His By Christmas (Hamilton Sisters) (38 page)

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“Yvette, come over here!”

Leaving her husband with her mother, Yvette went to see what her sisters wanted. The four of them were gathered together near the mantel, looking at her most curiously.

“So?” Paulette whispered, her eyes twinkling with impishness. “How was last night?”

Lisette, Colette, Paulette, and Juliette looked at her expectantly.

Her cheeks warming a little, Yvette smiled knowingly at her older sisters. “It was quite incredible.”

“We thought as much.” Juliette winked at her. “How could it not be?”

“It was even better than I imagined,” Yvette managed to add before covering her heated cheeks with her hands.

“We won’t go into details now. We just wanted to make sure you had a wonderful night,” Lisette said in a low voice.

“Oh, I did!”

Colette smiled at her. “Well, we think that you and Jeffrey are the most romantic story of all of us.”

“You do?” Yvette was incredulous.

Paulette nodded her head. “Yes, we’ve been talking about you. It’s very romantic and unexpected to fall in love with someone you’ve known for so long, don’t you agree?”

“Anyone can be swept off their feet by a stranger, but to suddenly feel that way about someone you’ve always known is quite extraordinary,” Juliette said.

Yvette stared at her sisters, smiling, and nodded her head. “Yes, it is. Very extraordinary.”

“What are you lovelies whispering about so intently over here?” Jeffrey asked the five of them as he joined their little circle near the fireplace.

Blushing, Paulette laughed nervously and blurted out, “You.”

“Me?” Jeffrey stared at them. He exchanged a glance with his wife as the girls tried to restrain their giggles.

“I told you so,” Yvette whispered to him.

“Well, I hope you did me proud,” Jeffrey said with a mischievous smile at his wife.

“Yes,” Juliette said boldly. “She did.”

Then Jeffrey rolled his eyes. “What am I going to do with all of you girls?”

Colette spoke up. “We were just saying again that now you really are our brother and how happy that makes us.”

“Ah yes, now the title of brother is official.” He beamed at them.

Yvette loved the fact that Jeffrey was very special to her sisters, but he belonged only to her. She gave him a flirtatious look. “But you’re not my brother.”

“And for that I am most eternally grateful.” Jeffrey took Yvette’s hand in his and drew her to his side. “And you four beautiful girls are now truly my sisters, which makes me the luckiest man in the world.”

“It’s all worked out quite wonderfully, hasn’t it?” Lisette said, looking at them fondly.

Jeffrey grinned broadly. “It certainly has.”

“Everyone, may I interrupt you for a moment, please?” the Duke of Rathmore called out, looking about the drawing room with his masterful presence.

Yvette shared a questioning glance with Jeffrey, who stood beside her. Her husband gave a helpless shrug and raised his brows, obviously not privy to whatever his father was about to say.

With the family directing their attention at him expectantly, Maxwell Eddington stood in the center of the room, his expression full of excitement. “It seems I have yet another announcement to make. I was going to wait until supper, but I simply can’t contain myself any longer.” He smiled pointedly at Jeffrey. “This one concerns my son. And his wife.”

Again, Yvette met Jeffrey’s eyes. What on earth was the duke up to now? Was it some sort of extravagant Christmas gift? He’d already told them yesterday that he would be giving them Eddington Grove as a wedding gift.

“The news of my marriage to Janet Rutherford has done more than incite the gossips to talk about me.” Maxwell Eddington smiled broadly at his wife. “It has also raised some valid questions about the line of heredity. A few of my powerful friends and my legal experts are investigating the matter now, but there is a distinct possibility that since I married his mother, my son Jeffrey can be declared legitimate. And if that is the case, it only stands to reason, therefore, that as my lawful and only son, he also can become my rightful heir.”

The room grew silent. Wide-eyed at the news, everyone stared at the Duke of Rathmore and then at Jeffrey.

“Is such a thing even possible?” Jeffrey managed to ask.

“Yes. It’s a bit premature, of course, and I don’t know if it will even come to pass, but the possibility exists and I couldn’t resist sharing the good news. I thought it made a most wonderful Christmas gift to my son and daughter-in-law.” Maxwell Eddington positively beamed with pleasure and pride.

The silence in the room continued. No one uttered a word, aside from the gaggle of children chattering and playing at the other end of the drawing room.

Yvette looked at her husband, who still appeared dumbstruck. Jeffrey’s blue eyes were wide with stunned disbelief.

“Father?” he asked.

“Isn’t it wonderful news, my boy?” the duke asked, his expression elated.

“We are so thrilled by the possibility of being able to make this happen for you, Jeffrey, darling,” his mother added, tears of joy welling in her eyes. “Aren’t you happy to hear it?”

“Of course, I am . . . ,” Jeffrey said, although he still seemed shaken by his father’s declaration.

Everyone else remained silent. What the Duke of Rathmore had proclaimed was highly unusual, but at the same time, it made perfect sense. Since Maxwell had married Jeffrey’s mother, then Jeffrey could no longer be considered illegitimate, could he? Still, the laws were quite clear and it would take some doing to have him declared the heir.

Lucien recovered first, rising to his feet. “I think it’s the most astounding news, but surprisingly fitting. No one deserves such good fortune more than my oldest and dearest friend. And it only adds to my happiness for Jeffrey and Yvette. I think we should all celebrate!”

“This is a most merry Christmas!” Colette added, with a bright smile at the duke. “Since we have joined our families, nothing could be better, but now you’ve made it quite perfect, Your Grace!”

As everyone began to give their congratulations, Yvette turned to Jeffrey, wrapping her arms around him, holding him tightly for a moment. She kissed his cheek.

“This is most unexpected,” he whispered in her ear. “I don’t even know what to think.”

Yvette whispered back, “Whatever happens doesn’t matter to me. I have you and that’s all I need.”

Jeffrey suddenly seemed to regain his composure, flashing her his charming grin. “To think that I might be able to make you a duchess after all.”

Yvette shook her head, her eyes welling with tears. “You already made me feel like a queen.”

He took her by the hand and led her across the room.

“Where are we going?” she asked as she followed him.

He stopped and turned to face her, giving her his most charming smile. “To stand right here under the mistletoe, so I can kiss you in front of everyone and no one will mind.”

She stared up at him, filled with joy that he was her husband.

“Merry Christmas, my beautiful bride.”

“Merry Christmas, Jeffrey.”

He leaned down and kissed her.

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Copyright © 2013 by Kathleen M. Milmore


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ISBN: 978-1-4201-1241-2


eISBN-13: 978-1-4201-3267-0
eISBN-10: 1-4201-3267-9
First Electronic Edition: October 2013


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