HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2) (26 page)

BOOK: HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2)
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AJ returned to an empty room. Horrible possibilities of what happened to Megan flooded his mind. They all ended with him holding her, blood running through his hands, watching her gasp her
last breath.

He had to
find her.

Dammit! It’d taken him longer to get back than he’d planned. He had no idea how long she’d
been gone.

With fear expanding in his chest, he answered the ringing
burner phone.

s Javier.”

“What do you have for me?” Javier Marshall was his informant that had found the safe houses for escaped convicts. Although he hadn’t been aware of
their purpose.

“There’s talk on the street to get a message to you. They’ve got
your girl.”

AJ breathed a sigh of relief. She’s alive
He curled and uncurled his fist in his empty hand. “What’s the rest of
the message?”

Harrison House.”

Anything else?”

“Something about her fate’s in
your hands.”

“Thanks, man.” He ended the call and hurled the phone across the room barely registering it smashing into
small pieces.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Pinching the bridge of his nose between his shaking thumb and forefinger, he dropped his head and took a deep breath. He had to calm down so he could think rationally. He wouldn’t turn himself over to them because they still wouldn’t release her. His only hope was that she remained alive until he
rescued her.

He closed his eyes and developed a plan. He wouldn’t rush in unprepared. Surveillance time. He would save her. He’d promised to keep her alive. He needed
her alive.

AJ suited up in black cargo pants, a black turtleneck sweater and his tactical vest then picked up the black bag of toys he’d brought back
with him.

Even though it was only a few blocks, he drove the Buick he’d stolen earlier to better conceal himself while he observed Harrison House, a piece of shit house on an almost
deserted street.

They’d expect him to attempt a rescue so he’d have to be smarter. This actually wouldn’t be too hard with the
nimrod enforcers.

The street was lined with cars, but not many people traversed up and down it. The bright sun, uninhibited by clouds, melted most of the snow from the sidewalks. The sound of crunching snow under his boots could be
a problem.

Searching for the best path, AJ caught Trey leaving the house with a heated look on his face. Alex must be leading the show and not sharing the credit with
his partner.

Surprisingly Damian
never showed.

AJ had seen no one else coming or going so he had no idea how many people were already in the house, how many he’d be up against. No matter. He’d take care of as many as he needed to get his little dove back. He rubbed his hand over his
left breast.

He couldn’t examine his feelings for her at
the moment.

He settled in for the
long wait.

Dusk turned to darkness. He’d go in when they were most likely sleeping. They’d best not have harmed her or put their hands on her. She
was his.

A tall man with a hood pulled over his face walked toward him. He turned off the dome light and unlocked
the car.

“It’s about time you
made it.”

“I’m sorry we weren’t here to keep her out
of trouble.”

His heart felt for his brother. Jesse had placed all of the blame on himself when it belonged on AJ’
s shoulders.

“Don’t worry. It wasn’t your responsibility. What’ve
you got?”

“There’s too much information about you on
the street.”

Damn GPS. Too many people
saw him.

“Devon thinks he’s found most of the money. It’s just a matter of whatever the hell he does to find out who owns it. He said he didn’t need much more time. That’s how confident he was
about it.”

AJ nodded. “Good. Dev will come through. Anything
on Jake?”

“No. Speaking of brothers,” Jesse cleared his throat, “I told the twins, and they’re on their way home, pissed
at you.”

AJ shrugged. “They’ll get over it.” He constantly pissed his brothers off or disappointed them in one way or another. How would this be
any different?

“Those two?” His brother chuckled. “Are we talking about the same Matt
and Brad?”

AJ nodded to the house. “I don’t think Alex or Trey told anyone she’s here. There aren’t enough men waiting
for me.”

“I’m here
for backup.”

He shook his head. “No, Jess. This will be easy.” Plus, he couldn’t put his family in any
more danger.

* * * * *

Alex returned with a bulky man Megan recognized as Trey, the final enforcer if AJ had been correct. She’d estimate him in his early twenties, tall with broad shoulders. This group was younger than she’d imagined would be charged with murdering people for a
crime boss.

