Read His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance Online

Authors: Evelyn Troy

Tags: #romance, #sex, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #secrets, #billionaire, #alpha, #alpha male, #billionaire romance, #bdsm billionaire

His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance (11 page)

BOOK: His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance
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Chapter Seven






Isobel had assumed that Tyler was
taking her back to the room they’d been in yesterday. The one where
he’d spanked and flogged her so deliciously and then fucked her
until her teeth rattled. But, as they walked past the door that
opened onto it, she knew that she’d once again been mistaken.
Instead, he walked further on down the corridor until they’d
reached the final door on the right, pausing before opening it just
long enough to look back at Isobel and nod his head as though he’d
come to some kind of a decision about something known only to


He stood to one side to
allow Isobel to enter the room first, and she was relieved to note
that this time the room was actually lit, albeit dimly, and she
could see what was in it.
Or maybe that
should be what wasn’t
, she thought, taking
in the solitary piece of furniture against one wall. What looked to
be a very large armoire stood there, its double doors as impressive
as the ornate carvings that were detailed in the dark


Looking around the room, she could see
nothing else of any consequence and her eyes went back to the
armoire. She eyed it curiously. What on earth would such an odd,
huge piece of furniture be doing in here? And it really was huge,
standing at almost seven feet tall in her estimation, and at least
four feet deep.


She sensed Tyler come fully into the
room behind her, and then heard the unmistakable click of the door
being locked. She started to turn around, but his hands on her
shoulders held her in place. His hands brushed her hair to one side
and then she felt his breath on her neck a split second before he
spoke softly into her ear.


“Things are going to be a little more
intense today, Isobel.” She shivered and gulped, in that order, his
words and proximity sending a frisson of awareness through her. “Do
you think you can handle it?”


She had absolutely no idea
if she could or not, but she wasn’t going to tell him that. She
nodded her head resolutely and was rewarded by his hands squeezing
her shoulders in approval. “Good girl.” His words made her blush,
and she gave herself a stern talking to in her mind to,

not be such a damn kid and quit


Tyler removed his hands from her,
leaving Isobel feeling oddly chilly and he proceeded to walk
towards the armoire, leaving her stood just inside the door to the
room. She watched raptly as he opened the double doors, and then
felt disappointed when she saw nothing inside. He turned to look at
her, noting her little frown of confusion as she took in the
seemingly empty space inside, and smiled as he beckoned her to


“Come here, Isobel, and remove your
clothes please.”


She walked towards him, stopping just
before she reached him and started to take her clothes off, looking
at him almost defiantly as the garments fell to the floor one by
one. Naked, she stood in front of him while his eyes blazed a trail
up and down her body, leaving her skin feeling heated and tingling
even though he hadn’t actually touched her.


He closed the distance between them,
coming to a stop mere inches from her and reaching out a hand to
tweak a nipple without any warning or build-up. Isobel hissed in a
sharp breath, but other than that she didn’t utter a sound and kept
her eyes locked on his.


“Ah, my little slut is learning
something at least.” He cupped his hands over her breast and
fondled the supple flesh before leaning his head down and gently
sucking the pinched nipple in between his lips. His tongue lapped
at the erect little bud, drawing a throb from between her legs that
had her clenching her thighs tightly shut to try and stop


Standing back upright, Tyler smiled
warmly at her and removed his hand from her breast. “Step into the
armoire, Isobel.” He moved from in front of her and opened the
doors fully, folding them back along the sides of the wardrobe so
that there was nothing to hinder either her entering it, or him
reaching in. “And once you’re in, please remain facing the


Isobel walked slowly forwards,
stepping up and into the armoire on bare feet. It was even larger
than it had looked and could have easily held three or four people
inside with her. She looked around curiously, but all she could see
in the darkness were the wooden walls and floor.


“Please raise your hands above your
head and put your palms together.” Tyler’s voice had changed to
what she referred to in her mind as his ‘masterful’ one, the one
that would not be disobeyed, or else. Very aware of that fact,
Isobel did as he’d instructed and raised her hands up with her arms
straight and her palms together, almost in a praying pose. She was
amazed to find that even with her arms raised, there was still
plenty of room above her.


Tyler stepped up inside so that his
body was almost touching hers, and she couldn’t help but feel
disappointed that he still had his clothes on. She felt his hand
slide up her arm, and then something more alien touch her bare
skin. Looking up, she saw that it was a length of rope; thick, but
soft and not abrasive. Placing the end against her forearm, she
watched with a feeling of anticipation as he wound the other end
around her wrists, successfully binding her hands


He made a loop in the other end of the
rope and then reached up above her to attach the loop to a hook in
the ceiling of the armoire that she hadn’t noticed. Pulling the
rope tight, her arms were stretched until there was no way she
could move, but Isobel was relieved to realize that she wasn’t
stretched so much that it was painful.


She felt Tyler step out of the
cupboard and then heard the unmistakable sound of him removing his
clothes. A few seconds later, he stepped back up to stand behind
her. Isobel could feel the heat emanating from his naked body, and
an answering warmth bloomed in hers.


His breath tickled her shoulder as he
leaned in to talk to her softly again. “If we were at my home I
would blindfold you at this point, but because of where we are and
the fact that all you can see is the back of the inside of this
armoire, I’m going to leave your eyes uncovered.” He walked around
her almost suspended body until he was stood in front of her. “But,
if I feel at any time that you need to have your eyes covered, I
will do so. Do you understand?”


