Read His Desire, Her Surrender Online

Authors: Malia Mallory

His Desire, Her Surrender (14 page)

BOOK: His Desire, Her Surrender
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Marcus pointed at her. "One phone call and I can have your ass ejected from the building."

Tabitha controlled her nerves. "Yes. But you want to know what I know, don't you? About the takeover? About the leak?"

Marcus slipped off his suit coat and tossed it on a chair. "Oh, so switching sides now, are we?"

"No. I've always been on your side, whether you believe it or not. However, I was able to uncover a few things with the help of your sister."

Marcus froze. "Monica?"

"Yes, Monica, who by the way, didn't do anything wrong, either — except fall for a guy, so we have that in common."

Marcus collapsed in a seat. "Fine. Whatever. Talk."

"Gee, thanks. Do you want something to eat? I prepared a meal." Tabitha's sarcasm masked her fear that Marcus wouldn't be receptive.

"No. I want you to say your piece and leave. You have five minutes."

Tabitha's temper finally frayed. "Marcus Granger. I know you like to give the spankings, but in this case, you're the one who needs one."

The corner of his mouth twitched.

Tabitha took a deep breath, encouraged by his slight show of amusement. "Fine. How happy would you be to hear that Coron Health is withdrawing their offer?"

Marcus's head jerked back. "Why would they do that?"

"How about to avoid investigations into possible corporate espionage and securities law violations?"

"What? Explain yourself."

Tabitha avoided getting straight to the point. The longer she spoke with Marcus, the more she could sense him softening toward her. "I had lunch with Monica because she invited me. She wanted an intermediary. Someone she hoped would listen for a moment. She hoped I could be that person."

Marcus made a dismissive gesture. "She should have just called."

Tabitha clasped her hands together and strengthened her resolve. "She wasn't sure you'd listen. Tempers were high. There's a lot at stake. For her as well, it turns out."

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you know Ben Coron?

"Yeah, one of the sons. Works in marketing, I think? I don't remember."

"He and Monica have been dating for months."

Marcus didn't bother to hide his shock. "What?"

"Yeah. That's what set your father off. He found out and assumed she must have had some part in the takeover." Tabitha saw that Marcus's anger was evaporating.

Marcus paused as he absorbed the information. "He didn't tell me that."

Tabitha forged ahead. "He assumed Monica must have been helping Coron, but he was wrong."

"Okay, maybe he jumped to conclusions."

"You knew there was a mole. Monica and I decided to get to the bottom of it. Ben suggested a direct approach. Ben confronted his father and he basically admitted to it all. An attorney at the firm fed him information. He's already resigned. Ben's father will probably be stepping down as well."

"What? Are you serious?"

"I'm completely serious. Ben flat out told his father he couldn't operate that way and, if he didn't want an investigation, he'd better withdraw. Coron's board didn't know the means he was using."

Marcus looked at her sharply. "Why did you do this?"

"Marcus, you were wrong to suspect me, but I understand why you did. You were trying to protect everything — your family, your company, yourself. But you don't have to protect yourself from me. I will never hurt you."

"Tabitha …."

"And I owe you an apology as well."

"What?" She'd surprised him again.

"You offered me something. Something I should have grabbed immediately, and I didn't, because I failed to understand. I'm sorry, Marcus. I was going to tell you I wanted your collar. I just didn't get the chance. I recognize now how big a step that was for you." She walked over to where Marcus sat, holding out her hand. When he took it, she urged him from his seat and wrapped her arms around him.

Marcus returned her embrace. "I'm sorry, too."

Tabitha stilled his lips with her finger. "I know your family's company is important to you. I forgive you." She kissed his jaw. "In fact, I forgive you so much, I might let you collar me."

Marcus stepped back. "Are you serious?"

"I'm totally serious. It's what I want, too."

"I'm glad. I know sometimes you're afraid we don't fit, but we do. Yes, you're beautiful and smart and kinky …," he paused to smile, "but best thing about you is that you give me the ability to be myself. I can totally relax with you. I can show you every part of myself. Hell I have. And you accept me … all of me. That's a valuable gift."

Tabitha took Marcus's hand and kissed his fingertips. "I feel the same. With you I can explore aspects of myself that I can't imagine sharing with anyone else."

Marcus grasped Tabitha and kissed her deeply. "We have a lot to discuss. We need to plan out how we want to do this."

"Yes. I want it to be special."

"It will be."

Chapter 12


Tabitha shivered as they exited the car. It wasn't cold but nerves. Was she doing the right thing? "You said this was private, right?"

"Yes. These couples get together regularly. They're very discreet. Most people like to keep this aspect of their lives private."

Tabitha glanced up and down the sidewalk, feeling conspicuous. "I can understand. I guess I do, too. Want to keep things private, I mean."

Marcus gave her arm a reassuring squeeze. "You don't have anything to worry about. I trust all these people. I've known most of them for a long time. Many are in long-term arrangements or married."

Tabitha fingers searched for a distracting task and smoothed the fabric of her skirt. "I see."

Taking her arm, Marcus guided her toward the building. "Don't worry. You'll find it exciting. If you don't, well, you know how to let me know, right?"

Tabitha nodded. "Yes."

They climbed the stairs to the entrance of the brownstone and Marcus pressed the bell. Within moments, an answering buzz unlocked the door and they entered. A padded bench occupied one wall and a nude statuette of a woman graced a side table. No one appeared to greet them.

Tabitha caught sight of herself in the gilt mirror on the wall. Her black outfit emphasized her bright eyes and pale skin. A pink flush highlighted her cheeks.

Marcus leaned toward her. "You look gorgeous."

Tabitha smiled, bemused by her appearance. "Well, I certainly look different."

