His Every Choice (5 page)

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Authors: Kelly Favor

BOOK: His Every Choice
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“Are you serious?”

“I am indeed. Also, I got on the phone with Max Weisman this morning.”

“What? You’re making business calls now?”

Hunter laughed. “Yeah, I’m rolling calls from my hospital bed. That’s dedication
for you.”

“I guess so.” She smiled, loving the sound of his voice and hearing his vitality.

“Anyway, we’re going to have a meeting tomorrow with the team, including some suits
from Sony Pictures.”

Kallie shook her head. “Sony Pictures? Why would they be involved?”

“For distribution. Max Weisman is big, but he can’t roll out a major film to all
the theatres nationwide and worldwide the way that Sony can. Getting them involved
is huge, so this meeting is going to be very, very important.”

“Shouldn’t we wait until you’re released from the hospital?”

“I can call in on the phone, but you need to be there in person with Bryson to represent

She wasn’t so sure about that, but decided not to push back right now. “Okay,”

she said. “You’re the boss.”

“You remembered,” he joked. “See you soon?”

“Yes. Very soon.” They said their goodbyes and then she gave the receiver back to
the concierge.

Her family was still conversing in the café. She watched them all with mixed emotions,
knowing how much they all cared, but wishing that for once—maybe they would care just
a little bit less.

“Ready to hit the road?” a voice said from over her shoulder.

She turned and found the detective there, looking freshly shaven and slightly more
well rested than he had appeared yesterday.

“Yes, more than ready. Just one second.” She went back to the café and told everyone
she’d be at the hospital the rest of the day and didn’t know when she would be free

People looked glum, but Kallie didn’t know what else to do. She wasn’t in L.A.

to play host to her family, but to take care of Hunter and everything that went along
with that. Her family would just have to understand.

And for the most part, they seemed to be trying to—everyone but Sean, who was sullen
and quiet as she said goodbye.

Minutes later, she and the detective were leaving the hotel out a back entrance, as
he’d done some reconnaissance and noted that there was an SUV out front with some
paparazzi schmoozing in and around it.

They took a side street and avoided the press, eventually coming back to the main
road without losing too much time. “This media thing is only going to intensify the
longer you’re here in L.A.,” Phillips noted as they walked.

“Why? Nothing interesting’s even happened.”

“It’s just how it is. They’ve latched onto your story, and the fact that you’re so
reclusive and mysterious is only enticing them further.”

“So you’re saying it would be better if I went out and did a million interviews and
chased after the reporters? That would make them leave me alone?”

“No. You’re pretty much screwed either way,” he said drily.

They got to the hospital and then Phillips departed for a bite at the cafeteria, while
Kallie went the rest of the way to Hunter’s room.

Hunter was in rare form. He was joking with one of the nurses, sitting up in bed.

He looked like a new man. She couldn’t believe it.

When he saw her, Hunter waved her to him. “Come here, you little vixen.”

She came closer and he reached out, pulling her towards him. “Careful, you’re going
to pull out your stitches,” she said.

“I don’t give a shit,” he said. His grip was firm and strong, and for the first time
in a little while, she felt the familiar sexual arousal from Hunter’s forceful presence.
Her nipples stiffened beneath her blouse as he pulled her into his embrace and gave
her a long, passionate kiss.

“Oh my,” the nurse said, turning red. “I wish I had a tenth of that with my husband.”

Kallie tried to extricate herself from his affections, not wanting to cause a scene.

“Honey…” she said. “Let’s not get in trouble for too much PDA.”

“It’s not PDA,” Hunter said. “This is rehab. This is the best physical therapy I
can get, isn’t it?”

The nurse nodded. “Oh yes. Absolutely. Well, let me leave you to it.” She pulled
the curtain as she left, causing Hunter to laugh uproariously. A moment later, the
door to the room swung closed as well.

Kallie shook her head. “You sure they’re not giving you too many drugs?”