The two men argued over her still being alive. Trey said there was no reason to keep her alive as AJ would turn himself over to them in hopes of saving her. Thank goodness Alex didn’t want her
dead yet.

Her heart twisted. He kept her alive so AJ would be forced to watch her die. Trey called Alex stupid and stormed out of the house. They didn’t know it, but AJ would rescue her, not fall into their
stupid plan.

At around dinnertime two men arrived with bags of food. They ate hamburgers and French fries in front of her. Once they’d finished, Alex and
Jermaine left.

So the two new guys were the night shift. They weren’t a chatty lot. She couldn’t even get their names out of them. At least, they untied her and let
her eat.

Stuck in the chair for the night, she gritted her teeth at how comfortable they looked lounging in the chair and on
the couch.

Eventually she heard snoring from the man on the couch. The man in the chair sat wide awake, blindly changing channels on the
small television.

She kept nodding off, jerking awake every time her head dropped to her chest. She had to stay awake. AJ would come. It would be tonight. He wouldn’t leave
her here.

Her head fell to her chest. She didn’t wake
this time.


Based on the number of men that trekked in and out of the house, there were at least two men with Megan. Two were easy. If all went well, no one would get hurt, and AJ would have
her back.

He reached into the bag and retrieved a lock pick kit and a few other items. The beating of his heart sky-rocketed. He took two slow, deep breaths to
calm it.

more waiting.

The empty, quiet street greeted him. He’d witnessed Alex setting his trap which consisted of him hiding around the corner. Idiot.

AJ planned his path to avoid the pockets of snow and any possible noise. Ducking down, staying behind the line of cars, he made his way, slowly, to the enforcer hoping Trey hadn’t decided to set his
own trap.

He peered around the corner. Are you fucking kidding me? A hooker hitting
on Alex?

“Get the fuck out of here. I’m busy.” The man’s angry voice floated
to AJ.

“Come on, baby. I need one trick tonight, or I’m in big trouble. We can do a quickie, right here against
the wall.”

Glancing around the corner again, AJ considered his options, but then realized the woman
looked familiar.

Alex howled, convulsed and dropped to
the ground.

AJ walked around the corner. “Why hello, Kate.”

She threw her hands on her hips. “What’s this I hear you planned to do
this alone?”

“Now’s not the time.” He removed Alex’s weapons and cell phone, dropping them in a pocket of his
cargo pants.

At the unmistakable metal-v-metal sound of a bullet sliding into the chamber of a handgun, he swung around. “Kate, you
are not…”

“Hands up,
you two.”

His heart skipped a beat.
Fuck! Trey.

The clatter of both tasers bouncing on the sidewalk pushed a sense of foreboding through AJ’s veins. Dammit. He should’ve expected this asshole, no matter his demeanor when he’d left earlier.

“The Magician is going to be happy with me for catching you and the girl. Who’s this?” He tilted his head
to Kate.

“Look man. I just came here for some action and this yahoo tried to get me like he did the other guy.” She lipped her lips seductively. “I only pulled mine in self-defense. Can I go now? I have to find a
John tonight.”

“Turn real slow and head around the corner. Don’t tempt me. I’m low enough to put a bullet in
your back.”

AJ faced him, shadows playing across the man’s face. “Why can’t you let her go? She’ll run and no one will ever hear from her again.” Where the fuck is Jesse? He would never let Kate do
this alone.

Trey laughed. “You expect me to fucking
believe that?”

AJ could take him, but the bullet in the chamber could end up in Kate. The enforcer planned to kill him anyway. He’d put himself between the gun and Kate. He wouldn’t go down without
a fight.

He shifted his weight, preparing to spring when Trey jerked
and screamed.

He dropped to the ground, and Jesse appeared from the darkness. “I love these things. Dev had been right to add them to our kits.” He grinned, holding a taser. “Much quieter
than gunfire.”

Kate narrowed her eyes. “Where the hell have you been?”

His brother reached for his wife. “Sweetheart, you know I had to hide around
the block.”

Their lips touched briefly and the slight pull in his heart brought Megan’s face to the forefront of
his mind.

“Thanks, Jess.” There weren’t enough words to thank his brother for saving his life. This time he’d freely admit he’d needed him and, sure enough, Jesse had
been there.

