His Favorite Mistress (38 page)

Read His Favorite Mistress Online

Authors: Tracy Anne Warren

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency

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He leaned up on an elbow. “You just want me to toss up your nightgown and take you, then? I very much doubt you’d enjoy that.”

She rolled her head to one side, wanting to make her point by refusing to meet his gaze. “I don’t enjoy
since I am being manipulated and used by you.”

He caught her chin in his hand and with a gentle, yet inexorable pressure forced her to look at him. “Trying to goad me, are you? Hoping I’ll reconsider and stop?”

“Or be done with me fast and leave,” she said, wondering at her foolhardy mood. “And while we’re discussing matters, there are a couple more on which we need to agree.”

“And what is that?” he asked, his voice rough and low.

“How long this is to go on. I think it only fair that once I conceive, I have the right to call a halt to any further encounters between us—at least for the duration of the pregnancy.”

He tensed, then slid his palm down to cup one cloth-covered breast. “So no more of this,” he said, gently finding and pinching her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, “once you’re with child?”

“No,” she said, forcing aside any pleasure she felt at his touch. “No more.”

“Well, if you find yourself unwell because of the baby, then, of course, I shall leave you be. Otherwise, I can’t promise not to touch, not for all nine months, anyway. I would remind you of my needs.” As if to emphasize his point, he let his arousal press more insistently against her hip.

She might have argued further but did not, deciding that was the best concession she was likely to get from him.

“You said a couple of matters.” He pressed. “What else do you require?”

“I want…” She hesitated, knowing he would think her foolish. “I want my kittens. I had to leave them at Rosemeade and I haven’t felt comfortable asking the staff there to send them along. There won’t be any difficulty if you do it.”

Some of the harshness eased from his face. “Lonely here, are you? You could always rectify that by coming home.”

“This is my home now, which is why I want them,” she stated. “To me a house is not a home without a few furry bodies in it. So, may I have my kittens?”

“Most assuredly. You had only to ask. I will see them transported as soon as a coach and traveling hamper can be arranged. Now, are we done, or is there more?”

Her pulse gave an erratic beat. “We’re done. You may proceed.”

She watched as he took a long moment to study her, candlelight highlighting his handsome, sardonic features. Then he leaned down and pressed his mouth to hers, kissing her as he always did, with passion and sizzling intensity. Yet she was determined to resist.

Despite her earlier thoughts of allowing herself to take pleasure in their coupling, she couldn’t help but remember the reasons why they were in this bed. He wanted her body—not her. He wanted a baby—not love and a family. She might be willing to let him quench his lust, but giving in to her own desires seemed too great a concession to make. And so she willed herself away, turning her thoughts from his kisses and his touch as she deliberately cooled her response.

Abruptly, he broke off. “What’s this then? Why aren’t you with me, Gabriella?”

“I’m with you,” she prevaricated. “I’m lying right here beneath you.”

“Yes, but you aren’t
with me.
And you aren’t kissing me back.”

“I did not realize my full participation was required.”

His eyes narrowed. “Well, it is. So you want to act the martyr, do you?”

“No, just acting the brood mare.
” she replied, some of her earlier anger rushing to the fore.

His jaw tightened. “I believe you may come to regret that comment before the night is out.”

“Why? What are you going to do?” she taunted. Yet her bravado slipped a bit when she saw the dangerous glint in his deep blue eyes. Suddenly she realized her resistance was only acting as a challenge, one he was now determined to win.

She swallowed. “Tony, I—”

“You what? Claim not to want me? Let’s test that theory, shall we?”

Before she knew what he was about to do, he reached for her nightgown. But instead of drawing it up over her head, he caught the seam in his hands and began to tear. The delicate silk gave way with a tremendous ripping noise as he shredded the garment in two. He tossed the pieces to the floor, the ruined cloth fluttering into filmy pink puddles.

