His Assurance (Assured Distraction Book 3) (19 page)

BOOK: His Assurance (Assured Distraction Book 3)
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We got to the main floor but didn’t spot the girls. “Do you want to wait and find them?” he asked.

“No, remember, they’re adults. Let them do some adult-ing tonight on their own. I’ll text Journey.”

We reached his truck, and he captured me against the side and kissed me deeply, making me want him fiercely. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he lifted me to standing level. As he pushed me back against the truck, I wrapped my legs around him as he cupped my half bare ass.

“I’m liking this style you created more and more,” he said against my neck while his hand moved across the bare flesh of my right ass cheek. “Definite advantage to these.” He massaged the cheek before moving his fingers down along my seam, giving him open access to the spot he searched for. “Yeah, a lot of advantage. We better get in the truck and go. You don’t want to add indecent of exposure to your list of arrests.”

He sat me in the truck, and I climbed over the console waiting for him to get in. When he pulled out onto the street, I watched him closely. I wanted this man. I knew this could lead to something more but right at that moment, I needed to connect with him. I leaned over and ran my flat palm over his hard cock trapped behind the jeans. “I’m glad to feel you still want me.”

“Whatever made you think I stopped wanting you, Lola? The whole damn time I was in Europe I thought of no one but you. Every time we managed to Skype or talk, it only made it harder for me, and I’m not talking about a hard cock either. We talked like we were just two people getting to know each other. We laughed at dumb shit things from the bus or stories you told me from your job. It was all so fucking normal. Don’t you see, Lola? We enjoyed each other for the people we are, not for the fame or notoriety my life brings and that, my sweet cherry pie
makes me want you all the more.”

He put his hand on top of mine, pressed it harder against his growing length, and slid it up and down the denim, the roughness only adding to my increasing desire. “And I would have you right now if we were in a place to make that happen,” he said followed by a heavy grown.

“Well, I can make something happen.” I looked at the hard length pushed against his zipper and unbuckled my seatbelt. I leaned across the console, raising his shirt so I could see those abs my tongue loved to trace. “These make me hotter than hell for you.” I ran my nails down the well-defined muscles, tracing the definition of each one.

He stopped my hand by pressing my palm flat against the taut plane. “Don’t start something you aren’t going to finish,
” The panty-melting smoldering smile and the deep blue-green glow from his eyes told me he meant what he said.

“Mr. Rock Star, my intentions are pure when it comes to this, with you,” I said as I lay across the console, my head directly above where I wanted my mouth to be. I pulled open the button of his jeans and slid the zipper down one metal tooth at a time prolonging his wait. He felt granite-hard. I pulled his swollen cock from inside his boxer briefs and ran my hand up and down the smooth length, the friction causing him to suck in a breath. His legs straightened as though he was stretching them which allowed me to inch his jeans down enough so I could get to the part I desired.

I circled my hand around the base and ran my tongue from my hand up to the tip along the engorged vein, but when I reached the tip, I didn’t take it in my mouth yet. Instead, I ran my tongue all the way around with slow progression, just beneath the smooth head. He groaned and fisted my hair so that he could watch what I was doing.

“Your soft hair feels great sliding on my skin but not as good as watching your magic tongue work me over,

I took that as my cue to continue, and this time, I wrapped my lips around the head swirling my tongue across the slit several times. It rewarded me with a healthy drop slipping out. I took him past my guarded teeth and sucked him down as far as I could go, carefully gauging the position so I didn’t gag. On the second pass, I continued until the smooth head rubbed the back of my throat, and I swallowed, easily cutting off my air for a brief moment as my throat spasmed around him. When I pulled out, this time, I increased the suction, and I felt a stinging on my scalp as he tightened his grip in my hair, letting me know my actions were pleasing to him.

“Oh, babe. You can’t do that, or this is going to be over way too fast for me. I love the way you feel wrapped around my dick.”

