His Absolute Proposal: An Illicit Billionaire Love Story (Elise, #3) (28 page)

Read His Absolute Proposal: An Illicit Billionaire Love Story (Elise, #3) Online

Authors: Cerys du Lys

Tags: #best selling books, #romantic suspense novels, #erotic romance, #Contemporary Romance, #dark romance

BOOK: His Absolute Proposal: An Illicit Billionaire Love Story (Elise, #3)
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"Shush, child," the priest said.  "You always accept blame when it isn't yours to accept.  You've done it forever and I don't know how you can put up with it."

She shrugged.  "I can get better.  I can always be a better person.  It's not right to place blame on others when there's room for self-improvement."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you have to take the blame for everything, you know?"  Father William sighed and shook his head, then his eyes lit up and he grinned mischievously.  "Would you like a strawberry?  I just picked them.  There's a small bush nearby.  Only two were ripe, but I'm sure they're delicious."

"Oh no," she said.  "They're yours."

"Shut up and take the damn strawberry!"  He hobbled forward and held it out for her in the palm of his hand.

'Yes!" she yelped.  "Sorry!  Fine."  Stuffing the berry past her lips, she chewed it dutifully.

"How is it?" he asked, plopping the other strawberry into his mouth.  "Oh, my.  This is delightful."

"It's very good," she said with her mouth full.

It was better than good because it was the first thing she'd eaten all day, but she didn't want to tell him that.


et me take a look at that," Father William said, snatching the parchment from her.  He scanned through the document quickly, muttering the words as he read.  "Well, yes.  Alright."

"Alright what?" Solace asked.

"It is what it is.  You're going to be a wife."

"To the Demon King?" she asked.  "Is he really as awful as Levi said?"

"Probably.  Maybe worse.  He is a demon, afterall.  Can't expect much from them.  You'd be surprised, though.  A few are alright."

"Don't they come into town sometimes and buy goods from the market?"

"Not the demons, Solace.  The ones you are thinking of are lesser monsters from the host.  If Thomas, that dear Miller boy, is like a troll, then the Demon King is more like Levi.  Personality-wise, at least.  Or," he added, "that's what the records indicate, anyways.  I can't say I've met the man myself.  I doubt I'd want to, though.  Harsh, harsh words in those books.  I can scarcely manage to read them, that's how bad it is."

"Where are they?" she asked, curious.  "Can I read one?"

Father William furrowed his brow, hesitant.  "I don't suppose it'd hurt.  Sad to say, but..."

"I'm going to die," she said.  "I know."

"It's tradition," Father William said, his voice tinged with sadness.  "Your name will be marked down in the history books, though.  It's a noble sacrifice, really.  Maybe not now, but..."

"If it will help Glenwood, I don't mind," Solace said, doing her best to smile.  "It really won't be too bad.  I'll just remember everyone and how I'm helping them, and I won't be able to stop smiling no matter what happens.  I think I'll be very happy."

"If you say so, child."  Father William frowned.  "I keep those books locked in my room.  It's better that way, no prying eyes.  Wait here and I'll fetch them for you.  I don't suppose too many people will bother you today so you'll have plenty of time to read."

"I know," she said.  According to the parchment, she needed to leave Glenwood tomorrow afternoon.  An escort would bring her to the edge of the Forest of Sacrifice where members of the monstrous host waited.  The monsters would bring her the rest of the way to the Demon King and leave the escorts a sigil confirming the Demon King's acceptance of continued peace towards Glenwood for the next one hundred years.

Which meant, mostly if anything, the townspeople would spend today gossiping and discussing Solace's fate instead of harassing her.  Tomorrow, though, before she left, she knew they'd come.  They'd call her names and berate her and tell her this was the only thing she was good for.

And, she knew, all she would do was smile.

Tonight, though, she could read.  Read and prepare.  She didn't want to cry or frown or anything.  She wouldn't call back to them and negate their claims.  She needed to remain strong and sure and let them remember her as a hero, the woman who offered herself to the Demon King in order to save everyone and keep peace.

She knew she needed to do this, but why did it seem so hard and impossible?


o you have any questions, Solace?" Mayor Bennett asked her.

"No, sir," she answered.

