Highland Tigress (Tiger Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Highland Tigress (Tiger Series)
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“But Father if this is yours…”

She stopped at the shake of his head.

“Yer not of my blood Cara. Ye are a McIntosh. Yer clan was slaughtered. Yer mother hid with ye and I found her the next morn. She lived a few weeks, but her heart died with yer father. I raised ye as my own and I could not have loved ye more. I will help ye though as I should have years ago. Ye’ll go to the McNeal. Show him this. Tell him that you are Cara McIntosh and demand that he fulfill his vow to protect you. He will. Ye’ll be safe.”

“But Father, what of you? Ramsey will know you have helped me. He’ll kill you.”
“Nay, Lass,” he said but she could see the lie in his eyes.
“Father, I can’t leave you to die.”
“Aye, Lass, ye’ll do as I say. I’ll come to ye as soon as I have made plans for ye . Can ye ever forgive me, Cara?”
“Aye, Father. I do and I love you.”
“Lass, my Cara, I love ye with all that I am. Now prepare yer self. Pack a small bundle, only what ye can carry.”
She nodded.
“Now send for young Alice and have her go to Ramsey.”
“Thank you Father,” she said and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Lauchlan Kingston pulled Cara into his arms. He would fulfill his vow to Gwyneth if he had to die to do it. “Forgive me Gwyneth,” he thought as he held the daughter he’d wanted as his own. He inhaled the scent of her hair and tried to hold it close. He prayed for guidance and wisdom. Then he kissed her fiery head and left to prepare for the evening meal.

He prayed that he would be able to get Cara safely out of the Keep and to the McNeal safely. He knew that her only hope for survival was escape. He no longer thought of his own life, for he knew in helping Cara escape he would die. He felt no sorrow in the loss of his own life. He owed it to Gwyneth to protect her precious daughter, and he would do it if it cost him the life of every soul in Westley Keep. With his mind made up he instructed one of his most trusted men to guard Cara, but not to let her know it. He would protect her now from the monster who sought to claim her.




Cara sent for Alice and instructed her to assist Laird McKenzie with his bath and anything else he required. The girl giggled and dropped into a low curtsy. Cara was confused by Alice’s eagerness.

“Alice? Why do you go to the men so eagerly? ‘Is the act not most unpleasing to you?”
Alice giggled again. “Nay, My Lady, ‘tis quite nice with the right sort.”
Cara looked puzzled.
Oh, My Lady, you are to be married. Hasn’t anyone talked with you about such as this?”
“Would you like for me to explain a bit then?”

Cara thought for a moment. She was curious, but would it be wrong to discuss such things? She then decided she didn’t care and nodded slowly.

Alice sat and gathered her thoughts. She knew she must be careful. Lady Cara was a high born lady and Alice didn’t wish to shock of frighten her. She also didn’t want the lady to decide not to send her to the McKenzie. She decided that a bit of the truth and a bit of fancy wouldn’t do any harm.

“Lady Cara, when a man touches a woman’s flesh it fairly sets it aflame with desire. A man knows how to touch a woman in ways that make her feel more beautiful and desirable. When a man sheaths himself in a woman the feelings of rapture overtake her and it is as if she is floating on a cloud of pure wonder. There is no thought of the world around her only the desire to be filled with the heat of his seed. Nothing is more wonderful Cara, but a man’s appetites can be fierce and sometimes are uncomfortable at first. They do not mean to hurt us of course, but it is their nature to be strong and take what they need. They will provide us with our own pleasure too, but it may come after their own. It is this fierceness that some women fear. I admit that in some men it can be frightening, but it is always worth it in the end.”

Alice was satisfied with the look of confusion still marring Lady Cara’s face. Yes, she was not yet ready to satisfy the McKenzie. Alice didn’t allow her satisfaction to show. She simply waited for Cara to respond.

“Does it often hurt then?”
“Aye, often, but not too terribly.”
“I must admit I do not understand your eagerness. Perhaps you are not being truthful with me?”

Alice felt her heart sink. If Cara found out that she had been lied to she would punish Alice. “You may ask your father then. I’m sure he will assure you that what I say is true.”