I let go of the tight suction and slid back down his length. This time, when I came up, I added a twisting movement with my other hand and the slightest touch of teeth to the mix.

“No, no, no,” he said on a strained exhale.

“Oh sorry. You don’t like teeth or twisting?”

“I fucking love it all, but that’s for sure going to cause me to blow my wad on the next pass.”

“How far are we from home?” I slowly pumped my hand up and down his cock slick with a combination of our liquids.

“Ten minutes, max,” he gritted out between pumps.

“Good.” That’s all I said before I swirled my tongue around him once again and took him back deep in my throat. On the second pass, I swirled again with my hands but left off the teeth. I switched it up while I continued to suck him off. As he put his foot on the brakes in his driveway, I launched a full-scale attack on him using all of my tricks. I wrapped my free hand around his tightened sac and softly massaged before sliding down to massage across the skin behind his sac. It only took a few times, and he stopped me by my hair.

“We’re home, stop. I’m going to blow down your throat.” That got him more suction until I heard him let out an animal-like growl and felt the first string of his orgasm hit the back of my throat. I continued pumping and licking until he was spent. He bent forward, his head landed on the steering wheel, his breathing uneven.

He finally looked at me where I had returned to my seat. “Damn, girl, that’s the best road head I’ve ever had while driving.” He smiled at me.

“You’ve had it so often you can compare it with that many others?” I said it with a teasing little huff in my voice.

He started laughing. “Hell, no. Just so you know, I’ve never had a blow job while driving before, but I have to say, if you give me a few minutes to regroup, I’ll drive us all around Austin if you want to try to outdo yourself.”

“As good as that sounds, I think I would like a little reciprocation at some point.” I sat back and gave him my own smirk.

“That can definitely be arranged in sixty seconds or less.”

Chapter Nineteen



The next amazing week passed by in a blur, but I wasn’t always happy with the situation. While I was with Lola almost every minute for the week, she had been filling out job applications for the Houston Medical Center. I knew it was one of the best places in the world for her to work, but it was three hours from Austin, and that wouldn’t work for me. We hadn’t ventured into talking about future plans together, but we did spend spent time getting to know each other better. I knew I wanted more, and she hadn’t even left yet. I wracked my brain, constantly trying to come up with a plan to keep her here, but nothing had gelled so far.

I believed the Journey entourage enjoyed all of the best things to do in Austin while also hitting up almost every concert venue in Austin. Everyone in the band pulled a few strings to get them into some of the popular shows, which Carter would like to have received more appreciation for, but I kept telling him, “Too young, Carter.” All I got was a one finger salute. Of course, a couple of the girls were more than willing to thank Carter in a personal way, but I was glad it didn’t happen—at least as far as I knew. The band had fun with the girls, and I think they agreed to go with them to some of the shows to keep Carter in check.

Hayden was another story. The boy was in love with them all, and the girls spent as much time ‘being in love’ with him, too. He was going to hate it when their time was up, and they returned to Paris. Talk about an ego boost, when the girls assured him being a young dad, who was responsible, made him hot in their eyes, his peacock feathers emerged big and bold.

I walked in from rehearsing one afternoon and found Hayden and a few of the guys from the studio with the five girls having a pool party at my house. Apparently, clothing was optional.

“Uh, dude. What’s up?” I tried to be the cool guy and not make it sound like I was overly concerned with beautiful women in various stages of dress—beginning with bikinis—as they bounced around on both sides of the volleyball net.

“Just playing some strip volleyball.” Hayden didn’t even have the courtesy to look embarrassed.

“Is that right? Never heard of that game before,” I said.

“We made it up, but the rules are the same as strip poker. My team is winning.” He smirked up at me, and it was hard to keep a straight face. The faces of the group made it obvious some alcohol was involved, too.

“And besides, Gunner, we’re acting more than responsible. We’ve used plenty of sunscreen,” Journey added, having the good sense to duck down in the water enough, so I was not staring directly at her perky tits.

