His Dark Desires: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (9 page)

BOOK: His Dark Desires: A BWWM Billionaire Romance
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I’m telling you all this because you’re my sister and I trust you,” I said to Angela as we ate a late dinner together that night. “You’re about the only person I trust these days, except for James of course.”

I felt sick just saying that out loud. When James finds out what I had been up to, he probably wouldn’t trust

Angela shook her head in disbelief.

“If Mama and Daddy could afford to hire a private eye, don’t you think that they would be living somewhere else other than that breadbox they’re in now? It just doesn’t add up, Aud.”

She was right. It didn’t add up. But she also hadn’t witnessed Dad’s behavior over the last month.

“I mean, look at your history with this woman, and the fact that she’s in rehab,” Angela added. “Do you really think she’s a trusted source?”

Of course that had crossed my mind. How could it not?

“She has no reason to lie to me, Angela. At least not about this. If she was going to lie, don’t you think she’d come up with something better than that? Something that would be more likely to drive a wedge between me and James?”

My sister bobbed her head back and forth and agreed that it would be silly for her to go to so much effort to drive a wedge between me and my family. That would only serve to bring me and James closer.

“You really think our parents are capable of stooping that low?” she asked.

“Look at how Dad acted when Tobias left. He treated you as if it was your fault, blaming you for how your husband acted.”

Granted, equating Dad’s judgmental attitude with him being a stalker didn’t necessarily wash, but Angela got my drift. Dad was a man of many, many complicated layers. More layers than we’re aware of and layers we have yet to see unravel.

“So what’s next? You just sit back and wait to hear from her?” my sister asked.

“She told me she would get back in touch with me by the end of the week.” I tossed my napkin on the plate, feeling like my whole life was in limbo. And secretly hoping that if and when I decide to confront Mom and Dad about all of this, that they can prove Kristin wrong. I couldn’t bear the thought of my parents betraying me on this level. It was bad enough when they kicked me out of the house. But over the last few weeks they really did seem to be trying to make amends, calling to check on me and asking Angela how I was doing. They certainly weren’t any closer to accepting James, but at least they were trying to mend fences with me.

“You got to hear the baby’s heartbeat today, huh?” Angela said, changing the subject.

I smiled broadly. “Yes, and it was so amazing, listening to the swooshing sounds on the monitor. I just can’t believe there’s a real, live baby growing inside of me.”

Angela laughed. “Well, you better believe it, sister. Because before you know it, that little thing will not be inside of you anymore. He’ll be in your arms.”

And I couldn’t wait. It was the one bright spot in my life.

The next day, James picked me up so we could spend the day together. He had arranged a picnic at the park, and after that, he wanted to take me shopping for maternity clothes.

“You do realize that you’re the last man in the free world who actually wants to go shopping with his girlfriend, right?”

Just then, we turned the corner and landed right in front of a lingerie store. My favorite lingerie store.

“We’re not shopping for maternity clothes, per se,” he said. “We’re shopping for your boudoir,” he added while wiggling his eyebrows up and down at me.

“Now you’re speaking my language,” I said, wrapping my arms around his waist. James went inside the store with me, telling me to get whatever I wanted. He then went through each aisle and picked out any outfits that he liked. It was the most fun I had ever had shopping in all my life.

When we left the mall, James took me back to his house so I could try everything on. Needless to say, he could hardly contain himself. His favorite was an all black, open cup sleepwear piece that had sheer fabric flowing down the front. My engorged breasts popped out around two little pieces of ribbon in a sexy show that James couldn’t keep his hands away from.

He stroked my hips and suckled my breasts as I stood in front of him sitting on the bed. My pussy immediately started throbbing from all the attention my upper body was getting. I glanced down and saw the bulge in his pants swelling. Placing each knee on the bed, I slowly climbed up on top of him and sat in his lap. Hungry hands went up and down and all around my body as I gyrated against his hardness.

Soft moans escaped both of our lips as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. This was one of his favorite things—fucking me without getting undressed. I don’t know what it was that made it so irresistible and sexy, but he loved to have me bare and vulnerable while he hadn’t so much as unbuttoned his shirt.

We rocked in motion as he slid in and out of me, and my body clung to his. When we made love, there was nothing bad in the world, nothing even remotely scary. It was like I was completely enveloped by his shield of protection.