Cara was horrified. She would do no such thing!

Alice felt her triumph grow and she thought to throw one more barb. “Oh, and Lady Cara? The size of the man often reflects the size of his, er, warrior. And the size is what causes the pain. The McKensie is a large man. I hope my reward is worth the price it will cost me.

Cara was mortified. She had just sent Alice to see to Ramsey, and he was to be her own husband. Why did it not bother her? She only felt relief that it was Alice and not herself that would endure him this night. She frowned over it until she was forced to dress for the evening meal.


Ramsey sneered at Alice when she came to him.
“Where is Lady Cara?”
Alice smiled coyly, “she has sent me my laird. She told me to pleasure ye as you wish. Do I not please ye my laird?”
“We shall see. I doubt you’ll last long enough to do me much good,” he said and threw her roughly to the bed.
Alice struggled only because she wished to get out of her gown before he ripped it. It earned her a hard smack to the jaw.

“Be still, you little wench. If I wanted a fight I would go grab a lass from the village. You came here willing enough, so be still while I take what was given to me by my future wife.” He began to rip her dress from her body. He pinched and groped her body until she cried out in pain.

“Please, my laird, I am most willing. Must you treat me so ill?”

“Aye. I will do what I please with you, as you were a gift to me. You may thank your lady for the pleasure you receive tonight and all the other nights I am here without her in my bed. You will come to me every night before I bathe. And as my gift I may share you as I please.”

She shivered and he laughed uproaringly at the fear that made her eyes glassy pools in her face. Then he plunged into her and her words to Lady Cara rushed back to haunt her. Pain encased her as Ramsey continued to plunge into her. She tried to wiggle free of him, but he only slapped her harder and continued to ravage her body. He took his pleasure on her for what seemed like hours. When she finally collapsed on her she was so grateful that she didn’t pay heed to his words, she only thanked her maker that he was finished with her. Her womb burned like fire, but with the other pains attacking her body she paid little heed to it. He then stood from the bed and commanded her to see to his now cool bath. She stood on quivering legs and complied as best she could, but her body refused and she collapsed before she was done. He kicked her out of his way and finished on his own.

When he was finished he dressed and simply dragged her to the door and shoved her naked form from his chamber. When she realized where she was she was horrified. Her body was sore and she burned deep in her belly where he had deposited his seed. A wave of dizziness almost over took her as she stumbled slowly to her quarters. She collapsed on her small cot and fell asleep.


Alice awoke several hours later to the feel of a cool cloth on her forehead.
“What has happened to ye wee Alice?” Old Sara asked.
“Och, just a bit of sport. Nothin’ to worry over.”
“Nay Lass, ‘tis more’n that I fear. Who was it that did this to ye then?”
“Lady Cara sent me to her intended. I took care of him right proper too.”

Old Sara pulled back the quilt and pointed to Alice’s thigh. “That is not normal, lass, you’d do well to stay away from the McKenzie.”

Alice gasped at the blisters that coated her thighs. It looked as if she’d been burned with hot grease. She remembered the McKenzie muttering about not leaving her with too much of him inside for fear she wouldn’t be of any use later. She hadn’t understood at the time, but now she feared what his seed had done to her body. “What could cause such a thing?”

“Evil lass. Pure evil. Stay clear of him. Hear?”

Alice only nodded and watched old Sara leave the room.

She tried to pull herself from her cot and fell back gasping in pain as she tried to sit up. She simply laid there unable to move for the pain that shot fiery fingers through her legs and her womb. What could be wrong with a man that could cause such pain in a woman he’d bedded? Could it simply be evil as Sara had said? She didn’t know and was soon taken again by sleep.



The welcoming glow of Westley Keep came into view three days after Liam’s departure from Castle Stewart. Liam had pushed the lads hard to arrive this night, but the hospitality of Laird Kingston would be worth their troubles.

Liam hadn’t seen Lauchlan Kingston in eighteen years, since before the destruction of Clan McIntosh. He knew he would be welcomed though for he had always allied with Kingston and they had been friendly years before, despite Lauchlan only being human. He was a good man and Liam respected him. He also hoped that Lauchlan would have information about Cara and Eva.

