HIS Desire: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: HIS Desire: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 1)
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AJ sobered. “What are you going to do, Jess?”

“Don’t worry about it. She’ll agree.”

AJ smiled. “I can’t wait to see this.”

Jesse ignored his statement. “Team, we always treat everyone we protect as if they were our own. This time, it is our own. They’re mine. Nothing happens to them. Protect them with your life.”

The men nodded and a few
were heard as they grouped around Ken for orders.

“Why do you think it’s Kate?” AJ asked.

“Because we were together at the shooting then together when I received the note.”

“Wait a second. Where were you when you got the note? You never said exactly.”

“At her apartment.”

“You got the note at her apartment? What the fuck were you doing there?” AJ moved closer to Jesse his nostrils flaring and his face red.

“We had a date.”

“A what?” AJ exclaimed.

“A date. You know, it’s where two people get together and do something fun. The night usually ends with a good night kiss.”

His attempt at humor went unappreciated.

AJ surprised him with a right hook, knocking him back a step. Their brothers stepped forward, but Jesse waived them off. He rubbed his jaw and looked at AJ. “What the fuck was that for?”

“Leave her the hell alone. She’s not for you to use and toss aside. She’s a good person who’s been hurt too much.”

“I don’t use and toss aside women. They know what they’re getting into with me. I’m upfront about it. And I don’t plan to hurt Kate.” Hurting Kate was the last thing he wanted to do. It made his insides churn just thinking about it.

“Why her? Why can’t you find someone else?”

“I like her, AJ.” He knew he shouldn’t chase her. She was the marrying kind, not the affair kind, and he wasn’t getting married again. Yet, he couldn’t walk away from her. Especially not now.

“No, you don’t. You’ve been an ass to her this past month. I’m surprised she even let you in the door.”

A sly smile crossed Jesse’s face. “I can be lovable when I want to.”

AJ growled and rubbed the swelling knuckles on his hand.

“She’s a big girl, AJ. She can decide if she wants to see me or not.” She was about to see a whole lot more of him whether she wanted to or not.

“You hurt her, and I’ll kick your ass.”

Jesse nodded. “Fair enough.”

They stared at each other a minute longer and broke apart with an assumed truce.

“Devon, I’m counting on you to do that magic you do with computers and find out who this guy is before it’s too late.”

Devon nodded his head. “You can count on it, Jesse.”

Matt and Brad left to protect their sister and nieces. It was hard for Jesse not to be the one there to protect Reagan, but he knew he was doing the right thing. That allowed him to put the focus where it was needed to be, on Kate.

“Come on, AJ. You’re going with me to explain to Kate that she and Dottie are getting a temporary roommate.” Jesse would need AJ to help calm her, so he could convince her she needed him.

AJ groaned. “What did I do to deserve this torture?”

Jesse laughed. “It’s what you get for not joining H.I.S.” One day he would convince AJ to join his brothers. He’d sleep better knowing AJ was safely with the team. Then they’d find Jake, their foster brother.

AJ looked at his ringing phone. “Uh-oh. Speak of the devil. It’s her detail. There’s no telling what she’s done now.”


The worry of ever regaining the full use of her hand and being a field agent again ate away at Kate’s spirit. Although she’d gone into the FBI for personal reasons, she’d found it had been the right fit for her. Now, she may lose the ability to do something she loved.

Had her job as an FBI agent set a madman after her? She had to know.

AJ and Trent were doing their best, but the driver and shooter eluded them. Heck, they still didn’t know who the shooter was. She wanted to be out there, searching for him.

Whether she or Jesse was the target, or if it was a random shooting, had thoughts racing through her mind, searching for an invisible finish line.

Thinking he could be the target ignited a strange feeling inside her. She couldn’t identify it, but it overtook her concern for herself. While they’d enjoyed the evening, she’d forgotten about the possible threat over one of them. Last night, after he’d left, fear for him almost ruined what had been a great time. Worst-case scenarios flew through her mind.

She’d itched to call him and ensure he’d arrived home safely but managed to hold back. He didn’t need to think she was some crazy bitch like Elizabeth.