“Well, we figured you’d need backup, no matter what
you said.”

Alex moaned
and moved.

Kate dropped a knee in his back and removed flex-cuffs from her jacket pocket. “I’ve got these two. Go ahead. I’ll be along shortly.”

AJ smiled. His old partner hadn’t lost her touch. He nodded and the two men cautiously turned the corner. Good Lord, Alex was more than an idiot. He’d either left the front light off at the house, or it didn’t have a
light bulb.

AJ slipped up the stairs, and Jesse turned to face the street. He put his ear to the door. Blessed silence. At three in the morning, he’d expected
nothing less.

Someone having his back stopped the slight trembling of his hands, as he went to work on the lock. In less than thirty seconds, he’d silently opened the door
six inches.

Peering in, he made a sweep of the room. The two guards slept in the living room to his right. A soft glow of the television illuminated the area with the sound of porn filling the air. He turned and gestured to Jesse using hand signals his brothers had taught him from their time in
Special Forces.

Quietly sliding into the house, he searched for Megan. She sat on his left, tied to a chair, her chin on her chest. Even in the dim light, the darkening bruise across her cheek was visible. His blood boiled. He wanted to kill the bastards but immediately tamped down his anger. He
needed control.

He pulled weapons from his pocket and soundlessly moved to the living room where he angled himself between the two men, raised both arms and pushed the buttons on
two tasers.

Both men jumped. He only needed them out of commission for a short period
of time.

* * * * *

Megan jerked awake to a man’s scream, a high pitched, almost feminine sound. Her heart pounded.
Oh God
. What’
s happening?

She searched the room, and her gaze locked on AJ. Her fierce warrior aimed something at her babysitters. He came for her like she knew
he would.

Jesse entered with a handgun and moved swiftly through the house.

When her baby-sitters stopped twitching, her hero disarmed each of them, flipped one and cuffed him before searching their pockets. Kate slipped in and did the same to the other man. His brother returned to the room, nodded and moved to
the door.

AJ rushed to her and dropped to his knees. His right hand cupped her cheek, his thumb lightly caressing it. Tingling in her muscles flowed from his touch all of the way to
her toes.

“Are you all right, my little dove?” he asked in a
strained voice.

“I knew you’d come for me.” She smiled at him, love and gratitude for him surged inside of her. Yes, she’d actually fallen in love with him. She probably had been for a while, but this solidified it. After all they had been through, even with his undercover lie, she trusted him wholeheartedly. He wouldn’t cheat on her. He’d love and cherish her and their children. They both worked odd hours so they’d have to figure out something with their jobs when they had
little ones.

His job. Could she deal with him living like this? Going undercover and risking his life on a daily basis? A shiver drilled down her spine. She’d rather be with him than without. He’d explained to her the danger in the business his brothers owned. Maybe Kate could help her. If nothing else, she’d find out how she held herself together when her husband went on
a job.

Great plan. When to speak with her was another matter altogether.

He cut the ropes tying her to the chair. “There’s no way I’d leave you with these bastards.” He pulled something from the pocket he’d added the items from her babysitters. The click of handcuffs unlocking put her
into action.

She rose and launched herself into his arms,
squeezing tight.

After a minute, he pulled back, tipped her chin up and examined her cheek. “Who hurt you, my little dove?” he
asked softly.

The emotions in his eyes flickered from concern to anger. “Alex hit me when I wouldn’t tell him where
you were.”

He leaned down and brushed a light kiss on
her cheek.

“It’s time for you to leave,”
Jesse stated.

owe you.”

“Don’t worry, we’
ll collect.”

“Let’s move.” AJ took her hand and led her out of her temporary prison. He hustled her down the street to a beat up Buick. She didn’t even question the new car. Didn’t care as long as it helped
them escape.

“Get in. We don’t have time
to waste.”

“Thank you.” The words, I love you, stuck in
her throat.

He reached over and took her hand in his. “Anything for you.” He threaded his fingers through hers and
held tight.

* * * * *

They entered the new room AJ had rented, hoping he and Megan wouldn’t have to
move again.