Hunter sat back in his bed, sighing contentedly. “Just the right amount, as far as
I’m concerned. I actually ate a full breakfast this morning,” he told her, gesturing
to the discarded tray with its empty plates nearby. “And I even had a full bowel

“Yuck.” Kallie wrinkled her nose.

“Hey, do you know how big a deal that is? My system’s coming back online.

I’m fucking alive.”

She looked at him. It was true. His skin color was normal and healthy, his eyes
were sharp and alert. He looked slightly thinner from not having eaten much recently,
and his chest was still heavily bandaged—but other than that, he did look incredible
considering what he’d been through.

“You do look damn good,” she allowed. “Just don’t overdo it.”

Hunter shook his head. “I’m sick of underdoing it. I think back about how I was
living my life, and it pisses me off. I wasn’t fully committing to my life before.
I wasn’t fully committing to you. Well, that’s finished,” he said, slicing his hand
through the air.

“Done. This is the new me.”

“Okay, okay,” she said. “I believe you.”

“Come here,” he told her, his eyes suddenly burning into hers with new intensity.

“That curtain’s shut for a reason.”

Kallie laughed, but she came back to his side again, leaned in and kissed him, returning
his passion now with her own fire. Her love for him had grown immensely in the last
days, and along with it—her attraction. If she could have climbed on top of him right
then and there, she would have.

Hunter’s hand ran up her thigh, showing that he too wanted what she wanted.

His tongue pressed into her mouth, exploring as if for the first time. Kallie moaned,
yearning for him. She’d been waiting for this, wondering if she’d ever have him back
again. Now that she saw he was truly going to be okay, she was barely able to contain
her wanting.

“I need you,” he said, breaking away and staring into her eyes.

“I need you too,” she replied, nearly breathless.

“I want to see you naked. I want to kiss you all over.”

“Me too. More than anything.”

“Let’s do it.” Her put a hand beneath her blouse and started to move up toward her

She pulled back. “Not here, Hunter!”

“Why the hell not?”

“You know why. When you’re released, and we can get some privacy, then I’ll be all

He threw his head back against his pillow in mock petulance. “That’s ridiculous.

I can’t wait that long. Besides, this is my therapy. Do you want to help me get
better or not?”

“Of course I do.”

“Okay, then at least sit on my bed with me,” he said, patting a spot next to him.

She got up on it, although there wasn’t much room. She could feel his warmth through
the sheets, and it felt good to be close to him again. He lay back and looked at
her as she ran her hands over his stomach.

“Does that feel good?” she asked him.

“Too damn good,” he muttered, his nostrils flaring. “You have no clue what I would
do to you right now.”

“I think I have a pretty good idea.” She rubbed his stomach more sensually, wanting
to go lower, knowing what she would find there. The thought of taking him in her
mouth suddenly occurred to her, and despite her reservations about their privacy—

she was having trouble resisting the urge.

Hunter’s eyes closed now, as she continued her delicate massage. She knew he’d never
expect her to pull a stunt like this, which was another part of its appeal.

Her hands strayed down, pulling the sheet lower still. She checked over her shoulder.
There were two layers of security—the curtain and the door. If someone walked in,
she’d have enough time to stop….well, she was pretty sure. However, if she wasn’t
able to hear them come in, it could be quite embarrassing for everyone.

“Your hands are like magic,” Hunter sighed contentedly.

Kallie slid the sheet down until she revealed the lower portion of his hospital gown.
The top portion had been unsnapped to allow for his dressing over his chest. But
the lower portion of the gown was still snapped.

She slowly allowed her hand to grasp onto his erection through the soft gown. He
let out a low moan of pleasure. She began stroking him over the material, enjoying
the sensation of his hard cock as it grew even stiffer. “Is this the kind of physical
therapy you had in mind?” she asked him softly.

“This is exactly it,” he said. “I’m feeling stronger already.”

“You do feel strong,” she agreed, speeding up her ministrations. She was having a
hard time resisting him. She wanted him so badly, wanted to feel that hardness in
her mouth—wanted to take him all the way in, to taste him, to suck him.