What was next for them? Nothing, that’s what. She’d turned him down, and he’d left without mention of seeing her again. But they’d had such a good time.

She didn’t try to fool herself, it was better it happened now, before she got attached since he’d never accept her. The crushing pain in her heart confused her. She had to put him from her mind. They’d never work. Best to avoid him at all costs in the future.

Enough. Sitting around bemoaning and hiding out wasn’t Kate. She faced her problems head-on. Why did she agree to cower in her apartment? She may not even be the target. It was because she’d received a serious dressing-down from AJ after leaving to have lunch with her friends. He may have been right, but she didn’t care what he’d said. She needed to go out again. She had something important to do and nothing would stop her. Not even a madman.

She picked up her handbag and walked out the door. Agent Keller immediately put his cell phone to his ear, probably notifying AJ that she wasn’t following his orders.

“I’m going to Ross Communication.”

Agent Brent cleared his throat. “Kate, you know that you really should stay inside.”

She nodded. “Yeah, I probably should. But, would you hide out?”

His lips tightened and he slowly shook his head.

The agents quickly moved into action to protect their departing assignment.

* * * * *

Kate strolled into the Ross Communication building and paused. She loved the lobby with its brightly shining hardwood floors, large two-tier crystal chandelier on the two story high ceiling, and the beautiful oak railing staircase she remembered racing up and down as a kid. The added cosmetic details her mother had incorporated made it the most spectacular office building lobby she’d ever seen.

The agents refused to wait in the lobby but agreed to remain as invisible as possible.

Smiling, she approached the receptionist. “Hello, Grace. How are you?”

“Hi, Kate. It’s good to see you.” Grace flashed her bright, welcome-to-Ross smile. “Things are good. How’re things with you? Ariana told us about the shooting. Are you all right?”

She waved her injured hand. “I’m fine. I’ll be back in business in no time.”

“Well, I hope they catch the criminal soon. We don’t need more killers clogging up the streets.” She shuddered.

“How are the kids?” The staff at Ross liked she took an interest in their personal lives even though she didn’t work in the offices. Ariana knew every employee’s name but nothing about them.

“Dawn’s growing like a weed. She outgrows her jeans before she even has a chance to wear them a second time. Thankfully, her sister is right behind her and takes her hand-me-downs.” She raised her eyebrows at the agents following Kate. “Ariana’s in her office, but she’s with someone right now.”

Kate nodded. “I’ll just visit with some of the staff on my way to see her. There’s no need to announce me.”

She enjoyed her visits with the staff at Ross. They were good people who had devoted themselves to the success of the business. She couldn’t thank them enough.

“Go on up. Everyone will be glad to see you. I hope your hand heals soon.”

She thanked Grace, and then took the stairs to the third floor and the executive offices. Her first stop being Lee Genovese, Executive Vice President, and Ariana’s right-hand man. He was a middle-aged man, average height with thinning black hair and beautiful olive skin. He had a small belly that Kate knew his wife Valerie was on him to get rid of. You could always count on Lee to lighten the mood in a room. He was intelligent and the most impressive man she knew.

She entered his office and smiled brightly. “Hi, Lee.”

A large smile stretched across his face. “Kate, it’s been too long. What’ve you been up to? Besides getting shot at.”

She mentally shook her head. Did Ariana send out a company memo about it? “Just catching criminals.”

“When are you coming to work here? We’d love to have you run things with Ariana.”

Lee could run Ross Communication much better then she could.

“I’m thinking about it.”
More and more since I’ve been shot and may not have a choice

She chatted with him for a few minutes, laughing at his young daughter’s escapades.

“Let me take some time to visit with others before I see Ariana.” They stood. “I’ll see you later. Tell Valerie hello for me.”

“Bye, Kate. Don’t be such a stranger.”

She pondered on her visit with Lee. He’d been extremely curious about whether they had any leads on who had shot her. She hadn’t realized her getting shot would affect everyone so deeply.

Kate visited with the rest of the executive staff. They would be an enjoyable group to work with. They excelled at what they did and had fun doing it. But would it be enough for her? She sighed. It may have to be.

