His End Game (MMG #1) (8 page)

Read His End Game (MMG #1) Online

Authors: R B Hilliard

BOOK: His End Game (MMG #1)
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Smiling at my uncertain expression, he continued flicking open the buttons, one…by…one. I couldn’t help but blush at the intimacy of this. I watched his jeans fall to the floor and, when I looked back up, had to do a double take.

Holy hades, he has no underwear on and My God that thing is huge!

I stared open mouthed at his body. There were no words to do it justice. I was overwhelmed. He was crawling back up the bed when I felt a sliver of panic. “It will never fit,” I whispered.

“Sweetheart, I’ll make sure it fits and that you enjoy every second, okay?” He assured me.

I knew I was being silly, but was there a proper response to one’s first glimpse of an extremely large penis besides shock and awe? If so, I’d be interested to know what it was. “Can I touch it, I mean…you?” I stammered, blushing at my slip.

“I’d be upset if you didn’t,” he replied. The low sexy pitch of his voice made my stomach clinch. The taught rubber band feeling was back and this time I knew what it meant. He flipped onto his back and placed his hands behind his head as if he were lounging.

Smug ass

In order to get the angle I wanted, I scooted over beside him and shifted up onto my knees. Now, relaxing back on my haunches, I didn’t have as far to reach. Hesitantly, I lifted my pointer finger and stroked his cock from the tip to the base. I was surprised at how soft the skin was. He let out a hissing noise, which caused me to yank my hand back.

“No, don’t,” he said. Then, wrapping his fist around my hand, he showed me how he liked to be touched.

“What if I bleed to death?” I asked, stroking him like he showed me.

He hummed in pleasure. “You’ll bleed because that’s what you do your first time, but I promise it won’t kill you.”

“So you are an expert on de-virginizing innocent girls?” I felt a prick of jealousy.

“Nope, but I experienced it once and remember what it was like.”


He chuckled. “Is de-virginizing even a word?”

After three more strokes, he let out a semi growl and stilled my hand.

“I need to be inside you, Ellison, but will stop right now if you are not okay.”

“I’m okay,” I said, and I was. I was more than okay.

“Switch positions with me,” he demanded. Before I had the chance to move, I was flat on my back with him resting between my legs.

I love how he handles me

Having his large body on top of mine was strangely comforting. For the first time in my life, I felt warm and protected. He reached across me, snagged his jeans off the floor, grabbed his wallet and pulled out a condom. Watching his arm muscles flex as he rolled it on made my gut clinch and my nipples pebble. He began to slowly rub his condom clad cock up and down my sex. I thought I was going to lose my mind. “Trust me, this will help us both,” he explained.

“Oh, okay,” I breathily replied. I was scared yet lost in a myriad of sensations that were new to me.

“Breathe, baby,” he whispered, placing himself at my entrance. He ran his tongue down my neck, which instantly loosened me up. At the same time, he pushed deeper inside me. “I have never wanted anything more than I want you right now.” I could hear the strain in his voice as he fought to stay in control. “Hang on to me and take a deep breath.”

Doing as instructed, I took in a deep breath and felt a sharp searing pain shoot through my core. I opened my mouth to scream and he swallowed it down with a tongue sucking kiss. When seated all the way inside me, he froze. “This makes you mine now,” he declared, looking down into my eyes. The look of lust on his face took my mind off of the pain.

“Yes,” I hissed, arching my body up to meet his. He pulled back slowly and then pushed back in. Out and in, he rhythmically drove deeper and deeper into me. I don’t know what got me there faster, the fact that this was finally happening with my fantasy guy or the reverent look in his eyes which were glued to
mine the entire time. Either way, I was close and, from the sexy noises that were coming from his mouth, so was he.

“Max,” I gasped.

“I’m there, babe,” he growled and that’s all it took. I shouted his name, God’s name and possibly said something about Mother Mary as I broke apart. One thrust later, he shouted his release and then buried his face in my neck.

After cleaning us both off, he crawled back in bed and pulled me close. I was a total and complete marshmallow and he knew it. He wrapped his arms around me and trapped my legs under his as if he were afraid that I would escape. “Mine,” he groggily mumbled. I felt his lips kiss the back of my head right before he fell asleep.


As I lay there in the dark, I thought about the guy I had dreamt of for as long as I could remember and relived every second of that day. I knew that I was forever changed by this experience.

Waking up next to Max was amazing. His sleepy eyes and untamed hair made him look sexier,
if that was even possible
. We were one steamy hot kiss in when an obnoxiously loud Piper started banging on the door and shouting for us to get up.

“Stay here. I’ll get it,” he sighed and kissed the top of my head. He had his jeans on and zipped before I could get another peak of his amazing body.


I heard the door open and couldn’t help but giggle when Piper shrieked, “Lord almighty you are so fucking hot!” I heard what sounded like Joss mumbling and then Max laughing. The sound of his laughter made my heart stutter.

“Ells, I’m going next door to grab some caffeine. Come on over when you’re done gossiping and we’ll figure out breakfast,” he shouted from the front door.

“Will do,” I laughed.

He so had me pegged

“Wellllll?” Piper asked as both she and Joss settled on the bed with me.

“Well, what?”

“Come on El, Max answers the door with no shirt on and you are lying in bed completely bare-assed. Spill!”

“I can’t,” I told them. “There are no words.”

“It was that good your
t time?” Joss skeptically asked, a look of disbelief plastered on her face.

“I know, right? I thought a lot about it last night after Max fell asleep. There is not one person I know who has said their first time was amazing.”

Joss, now sporting a shit eating grin asked, “But I take it yours was?”

