His Five Night Stand (17 page)

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Authors: Emma Thorne

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: His Five Night Stand
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“Your usual table,” she said, smiling at me.

“Yes, please.” He took my hand and I took comfort in the way he held me close. Surely he was sending this woman a message, I was with him. This meant something if only for tonight.

The dark booth was in the corner facing the piano bar and French doors that led outside.

A grey haired gentleman wearing a black suit and a beret played piano, a large glass bowl full of dollar bills in front of him. It wasn’t crowded. After all it was a weeknight, but from glancing around the room, I felt certain this was a place for regulars. Theo was a regular, that’s all, I told myself, even after I caught several women giving him familiar smiles.

“So, do you know her?” I asked, taking a sip of a martini. “The hostess.”

His eyebrow arched. “Yes, I know her.”


“Do you want to know how I know her? Do I know her biblically?”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s none of my business.”

“We saw each other briefly,” he said. “And yes, I’ve seen her naked.”

“That’s cool.”

“You don’t need to be happy about it, but I’m not going to lie to you.”

“You won’t?”

“Never,” he said. He slid closer to me in the booth. “Callie, you are different from other women I’ve been with. I can feel you struggling with our agreement, but I can also tell that you want this. I find your emotions compelling; you are so beautiful to me even as you question everything.”

“So, the fact that I’m neurotic and freaked out about all of this half of the time is a plus,” I said. “To be honest, one moment I’m good with it, the next I’m confused. I’m trying, I’m really trying here.”

“Everything about you is a plus. You aren’t afraid to be vulnerable. I like that.”

I leaned against him and held his hand, resting our entwined fingertips on his leg. “I know I may seem overwhelmed,” I whispered, lifting our hands and placing them closer to his crotch. I could feel his pants swell and I slipped my hand out of his moving for his zipper. “But you make me want to try things,” I murmured. “And I’m okay if this is all we are, this feeling, this passion. I want to know that part of myself. I want you to help me find those pieces inside of me.”

I grasped his shaft with my hand and moved slowly up and down, circling the tip slowly, rubbing my finger across the top of him. I ached imagining what it would feel like to slide him between my legs. Theo’s breathing changed, his body tensed up as I stroked him.

“You make me want to be naughty,” I whispered my mouth against his ear. I had never spoken to a man like that. It was exhilarating.

His eyes closed. He leaned his head back inhaling and exhaling slowly. “You are dangerous,” he said, opening his eyes and placing his hand on mine. “Let’s finish what you started, come outside with me.”

As the music played, he slipped himself back inside his pants and took my hand leading me through the maze of tables to the back doors. We walked out the French doors into the night air, stars glittering overhead. There was a chill in the air. Theo took off his coat and draped it over my shoulders.

We stood on a small patio in the middle of a sprawling rooftop garden.

“Here love,” he said, leading me towards a dark corner of the patio. We stood beside a stone wall covered with ivy, a series of clear oversized orbs hung back and forth between the wall and a trellis forming a ceiling of glittering lights. I held his hand and looked at the lights and then higher into the star filled sky.

“It’s beautiful here,” I said, “In the middle of the city, I never knew this place existed.”

“And I never knew of you,” he said, spinning me around his lips on mine, he kissed me, his tongue moving with authority. His hands grasping my back with a strength I hadn’t felt before. He pressed against me leaning me into the cool ivy of the wall. I felt his cock grow hard as we kissed.

“I want you,” I said, breathless and aching for him. “I want this.” I pressed my hand up against his hardness while I slipped my tongue in his mouth. I felt high on control. I wanted to own his body.

“I’ve been waiting for you to ask for what you want,” he said, his eyes closed, head rocking back.

“I have been asking, I’ve been begging.”

“It’s different now,” he said, brushing a strand of hair off my forehead. “The way you talk to me; the way you move with me. I can tell what you really want. I can feel your need. It’s irresistible.”

“Make love to me then,” I said, moving closer to him. I whispered in his ear, licked his throat tasting the salt of him. “Make love to me. Fuck me. Turn me inside out. Call it whatever you want as long as this night ends with your cock inside me. I can’t wait any longer. I can’t. You mustn’t make me wait another night.” As the words poured out of me at a breathless rate, I felt the wetness between my legs. I took his hand and guided it up under the hem of my skirt. I gasped as he slid two of his fingers inside of me. He moaned and lowered his head against mine.

“You feel what you do to me?” I whispered, rocking my body slightly so I could feel his fingers moving up and down. This time I moved against his fingers, I took what I wanted sliding up and down, deeper, harder. “You make me wet with the sound of your voice.”

“It’s so hard to say no to you,” he said, as his fingers slid in and out of me. I felt him stretch his thumb up against the nub of my clitoris. He rolled across it with every thrust.

I moaned and rocked my head back. “Don’t say no,” I whispered.

We were standing so close together. He was fucking me with his fingers, our faces inches from each other our voices breathless and full of wanting.

“It’s night three,” he said. “It’s too soon.”

I pushed him deeper and moaned leaning into him. “Please,” I whispered. “I need you. I need this. I need this now.” And the building ripple of pleasure rocked through my body and I felt my body shivering and quivering around his fingers.

“Did you feel that?” I whispered kissing his cheek, his lips, pressing against him. He nodded and moaned softly.