“Ariana’s in a business meeting. Another station is making a pitch for her to purchase it. She’ll be glad for the interruption.” Tamara, Ariana’s assistant reached for the phone.

“Don’t interrupt her if she’s in an important meeting.” It upset Kate when someone interrupted her during an interrogation. She wouldn’t do that to her sister.

“Kate, you know her. If she doesn’t want to break up her meeting, she won’t. Besides,” Tamara frowned, “she wasn’t looking forward to this meeting.”

“Well, okay. Let her know I’m here.” She moved to the elegant waiting area, admiring the two antique chairs that had been with the Ross’ since they’d founded the company. The scent of the lilies in the large floral arrangement drifted to her, bringing back memories of Kelly Ross. No matter what time of the year, her mother had required the florist to have lilies in every bouquet.

In a few minutes, Ariana exited her office ushering a tall, thin, unhappy man out the door. Either he hadn’t swayed her into the purchase of his station or he had the worst pleased expression she’d ever seen.

She walked him to the elevator before she returned to Kate. “Thank you. I thought that man was going to cry when I told him I wasn’t interesting in his station.”

“Ariana, you can be so mean,” Kate teased.

“Mean has nothing to do with it.” Ariana waved her hand. “It’s about business. I’ll read his proposal, but it’d best be better than his pitch if he wants me to buy it.”

If Kate came to work at Ross Communication, she’d leave these types of meetings to Ariana. She didn’t think she’d be able to say no to someone who looked like they were going to cry. Maybe she was too soft for corporate America.

“Are we still on for the Children’s Hospital?”

“Of course we are.” Ariana turned toward her office. “Come on, let’s take a minute.”

They entered Ariana’s spacious office. Her desk, a sleek cherry-wood design, sat prominently in the center of the room. Off to one side was a matching cherry-wood meeting table with six tan chairs. On the other side of the room a comfortable seating area with a couch and two Queen Anne chairs faced each other. Ariana held a lot of high profile meetings in her office, and the office had been perfectly outfitted for them. It was perfect for Ariana but not for Kate.

She sat in a chair and accepted the bottle of water her sister had opened for her. Another inconvenience of having her right hand bandaged.

Ariana sat on the couch, adjusted her skirt and took a sip of water. “How’s the hand?”

“It’s just sore.” Earlier, she’d automatically reached down for the gear shift with her right hand and thought she might have busted stitches. It still throbbed terribly, but she didn’t want her sister to worry any more than she already did.

“I still can’t believe you were shot. You’re lucky you didn’t get killed.”

“I am lucky Jesse saw the gun in time to knock me to the ground.”

A curious expression formed on Ariana’s face. “The guy you avoided at the hospital?”

“How’d you know?” She should have known her sister would figure out her odd behavior in her rush to leave the hospital.

“He wore a hole in the carpet in the waiting room while you were in surgery. I thought he was going to strangle the nurse when she wouldn’t let him back to see you in recovery.” Ariana smiled. “By the way, your partner is gorgeous.”

She didn’t know how to address the first part of what her sister had said. “AJ’s a great guy, but he’s too young for you. Besides, he’s a ladies’ man and plays the field.”

“Too bad. So tell me what’s up before we leave.”

Ariana could always read Kate, knew when she had something to say or something to hide. She’d never been able to keep a secret from her.

Ariana raised her eyebrows. “Kate?”

The floodgates opened and Kate told her everything. Her concern for her ability to do her job. The idea of working at Ross Communication. Catching her shooter. And, her date with Jesse and subsequent decision to keep away from him.

Like any good sister, Ariana sat and listened.

* * * * *

Kate and Ariana rode in Ariana’s Mercedes to the Children’s Hospital. The agents followed, not happy Kate had ignored AJ’s order to return home. They were even less happy when she told them they would not be able to enter the children’s rooms. Luckily, they couldn’t get AJ back on the phone, or she wouldn’t get away with ordering them around, senior agent or not.

The sisters made heavy donations to the charities they felt made a significant difference, but their parents raised them to make time to participate, give something of themselves. Volunteering at the Children’s Hospital topped their list of favorite charitable activities. Watching children fight for their lives with a positive attitude warmed their hearts. The resilience of these kids amazed them.

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