“From now on,” he said, “I suggest you dispense with the night attire. Otherwise, you may not have any left to wear. Although you have my permission to put on some of those drawers the more daring ladies are starting to fancy. The ones with the split up the center. And leave on your stockings, too. Nothing on top though.” He cupped his hands around her breasts. “I want these bare.”

“Tony!” she said in shocked tones, her heart pounding in her chest.

“Turn over.”


“You said I’m treating you like a brood mare. If that is the case, then I think it only fitting we do this from behind.”

“No!” she protested, realizing suddenly he meant to humiliate her, to make her regret her words and her earlier actions.

“Come on.” He gave her a light slap on the hip. “Hands and knees. Now.”

“Tony, don’t,” she beseeched.

“Don’t what?” Using a force she could not escape, he compelled her to do as he demanded; although she noticed he was careful not to bruise her flesh or cause her harm—at least not physically. “You said to just take you and get it over with,” he reminded in a harsh voice. “You didn’t say what position I had to do it in. This is the one I want.”

She swallowed and trembled, wondering how this had all gone so wrong. But even as she braced herself for his penetration, it didn’t come. Instead, he bent over her and began to caress her skin. Scattering kisses, he roved over her shoulders and along the line of her back, while around front, he stroked her, his hands gliding in a warm, winding, seductive path.

“I suppose you won’t respond to this either?” he questioned as he fondled her breasts, sliding her tight nipples in and out between his fingers.

She shuddered, her nipples hardening to aching beads.

“Ah, it would seem you’re making a liar of yourself already,” he declared. “But let’s investigate further.”

Before she could stop him, his hand dived low, trailing over her belly and thighs, then around to thread through her nether curls as he sought out her most delicate flesh. She throbbed against him, condemningly slick to his touch. As he ran his fingers over her, scattering more kisses against her neck and back, she suddenly knew how he planned to claim his punishment.

He was going to make her beg.

Biting her lip, she held back a moan. But he wouldn’t have it, wrapping her hair around one wrist so he could angle her head back for his kiss. Forcing her to yield, he claimed her mouth with raw, dark need, opening her so he could capture her tongue and draw on it, suckling her the way he might a candy stick. She had to moan then, the sound unstoppable as it vibrated against his lips. Smiling, he took more.

While he continued kissing her, he made no pause in his sensual assault of her body, his fingers moving over her and inside her until her mind began to dull, her body writhing and arching of its own accord. Pleasure spread, her skin growing damp and aching.

He stroked her again and abruptly she came, the climax crashing through her—wild and fierce as a hurricane. Shuddering, her muscles trembled as a blissful lassitude stole through her weakened limbs. Half-boneless, she tried to sink downward onto the mattress, but Tony refused, holding her in place as he started the process over again.

“I’m going to make you come,” he whispered. “I’m going to make you come until you can’t come any more, and then I’ll make you do it again even then.”

And as he touched and kissed, fondled and licked her over the next long span of time, he did just that, driving her up and over in relentless waves until all she knew was need and Tony—her mind blank to anything but him and the bliss he made her feel.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take more, he settled firmly behind her and parted her legs with his knees, opening her fully to his possession. Positioning her hands flat against the mattress, he wrapped one arm around her belly and held her secure.

Curving over her, he kissed her neck. “Have you ever seen a stallion breed?” he murmured. “The mare is readied, then he comes to take her. Often he’ll bite her to keep her in place. Shall I kiss you, Gabriella, or would you rather I bite you instead?”

She shuddered and gasped, releasing a keening cry as he thrust inside her, sinking his teeth into her shoulder at the same moment. Ecstasy chased through her veins like liquid fire, threatening to burn her up from the inside out. She arched and took him, her vulnerable position letting him sink almost impossibly deep, deeper than she thought he’d ever gone. Stroking fast and hard within her, he built her desire again, tormenting her with want, his every thrust leaving her needier than the one before. Gripping the sheets in her fists, she held on, arching back now to meet him, to drive him deeper and quicker as she trembled on the brink of pure ecstasy.

