Read His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance Online

Authors: Evelyn Troy

Tags: #romance, #sex, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #secrets, #billionaire, #alpha, #alpha male, #billionaire romance, #bdsm billionaire

His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance (5 page)

BOOK: His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance
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While his mouth worked its magic, his
hands continued to knead at the firm flesh of her buttocks, his
fingers stroking lower until they brushed against the underside of
her pussy-lips, making her gasp in pleasure. “Ah. Is this where my
deceitful little slut wants me to be?” he asked huskily, and all
she could do was look down at him and nod, the insult and the way
he said it actually arousing her even more.


Always one to please, Tyler got back
to his feet, and, still cupping her ass, he lifted her carefully
and walked the few steps that took him to the edge of the large
mahogany leather-topped desk. His lips met hers in another kiss as
he lowered her down so that her ass was on the edge of the very
masculine piece of furniture, and leaning her back, he let his
hands slide down under her thighs, spreading her knees and raising
her legs as he went. Isobel let go of his neck and leaned back on
her hands for support, leaving him free to concentrate on pleasing


With one hand working its way up her
shapely calf to her thigh, the other meandered teasingly to her
shaved mound, cupping his palm over it and pressing slightly so
that shivers of sensation ran through her, causing her clit to
throb and her pussy moisten with desire. “God, Tyler. You’re
driving me crazy.” Her hands went back to his hair, tangling in a
firm grip as her senses overtook her.


He placed a kiss on her naval, and
then gently nipped the skin just below it, making her squeal in
mock pain. Then he kissed and licked at where he’d nipped, easing
the tender spot and making her squirm with another, more primal
feeling. Pulling back a little, he let his eyes feast on her
exposed pussy, loving the sight of her swollen clit and moist


His head lowered again, and Isobel
almost forgot to breathe as she waited in anticipation for what she
knew was coming. She exhaled raggedly as she felt the warmth of his
breath against her pussy a split second before she felt his tongue
lick at her engorged, quivering outer-lips. Tyler’s movements were
slow and relaxed as he lapped at her slit, making sure that he ran
the very tip of his tongue from back to front and then up and over
the hood of her clit so that he didn’t miss a drop of her sweet


“That feels…” Isobel was incapable of
finishing whatever it was she’s about to say, as Tyler used his
tongue to tease her even more, rolling it around her swollen clit
and almost making her arch up off the desk as pleasure stampeded
through her body.


“Do you like that?” His voice was
gravelly with lust as he raised his head just long enough to ask
the question, but not waiting long enough for her to answer as he
went straight back to licking and lapping at her. His cock was
throbbing; moisture leaking from its passion-engorged head and
dripping onto the floor between his knees. He reached down between
his legs and ran his palm over his shaft, coating it in his cum
before moving it back up to her pussy and rubbing the slick liquid
over her sensitized clit.


Isobel could feel her
orgasm building; her clit throbbed and tingles ran from her pussy
to her tits, and back again, until she didn’t know where they
started or where they stopped.
Dear God,
if he could make her feel like this just with his hands and mouth,
what was it going to be like when he was actually inside of
, she thought as her head thrashed and
her body trembled.


She didn’t have long to wait to find
out, but not in the way she’d been thinking. Tyler slowly inserted
a finger into her now sopping slit curling it upwards in a search
for the spot that he knew would have sent her through the roof if
she’d known that the office was soundproof and that no one could
hear them. With unerring accuracy, he found it on the first try,
and, as he’d thought, Isobel moaned deep in her throat with
pleasure as her pussy clenched and tightened around his


“That’s it, darlin’. Come for me.” He
accompanied his words with a few more strokes of his finger, each
one a little firmer than the last; and each one sending her
spiraling uncontrollably towards her impending climax. He lowered
his head once more and wrapped his tongue around her clit, flicking
at it while he stroked inside of her; the assault on her sensitive
spot almost unbearable, but one that she didn’t want to


Her legs clamped together, trapping
his hand with his fingers still inside of her, and the walls of her
pussy tightened and squeezed around them, pulsating and clenching
as her orgasm hit her. Tyler kept his fingers locked inside of her,
massaging her G-spot while he gently nuzzled her clit; making her
climax all the more stronger and long-lasting.


Isobel trembled and shook as wave
after wave of pleasure coursed through her, slowly subsiding into
tremors that still had the capacity of taking her breath away. As
she finally relaxed, spent and satiated, Tyler lifted his head to
look up at her. He smiled as he wiped his mouth and chin and then
licked his fingers dry as her eyes widened; another wave of
pleasure rippling through her spent body.


“You taste so fucking
good.” His voice was almost a groan as his cock twitched between
his legs; almost as though to tell him that ‘
Hey, I’m still down here and I need some attention now,
’ He moved a hand down to give
himself a squeeze and try to alleviate some of the pressure that
had built up, and as Isobel’s eyes caught the movement, she smiled
at him sexily.


“It’s my turn,” she whispered
seductively, moving off the desk and tugging his hand so that he
got to his feet. “Sit down.”


Tyler sat down in the spot
she’d just vacated, looking up at her and loving the way that she
was confidently stood there in all of her naked glory, hands on her
hips while she looked down at him. His cock gave another impatient
twitch, and he raised an eyebrow apologetically at her when she
grinned down at him. “You are absolutely magnificent.”
Her voice had to be one of the sexiest things
about her
, he thought,
especially when she was aroused.