As they neared the keep a sense of dread settled upon Liam and he knew the Lady Charlotte warned him.
“Have a care lads,” he warned. “I feel something is amiss here tonight.”
“Should we not move on then, Liam?” Deaglan spoke quietly. “We need naught of trouble with so few of us.”
“Nay, Deaglan. I feel we are needed here, but have a care with yer tempers lads. Our wits may be our salvation this night.”
“Aye, Liam I can feel it too,” Darren spoke. “Feels evil here. Are you sure we will be welcomed?”

“Aye, the evil does not dwell here. There is something though.” Liam felt the Lady pushing him toward the Keep. Whomever thought Lady Charlotte to be a simple human was a fool. “What are you?” He silently asked only to feel her laughter warm his mind and he heard her voice as if from a great distance.

“I am many things Liam, but none of which I will share at this time. You must trust me now. She waits for you. Keep your eyes aloft, Liam.” Then her voice faded away.

“Keep on your guard, lads and we will leave at first light. We will not linger here, but we must enter and find out what we can.” He met Darren’s dark amber eyes and found them glowing almost red in the torch light. Darren nodded and Liam knew that if there was anyone in the keep who had knowledge of Cara or Eva Darren would find them and extricate it.

The men moved cautiously toward the towering outer gates. They were closed for the night, but they were opened as soon as Lauchlan was summoned. The gates were raised and Lauchlan rushed forward to meet his guests, feeling as if his prayers were answered. He knew that Cara was significant to Liam McNeal and that the mammoth Highlander would see to her safety. He felt the heavy load lift from him as he met Liam’s oddly colored amber eyes. Even knowing Liam for many years did not stop the icy fingers of fear crawling up Lauchlan’s spine at the predatory look in his eyes.

“What goes on here Lauchlan? There is a foul smell about the place and the feel of evil. What have you gotten into?”

“Much, I fear Liam. Ye have come to us in a dire time indeed. I am thankful to ye, but we must appear merry. I will explain all in time.”

Liam was puzzled, but he nodded and handed the reigns of his horse to a lad before he began to follow Lauchlan.


Cara stood at her window and watched the six heavily armed Scotsmen ride through the gates of Westley Keep. Their dress led her to believe they were warriors along with the enormous claymores they traveled with.

Hope flared in her chest and she felt drawn to the dark haired stranger at the front of the group. She tried to make out their plaid, but the light was too dim to allow her to see it clearly. She couldn’t look away from them though and the feeling that her future would be decided by them was heavy upon her.

The leader drew her interest as he spoke so friendly with her father. He was very large even for a Highlander, he stood a head taller than her father who towered over her. She feared she would seem a wee bairn to a man of his size. His dark hair was secured at his nape and he wore his tartan proudly.

She needed to be near him with an almost uncontrollable fierceness. Then he looked up and she could feel his glowing amber eyes on her flesh as if they were a flame. Her heart raced at the same time it reached for him. She felt as if she were the sea and he the land and the only desire in her heart was to reach him. She curled her fingers tightly over the window’s edge to keep from leaping out it to reach him. She felt everything in her cry out to comfort the soul deep anguish she somehow knew he felt. His loneliness engulfed her and a painful sob was torn from her chest.


Liam felt bombarded with emotions upon entering the gates. He felt the evil, but also a craving he could not understand or identify. He looked up and his eyes were drawn to a woman standing in the window of the keep. He froze. His heart swelled in his chest. MATE. The word echoed through his brain as he stared at the vision in the window. Her fiery hair was caught by the wind and blew around her catching the light from her fire so she looked as if she were made of flame. He felt his body stir in ways it had not in many years. He felt her then, only subtly, but she reached out to comfort him. He felt her grief for him and his mind almost exploded with recognition. He could not call her name, but he knew her spirit and her heart. Who was this woman who called to him with her heart? His breath caught in his chest so he was taken unaware when Lauchlan spoke.

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