His Dark Secret - Part 1 (Erotic Romance Serial Novel) (11 page)

BOOK: His Dark Secret - Part 1 (Erotic Romance Serial Novel)
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“I’m sorry, did you say


“Take me, Scott.”


“Take me, who?”


“Fuck off, Scott. You win. I’m
yours. Do to me what you want. Just touch me, fuck me, or I’ll hurt you.”


“How bad do you want me?”


“Enough to rip through these cuffs
so I can hit you and have you inside me.”


His laugh rang out.


“That’s what I wanted to hear.”


The sheer ecstasy of feeling his
cock pushed tenderly inside me after being teased for so long was too much. I
let out in voice and body, feeling my wrists and ankles chafe in their cuffs.
He pulled halfway out.


“I knew you were well along, but I
didn’t realize I’d pushed you that far.”


“Shut up and keep going. There’s
plenty more to come.”




I woke up the next morning curled
up against Scott’s chest, sore, content, and satisfied. He was still deeply
asleep, looking serene in the light of morning. I untangled myself from his
hold, doing my best not to wake him. He turned over, gripping into the warm
spot I had just vacated. He looked so handsome that way, the gel in his hair
having worn off, left in a mess of curls. I drew a finger across his strong
jaw, and he sleepily nuzzled against the touch. As I got up, the sheets stuck
to me in places, held by errant spots of chocolate.


I went out into the suite,
bringing carrying my bag into the bathroom. After a long wash, I admired myself
in the bathroom mirror. My body was bruised and scratched, but the rest of my
skin glowed in contrast. I took pride in each mark, knowing how each had
brought pleasure to the man sleeping in the other room. With great effort I
pulled on my spare change of clothes, wishing I could spend the whole morning
to admire my naked form.


Scott was still breathing softly
into the pillows, so I went to the kitchen. Famished, I reheated some of the
chicken from the night before and wolfed it down at the kitchen counter. It
tasted just as good the second day, and I made myself a second plate.


I was halfway through this serving
when Scott finally emerged bare-chested, wearing the same jeans from before. He
still seemed groggy, and gave me a wistful smile.


“Want some coffee?”


I swallowed the mouthful of food,
giving him a coy smile.


“Yes, sir.”


He grinned as he heated the water
and loaded grounds into a large French press. The smell was delicious and
nutty, with a hint of vanilla. He poured two mugs for us, and I blew on it
before taking a sip. It was as good as it smelled.


“Is that hazelnut?”


“Sure is. Though I must admit, my
coffee is not as good as my cooking.”


“Well, it’s better than what I
used to have to serve up, working in greasy spoons.”


He was leaning against the
counter, watching my mouth as I talked. I noticed the spot where I had bitten
him on the shoulder, the marks of my teeth angry and raised. I brushed a finger
across them and a shudder went through his chest.


“I hope I didn’t hurt you too badly.”


“It’s nothing I can’t shake off.
Though,” he pulled his lower lip down, revealing a wicked cut on the inside,
“this is making the coffee a bitch to drink.”


We both laughed and continued to
sit in silence, sipping the coffee and enjoying the other’s stare. I had
finished the food and the coffee and could feel time pressing in on me.


“I’d like nothing more than to
stay here all day, but I’ve got to get home. My roommate is probably sick with
worry about me, and I’ve got a lot to explain to her.”


“Hope it’s all good stuff you’ve
been sharing about me.”


His eyebrows were raised in
amusement at his joke.


“Let’s just say I need to do good
deal of explaining. Maybe even a little bit of backpedaling.”


I got up, grabbing my dishes.


“Just put them in the sink, I’ll
take care of them.”




I picked up my bag and Scott
walked me to the door. At the last second, he turned me around and kissed me on
the lips, soft and light.


“I’ll call you.”


“You better.”


“I will.”


My body was tingling as I entered
the elevator. The bus ride home, I eased back into my seat, and closed my eyes
for a bit. That night had been like nothing I had ever experienced before, not
like the times with Scott, and especially nothing like my times with Jamison.
It may be purely sexual between the two of us, but there was a weight to it.
Scott could do wonderfully intense things to me, and I was learning to answer
in kind. I was looking forward to the next time we met, and that alone made me
happier than I had felt in a long time.


As I walked from the bus stop
home, I tried to think of how to explain this to Jenny. With the note I had
left, the course my life had taken, there would be no question as to my
whereabouts that night. I could already see her looking at me, concerning etching
her face, expecting some horrible confession on my part. How could I explain
that I had remained strong, that in fact I had found exactly what I needed in
Scott Rushmand?


She’d come to understand, I
thought. She’ll see how changed I am today, how different things are from even
the first night we spent together. I was walking up the stairs when the image
came of the two of us laughing about the whole thing over a nice lunch. That’s
exactly what I’d do. Jenny had been so supportive of me through this whole
ordeal, taking me out, helping with shopping, making me breakfast, it was about
time I did something nice for her. As I was getting my keys out, I ran through
a list of places to take her. There was that little café with the gorgeous
patio just off of Sunset, the one with the specialty sandwiches. She’d been
talking for weeks about taking me there, wouldn’t it be nice if I did the
treating this time.


“Samantha,” a rough voice spoke
out behind me.


I dropped my keys, my spine going
rigid, fear for how familiar the voice was. I turned slowly, unbelieving.


A deep red flannel was stretched
across Jamison’s chest, the mass of him looming over me. The dark blonde hair,
the blue eyes, every part of him was as I had remembered, but I still couldn’t
accept that he was here, standing outside my apartment. He was supposed to be
back in Elgin. Back with all of the fear, and the heartache, and
disappointment, all of that was supposed to be left behind.


For a moment I was back there,
back on the farm in Elgin, cowering against the wall of the kitchen. The air
was musty, the smell of animals never far from the house. The wallpaper was a
white field dotted by yellow flowers that stretched from floor to ceiling. A
dark green stain had been smeared into the opposite wall, the leftover broccoli
piled on the floor underneath. Almost all the kitchen drawers were out and the
floor was a mess of smashed crockery, spilled cleaners, and kitchenware. The
contents of the fridge were being added to this mess. Jamison was removing each
item one by one against the wall, chucking them with all his strength.


“I won’t have some college
educated bitch try and tell me how to run my own farm.”


“Jamison, honey, I just thought-“


He’d crossed to me, casting me in
his shadow.


“You know nothing!”


With that, he’d turned over the
table and picked up one of the chairs. It went flying through the kitchen
window, the glass tinkling out on either side. The silence that followed had
been deafening, only broken heaving gulps of air from Jamison as he slumped
into one of the only remaining chairs.


That had been the last time I’d
seen those blue eyes, still burning like icy fire, a hatred for everything
around him, including, if not especially, me. That icy stare was so far from
look he gave me now, the eyes two pools of calm I could dip into. It was almost
the same way he had looked at me on my return from college, when he had lifted
me in his arms, spinning me into a kiss.


“Can I come in?”





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His Dark Secret
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