“And you are, without a
doubt, the most desirable woman I’ve ever known.”
And I am going to enjoy taking your body and
doing things to you that you’ve probably never even heard
he thought to himself. His hand had
crept down to his cock without him even being aware of it, and he
absent-mindedly started to stroke himself as he looked at


Isobel frowned at him playfully before
dropping down to her knees in front of him. “Naughty man,” she
chastised. “That’s my job.” She moved his hand away from himself
and replaced it with her own smaller one, wrapping a dainty fist
around his girth as she looked at the meaty length and licked her


Tyler took a deep breath in
anticipation of what he knew was coming. She had never given him a
blow-job before, so she couldn’t know how very sensitive his dick
was; especially at the tip. But right now he didn’t give a shit how
rough she might be with him. He needed relief, and looking at her
lick her lips again, he knew that it was relief from her mouth that
he craved. For now.


Looking up at his face again, Isobel
smiled with an almost nervous look on her face. “It’s huge.” Her
hand was stroking him softly while she spoke, and Tyler felt his
balls shift in response. “I might not be able to get it in my mouth
as far as I want to.” She smiled again, cheekily this time. “But
I’m going to give it a damn good try.”


She lowered her head and he saw her
tongue peek out from between her lips a split second before he felt
the warmth of her breath caress his cock. And then all rational
thought fled his mind as she touched her lips to his
mushroom-shaped head in a tender kiss, her eager tongue lapping at
the bead of pre-cum that had formed there.


Tyler moaned in appreciation as she
slid her mouth down over the tip of his cock while her hand
continued to stroke him slowly. Her tongue rolled around his knob
and she twisted her palm around his girth, tightening her hold
while she teased him mercilessly. She rolled her tongue around and
beneath his head while her own head started to bob up and down on
his length, sucking him a little deeper with every downward


Isobel breathed through her nose while
she sucked him, groaning deep in her throat as the taste of him
melted on her tongue. It felt like his shaft was growing even
bigger in her mouth, and she had to open her mouth as wide as she
possibly could to accommodate his size. As he touched the back of
her throat, she couldn’t help but gag a little; he was just too big
for her to swallow him.


Groaning in frustration, her hands
tightened their grip around him, moving faster with firmer strokes.
Her free hand came up to cup his balls and squeeze gently, making
him gasp in surprised pleasure at the sensation.


Isobel looked up at him from her
kneeling position. “I’m sorry, Tyler. I really want to take all of
you in my mouth, but you’re just too big.”


“It’ll happen eventually. All you need
is a little training.” His words confused her. Training to do what?
Give him a blow-job?


Her train of thought was cut off as he
reached down and pulled her to her feet, wrapping his arms around
her and leaning in to kiss her slowly. His hands wandered up to her
hair and she felt his fingers start to deftly remove the pins that
had been holding her chignon in place; her hair tumbling down
around her shoulders and tickling the bare skin of her back. “Much
better,” he moaned against her mouth.


As he’d been kissing her,
he’d walked her backwards until her ass bumped up against the desk
that they’d both taken turns sitting on. Except sitting was the
furthest thing from his mind right now. His hand slid down between
their bodies until his fingers grazed against the sensitized flesh
of her outer pussy-lips, and Isobel moaned against his
Did he have any idea just how much
he turned her on
, she wondered.


Aware of his intentions, and fully
agreeable with them, Isobel leaned back on the desk and opened her
legs for him, allowing him easy access to where he wanted to be.
Her teeth bit down on her bottom lip as she waited in exquisite
anticipation, and just a little trepidation. She had never been
fucked by a man with such a large member before, and she wasn’t
completely sure that her body would be able to handle it. But she
was sure as fuck going to try.


She gasped as Tyler started to rub his
cock over her slit; parting her lips and making her clit throb and
swell even more as she felt his slick hardness caress her. Her hips
arched up slightly off the desk, bringing her core closer to him in
an unspoken plea.


With his cock nestled tantalizingly
between her legs, Tyler brought a hand to her breasts, finding her
nipple with unerring ease and gently pinching the peaked nub
between his finger and thumb, rolling it between them and sending
an echoing shiver of awareness from her tits directly to her pussy,
which bloomed and opened up even more for him.


Just feeling his heat between her legs
had brought Isobel close to an orgasm, and he hadn’t even entered
her yet. Her body shifted again with impatience, eager to feel the
weight of him inside her aching body. But, Tyler wouldn’t be
rushed, leaning his head down to place little kisses on the side of
her neck, working his mouth up her jawline until he’d reached her
lips, and then taking her bottom one between his teeth and pulling
gently, wringing another lustful moan from her as she closed her


“Look at me, Isobel.” Her eyes flew
open to meet his heated stare. “I want you to keep your eyes open
and look at me. I want to watch your expression as I slide into
you.” She moaned again and he smiled down at her sexily as his cock
twitched against her opening, just as eager as she was to be inside
of her.


Tyler slowly pushed his hips forward,
and Isobel forgot how to breathe all over again as she felt him
stretch her, inch by pleasurable inch, until he was firmly
ensconced inside her. “Hmmm. That feels so good. You’re so damn
tight.” He’d stopped moving, giving her body time to adjust to the
invasion of his dick; the feeling of being filled to capacity
almost overwhelming her.


“No. It’s because you’re so damn big,”
she gasped, her pussy pulsating around the thickness of him,
pleading him wordlessly to do something, anything, except stay


He started to withdraw, equally as
slowly as he’d pushed into her, and she moaned again as her pussy
contracted around his thickness, unwittingly trying to hold him in
place. “God! I love it when you do that.” Tyler moaned against the
side of her neck, his breath warm and inviting, and then he plunged
back into her, knocking the breath from her lungs and every thought
from her mind.


As Tyler retreated and advanced again
and again, Isobel matched him stroke for stroke, her body rising to
meet his in a dance as old as time. Wave after wave of pleasure
crashed through her helpless body that were powerful, natural and
absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful.

BOOK: His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance
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