“It was…. it was… beyond my wildest everything.” I paused for a second to get my thoughts together. I wanted to explain it in a way that they would understand. “It was better than the best love scene I have ever read and you both know how much I read.”

“Shit, we get it,” Joss said laughing.

“How about you guys? What did you get up to last night?”

“Kurt and I went to bed early,” Joss said, her face red with embarrassment.

I raised my brow at Piper. “And you?”

“Harry and I drank and that’s it,” she informed. “He’s actually really funny. Ummm, listen, I talked to Joss already this morning but, now that I have you here, I wanted to tell you that I kind of met someone. His name is Thomas Smithfield, but I call him Tom, and he goes to a boarding school near mine in Virginia.” Grabbing my hand, she continued. “I wanted to tell you, but didn’t want to rub in that I had a boyfriend when you were so sad about Max. In fact,” her voice wavered and she nervously bit her lip, “I have been invited to spend the summer with him in Wyoming.”

I was shocked. This was the last thing I expected her to say. “But I thought you were in Charlotte for the summer?” I know I sounded desperate, but she just got here and now she was talking about leaving again!

“I know, El, but I
like this guy. He’s….different. Please don’t be mad. He’s way smarter than me and comes from a very wealthy family. His people descend from King Henry or someone like that. Anyway, I don’t want you to be mad at me.”

I was disappointed. We had made plans for the whole summer. I wanted her to go but also wanted her to stay. “I can’t say I’m not disappointed and won’t miss you terribly but I get it.”

“You do? You’re not mad?”

“Of course I’m not mad. Now, tell us about Tom.”

The rest of that day was filled with fun and laughter. We swam, tubed, sunned and kissed
a lot…
at least Max and I did. Harry buzzed spasmodically around us, purposefully trying to annoy Piper, while Joss and Kurt pretended not to be crazy about each other. Every time Max and I tried to sneak away we got called out. By the end of the day we were desperate for alone time.

Max convinced me to move into the boat house with him for the remainder of the weekend. The second we finished dinner, we were out the door. We had each other’s clothes halfway off before even making it across the back lawn. As soon as we entered the boathouse Max lifted me up, threw me on the bed and jumped on top of me.

“I had fun with you today,” he said, kissing my shoulder.

“Did you think you wouldn’t?” I teased.

“Hmmmm,” he hummed and ran his tongue up my neck. “Let’s just say that I don’t normally do this kind of thing and am really glad that I did.”

“What kind of thing don’t you do?” I asked, trying not to moan at his erotic assault on my senses.

“I don’t normally… hang out with the girls I sleep with.”

“Please tell me you are joking. I mean, how do you date someone without hanging out?”

“I don’t.”

I could feel my heart start to race.

“You don’t.” I repeated.

“Not until today,” he said, and ran his lips down my arm.

“Uh, what did you do before today, then?”

Do I really want to know the answer to this


“That’s it?” Pulling my arm away from his lusciously distracting lips, I reared back so I could see his face. “You’re telling me that you have never actually
anyone before, just screwed them? But….I
you with Jennifer all year and….outside at Matt’s party that night.”

“If you saw me with her at school, it’s because we were both there but we never hung out after…unless…. He didn’t need to finish the sentence. I got it. “and,” he continued, “I was at Matt’s party and Jennifer was at Matt’s party but we didn’t ride there together, nor did we go home together. In fact, after she gave me shit for helping you out, I was done and told her so before I took off.”

“So, you broke up.”

“No, no break up, just done. In order to break up we would have to be together in the first place. All we did was hook up whenever we were both available.”

Oh my God. I don’t know what to say to this

“So, this here with me,” I waved my hand across the bed, “is just a hook up?” I had to know.

“Babe, have you heard anything I have said in the past twenty four hours? Did last night feel like just sex to you? Did you hear me when I told you that you are mine?” I could see that he was frustrated. Dragging his fingers through my hair, he tugged hard enough to get my attention and said, “You are a game changer, Ellison. This,” he mocked me by waving his hand across the bed, “is a game changer. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I breathed, and I did because he also was a game changer for me. I can’t say that his past didn’t bother me or that I didn’t worry about my place in his future, but I understood that if I there was any
of a future with Max, I was going to have to let it go and learn to play by his rules.

It took him all of five seconds and a soul scorching kiss to get me over our conversation and on to better things. “Are you too sore for me after last night?” he asked, running his finger over my bottom lip.

“No,” I replied and sucked his wandering finger deep into my mouth. I watched his eyes darken with lust.

For me

He had one hand on my breast and the other between my legs when his cell phone rang.

“Don’t stop,” I panted.

“Hang on,” he growled and answered it. “Sarah, talk to me,” he said, followed by, “Okay, honey, just calm down and then tell me from the beginning.”

Sarah? Honey? Who the hell is Sarah

“It’ll be okay,” he said as his voice softened. “I’ll be home in twenty minutes, I promise.” He hung up and stared out the window. His mind was obviously a million miles away.

My heart dropped. “Is everything okay?”

“No, not really,” he sighed.

Trying not to sound jealous, I asked, “Who is Sarah?”

He paused for a second before answering. “Sarah is my twelve year old sister.”

How did I not know he had a sister

“Oh my God, is she okay? What time is it?” I searched the room for a clock.

“It’s almost two in the morning. Ells, I’m sorry but I need to get home.” He hopped off the bed, pulled on his jeans and
tee shirt and began packing. “Get some sleep and I will try and come back tomorrow if I can.”

He was leaving? Just like that

“So, you’re just going to leave and… maybe you’ll come back?” I winced. I tried not to sound too pathetic. “What if you can’t? Come back, I mean. Will I talk to you ever again?”

Please say yes, please tell me you meant everything that you told me earlier

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