Read His-And-Hers Twins Online

Authors: Rita Herron

His-And-Hers Twins (14 page)

BOOK: His-And-Hers Twins
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“Yeah, for the girls,” he said, disappointment lacing his voice. Silence hung between them for several seconds.

Finally Paige asked, “So what did you think about Icky Vicky?”

Zeke chuckled softly and twined the strand of hair
tighter around his finger, tugging gently. “She reminded me of a cairn terrier.”

Paige laughed softly. “Is that a compliment?”

“If you like short, wiry-haired females with snippy voices.” He brought the strand of hair to his nose and sniffed it gently, a slow smile spreading on his mouth. “But I prefer Irish setters myself.”

Paige sighed, wondering how in the world they could remain friends when she wanted to take him inside and comfort him with loving kisses and tender touching all through the night. Zeke feathered the strands of her hair through his fingers and dropped a kiss into her hair.

“I guess I should take the girls home and let you get some sleep,” Zeke said in a voice barely above a whisper.

“I suppose.” She raised slightly, already missing the comfort of his body next to hers. Tilting her chin with his thumb, he brought his lips to hers. It was the sweetest, gentlest kiss Paige had ever known. Her lips melded to his, hot need awakening, then burning deep inside her. His lips felt soft and wonderful, his touch tentative and vulnerable, but as he deepened the kiss, she responded, melting into his arms. Heat and passion ignited between them. Her nipples beaded, ached, her own desire spiraled out of control. She reached for the buttons on his shirt—

“Daddy, why you kissin' Paige?” August asked from the doorway.

“You like her again?” Summer asked.

Paige and Zeke jumped apart guiltily. Zeke chuckled, dropped his arms and stood. “Yeah, I like her.”

“Goody,” both girls squealed.

“Now, we'd better leave and let her go to bed.” Zeke
winked devilishly, but his voice sounded thick, full of sweet regret meant for Paige's ears only.

Paige watched the threesome truck across their backyard, her emotions tangled, her feelings for Zeke growing like the wildflowers in her backyard, beautiful and sweet and wild, with no order or certainty at all.

And she liked order and certainty. Everything tidy in its place. Not this chaotic tumble of emotions running rampant through her body.


and groaned, his body aching from unfulfilled dreams—dreams of lovemaking with Paige. He'd never realized how utterly erotic simply kissing a woman could be. Innocent, yet enticing, sweet, yet provocative—the woman was driving him absolutely crazy. Just like his kids. Well, maybe not exactly like his kids, he amended, with a chuckle as he recalled Paige in his arms. She'd felt so right pressed against him, so perfect, as if their bodies would fit as one.

“Daddy! Grammy's here!”

“What?” He ran down the steps so fast he almost tripped over his own feet.

“Hi, honey,” Mrs. Blalock said. She offered him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I thought I'd take the girls for breakfast before we go to my house for the night.”

Summer and August jumped up and down squealing about pancakes. To his surprise, they'd already dressed themselves, packed their pink suitcases and were ready to go.

“Zeke, dear?”

“Yes, Mom?” He squinted through sleepy eyelids, wondering what she had up her sleeve.

“Morgan—you remember, that sweet schoolteacher—she's home today if you want to give her a call.”

So that was the reason she'd planned this little outing. August and Summer frowned. “But Daddy's—”

“I'm busy today, Mom,” he interjected, giving the girls a warning glare.

“Well, see if you can at least call her. She's a fine lady and her mother and I are best friends,” Mrs. Blalock said as she turned and hurried the girls to the car.

Zeke took the steps two at a time and flew into the shower. He'd made arrangements for a substitute vet to work his clients every other Saturday so he could have more time with the twins, but since they had plans, maybe he'd surprise Paige. Maybe he could convince her to spend a romantic day with him, then maybe…the entire night.


in bed, feeling languid and mellow, and confused. The night before, she'd lain awake for hours fantasizing about Zeke's body lying next to hers.

She liked him, his kids, his menagerie of animals, even the slimy salamander.

