His Contract Bride

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Authors: Rose Gordon

BOOK: His Contract Bride
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Rose Gordon

HIS CONTRACT BRIDE © 2012 C. Rose Gordon

All rights reserved


Amazon Edition


This book may not be copied in any form including but not limited to: audibly, mechanically, verbally, by Xerox, digitally, or any other way known to man.


This book should be read for entertainment purposes only.


All names, events, and locales are figments of the author’s imagination. If any such person, event, or place existed, it was merely by coincidence.


Other Titles Available



(Now Available)

Intentions of the Earl (Book 1)

Liberty for Paul (Book 2)

To Win His Wayward Wife (Book 3)



(Now Available)

Her Sudden Groom (Book 1)

Her Reluctant Groom (Book 2)

Her Secondhand Groom (Book 3)

Her Imperfect Groom (Book 4)


And Coming Soon



His Contract Bride

His Yankee Bride

His Jilted Bride

His Brother's Bride



The Officer and the Bostoner

The Officer and the Southerner

The Officer and the Traveler







Spring 1781


Regina Harris would never forget the day she lost her heart to that all-consuming emotion known as love.

The day had started like every other, but somehow it had ended differently...

She'd awakened the same as she had every other morning since she'd come to Sloan's School for Young Ladies. She and her new roommate, Sophie Sinclair, had helped each other dress just as they had every other morning since Sophie had come to Sloan’s only six weeks earlier. Sophie wore a gown of yellow and Regina dressed in blue, to show their school rank. She'd then combed her hair and breakfasted. Just like every other morning. Then, she'd gone downstairs to take morning lessons. The annual family day the school hosted each spring was scheduled for that afternoon, following a quick luncheon.

And that's when her life changed forevermore.

Shaking out her gown, Regina descended the stairs to wait in the school's parlor for the families to arrive. But she didn't make it to the bottom of the staircase at the same time as her companion. Halfway down, she froze. Her left foot barely on the step in front of her, and her right hand tightening its grip on the handrail. The sight below stole her attention and perhaps even her heart.

There, at the bottom of the stairs stood two tall young men, one with black hair and the other with blond. Sophie, who'd descended the stairs with Regina, suddenly vanished from her side, running toward the other side of the room to wrap the dark-haired man in a hug.

From across the room, Mrs. Hull called for Sophie to remove herself from Lord Sinclair at once.

Regina didn't hear Sophie's response, nor did she care whether Sophie gained her wits and stopped hugging her brother in public or not. No, Regina was too captivated by the handsome man standing next to the pair of embracing siblings. He was tall and thin, but not too thin. His eyes were the most unique shade of blue she'd ever seen; so pale they almost appeared clear. He had high cheekbones, the most devilishly handsome grin she'd ever seen, and from his coat to his boots, he was clad in solid black.

Hello,” he said with a slow bow.

Hello,” she heard herself say. She was too nervous to remember whether she needed to curtsy or not and doubted she'd actually be able to perform one at the moment anyway.

His grin broadened and Regina's cheeks grew slightly warm.

Regina,” Sophie called, catching her attention.

Regina turned her eyes to look at her friend but not before noticing the way the blond stranger's eyes had widened. “Yes?”

Regina, I'd like to introduce you to my brother, Joseph, Lord Sinclair, and his friend, Edward Banks...” She said something else then turned toward the men and spoke, presumably completing the formal introduction. But Regina didn't hear her words, she was too distracted by the handsome face in front of her—the face that now had a name, Edward—not Mr. Banks—just Edward.

May I escort you to the front lawn?” Mr. Banks asked.

She started, and then blushed. Gracious. Twice in the last five minutes she'd been caught unawares while woolgathering about the man who was now asking to be her escort. “Of course.” She placed her gloved hand on his proffered arm.

Sophie and Lord Sinclair led the way to the front lawn where benches and lawn games had been set up in preparation for today's event.

Miss Harris,” Edward said, leading her through the maze of benches to a vacant one under a large tree. “Would you like—” He broke off and abruptly stopped walking. His eyebrows knit together. “Were you expecting your father to join you today?”

She shook her head, a wave of sadness washing over her. “He wasn't able to attend today.” She hoped he'd leave it at that and not ask her why. She really didn't wish to tell him that her father had been extended a Social invitation he didn't want to refuse.

He nodded once. “All right. Then shall we sit?”

Of course.” She flashed him a slight smile and took a seat on the bench closest to them.