Finally, she began unsnapping his gown so that she could reach in. His cock started
to poke its head insistently out, and she could no longer resist the temptation.

Kallie leaned down and sucked the tip of his cock for a few seconds, as Hunter gasped.

“That’s incredible,” he groaned. “Holy shit, Kallie.”

“You like that?” she asked slyly, as she came up and began stroking him faster now,
the spit from her mouth giving her hand some lubrication.

“I do,” he gasped.

“Good,” she said, diving down and taking his entire shaft into her mouth.

Between her legs was instantly wet as she enjoyed the familiar taste of him, the saltiness.

She loved having his cock in her mouth just about as much as having it in her pussy.

Kallie bobbed her head up and down on him.

“That’s very nice,” he said. His hands grabbed her hair and tugged on it as she continued
to suck on him. He was getting a little rough, which Kallie knew was a sign that
he was beginning to really enjoy himself.

Her tongue licked up and around his hardness as she took him in and let him out rhythmically.
She used her hand to work the lower part of his shaft as she continued to suck.

“I’m going to come,” he announced. “I want you to take it all—every last drop, Kallie.”

She liked that he was taking charge again. That was yet another sign of his return
to normal. Hunter loved to give her orders and anything else would have been strange.

He pumped his hips towards her, forcing her to take him in again and again, deeper
and deeper. She knew he was about to release and anxiously awaited it. She was so
anxious, in fact, that when he finally exploded in her mouth, she came simultaneously.

That was new—she hadn’t even been touching herself.

A wave of heat exploded between her legs and she shuddered with excitement, as he
came violently, spurting his semen down her throat and groaning as he did so.

“Damn it,” he said, his legs flexing and stiffening with the effort. She could feel
his entire body going rigid as he pulsed into her mouth.

There was a lot of cum, but she took his order seriously, and dutifully drank it all
down. Finally, he was finished.

When she came up, she smiled. “Wanted to make sure I didn’t miss a drop.”

Then she pulled the covers back over his lower half.

“That was incredible,” he said, appearing almost shaken from what she’d done to him.

“I’m glad you liked it. I liked it too.”

“Liked it?” he laughed weakly. “You nearly sent me back to the operating room with
that stunt. Christ.” He put a hand up to his forehead and took a long breath.

Kallie got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. When she came back, Hunter
was having some water and sitting up again.

“So, this meeting tomorrow,” he said. “I already called Bryson, so he’s on board.”

“What time and where do I go?” she asked, sitting in one of the chairs.

Hunter was back in business mode. He was checking his cell. “Max Weisman’s office.
Meeting’s at two o’clock. Make sure to dress appropriately,” he said, glancing up
at her outfit.

She looked down at her own clothes with some anxiety. “What does that mean?”

“It means, you need to come correct to this thing. Very classy, business sexy.”

“Business sexy?”

“Yes.” He glared at her, reminding her even more of his old self. This time, she
was less happy about it.

“Okay, I think I can handle dressing myself. But what else do I do?”

“I’ll be on the phone so I can still handle the delicate stuff. The most important
thing we need to do is assert ourselves as being on par with Max, and make sure that
he doesn’t attempt to undermine Bryson’s credibility with the suits from Sony.”

“And how do we do that?”

“You’ll know it when it becomes necessary. You’re a smart girl.”

“I already set Max straight about messing with us,” she said.

Hunter laughed. “Impossible. This is Hollywood. These people are worse than mobsters
and criminals. The criminals get eaten alive out here. There is nothing tougher
and dirtier than the movie business.”

Kallie thought about showing up at the meeting with just her and Bryson. She would
feel outnumbered, especially with Hunter being only a voice over a phone. And then
it occurred to her. “What about Scarlett?”

“What about her?”

“I want to bring her along,” Kallie said.

“Why?” His brow knit in confusion.

“She’ll help even out the numbers during the meeting.”

Hunter shrugged. “Being outnumbered is never good, so you’ve got my blessing on this.
Just make sure she knows to keep quiet and not say anything stupid.”

Kallie sat back and smiled, feeling pleased with herself.

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