quench it before they both went up in flames.

“Glenna,” he whispered, and lowered his head until their lips almost touched. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down.

His body sizzled at her kiss, her tongue touching his lips tentatively. He was stunned by her actions but quickly took control of the kiss. He slanted his mouth over hers again and again, sweeping his tongue inside and cupped her buttocks to bring her against his aching rod.

She whimpered when he rubbed his cock against the juncture of her thighs and it only hardened him more, if that was possible. She entwined her fingers in his hair. He groaned as her fingers brushed across his heated skin. Her innocent touch was devastating.

He spotted the bed. Without another thought he backed her up until her legs hit it. She fell back, her dark locks spread out around her.

“Och, lass, you’ve no idea how beautiful you are.”

“Nay. It’s you who are beautiful,” she said, her eyes shining the truth.

She held out her hand, but he wanted to be sure she knew what she was doing.


“Don’t,” she stopped him. “I don’t want to stop feeling like I do at this moment.”

It was all the urging he needed. He let her pull him atop her and heard her intake of breath. “Am I hurting you?”

She smiled and shook her head. “I just didn’t know you’d feel so good lying on me.”

He sighed and laid his head in the crook of her neck. Aye, she was going to be the death of him. Her lips began placing kisses along his neck and jaw. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “I cannot let you go.”

She only smiled and snuggled closer. Her body was so soft, so tiny that he thought he might hurt her, but when he started to roll off, she stopped him. Desire swept through him swift and sure. He claimed her mouth and her body as his own. His hand found her breast and squeezed through her gown.

Her nipple hardened and his mouth was on it instantly. He didn’t lessen his assault until she was writhing on the bed, calling his name. He raised his head and saw her swollen lips and flushed skin, and all this while she still wore her gown.

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