HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2)
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That sparked her anger. Blood pumped fast through her veins. She jumped off the bed and raised her voice to match his. “Why would I listen to you? You’re one of them. And I witnessed a murder. Reporting it is what a law abiding
citizen does.”

He released a heavy sigh. “Have I hurt you, Megan? I’ve tried to do nothing but keep you safe, but you just won’t listen
You had to do things your way. Now look what happened. They tried to
kill you.”

“You have a death warrant too, so what’s the difference?” she asked defiantly, her arms across
her chest.

He prowled closer. “The difference is that I expect to probably die, and you expect to live. One of us is wrong, and I’ve been playing this game far longer than you. I think I know what I’m
talking about.”

“Not this time.” He had to be wrong. He was supposed to keep her safe. Trent assured her that
he would.

“Why can’t you
trust me?”

“I don’t know anything about you except you kill for
a living.”

re right.”

Bile burned the back of her throat. He’d said it so casually. He definitely was a killer. She’d hoped he’d only been trying to scare
her before.

She thought about what Trent told her. AJ was right. She was playing a game in his world now. She had to trust him if she wanted to stay alive. “Okay, I’ll try to
trust you.”

He watched her. “That’s all I ask. It’ll be tough these next few days. I need you with me. I need you to remain calm and follow directions, no matter what they are.” He sat on the bed closest to the door and slowly wiped his hand down
his face.

“I’ll do whatever you tell me.” She sat, pulled her knees to her chest, wrapped her arms around them and rested the right side of her face on top of them. “I don’t want to die,”
she whispered.

“You won’t if you listen to me. The first thing is no phone calls. Give me your cell phone.” He held out
his hand.

She jerked her head up. “How come you get to keep your phone?”

“I’m actually keeping two phones. Trust me, we’ll
need them.”

She snatched her purse off the bed and found her phone, wanting to throw it at him. He asked too much. “Is this really necessary? I promise not to make any phone calls.” She waved it in front of her. “Doesn’t trust work
both ways?”

“I trust you. But they could track us through
your phone.”

“May I call my boss first? I won’t tell her where we are, I promise. You can monitor the call to make sure I don’t say
anything wrong.”

“Why is it so important that you
call her?”

“She expects me to be in police custody. She’s probably already heard about the shooting. I want to let her know I’m okay. She won’t say anything to anyone.” Well, except for Kelly, Janet, Kyle, Victoria and probably Merissa, but he didn’t need to
know that.

He rubbed a palm over the lower half of his face. His end of the day stubble scratching it broke through the silence. “That is the only call you may make, and be quick. Let’s go over what you’
ll say.”

She smiled. She’d won. “I will call her whenever I want, and she can call me.” She’d take a stand
with him.

“No, you won’t,” he
firmly stated.

“Then you can’t have my phone.” She clutched it tighter. She knew she shouldn’t use it but it was her only lifeline if AJ didn’t
protect her.

He raised his eyebrows, amusement dancing in his golden brown eyes. “Megan, do you know how easy it would be for me to take that phone
from you?”

She crossed her arms over her chest, hiding the phone under her armpit. “If we’re not leaving the state, I’m going to work, and I need contact with her to coordinate my stories. This is important
to me.”

“Let me check her out, and then I’ll make my decision but you won’t call with your phone. You’ll use my burn phone. That’s final. Our lives are
too important.”

She sighed and dropped her arms. “I guess I don’t have a choice do I?” As she reached over to hand him her cell phone, it rang. She pulled it back
and answered.

Would he snatch it from her? He certainly looked as if
he would.


“Thank God, baby.”

She should’ve checked the caller ID. “Hello, Marcus.”

AJ’s jaw tightened. His gaze bored into hers. That was not a look of a
happy man.

“Thank God, you’re okay. I just heard. Where are you? I’ll come get you and
protect you.”

“No,” she
quickly replied.

“Come on, baby. You don’t have to forgive me or even like me, but you need someone to keep you safe. We’ll catch a flight and get away from here until it all
blows over.”

“I’m safe. You don’t need to worry about me.” Oddly, she felt safe with AJ. Maybe because Trent told her she’d be safe. Maybe because her body
craved his.

AJ ran his finger across his throat. His get off the dang phone message was loud and clear. Except dang wasn’t the word that seemed to vibrate from his
tense body.

Wow. The tightness in his muscles displayed the well-defined sculpted body. She almost drooled. She had to get hold of herself. This would
not happen..

“I do worry. I still love you. Where are you, baby? I’ll come get you. Please let me keep
you safe.”

He didn’t listen or give up. “I’m fine where I am. Goodbye, Marcus.” She ended the call before he could
beg again.

AJ crossed his arms across his broad chest and narrowed his eyes. “Who
was that?”

She shrugged. “No
one important.”

“I’ll decide who’s important. Now, who is Marcus?” A muscle in his
jaw twitched.

“He’s my ex-fiancé.” She almost added cheating, son of
a gun.

How long?”

She looked at him, confused. “How
long what?”

“How long since
you split?”

Six months.”

He reached for her
cell phone.

“I still get to call Kristen before I give it to you.” She held it protectively against
her chest.

“Here use this one.” He pulled one from his pocket. Not the one he’d used earlier. “Make
it quick.”

She smiled and dialed. The call to Kristen was brief as promised and the weight on Megan’s shoulders lightened. Her boss had heard about the shooting and had been
understandably concerned.

She agreed to write an article about it, another firsthand experience. Attempted murder of a journalist would be big news. Her boss told her the police attempted to get her to stop the story on the murder citing investigative confidentiality or some bull-crap
like that.

