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Authors: Connie Mason

Highland Warrior (33 page)

BOOK: Highland Warrior
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Ross paced to the window and gazed out. Had he made a mistake in allowing Seana to remain at Ravenscraig? He didn’t know what to think. He couldn’t have let Seana freeze to death in the raging storm, any more than he could have allowed Gillian to die in the same manner.
Despite everything he knew or suspected about Seana, he had no proof of any wrongdoing. Nevertheless, he was uneasy about the situation at hand. If Seana had tried to poison him, he needed to be on his guard. He also needed to put aside some of his anger and listen to what Gillian had to say.
His mind made up, Ross picked up a candlestick, left his dreary chamber, and strode briskly down the stairs to the solar. He stopped before Gillian’s chamber and rapped lightly on the door. When no answer was forthcoming, he pushed the door open and entered. Apparently Gillian had already retired, for the curtains had been drawn around the bed. He set the candlestick down, parted the curtains, and poked his head inside.
“Gillian, are you awake?”
Gillian stirred beneath the covers and opened her eyes. When she saw Ross standing over her, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. “I am now. What do you want, Ross?”
Ross sat down on the edge of the bed. “I wish to speak to you.”
“About what?”
Ross gazed into her sleep-flushed face and nearly lost the ability to breathe. Her disheveled red hair surrounded her face in living fire, and he drank in the vision like a man who badly needed to quench his thirst. His gaze shifted lower. Were her breasts fuller? Were her nipples, clearly visible beneath the fine lawn of her night rail, larger than normal?
As if recognizing his sudden interest in her body, Gillian pulled the blanket up to her chin. “Tell me what you want, Ross.”
Ross shifted his gaze away from her tempting body and cleared his throat. “I came in search of the truth.”
“I told you the truth, but you refused to believe me.”
“Tell me again. You and Seana gave me verra different versions of the same story.”
Shrugging, Gillian said, “What’s the use, Ross? You have believed naught I’ve said thus far.”
“Can you provide proof that Seana and Sinclair plotted against me?”
“Nay, I canna. I have naught but McHamish’s word to back me up.”
“I intend to question McHamish as soon as the weather breaks. Meanwhile, I doona know what to expect from Seana. If she is guilty, she may attempt treachery again.”
“I kenned it before you did,” Gillian replied. “Watch your back, Ross. Now, if that’s all you came to say, I bid you good night.”
Ross reached out to sweep a lock of Gillian’s hair from her forehead. The shock that traveled through his arm at that contact stunned him. She must have felt it too, for her eyes widened and she jerked away from his touch. Though Ross knew he should leave, his body refused to obey. His body wanted—demanded—more than a simple touch.
Cupping her face, he lowered his head and kissed her. He meant for it to be a fleeting taste, a simple touching of lips to indulge his craving. He should have known he wouldn’t be satisfied with a mere taste, and that his craving would intensify until there was no turning back.
He deepened the kiss, his tongue thrusting past her lips, delving deep into the sweet warmth of her mouth. He hadn’t realized how much he had missed her taste until he was inside her mouth, exploring as he wanted to explore another, more intimate part of her anatomy.
When she didn’t kiss him back, he raised his head and stared into her eyes. He knew the question she wished to ask before she voiced it.
“Why, Ross? Why are you doing this?”
“Because I canna help myself.”
He raised his body over hers and slowly lowered it, trapping her between him and the mattress. He grasped her hands, holding them above her head while he continued kissing her. When Gillian didn’t protest, he released her arms, raised the hem of her night rail, and lifted it up and off. Then he lavished wet kisses on her breasts and nipples, laving them with his tongue until she moaned approval.
He felt her body relax beneath his, felt her lips soften as her arms came around him. She tugged at his clothes. He obliged her by rising and quickly shedding his shirt and braies. As naked as she, he crouched between her legs and nudged the opening of her sex with the blunt tip of his cock.