He nodded, his expression austere.  "Alright.  With this, I announce you absolved of all crimes and treachery you have ever committed against the town of Glenwood.  With this, and my authority as mayor, the woman, Solace, shall now be marked as one of the willing sacrifices for the Demon King, a hero, to wed him and do as he sees fit.  Solace, you will bridge the gap between the monstrous host and the humans so that we may keep our peace for another century.  Glenwood thanks you."

Solace couldn't remember having committed any crimes or treachery against anyone, let alone against Glenwood.  She didn't know what to say, wasn't sure how to react, except to nod.  Maybe, perhaps, she'd done something she didn't know about?  What, though?

Standing in the middle of town on a hastily erected platform set up for just this occasion, she tried to remember.  The only thing that came to mind was what always happened, though.  Everyone hated her for their own reasons, and she understood that she wasn't perfect, but was that a crime?  If her stitches to Thomas's church pants weren't exceptional, with just one minor mistake, was that treachery?  Or was it something before that?

She never knew her parents, since they'd died when she was young.  Maybe it had something to do with them.  Father William knew them, but the only thing he told her was that she was barely one year old when they passed.  He refused to elaborate and said that doing so would ruin their memory.  She sensed something more from him, though, something he didn't want to tell her.  Since he was the only one who acted kindly to her, she didn't want to press the issue and make him reconsider his opinion of her.

Two men walked up the steps of the platform and stood at her sides.  They said something to the mayor, then they each took one of her arms and escorted her off the platform.  Men and women muttered all sorts of things as she walked with her guards.  Some said nothing important, treating this day like any other, while others whispered about her fate and what would happen.  No one seemed concerned in as much as they sounded curious about the specifics involved.

In fact, quite a few people acted the opposite of concerned.  Mayor Bennett said she was a hero, but these people still despised her.

"Good riddance," one man said, more than loud enough for her to hear.

"Thank the gods we're done with her," Mrs. Miller said to her husband.

Thomas watched her walk away, silent and teary-eyed.  She smiled at him, hoping to reassure him, but she couldn't stand to look at him for long.  If she did, if she continued smiling at him, she knew she would cry.

"I hope the Demon King doesn't expect a virgin," Levi shouted above the hustle of the crowd.  "The horses got to her first!"

That broke the unease, and more than a few people laughed.  Those who didn't laugh broke away and went back to their regular daily routine.  The crowd dispersed, bored with the high council's decision already.  Before Solace even left Glenwood, everyone had forgotten about her.

"Sorry, there," one of the men escorting her said.  "We really are thankful, Solace.  I am, at least."

"Quiet, Stan," the other man said.

"Look, Bill," Stan said.  "I have a daughter back home and it could have very well been her going instead of Solace.  I know that the council voted, and the obvious choice was her, but what happens in the next hundred years?  What if my great-granddaughter is chosen then?  You should be thankful, too."

"I am," Bill hissed.  "I'm thankful, but that doesn't excuse her.  They can put it in the history books all they want, but I don't care.  It doesn't make up for..."

"She doesn't even know.  It's not her fault."

"You think she doesn't?  I doubt it."

Solace listened and smiled and tried to act indifferent.  While the men argued and walked her towards the edge of the Forest of Sacrifice, she stayed strong.  Or, she tried, but the constant, unstoppable shaking emanating from the center of her body, rattling out to her legs and her arms and every part of her, might have shown otherwise.


hey arrived at the forest's edge in less than an hour.  Stan and Bill peered around, frantic with worry.  By then, Solace felt better.  Not entirely at ease, but somewhat more so than before.  She stood tall, looking forward, awaiting her fate.

Two lumbering ogres thumped through the forest.  They approached Solace and the two men.  Each wielded a heavy club in one hand and looked menacing beyond belief, standing two feet taller than any regular man and with faces like rotten apples.

"This her?" one of them asked the men.

"Look small," the other said, scrutinizing Solace.

"Yes," Bill said.  "This is her.  Solace.  She's... she's the sacrifice."

"Sacrifice?" the first ogre asked, lifting a thick brow.

Stan elbowed Bill hard.  "She's the bride.  For the Demon King."

"Solace," the second ogre said, testing the name for himself.  "Funny name."

"I happen to like it," Solace said, deciding she had a say in whether her own name was funny or not.  "I think it's very nice."