“Yeah? That’s good to know, Journey.” I tried not to stare under the water as her tits moved around and kept a straight face. It was hard, but I somehow fought the urge.

Ivey jumped out of the pool, and thank God, she still had her bathing suit bottoms on, what little there was of them. She picked up her drink and pointed to a jug. “Here’s the bottle. We stopped about every fifteen points to reapply.” She held up a half-empty, industrial sized bottle of coconut scented lotion. I was sure this was the highlight of the day, rubbing newly exposed skin with silky feeling coconut oil. As big as the bottle was, they could play for a few more days and not use it all. I thought it must have looked like an oily orgy going on in my backyard. What a show my neighbors would get if they peeked over the fence.

I shook my head and walked in the house. Things might get interesting with Lola’s arrival in the next few minutes. An explosion could occur when she saw all of those naked bodies. She and Peri entertained the little ones all afternoon so Hayden could spend his time with the girls. I might need to run interference if the volleyballers planned to continue playing for much longer.

Thankfully, the pool party shut down when they decided to go for food. I insisted they allow me to arrange a car and driver for their evening. The group was thrilled with that idea. They left to the tune of “Party, party, party!” and all was right in their world.

My phone rang, and Lola’s name flashed on the screen.

“Hey, my little cherry pie
My big ol’ empty house is lonely without you. When you going to be here?” Did I sound like a big pussy at that point? Yeah, I did. I knew it, and that was okay with me as long as it was with this woman.

“I’m on my way, but I have some news you’re not going to like.” I didn’t like the sound of that.

“What’s going on, Lola?”

“I’ll be there in a few, and we’ll talk.”

“Uh, sure. I’ll be waiting.”

What could she possibly tell me that I was not going to like? I pulled a bottle Jack Daniels out, knowing it might be a long night.

A small amount of time passed before the front door opened, and Lola walked in looking as beautiful as ever. Why did I ever waste so much time being angry with her? I still beat myself up over my stupidity every time I thought about the minutes we missed spending our time together.

She wrapped her arms around my waist, and I pulled her to me, taking in the wonderful fragrance she always wore. I leaned her back far enough so I could get to those luscious lips of hers and kissed her softly at first. The kiss deepened when she opened her lips, allowing me access. I slid my tongue along hers as we dueled for space.

Lola backed away finally and looked me in the eye. “That was some greeting.” A slow smile formed on her lips. “Thank you.”

“The pleasure was all mine, but this feels kind of formal. What I would prefer to do is scoop you up and take you to my bedroom and have you thank me for a lot more fun ideas I have.” I had to wiggle my eyebrows at that, and she laughed.

“And as good as that sounds, we need to talk first.” Oh, shit. This did not sound good at all.

“What’s going on, Lola?” I watched as she moved around to the other side of the couch and perched on the left cushion, sitting back with her feet tucked under her so I couldn’t sit close to her. I didn’t like her body language right out of the gate. It was as though she was trying to put space between us before she spoke. I chose to sit down directly in front of her on the coffee table so at least I could rest my arms across her thighs. I wanted the closeness and connection even if she didn’t.

“Babe, just tell me. What’s rolling around in that beautiful mind of yours, that’s so important?” She looked at me as though she was trying to gauge my frame of mind before she even told me her news.

“Okay, so you know I’ve been applying for positions at the Medical Center?” I nodded. I knew she worked on applications every day. “Well, I got a call today, and I’ve been asked to come in and interview at Texas Children’s Hospital to work with a great team. It’s the perfect job for me doing exactly what I’ve wanted to do since I graduated. I don’t have the job yet, but I’m so excited about the chance to interview for it.” Sharing the news got her all worked up because she started bouncing up and down. How could I not be happy for her with all of her enthusiasm? I gave her a congratulatory hug, squeezing tightly. I wanted to be happy for her because her happiness was important to me.