She flew over moments later, a scream ripped from her throat as she shook violently within his powerful grip. A blinding cascade of rapture flooded her, making her quake from tip to toe as her mind simply stopped.

When she returned to herself, she was floating on a sea of divine pleasure as Tony made a few last, frenzied thrusts inside her before claiming his own delight. He groaned, then slid down, the pair of them collapsing in a tangle of limbs. Panting and dazed, she cuddled against him, drawing in his scent and his strength. At length, he rolled onto his back, keeping her against him as if loath to give her up even for an instant.

If only he loved me like that!
she mused. But then she pushed the cruel idea away and let herself sleep, her final thought the hope that he would still be there when she next woke.


The steady gleam of sunlight roused Gabriella from a deep, almost dreamless sleep. As she woke, the faint sounds of water splashing into a bowl came to her ears. “Lay out my dressing gown, would you, Janet?” she mumbled in a drowsy voice. “I’m just going to lie here a few minutes more, then I’ll be up.”

“You can lie abed all day if you like,” rumbled a low masculine voice. “And Janet brought you a pitcher of warm water before I sent her off. You can ring for her whenever you’re ready.”

Abruptly, Gabriella’s sleepiness fell away, memories of the night just past rushing into her mind. Rolling onto her side, she searched for Tony and discovered him across the room in front of her washstand. He’d slipped on his trousers, she saw, but nothing else—the rest of him boldly, breathtakingly naked.

Letting her gaze roam, she realized she must have interrupted his ablutions, since glistening droplets of water were caught in the expanse of dark curls on his chest, his face moist from a recent washing. Employing a leisurely motion, he rubbed a towel over his face, then did the same below, stroking the cotton cloth over his pectorals and under his arms.

“I assumed you’d gone,” she said, curving the sheet up over her breasts.

He draped the towel around his neck and strolled toward her. “Not yet. I have some time this morning. I thought we might take breakfast together.”

“Breakfast, is it?” she repeated in a casual tone that belied the unsteady thumping of her heart. “I am sure Cook would be more than happy to oblige you. I, however, have engagements and shall just take tea while I dress.”

Before she could rise from the bed, he dropped down next to her, nudging her with his hip so she was compelled to scoot over and roll onto her back.

“I thought you were going to sleep a while more?” he questioned in a silky voice.

“I was, but then I recalled that I promised Julianna I would accompany her on a trip to the millinery. We are to have nuncheon, then make our way to the shops.”

Leaning forward, he planted his hands on either side of her, effectively caging her between his strong arms. “Nuncheon’s hours off. You have time.”

She met his gaze for a long moment, reading the undisguised desire that turned his eyes a deep, penetrating blue. Her blood heated as a liquid rush engulfed her. Resisting her own needs, she rolled abruptly onto her side. “You’re right,” she declared, beating a fist against the pillow beneath her head. “I do have time. Tell Janet to wake me up in an hour.” Having clearly dismissed him, she squeezed her eyelids closed.

Instead he kept his seat.

“Go away, Tony,” she said after a full minute had passed, resolutely keeping her eyes closed. “You can see me again tonight.”

“But I’m seeing you right now. Perhaps you need another reminder like the one last night.” He lowered his mouth to her shoulder and kissed her before giving her a teasing, painless little nip with his teeth.

Her eyes flashed open, her gaze going once again to his. “No, I need no reminders.”

“Well then?”

She turned onto her back. “You haven’t shaved.”

“I didn’t have a razor. I will see to it one is sent here, along with a few other essentials I’ll need in the future.” Hooking a finger around the edge of the sheet, he eased it down to expose her naked breasts.

Her nipples hardened with condemning honesty, her body telling him what she could not conceal. “So?” she said on a husky note. “Do you still want breakfast?”

A feral grin curved his lips. “I do, yes. That is, if you’re what’s on the menu.”

Their gazes locked for a long moment before she gave a muffled curse and reached up to pull him to her. Taking his mouth with a ravishing hunger, she let him have his way.


Chapter Twenty-one

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