What was wrong with her? She couldn't give up her dreams to chance being a replacement wife and mom again. Especially knowing Zeke planned to do whatever he could to convince Renee to stay. Plus she'd had that awful dream about Joey getting hurt.

She checked the clock. 8:00. Her first Saturday off in weeks, but Derrick was due any minute for another house hunting venture. If he didn't choose between the three houses today, she'd decided to write the addresses on slips of paper, put them in a hat and make him draw one out. He was the most indecisive male she'd ever known.

Thirty minutes later, she'd showered and dressed and was sipping a hot cup of coffee when the doorbell rang. She grabbed her purse, breezed to the door and swung it
open, greeting Derrick with a hug. Then she looked up in dismay to see Zeke frozen in her driveway, wearing a scowl that would make grown men shake in their shoes.


Paige, disgusted to see the security consultant once again at her door. So much for his plans for sweeping her off her feet and spending the day romancing her.

Paige and Derrick walked down the steps to Derrick's car and Paige waved to him. “Good morning, Zeke. What's up?”

My temper.
“Nothing,” Zeke said, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

Paige arched an eyebrow, obviously puzzled, so he continued, improvising with the only excuse he could think of, “Mrs. Spivy called and wanted a dog and so did the Jensens down the street. I thought you might like to help me deliver them.”

“Sure,” Paige agreed. “What time?”

“This afternoon, maybe around four.”

Paige opened Derrick's car door. “I'll make it a point to be back by then.”

Derrick lifted his hand in a wave, and Paige slipped into his car. They sailed away, leaving Zeke all alone, feeling as though he'd been ditched and sent to the doghouse.


, A
love this place,” Paige said convincingly. “Any woman would be wowed to know you put so much thought into choosing a future home.”

Derrick frowned in worry. “I want it to be perfect.”

“Trust me, she'll love the house,” Paige said, admiring the beveled glass above the garden tub. She pictured Zeke and her climbing into the huge marble tub, bubbles
spiked to the edge, a bottle of champagne sitting on the side, the two of them undressing and slipping into the warm water…

“You don't think she'd like the Colonial better?”

Paige shook her head. “Nope, too traditional for Amelia. She'll love all this fancy molding, and that beveled glass in the front door is exquisite. Plus you have a private backyard for sunbathing.”
Or for a dog.

“Yeah, the yard is nice.”

“And the two upstairs bedrooms share a bath. It would be perfect for kids.”
Like Summer and August.
“And that small room would make a great office.”
Or nursery.
“And you have that big bonus room for company.”
Or a playroom.
“And that small room off the master for a sitting area.”
Or a sewing room.

“Okay, okay, you convinced me,” Derrick said. “I'll call the agent tomorrow.”

Paige sighed and shut the front door, suddenly wondering why she felt disappointed Derrick had chosen the house. After all, it was perfect for him and Amelia.


,” Zeke said as he handed Paige the yellow lab's leash.

“He's adorable.” Paige stooped to pet the waddling puppy, laughing when he licked her face.

“Now, you'll come back and help me train him, won't you, Doc?” Mrs. Spivy asked.

Zeke grinned. “Sure. Maybe I can trade off for some parenting lessons.”

“Oh, pooh, your kids are precious,” Mrs. Spivy said with a laugh.

Zeke shrugged. “Seriously though, you might want to sign up for dog obedience classes. They teach them at the community center.”

“That's a good idea,” Mrs. Spivy agreed.

Mr. Spivy rubbed Maverick's neck. “We're having a fence installed next week.”

“Good, he's going to get pretty big. He'll need lots of room to run and play.”

The Spivys both knelt to play with the puppy and Maverick dropped to the ground, sprawling with his belly up, begging for a tummy rub.

Paige laughed. “He's a sweetheart. You really know how to pick good pets, Zeke.”

Better than I do women.
He bit back the remark, wondering how long he and Paige had to stay with the Spivys to be polite, and wondering if Paige would balk if he suggested they spend some time alone. He hadn't been able to take his mind off of her all day.