The first ogre looked at the second and let out a hearty chuckle.  "She tell you!"

"She do," the second said, frowning.  "Sorry, Solace.  Good name.  Me Gronch."

The first grinned and thrust a finger at his chest.  "Me Crunch."

"Why do they call you Crunch?" Bill asked.

Crunch bared his sharpened teeth.  "Like to crunch."  For emphasis, he licked his lips and then snapped his teeth together.

Solace flinched.  The two men took more than a few steps back.

Gronch rolled his eyes.  "Right, right.  We go now.  Keep peace.  Glenwood good neighbors.  Here."

The ogre reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin as big as Solace's palm.  He flicked it towards the guards and it flipped through the air, catching a glint of the late afternoon sunlight as it fell towards the men.  Stan caught it and almost dropped it.

"This thing's heavy," he said.

"Heavy good," Crunch said.  "Bigger is better."

Stan and Bill didn't have time to discuss the formalities of largeness and goodness.  Having received the peace sigil, they rushed back towards Glenwood.  Crunch and Gronch stared after them as they ran away, confused.

"In hurry?" Crunch asked Solace.

"Dinner waiting, maybe?" Gronch offered.

Solace shook her head.  She didn't know these two ogres, and she didn't know what was waiting for her at the end of their escort, but she needed to make the best of it.  "They're scared," she said.  "They hate me."

"Weird," Crunch said.  "You pretty.  Bastion like."

"Bastion?" Solace asked.

"Demon King," Gronch said.  "He Bastion."


ou can find the rest of this story here:
The Monster Within: Elemental Love (The Complete Series)

Sample (Dark)

lease enjoy this sample from the dark romance novel, Master Over You, by Cerys du Lys & Ethan Winters


arning!  The full version of this book contains graphic depictions of violence that may be discomforting to some readers.  This sample is much safer, but if you are sensitive to violence and abusive situations, then Master Over You is not recommended for you.


*** (Day One)

ame: Chastity White

Age: 20

Birthday: September 22nd

Height: 5' 3" / 160cm

Weight: 129 lbs / 58.5kg

*** Chastity White

Tomorrow is my birthday.  I have classes in the morning, but I get out early, and then the rest of my day is free.  This is exciting!

I was sitting in my US History class, doodling in my notebook.  The instructor was talking about the Revolutionary War.  I barely heard anything she said, because all I could think about was my birthday.

My birthdays weren't usually too exciting compared to any other day, but this one was different.  I was technically already an adult, but I was becoming more of an adult.  Twenty-one is a big year.  I could finally drink.  My friends and I had gone to dance clubs sometimes, but none of us could actually drink.  There was this game we played where we tried to see if we could get guys to buy us drinks, but it almost never worked.  If you weren't wearing one of those bracelets that let the bartenders know you were old enough to buy alcohol, most people weren't willing to buy for you, either.

That was fine, though.  I had a lot of fun, anyways.  Dancing!  Swinging back and forth, hands in the air, hands on my hips, hands somewhere.  Hands on someone else's hips, just dancing.  Swaying.  The music thumped, heavy, pounding into me and through me and the rhythm and the sound became a part of me.

Sometimes I... well, I grinded with guys.  They'd come up behind me, push against me, and I'd just go with it.  What was the worst that could happen?  We were in the middle of the club on the dance floor and all my friends were there.  We had secret codes we used now to let each other know if the guy that came up behind us was attractive or not.  Not all the guys came from behind, either, but that was the easiest way for them to start dancing.  Some girls hated it, but I didn't mind.  It wasn't like I was going to bring them home with me, or go home with them.  It was just dancing.  It was kind of sexual, yeah, and sometimes really intense, but it was still just dancing.

What was the worst that could happen?

Tomorrow I could finally drink, too.  My friends were coming with me.  Some of them were old enough to buy alcohol, but most weren't.  We were young, in the prime of our lives.  This was exciting!  I did well in college and this was my reward, right?  I might get drunk.  Haha!  The thought made me giddy.  Maybe being drunk wasn't that exciting, but I'd never know until I tried it.  Right?  My friends would be there to make sure I didn't do anything too bad.  We would just dance, swing back and forth, hands in the air or on our hips or each other's hips, someone's hips.  Their body.  Bodies pressed together, music pounding into us, dancing.

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