Edward returned her smile with one of his own then took a seat next to her. But not too close, of course. Still, his mere presence so close to her was exhilarating, which was strange when one considered how little Regina liked to be touched. “Regina—Miss Harris—” He turned his head and cleared his throat as if he had something important to say.

But he didn't get the chance as a young fellow about Regina's age, presumably one of her schoolmate's younger brothers who'd come for family day, approached them and asked, “Mr. Banks, do you know how to calculate the speed at which the earth orbits the sun?”

Regina blinked. What on earth—

I believe so, yes,” Edward said easily, extinguishing her thoughts. His eyes locked on the young man standing in front of them. “Do
u know how to calculate the speed at which the earth orbits the sun?”

No,” the wide-eyed boy said, shaking his head. “That's why I'm asking you.”

Pity, that,” Edward said, frowning in a way that could not be genuine. “Perhaps it would do you some good to spend your time studying academic texts instead of thinking of ways to charm the chambermaids with your newly acquired knowledge while away at school.” He turned his attention back toward Regina. “It's boys like this who make me fear for what the world will one day become.”

Regina knit her brow. “Because he doesn't know how to calculate how fast the earth revolves around the sun?” She hoped he didn't expect her to know the answer, because if he did, she was certain to disappoint him.

He flicked his wrist and a grin spread across his lips. “No. Most people don't know that. However, had he really had an interest in knowing the answer for scientific purposes, I'd have told him. But for boys like him, the only science they bother to focus on is the science that takes place between a—” His words died on his tongue; a quick, abrupt cough escaping his lips as his face went red. “Pardon me.”

Go on,” Regina encouraged.

No, no. It's not of any import.” His face was still slightly red and his eyes were unable to meet hers just then.

You like science?” she ventured.

He nodded. “More than most.”

Oh...” Regina racked her brain for something scientific to say to him so not to lose his interest or be thought a dimwit, the way she assumed he thought of that boy who'd asked him a question earlier. “I once saw an amphibian,” she blurted.

You did?” His eyes wide, whether in genuine shock or playfulness, she'd never know.

Her face grew warm. Perhaps pretending to know anything scientific wasn't a good idea—even if all she'd done was use a word she was certain had some sort of scientific meaning. Now she had to quickly think of an amphibian to claim to have seen.

And where did you see this amphibious creature?”

At the pond.”

He quirked a brow and his lips twitched. “Go on,” he encouraged the same way she had only a moment ago. “Tell me about your creature.”

The way his eyes sparkled, as if he were truly interested in speaking to her, even if it was about a silly topic, made her innards do a flip. She licked her lips. “There’s not much to tell, really. It was just a turtle.”

Edward nodded once. “I see. And did you touch him?”

Heavens, no!”

He shook his head, chuckling. “Let me know if you ever decide you'd like to. I have a dozen of the creatures back at my country estate that you could see any time you'd like.”

She wrinkled her nose and he chuckled again. “Such a tempting offer—” particularly because he was inviting her to his country estate— “but I think I'll have to decline.”

Are you sure? They're quite fascinating, wouldn't you know? Hard shells on their backs, sticky feet, scaly skin. Very fascinating, indeed.”

And don't forget their ability to swim,” Regina added. Though she'd never given a moment's thought to the anatomy or ability of a turtle before, just now, the topic had an uncanny ability to fascinate her so.

Right. Did you know though they walk—and eat—slower than a tulip blooms, turtles can actually swim as fast or faster than the average man can run?”

Truly? I had no idea.”

Edward's broad smile slipped, leaving a wave of sadness to wash over Regina. “Sorry,” he murmured. “I forget myself sometimes. Do forgive my chatter. My younger brother is always telling me that I have the rare ability to bore a man senseless with all my scientific prattle.”

Regina waved her hand in the air. “You're not boring me. You can continue, if you'd like. I'm rather curious to know what they eat.”

He shook his head ruefully. “There's no need to humor me. My brother John will one day be a Man of God and has been practicing near honesty for almost three years now. So if he says that I'm a dullard who could talk my turtles into crawling into their shells to escape my voice, I believe it.”

A small burble of laughter sputtered past Regina's lips. Were he anyone else, she'd agree with his brother that the conversation was boring, but there was something about his soft tone, gentle expression, and the light in his blue eyes that kept her drawn to him—waiting anxiously for what he'd tell her next, even if it was about something as unusual as turtles. “What's near honesty?”

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