“Nay,” she murmured, pushing him away. He thought she meant to deny him despite her initial acceptance, and started to rise. He had too much pride to force her.
“Stay,” she softly whispered as she rose up and straddled him. “I’m not yet finished with you.” Slowly she slid down his body. A groan escaped him as her hands roamed down his thighs and grasped his cock. When she lowered her head and touched her lips to his erection, his heart nearly burst from his chest. He clutched the bedding as she stroked him with her tongue, kissing his length and then slowly encasing him in the heat of her mouth.
Ross roared and arched so violently, Gillian started to topple off him. Watching her give him pleasure had taken more control than he possessed. Heaven couldn’t be this sweet. He caught her in his arms and pressed her into the mattress beneath him.
Kneeling above her, he fought the need to plow into her and drive himself to completion. After she’d pleased him in such an extraordinary manner, he wanted to give her the kind of pleasure she deserved. Whether she was guilty of betrayal or nay, he still wanted this woman, this flame who had burned her way into his soul.
He lowered his body onto hers and kissed her. Gillian matched his kiss with an intensity that left him breathless. He could wait no longer. Shifting his hips, he impaled her. A fierce ecstasy he couldn’t ever recall experiencing before overwhelmed him. He brushed soft kisses along her throat, catching a nipple in his mouth and suckling, savoring the sounds of pleasure and encouragement whispering past her lips.
Driven by a need so strong he could no longer deny it, he began thrusting and withdrawing again and again into the scalding inferno between her thighs. He grunted his approval when she wrapped her legs about his hips and met his pounding loins with sweet violence.
Gillian felt her world spin out of control as Ross filled her again and again. As she neared the crest, she could think of naught but reaching paradise with Ross. Then her thought process ceased as her muscles clenched around him. Unbearable sensation filled her as scorching fire melded pain and ecstasy into a breath-stealing climax. She heard Ross cry out, felt the explosion of his seed, and then she knew no more.
Gillian didn’t hear Ross’s soft curse as he pulled out of her and collapsed on the bed. Nor did she see his fierce expression as he left the bed. She had already fallen asleep.
Ross returned to his own dismal chamber in a daze. He had wanted desperately to stay with Gillian, to share her bed and to know that her warm body would be beside him when he awoke in the night. Though he wanted to believe everything she had told him, he needed time to think, to make a decision that would be right for both of them.
Weary of the snow that kept him confined, of circumstances that made his life a living hell, Ross blew out the candle, shed his clothing, and climbed into bed. Small hands groped him. He reared up, immediately aware that he wasn’t alone. The woman in bed with him was naked and relentless in her pursuit of his body.
“I came to you as soon as Niall fell asleep,” Seana murmured against Ross’s ear. “I learned you’re not sharing Gillian’s bed and didna want you to be lonely. I ken how to please you, Ross.”
Ross leaped out of bed, fumbled for a flint, and lit the candle he had doused moments earlier. “Go back to your husband, Seana. I have no need of you, not tonight, not ever.”
Seana didn’t bother covering her breasts as she sat up in bed. “Since when have you become a monk? How long have you been without a woman?”
Ross had no intention of answering. Instead, he found Seana’s night rail on the floor and thrust it at her. Seana gave the night rail a scornful glance and waved it away.
“Never say you intend to remain faithful to a woman who has betrayed you. I was there, Ross. I saw Gillian and Angus wallow in lust while you hovered near death.”
“ ’Tis your word against Gillian’s,” Ross replied.
Ross’s patience dangled by a slim thread. He was nearly convinced that he had been wrong about Gillian, that everyone had been wrong except Gizela. Seana was not above lying; nor would she shy away from using poison to gain her own selfish ends.
“Och, ’tis not like you to trust the daughter of your enemy.”
“Your father tried to kill me. Would that not make you my enemy?”
“Nay. Blame Angus Sinclair. He told my father falsehoods about my treatment at Ravenscraig, forcing Da to defend my honor.”