“I want more of you; I want all of you. Tonight. Please.”

He slid his fingers out of me and pushed them between my lips. I could taste myself, and I wasn’t ashamed or embarrassed. He pulled me close, kissing me with an intensity that made me gasp.

Then he pulled back and leaned his forehead against mine. He exhaled as if trying to catch his breath after a run. “I need a minute,” he said, laughing. Then he looked at me and smiled. “You are worth changing plans for Callie.”

“What do you mean?”

“Stay with me tonight,” he said, interlacing his fingers with mine. “I’d get us a room, but I want you in my bed tonight. Will you come home with me, lover?”

“Yes,” I blurted, throwing my arms around his neck covering his face with kisses, his lips, his chin, his throat. “Take me home. Take me home now.”

He kissed my cheek and held my hand, swinging it as we walked through the moonlit garden back into the club. We drained our drinks and he left a stack of bills on the table. In the elevator, we made out as we dropped floor by floor. Pressed against the mirrored wall, I opened my eyes so I could see us kissing.

“We’re beautiful,” I whispered and leaned in to kiss him again as the doors opened into the lobby. “We’re beautiful and I don’t want to stop.”

I heard the sound of a throat clearing and turned to see an elderly couple standing arm in arm waiting for the elevator.

“Excuse us,” I said, giggling and dragging Theo by the hand. I had never made out with someone in public like this and been caught, I had never felt so care free before, so unconcerned with being judged and measured.

I heard the old woman’s voice calling after us as we walked through the revolving door. “Don’t worry dear, I remember those days well.”


We returned to The Holiday. As we walked hand in hand to the back door off of the alley, I realized how my mood had suddenly shifted from pure lust to a nervous energy. We were going to have sex. Of course we’d had different forms of sex for a couple of nights, but this was different. I was going to make love with Theo Manhattan.

“After you,” he said, a shy smile crossing his face as he held the door open for me.

We walked up the three flights of stairs, my pulse racing from the climb and anticipation of his hands and other parts on and in my body. “So, you’re going to show me your room,” I said, calling back over my shoulder. “That’s very personal.”

“You’re the first woman I’ve shown it to since moving in,” he said.

“Yeah right,” I laughed, certain he was full of shit. And did it really matter anyway? I had agreed to this game. Five nights and nothing more. I gave him my commitment to not commit and he promised to heal my broken heart. There was a freedom here I had never experienced. It was only night three and I already felt healed.

Of course my recent breakdown over Henry suggested I had some healing left to do, but I felt my shattered core turning a corner, the broken pieces fusing together by passion and love from this man. I could have this satisfaction without commitment, pleasure for pleasure alone. I had spent years always thinking about the next step of a relationship, the implications of a kiss or a second or third date. So much time trying to figure something out instead of just letting myself enjoy the person beside me.

Theo took out his key ring, unlocking the series of locks on the door.

“So, what’s with all the extra security anyway,” I said. “You worried about the neighborhood?”

He shrugged and held the door open as I stepped inside. “Just making sure that only the right people have passage, love.”

The lights were off.

“Is Odessa home or is she . . .?” I asked, my voice trailing off. I hoped we were alone, I wanted to be alone.

“She’s out tonight,” he said. “She won’t be home until morning. She was rather mysterious about it actually.”


Theo flipped on the hall light and the enormous chandelier I remembered from the party. The living room still looked exotic and overly decorated for a University apartment but it looked more lived in and personal this time. There were magazines on a coffee table beside a half full cup of coffee.

“This way,” Theo whispered leading me across the room to what I assumed was his bedroom. He took out a key and unlocked the door.

“Your room is locked as well?” I asked my stomach flip flopping with nerves.

“Odessa and I respect each other’s privacy.”

The room was completely white. White walls, white bedding, long white curtains and shades, a thick shag carpet covered most of the dark hardwood floor. The walls were bare except for an enormous floor to ceiling mirror that covered the wall facing the bed. The mirror had an ornate wood frame, carvings of cherubs and apples and berries dangled from the edges. It took up the whole wall.

It was a gorgeous piece of furniture reflecting the only other object in the room, the bed I desperately wanted to fall into with this man.

“The room was built around the mirror,” Theo whispered, wrapping his arms around me from behind. We faced the mirror his dark hair falling over his face as he kissed my neck. “The Holiday was a dance studio at one point,” he said. “Back in the ’20s. They converted the building and left some pieces. There used to be more mirrors. This is the only one that hasn’t been broken.” As he stood behind me, his body pressed against mine, I felt the heat building between my legs. He kissed me softly, his hands in my hair; he unpinned the loose bun at the top of my head. My hair unfurled spilling over my shoulders.

“You’ve come undone,” he whispered. There were kisses on my neck with every breath.

I was unable to tear my gaze away from our reflection in the mirror. Eyes wide open I stood in my red dress, my hair loose around my shoulders. Theo in black behind me, his arms wrapped around my body, hands moving up and down; he would start at my waist and then slide up over my left breast, his fingers playing with the neckline of my dress.

“I want to take you slowly,” he whispered.

“Please don’t,” I said, turning I pressed my mouth against his, my hands fumbling with his belt. He responded instantly, I felt him harden as I unzipped his pants, his mouth never leaving mine as we stumbled backwards towards the bed, his hands on my dress inching it up over my hips.

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