Kristen had offered to pick her up and deliver her to the FBI. She didn’t like her hiding on her own. Obvious disappointment filled her voice when Megan refused to share
her location.

While she’d talked with her boss, AJ had disassembled her cell phone and hidden it in his black
duffel bag.

She remembered where he’d put it and how he’d taken
it apart.

* * * * *

Megan wouldn’t let it go. Even now she planned to write articles on Magic Shop. AJ didn’t know how to convince her to stop. Sure she had another valid reason to want to end the criminal organization, but she wasn’t ready for this level of battle. And it would be
a battle.

Once he’d made it clear he’d be staying to finish this, she hadn’t asked again about leaving town. She seemed eager, excited. Exactly how she’d been when she’d try to interview him. Dammit.

He shouldn’t have allowed her to bring her laptop or talk with her boss, or that
fucking Marcus.

As she strode to the bathroom, AJ caught himself watching the sway of her hips and thinking of her long, shapely legs wrapped around him again. He groaned and shifted himself in
his pants.

He jerked the phone out of his pocket with more force than necessary
and dialed.

“We’re staying at the Days Inn in Woodlawn,” he said before Arthur could answer. “And don’t fucking tell anyone anything about
me again.”

The man on the other end of the phone cleared his throat. “Do you think you’re safe there? It’s not very far away
from trouble.”

“We’re as safe as we can be. I doubt they’ll look for us here. They’ll expect us to be further away, and they don’t know that we’
re together.”

“She should be in protective custody instead of following
behind you.”

He didn’t like it, but Arthur was right. “I’ll talk with her about it, but after her experience I doubt she’ll trust any law enforcement
agent again.”

Arthur snorted. “Are you sure you want to do this? Dying isn’t worth it. Yeah, I’d be pissed if they tried to kill me too, but now you have an innocent woman
to consider.”

protect her.”

Arthur’s words stuck with AJ long after the call. Was there anyone he knew and still trusted? He’d been out of the loop
too long.

He looked up when the bathroom
door opened.

She stepped out wearing red plaid flannel pajama pants and a long sleeved red shirt with a Minnie Mouse emblem over her right breast. Even covered like she was, he found
her sexy.

Blood rushed to his groin. Even though she loved Trent, she’ll be a test for AJ. And he
might fail.

for dinner?”

He grabbed his bag and smiled. “Turkey.”

* * * * *

AJ lounged in the other chair in the room, legs outstretched, munching on turkey and fruit. Megan’s disappearance headlined the local
news report.

He switched it off and discussed his rules with her. He wondered if her being online could create an electronic trail that would make it easy for Magic Shop to find them. He’d have to ask Devon, his computer genius brother. AJ wasn’t up to date on what type of electronic surveillance equipment was available and that
concerned him.

She refused to give up her work. She had an article to write, and she assured him she’d complete it before she turned in for the night. They negotiated that she’d be online only long enough to send the article and give her mother a one line email stating she was okay. He’d play her using the laptop
by ear.

He watched her work. With her hair pulled up in a clip, he fought the urge to walk over and kiss the exposed lengthy, silky neck. She was the loveliest creature he’d
ever met.

Maybe she’d given in for the quick fuck at her house but he doubted she’d give in now. She tried to distance herself from him letting him know she wasn’t interested. But her eyes said something different. The blue in her eyes would darken to a midnight blue, desire hidden
in them.

Dammit. She’s Trent’s, not a plaything. Get it together. Protect her. And only
protect her.

She typed fast and furiously. AJ knew she wouldn’t pass up an article on the attempt on her life. It would be big news. A reporter had been targeted and disappeared. She didn’t seem to realize that she was taunting the Magician. AJ didn’t
like it.

He knew she did this for her brother, and she wouldn’t stop until she’d found the boss. The fucker tried to have him killed which gave them the same mission, but the attempts on their lives put a crimp in both of
their plans.

She reached up and stretched her arms, leaning back, unintentionally pushing her breasts up and out. He couldn’t get involved with her. He’d watched his brother get involved with his old partner when protecting her. It had almost cost
her life.

He wanted her. Once hadn’t been enough. The depth of this need surprised him. Around her his pulse raced and blood rushed south. He had to be strong enough not to grab her like last time. Or take her like
last time.

“Finished.” She closed her laptop and stood. A joyous smile brightened her face. It tugged at something deep
within him.

“Please, tell me you did as we’d agreed and didn’t say anything
about us.”

She shook her head. “No. They don’t know where I went or who I
left with.”

“I still think you shouldn’t have written the story. You’re taunting the Magician by publicizing you’re alive and still attacking Magic Shop through
your writing.”

She was on the run for her life, and she wasn’t afraid like she should be. She’d almost been killed, but seemed excited because she had a story out of it. He didn’t know what to do with her. He shook his head. He’d tackle
it tomorrow.

“It’s been a long day. It’s time we turned in.” He placed one weapon on the nightstand and another under
his pillow.

She crawled into the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin, her eyes
following him.

As he pulled his shirt over his head,
she gasped.

it hurt?”

“Of course it fucking hurts. Fielding bullets with your chest is painful.” He automatically touched it
and winced.

the tattoo?”

He looked down as if he’d just discovered the tattoo partially hidden behind the discoloration. Looking up he shrugged and dropped his pants. “
Not important.”

He caught her gaze following the line of hair on his chest to his boxers. Her gaze riveted on his groin. When she saw movement, her eyes snapped to
his face.

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