Ross snorted. “You have no honor, Seana McHamish. Leave this chamber before I have to throw you out.”
Seana must have realized that Ross meant what he said, for she slid out of bed, grabbed her night rail from his outstretched hand, and shrugged into it.
“Are you sure you want me to leave?” she asked, rubbing her thinly clad body against him.
He pushed her away, strode to the door, and held it open. “Verra sure. Good sleep, Seana.”
Sending him a look of loathing, Seana stormed out the door. Ross closed and locked it behind her. Though he returned to bed, sleep did not come easily. He thought of Gillian and how badly his callous treatment of her must have hurt. Even though he’d publicly rejected her, he hadn’t been able to control his raging lust for her. He was beginning to think that lust wasn’t all he felt for his flame-haired wife.
The longer Ross thought about Gillian, the more something about her bothered him. If he hadn’t been so needful, he might have recognized what it was about her that troubled him. If he had stayed with her instead of fleeing her bed like a coward, he might have satisfied the curiosity that now plagued him. But he had been so confused about his feelings, he wasn’t ready yet to face Gillian in the light of day. And mayhap he was only imagining things.
Gillian awoke the following morning to sunshine. A smile curved her lips. No matter how much Ross tried to deny it, he wanted her, not just for a night but forever. He might even love her. Though she’d been disappointed to wake up alone, she knew Ross often rose earlier than she did. She’d wanted to wake up in Ross’s arms. She frowned, unable to recall when exactly he had left her bed. No matter—they had a lifetime together.
Alice scratched on the door and entered the chamber. “Good morning, my lady. The snow has ceased for the time being, and the sun is shining. ’Tis amazing how a little sunshine can lift one’s spirits.”
“Indeed, sometimes little things can change one’s outlook on life.” Gillian smiled; making love with Ross was no little thing. “Help me dress, Alice.”
“Are you hungry?”
“ ’Tis a good sign that your bairn is thriving.” Alice grinned, “My mother told me.”
Gillian spread a hand over her stomach, gently fondling the barely discernible bump. Though it was too early to feel him move, she knew he was there. Ross’s baim. Would Ross be happy to learn he would soon become a father? Gillian wished she had told him about the bairn last night, but she had been so exhausted, she fell asleep. When she had awakened, Ross was gone.
Gillian dressed carefully in a dark green gown with sage-green trimming. Alice cinched a belt of gold links loosely around her hips and dressed her hair in a becoming style. Then Gillian wrapped herself in her plaid for added warmth. She wanted to look her best for Ross. After last night she had high hopes for their marriage and wished to win acceptance from his kinsmen.
Gillian left her chamber while Alice remained behind to straighten up. Gillian’s mood was confident as she descended the stairs and entered the hall. She scanned the chamber for Ross, and when she didn’t see him she joined Gordo at the high table.
“Good morning,” she said cheerfully. “Where has Ross gotten himself off to this morning?”
Gordo sent her a strange look. “Ross has left Ravenscraig.”
“Left? Where did he go?”
“ ’Twas such a fine day, he decided to pay a call on McHamish. Niall and a few of the lads accompanied him. He’ll likely be gone two or three days. He left me in charge of the keep.”
Gillian felt a knot form in the pit of her stomach. Ross’s visit to McHamish meant that he hadn’t believed her explanation. Her heart sank. All her hopes for their future flew out the window. Had last night meant naught to Ross? Did he believe naught she had told him? Apparently not, else he would have saved himself a trip to McHamish Keep.
“Did Ross leave a message for me?”
“None that I know of. His leaving was rather sudden. He wanted to take advantage of the good weather.”
Gillian managed a smile for the serving girl who placed a plate of eggs and ham in front of her. But when she swallowed the first bite, the food sank like a rock in her stomach. Her gut roiled, and nausea rose up to choke her. She excused herself and rushed from the hall. She barely made it to the garderobe, where she lost the meager contents of her stomach.
BOOK: Highland Warrior
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