After he came, James flipped me over on my back and kissed me tenderly. I nibbled his lips as he fisted a handful of hair.

“I want you back in this house with me before Christmas,” he said.

I wrinkled my face in confusion. “That’s only four months away, James.”

I wasn’t sure I would be ready for a permanent move by then. I had planned on being married before making that sort of commitment. I knew James would take care of me. Hell, he had offered to put me up in my own apartment, but I really wanted to be with my sister, at least throughout most of my pregnancy. We had grown very close over the past few weeks.

“I know,” he said. “When Kristin is done with her treatment, I’m filing for divorce.”

I thought I knew what that meant, but I didn’t want to ask. If James planned to propose, I wanted it to be a surprise. I looked up at him, hopeful.

“Are you really going to ask for a divorce?”

“Yes,” he replied. “No matter what she does or how she reacts. I need to move on with my life, and that life includes you and the baby.”

I squealed with delight and James chuckled before jumping off the bed.

“All right, silly girl. I’m going to get washed up. Why don’t you rest for a while, and when I’m done catching up on a few work things, we can go out for dinner.”

James walked out the door, and I curled up under the sheets, thinking about my future, our future. For the first time in a long while, I felt like everything was going to be okay.

couldn’t have heard
her right. She must be confused. Her source must be confused. If this was all true, then the image I’d held of my father all my life would be shattered.


“Say that again, Kristin?”

There was so much background noise I could barely understand her.

“I said your father is being investigated by the church, for stealing funds.”

Nope. I heard her right. The room started to spin, so I sat down on the edge of my bed.

My father. A thief. There’ve been many things I’ve called my dad over the years, mostly out of anger. But a thief has never been one of them.

“How much is missing?” I asked.

Kristin said that just under ten grand was unaccounted for. There was no way I could wrap my head around Dad taking money from anyone, much less his own church. But then I remembered Kristin saying that he had hired someone to follow me and James. Stealing would have been the only way he could ever come up with the money to have us followed.

“Look, honey. I hate to be a party pooper, but this… source of mine is hinting pretty hard that he wants some cash before he digs up any more dirt. I don’t have anything to do with it, and personally I think I ought to tell him to just forget it, but—”

“How much does he want?” I asked.

“Well, he just said he had bills to pay. He didn’t give me an exact amount, but for this kind of work, I’d say five hundred ought to satisfy him, at least for now. I’m not sure if he’ll ask for more, but at least you’re getting answers you’ve needed for a long time. If you want, I can—”

“I’ll have the money by tomorrow. I’ll drop it off at the center.”

I hung up the phone and walked to the bedroom to change clothes. I was going to have to go to James with all of this. He was not going to be happy, but this was too big for me to deal with on my own.

After pulling up my hair in a bun and stepping into some stretch pants, I grabbed my phone and purse and headed out the door. But before I could even pull out of the parking lot, James called.

“Oh my God, you’re not going to believe this,” I said, answering the phone.

“Well hello to you too.”

“There’s no time for formalities, James. My dad’s in deep shit. I don’t even know if he’s my dad, he could be a… a… government spy or an illegal alien, or.. or.. “

“Audrey, what in the hell are you babbling about?” James asked.

I took a deep breath and stuck the keys in the ignition. Time to lay it on the line.

“I know you’re not going to be happy with me, but just hear me out. When I tell you what I’ve just learned, you’re going to be just as blown away as I am.”

“All right,” James answered quietly.

“Kristin called me last week from rehab to apologize for the way she acted weeks ago. And I know you’re going to be mad at me, but she told me that she had information on Mom and Dad and that she thought that I would want to know what really happened.”

“Uh-huh,” he replied.

Great, he’s not yelling at me yet.

“So anyway, she has this friend that goes to church with them and she said that Dad is being investigated for stealing money from the church. Now James, I just don’t know what to think, but if there’s one ounce of truth to this, Daddy is going to jail for a long time, and I just don’t know how Mom is going to handle all of this.” I stopped talking and took a deep breath. James was silent for a few seconds.

“Are you finished, sweetheart?”