“It's easy when you know the breeds,” he said instead. “Golden retrievers and Labs are some of the most dependable ones. Irish setters are a little more feisty and temperamental, but I still think they're some of my favorites.”

And I like women with fiery red hair and sparkling green eyes.
The thought of her with Derrick all day had driven him mad. After holding her last night on her porch, he was determined to try and win her trust. The night before, she'd been so loving to his children and understanding to him, as if she really cared about all of them. And now, he kept studying her, watching the way she watched him, noticing the yearning in her eyes when she thought he wasn't paying attention. Paige was afraid of something. If he only knew what it was. Sure, she had reservations because of her mom, but did she still love Derrick?

Maybe if he had her alone tonight, he could figure out her secrets, if she had any, and why she couldn't be
happy with him and his girls. Maybe he could wipe the fear from her eyes and replace it with hot passion and wild loving, and maybe he could convince her to stay in his bed forever.


mountains are beautiful. I've never seen so many dogwoods in bloom.” Paige parked and took their picnic supper out of the car to settle on a blanket. She still couldn't believe she'd let Zeke talk her into this evening picnic, but after watching him with the neighbors and animals, she hadn't been able to resist. He'd been sneaking heated looks at her during their neighborly visits that had made her blood boil and her imagination go wild. Her defenses had completely crumbled.

“I love the outdoors,” Zeke said. “The fresh air, all the trees.”

Paige grinned as a squirrel scampered up a nearby pine tree. The sound of the bubbling creek filled the air like music, and Zeke whipped out some candles and lit them, his husky voice low and simmering with barely suppressed passion. The evening picnic seemed incredibly romantic, especially with sexy, brawny Zeke Blalock turning her inside out with his mesmerizing eyes. Every time their fingers brushed, their hands touched, her body responded as if Zeke's body had engaged her senses in a slow seduction.

“Thanks for bringing me here.” Paige nibbled on a grape as she desperately tried to curb her raging hormones.

Zeke stopped unpacking the picnic supplies, handed her a glass of wine. “Thanks for coming with me. The girls are great, but sometimes I get lonely for adult company.”

Don't tell me that.
His lazy grin blindsided her. She tried to steer the conversation to their surroundings, the weather, anything impersonal. “At least it's cooler here in the mountains.”

“I can still feel the heat,” he said in a sexy low voice. Paige winced at the double meaning, but he didn't give her time to reply. He raised his glass, his mouth twitching with a smile. “Let's have a toast.”

Paige laughed softly as their glasses clinked. “What are we toasting to?”

Mischief sparkled in his dark eyes. “Friendship.”

“To friendship.” A shiver rippled up her spine at the raw sex appeal oozing from Zeke's gaze.

The candlelight flickered, highlighting his dimple, catching the dark irises of his eyes. Paige felt as if she'd been sucked into an undertow of emotions, her caution washing out with the tide. She sensed his loneliness, the pain he'd carried around since his wife's desertion, the almost urgent need for someone to hold him. She wanted to be that someone. Even if it was only for a short while.

She gently reached out and touched his hand, tracing a path over his knuckles, gasping lightly when he turned his hand palm up, then folded her small fingers in his. His skin felt warm and cool at the same time, soft but erotically rough and masculine, and the heated gaze he gave her was filled with a longing she could no longer deny. Slowly he moved toward her, his hands seeking, his mouth easing a trail of kisses over her fingers as he pressed her hand to his lips. Heat spiraled through her, engulfing her with want. Trembling, she fought a sliver of disappointment when he released her hand with a sly smile and offered her a plate.

They enjoyed the snacks, walked hand in hand along the creek edge talking about their different childhoods,
then lay on the blanket and watched the bubbling brook, basking in the sounds of the night filtering through the foliage and the scents of honeysuckle and flowers and green grass that filled the warm night air.

“I bet Summer and August would love to wade in the creek,” Paige said softly as they finished off the wine.
Maybe the three of you can come back,
she thought, feeling suddenly dismal.

BOOK: His-And-Hers Twins
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