Concern creased Marcus's face. "You don't like the outfit? We could've picked something else."

"I like it. I just don't usually dress like this in public. In fact, I've never dressed like this in public." She's surprised herself with her daring. "I'll admit, it makes me feel a bit naughty."

Marcus laughed. "You'll find your outfit is quite tame compared to some of the others."

Tabitha glanced around. "Where is everyone?"

"Downstairs. Are you ready?"

Tabitha took a deep breath. "Yes."

Marcus guided her to the back of the stairs and opened a door. It revealed another dimly lit staircase going down to a lower level.

Tabitha clutched the railing as they descended. Unease rose in her chest.

Marcus halted. He kissed her neck and nibbled her ear. "You okay?"

Tabitha considered her choices. She was crazy about Marcus and wanted to please him, but not by doing something she didn't want to do. Did she want to do this? As she allowed herself to think about the possibilities, she realized she felt as much excitement as anxiety. Fear of the unknown, not true fear, caused her apprehension.


"Yes, Sir. I'm okay. We're green."

"I'm pleased to hear you say that, but if things change, let me know immediately, okay? This is for both of us, not just me."

"Yes, Sir." She clenched inside, her anticipation building.

At the bottom, a nondescript man in a dark suit stood next to a closed door, a gatekeeper. Marcus nodded to him and he opened the door without a word. They passed inside and the door closed behind them. They entered a large space that had no defined end in the dim lighting. Small groupings of furniture decorated the area. A dark wood bar occupied one wall.

Tabitha fought the temptation to dip her face into the shadows as the scrutiny of the other members overwhelmed her. She forced herself to smile. The diversity of dress surprised her. Everything from leather fetish to business suits seemed to be represented.

Marcus bent toward her. "Would you like to get something to drink?"

"That would be lovely." A drink would occupy her hands.

"We need to follow strict protocol in here."

Tabitha reddened. He'd gone over the etiquette with her and she'd botched it already. "I'm sorry, Sir. Yes, Sir. I would like a drink, please."

Marcus squeezed her hand, clearly pleased. He guided her toward the bar. "What would you like? There's no alcohol."

"Fruit juice? Please, Sir."

Marcus glanced at the bartender.

The bartender responded, "Sir, we have most kinds of juice."

Marcus threw the decision back to her. "Tabitha?"

"Pineapple? It reminds me of Hawaii, and I have fond memories of Hawaii, Sir."

"As do I. I'll have orange juice and sparkling water."

The bartender turned to fulfill their requests.

Marcus scanned the room. He acknowledged several people who caught his glance. "I'll introduce you." He picked up the drinks and handed Tabitha her juice.

She took a sip and glanced around the room over the rim of the glass.

Marcus took her hand. "Don't worry. These are all nice, normal people. Really. Just like us."

Tabitha mulled over his statement. She considered herself average, even somewhat boring at times. Yet she was here.

Someone vaguely familiar caught Tabitha's gaze. She gripped Marcus's arm. "Is that …."

Marcus followed Tabitha's line of sight. "Yes. A few well-known people come on occasion. Everyone is scrupulous about confidentiality."

Marcus guided her toward a nearby table, where a couple sat snuggling on a sofa. The husband managed to look distinguished despite being dressed more like a biker than a businessman. The scantily clad wife had donned a leather bikini top and mini-skirt, which she carried off well, due, no doubt, to a serious workout regimen.

"Tabitha, this is John and Moira."

John winked. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tabitha."

Moira looked at John before she answered.

John inclined his head slightly, giving permission.

Moira smiled. "I'm pleased to meet you as well, Tabitha."

"I'm … happy to meet you both." Tabitha stumbled over her words. "I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous." Marcus had encouraged her to speak freely when addressed. The dynamic of every relationship was different and that fit theirs.

John nodded. "Completely understandable. Don't worry, everyone is quite accepting here."

Marcus pulled out a chair for Tabitha. "Are you two planning a scene tonight?"

John straightened in his seat. "Yes. Our usual, more or less." He turned toward Tabitha. "Moira and I have a routine."

In the dim light, Tabitha saw a glow rise in Moira's face. What was routine for a BDSM scene? She was curious but not sure how to ask. Was it even appropriate to ask questions? She knew she'd quiz Marcus later.

Marcus looked up as a man approached their table. "Ah, here's our host. Mason, meet Tabitha."

Mason was a stunningly handsome man. From the perfectly sculpted planes of his face to the chiseled edge of his jaw, he exuded masculinity. He bestowed a wide smile upon Tabitha. "We're all pleased to have you here with us this evening. There's no event more wonderful than the collaring of a sub. It's a special occasion and we're honored you've chosen to share it with us." Mason's deep, resonant voice soothed Tabitha and eased her nerves.

Marcus shook his hand. "We're happy to be here. We wanted to do something unique to open this new stage of our relationship."

Mason nodded. "Well, you've come to the right place. Please excuse me. We're ready to begin, and I need to see to a few things." Mason made his way quickly through the darkened room and disappeared behind curtains along the wall.

A few minutes passed before the man from the door appeared and pulled the curtains to the side. He flipped a switch and a warm glow of light revealed a small, raised platform. People migrated toward the spotlit area, relocating closer in anticipation of the coming event.

Mason stepped onto the stage. "Good evening, everyone, and welcome. I'm happy to see you all here. We have many treats in store for this evening, including a collaring. But first, we'll warm up with John and Moira." He pointed toward the couple as he exited the makeshift stage and took his seat.

John and Moira moved to the center of the platform. Behind them, two men brought in a bench and a table. Tabitha couldn't make out the items on the table from her vantage point.

BOOK: His Desire, Her Surrender
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