“That’s wonderful,
. You won’t have any competition because I know you’re perfect for the position.” I said this out loud, but in my mind, I thought,
Fuck no, please don’t do this
Please don’t take a job like this. You’ll be working all the damn time. I’ll never get to see you.
I realized I sucked in the boyfriend status. I was a selfish prick for thinking it, so I wouldn’t dare say those things to her, but dammit, I didn’t want her to live and work in Houston. I wanted her sweet little ass right here beside me so I could touch her, and love her, and share everything with her when it happened.

Her enthusiasm ramped up when she started telling me all she’d learned about the position and the famous doctors she would have an opportunity to work with. Dammit, all to hell. I fucking hated this. I didn’t want to think about what it meant for us. Would there even be an us?

“When is this awesome interview scheduled?” I tried hard to hide the disappointment I was feeling, but I thought I failed miserably.

“Next week, but I’ll need to go home to prepare. I need to brush up on the newest procedures and what’s out there in the world of pediatrics. Plus, I’ll need to get hair and make-up done, so I look my best for the interview. There’s just so much to do to get ready. Oh, Gunner, I’m so excited. I can’t wait. I’m trying hard not to get ahead of myself, though. I know they must be interviewing several great candidates.”

I unfolded her from the distant position and tugged her over on my lap. “Babe, I’m sure you’ll knock ‘em dead at the interview. You’ll be living in Houston full-time then, right?”

“Well, yes. Where else am I going to live if I work at the Med Center?” She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. In this position, she easily made her way down my neck while she talked to me. I loved when she kissed and nipped my skin, but right then my mind was racing around with nothing but negative thoughts.

“Are you thinking of living in that area of Houston so you’ll be close to your job?” I clasped my hands together over her hips. This talk meant nothing to me, but it filled the quiet from the chaos going on in my mind.

“Probably there or close to it. I might live in downtown so I can take the Metro and not worry about driving every day. I got so used to not driving in Paris that the idea of having to do that daily doesn’t really appeal to me.”

“Uh huh. As long as that’s safe. I don’t know about the rail in Houston, it might not be like it is in Paris.” I knew this was insignificant shit at this point, but I felt the need to point out any negatives I could think of. “You know Houston overall isn’t as safe as living in Austin. People don’t walk places like they do here. They also don’t allow animals at places like they do here. Oh, and there are a lot more fucking places to go out in Austin with all of the music venues.”

“I’m not going to worry about that kind of stuff until after I’m offered the job. I want to focus on staying positive.” I knew she saw right through my need to point out all the reasons she needed to
leave Austin. “Gunner, I don’t live here now. I live in Houston, remember? I know what it’s like. You just don’t want me to go.” Her voice still had a light tone to it, but her face said otherwise.

“Tell me what you’re really thinking, Gunner? We both knew when I came here that it was a vacation for me, not a move to Austin. I have to go to work. No, I need to go to work. I’m not living with my mom for any longer than is necessary. Besides, I love the career I chose, and I want to go back to nursing now that I’m settled in Texas again.”

“I realize all of that,
, and I’m fucking happy you even had the chance to come out to Austin, but you going back to Houston to live sucks. I don’t want you to go. I don’t want you to leave me. Stay. Hell, move in with me. My house is fucking big enough for us both unless you don’t like it. We can move. You can pick out the damn house. I don’t fucking care where we live.” I knew I’d gotten carried away with the invitation, but that was okay. I wanted her with me. “You know, Dell Children’s Hospital is a great hospital, too.”

“I’m not moving in with you, Gunner. We’ve only been together a week. We aren’t ready for that. I’m not ready for that.”

Shit. That was not the answer I hoped to hear. “I know, babe, but I don’t want you that far away. How will we ever get to that point if you’re living in another damn city? You might as well be living in another state.” I raised my voice a little louder the more I spoke, so I backed it down a notch.

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