Reaching out, he crushed her against him. The adrenaline still hot in his veins battled the surge of relief that he’d rescued her. He needed her. Needed to feel that she was
truly alive.

After her experience, what she’d need was him to soothe her, calm her fears and reassure her that he’d protect her with everything
he had.

Instead, his mouth swooped down on hers, possessively, demanding. A rumbling groan erupted from deep within, their kiss now a brutal clash of lips
and tongues.

His manhood burned to be inside her. Deeper than ever before. And he needed
her now.

He impatiently tugged at
her zipper.

She stepped back. “Let me.” In mere moments she’d shed her pants and reached to remove her jacket
and sweater.

He ripped off his jacket, body armor and shirt and then roughly pulled her to him, one hand behind her head, possessively, not willing to let
her go.

She reached for his pants opened and released him. Her hand wrapped around his hard member. Every nerve ending in his
body sizzled.

A primal growl ripped from his body. He turned her around and lightly pushed her forward until her hands rested on the edge of the bed. He touched her only long enough to find her hot, wet, ready.

Pushing his pants down, he positioned himself, grasped her hips and filled her in a swift thrust, stilled and gritted his teeth at the pleasure threatening to erupt from his cock surrounded by
her heat.

He moved, his thighs slapped hard against her, thrust after thrust. Each one harder, faster and pushing him deeper into a slippery friction snatching away his fears, allowing him to focus only on her and the fact she was alive and
with him.

Keeping his hands on her hips, holding her while he stroked in and out, he leaned forward and spread kisses on her back. Between his tongue and wet kisses, he felt Megan quiver and heard her moan, dropping her
head down.

This would be quick, and he couldn’t help it this time. He couldn’t hold back. That fear and excitement of the evening ballooned in him, ready to pop at any moment. Feeling her tight around him was what he’d needed. Now he needed for them to burst into a
euphoric state.

Releasing one hand, he moved it around and staged on assault on her clitoris. She moaned and pushed her heat closer into his hand. He gave her tight friction, adapted to each of her moves and soft,
erotic sounds.

Between kisses on her back, AJ murmured, “You feel so good, so right, my
little dove.”

Sweat broke out on his brow. His cock was ready to explode. He set his jaw tight in an attempt to hold off his orgasm until she came. But damn being this deep inside her, with his balls slapping her, he had to fight harder
than ever.

She arched her back, her
breathing frantic.

“Let go, Megan.”

She cried out his name in a hoarse voice, her body trembled, her legs weakening,
almost buckling.

Her sweet sound of ecstasy ruptured the last of his resolve. His balls grew tight. He drove into her once more before pulling out. Semen from deep inside him exploded in hot, wet spurts on
her back.

She collapsed forward. His legs threatening to give out on him, he dropped
beside her.

Holy shit! He willed his muscles to work but hated for the pleasure that claimed them
to disappear.

He turned his head to her. “Are you okay?” Had he been too rough
with her?

She smiled and murmured, “Perfect.”

He stood, went to the bathroom and returned with a cloth to clean her back. Shit. He’
d forgotten.

He cleared his throat. “Megan, the first time we…uh…we didn’t
use protection.”

“Don’t worry. We’
re okay.”

“Does that mean we don’t have to use protection? I’
m clean.”

She turned to sit on the edge of the bed. “I am too. Is that what
you want?”

He tossed the towel on the floor and gathered her in his arms. “I’d like that very much.” He kissed her on her nose. “Come on. It’s well past time for us
to sleep.”

Lying in each other’s arms, she whispered, “I’m sorry, AJ.”

He placed a finger under her chin and tilted it until their eyes met. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m sorry I didn’t think to tell you that Jesse had left, and no one was
keeping watch.”

“Oh. I forgot. Tyrone has something big for me. He won’t know what to think when I didn’t show up. I have to
call him.”

AJ caught her as she attempted to launch herself from the bed and pulled her back to him. “Megan, it’s almost five in the morning. I think he’d prefer you call him at a normal time.” He kissed the top of
her head.

“Now. We both need to get some sleep. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.” He wanted her again. Blood had already surged to his growing erection. But, she’d been through too much. They both needed rest more than they needed
more sex.

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