“No, there’s more, James. Kristin said that Dad hired someone to follow us last month. Can you believe that? I had no idea how huge this had gotten. This is crazy… out of control. Even Angela is shell-shocked. I don’t know what I will do if I find out anything else about my dad, James. There’s only so much I can take.”

I burst into tears over the phone and wished that I had waited until I got to his house to tell him all this. I was in no condition to drive right then.

“Baby, please don’t cry. I know all about everything, and it’s going to be okay.”

Wait. James knew about everything?

“You… you know? About the money and the private eye?”

“Yes, I know about it all, Audrey, and none of it’s true. I can prove it. Stay put. I’m coming to get you.”

James and I hung up, and I waited in my car for him to show up. He said he was only five minutes away.

When he got there, I jumped in the passenger seat.

“How do you know what’s going on? Is there anything you don’t know? Ever?”

James laughed and I had the feeling that I was the brunt of some cruel joke. Nothing was funny to me at that moment.

“I understand you’ve been through hell and back with your folks, sweetheart. But apparently, Kristin is up to her old tricks. She’s always been a little manipulative, but this one really takes the cake.”

“What is going on?” I asked.

“Kristin’s source,” James said, making air quotes, “is a very close friend of your father’s. He’s a recovered alcoholic, which is how Kristin knows him, through an AA meeting or something. Anyway, she’s been bugging him for dirt on you since the beginning. Her ultimate goal was to get you to hand over
money while she kept feeding you her so-called information. He finally came forward a few days ago and told your parents what she was doing and how she had been feeding you lies. And believe it or not, your parents actually came to me and apologized. They’re at the house right now, and they want to talk with you.”

I was utterly speechless. I’d been had by Kristin. Again.

But my parents were on my side. Again.

On our side.

When we arrived at James’ house, sure enough, my parents were there, waiting on me. They both came up and hugged me at the same time.

“Sweetie,” my dad said. “We are so sorry for all that we’ve put you through. And I don’t blame you one bit for hating me.”

“I don’t hate you, Dad.” I said.

He hugged me tighter before continuing.

“I’ve been awful, and this Kristin woman has put the both of you through the ringer. We had no idea the gravity of the situation that James was in.”

“So you never had us followed?” I asked.

“No,” my dad laughed. “That is the most outrageous thing I’ve ever heard.”

I was so embarrassed that I had fallen for Kristin’s manipulations.

“And what about the money? Was anyone stealing money from the church?” I asked.

“Actually,” Dad said, “that part is true. There was some money missing, but it turns out it was the secretary’s son. She hired him to help her over the summer. Obviously, he’s going to be working very hard to pay that back.”

“I just can’t believe that I fell for all her lies.”

I really was angry with myself for not going to James with this from the beginning. But he had told me in the car that he wasn’t upset with me. He understood that I had been through enough trauma, and the last thing I needed was to feel even worse for something that wasn’t my fault.

“To be honest,” my dad said. “After the way I acted towards you and James, you had every reason to believe her. I provided the ammunition.”

I stood back and looked at my parents. Mom, as usual, was being pretty quiet but was obviously happy that we had worked everything out. She rubbed my arms and mouthed that she loved me. I couldn’t really respond to the ammunition comment. At least Dad could admit to his own part in all of this, and I certainly wasn’t going to argue with him.

“Wait a sec,” I said. “Since we’re all being honest here, did you two find James’ phone?”

Mom and Dad glanced at each other, and it was apparent that my father was not pleased.

“That was my fault, sweetheart,” my mom said. “I had one of my church friends call you and ask you to meet at the café.”

I pulled away quickly from her, shocked that my own mother would deceive me like that. The tears immediately formed in the corner of her eyes.

“Audrey, your mother meant no harm.” Dad said, coming to her rescue. “If you want someone to blame, then blame me. She had a friend call because she thought that I wouldn’t approve of her talking with you without my knowledge, so she felt like she had to do it secretly. And with the way I was acting, I don’t really blame her.”

I looked at Mom and she looked so sad. And then I felt guilty for getting so upset with her.

“I just wanted to talk to you,” my mom cried. “And I didn’t think you’d answer if I called from the home phone.”

I threw my arms around her neck and told her it was okay, that I forgave her, that I forgave both of them.

How can you hold a grudge against your own family, anyway?

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