“Yes, Sir.” Isobel’s voice was almost
a whisper. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness, but she still
could hardly make out anything except his vague outline. What on
earth was he going to do to her?


She felt his fingers touch her
collarbone gently, and held her breath as he started to trail them
down her body. Reaching her breasts, he took his time and fondled
the full orbs, pausing to tweak and pinch her nipples none too
gently and making her gasp with pleasurable pain. His hand
continued its journey until it reached the juncture of her legs,
and she gasped for breath again, anticipation almost making her
forget to breathe altogether.


Isobel shivered with longing, her hips
pushing towards him of their own free will as she waited for him to
touch her, but Tyler had other plans and carried on moving his hand
down over the top of her thigh and around to her ass, slapping the
firm, quivering flesh and making her jump. “I’ll touch you when I’m
ready, and not when you try to force the contact.” His voice was
stern, but it still sent shivers running down her spine.


Tyler brought his hand back around to
the front of her and without preamble, slid a finger through the
lips of her pussy, reaching for her slit and giving a little
chuckle when he felt how damp she was. “You’re so wet already, you
little slut.” His voice had an edge of lust to it that was
unmistakable, and Isobel wasn’t sure if her clit pulsed in response
to his touch or his words.


He moved back around her and stepped
back out into the room, walking away and returning a couple of
minutes later. “Spread your legs.” His command brooked no argument,
and Isobel did as instructed without hesitation. She felt Tyler
place something around her ankles and when he stepped back she
found that she was unable to bring her legs together. Looking down
she saw a bar attached to what looked like ankle cuffs preventing
her legs from moving. “It’s called a spreader bar,” Tyler informed
her. “And it does exactly what it says on the box; it spreads your
legs and keeps them that way.”


Isobel gulped. She knew that every
part of her body was now at Tyler’s disposal, and he could do
whatever the hell he wanted to her. Of course, the fact that that
thought turned her on beyond belief wasn’t lost on her, and she
felt herself get even wetter at the prospect of whatever may come


She didn’t have long to
wait to find out as something connected with her bottom a split
second after she’d heard the sound of whatever it was whooshing
through the air. The contact wasn’t painful in the slightest, but
it was unexpected and she couldn’t control the small yelp of
surprise that escaped her. She knew that he wasn’t using the paddle
that he’d used yesterday; this was more intense and stung a
more. And it was
rigid, almost like a stick or a cane.


She felt the air part again as he
swung, and a split second later the stick connected just under the
curve of her ass cheek, making her gasp and yelp again. “The paddle
yesterday was interesting, but I think you need something a little
more severe.” He leaned closer to her before continuing. “I’m not
going to use the whip on you just yet, but the crop comes a close


Isobel moaned in a mixture of
nervousness and anticipation. Just how far was he prepared to go
with her? For that matter, just how far was she willing to let


As Tyler let the crop trail over her
breasts, the answer was easy; she’d let him do whatever the hell he
wanted, however far that may be. And even though she knew that she
was in for a world of hurt, she also knew that the pleasure he
would ultimately give her would far outweigh the


She heard another ‘whoosh,’ and felt
her inner thigh explode in a stinging sensation, and all rational
thought was lost. Another swipe, and her other thigh was given the
same treatment. Isobel knew that there was bound to be welts rising
up on her milky skin, but the dampness that was starting to pool
between her thighs more than made up for it.


She felt the warmth of Tyler’s hand as
he tenderly rubbed a palm over the assaulted flesh, and her pussy
turned from damp to wet in a heartbeat. Just as she was getting
used to his hand, he brought the crop down again, this time on her
left ass cheek, making her wince and cry out in pain and surprise.
The crop struck her on the opposite cheek, and this time she just
gritted her teeth and breathed through the pain.


Again and again, Tyler used the crop
on her, never hitting her in the same place twice and never using
so much force that the pain became unbearable. Isobel’s ass felt
like it was on fire, as did her thighs. She felt his hand once
again rub gently over the hot tender flesh and sighed longingly.
Did he have any idea how good that felt? Her clit gave a little
jump of agreement and she felt the tops of her thighs become sticky
as her juices coated them.


Just as she’d relaxed into his caress,
the crop was brought down on her ass again, and she groaned deep in
her throat as her breath became ragged and her pulse quickened even
more. Without warning, Tyler stopped lashing her and slid a finger
deep within her hot pussy, a second finger quickly joining it and
hooking upwards as though probing for something elusive and


Again without warning the fingers were
withdrawn, and Isobel moaned again, this time in complaint. “Nooo.”
She couldn’t help the wail that escaped her parched lips. She
wanted to feel him inside of her so badly that she could


“Yes, Isobel. Yes.” His tone was
mocking, and he stepped in close to her, the heat emanating from
his naked body touching her and making her ache with longing.
“Remember, I’m the one who decides when and where to touch you.” As
though to prove a point, his hands came around her body and cupped
her tits, squeezing them hard and then pulling at her nipples,
making her back arch in response and her pussy trickle some more
sweet juice onto her trembling thighs.


His hands continued to roam over her
heated skin, and he let his cock brush up against her bottom
teasingly. “I know I’ve told you before what a beautiful ass you
have,” he murmured. “But I haven’t asked you a question that’s
important with regards to it.” She felt his cock twitch against
her, and her pussy contracted as a wave of pure lust shot through
her. “Have you ever been fucked in your ass, Isobel?”


Isobel froze. “What? No!”


BOOK: His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance
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