His Heart's Desire (17 page)

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Authors: Kristi Ahlers

BOOK: His Heart's Desire
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The streets weren’t too busy so they were able to make good time back to Cat’s. The spicy scent of fried chicken mingling with the creamy gravy, biscuits, and potatoes made Braden’s stomach growl. He snatched a drumstick to nibble on while Catrìona spooned out the potatoes, gravy and red beans and rice he had selected as a side dish. With brimming plates, they
headed toward the living room.

Cat pulled out her oak television trays and then opened the French doors to allow the cool breeze blowing outside to cool the room. She headed back to the kitchen to grab their wine glasses which Braden had poured earlier.

They both tucked into their dinner without further conversation. Braden was amazed at how relaxed he was despite the situation he had to deal with.

After the meal was cleaned up, Catrìona headed upstairs to change into her pajamas and pull her hair up into a ponytail. When she was done getting comfortable, she grabbed her sketchpad and went back downstairs to sit beside Braden on the couch. He was engrossed in a movie on the television, thoroughly enjoying the high speed chases.

When the movie was over Braden turned to the local station and they watched the news for a little while. Cat started to yawn so Braden turned the television off and they headed upstairs.

Braden had checked all the doors were locked and the windows shut. The earlier breeze had blown in a thunderstorm and the rain added intimacy to the already dark bedroom.

Braden undressed and climbed into bed, pulling Cat into his arms as they listened to Mother Nature expend her fury.

Cat nestled close, and he relished the heat and slight weight of her body pressed to his. He tightened his hold on her.

She stretched up and gave him a sweet kiss goodnight. Both were tired and content just to be in each other’s arms. Braden returned the kiss, relishing how special she was and how right she fit in his arms. He’d do what he had to keep her safe. If what Constance had shared with him today held any truth, his past was about to catch up with him.





The week went by swiftly. Between fittings and working on different dresses, Cat just managed to squeeze in time
to finish their party costumes.

When the evening finally arrived, she helped Braden don his pirate outfit. The guise fit him perfectly. Almost too perfectly. The tight breeches showed off his perfect backside and Cat knew without a doubt she’d have to fight the woman off with clubs. She was gratified to see his response to her own rather racy ensemble. She wore a bustier in light pink. Braden had to help her into the corset top and, while he pulled the ribbons closed in the back, he placed teasing kisses on her neck along the way.

Both were breathing hard by the time he was finished.

They picked up Meagan and Alec and together the couples travelled out of New Orleans for about an hour before they turned off onto River Road. They reached the old plantation and Cat turned up the oak-lined drive. The large oaks were hundreds of years old and the Spanish moss that hung from the thick limbs reminded her of dusty and tired lace shawls for the
grande dames
that protected the house.

Cat loved this old home. It was full of history and character associated with houses built back in the seventeen hundreds. Stephen regularly opened his home to plantation tours, and Cat had taken one to marvel at the history and legends
that had survived to this day.

“You know there is a legend attached to this old home,” she offered. “‘Tis said that if a lass receives a kiss under the live oak in the back, she will marry the man who kisses her if their hearts are pure.”

“You must be jesting.” Alec smirked. “What is so special about the tree anyhow?”

“A pair of lovers used it for passing notes during the war of northern aggression. Mirabelle fell desperately in love with a Union soldier. Their love was forbidden and they knew that each kiss, each moment they shared, could be their last. Someone found out about their tryst and arranged for them to be caught together, meeting under the tree. Before they died, they vowed that their love was strong enough to survive and that they would help other would-be lovers to recognize the power of

Alec snorted. “Ah, a romantic tale to be sure. But sadly, their story is no different than hundreds before them.”

Meagan reached over and pinched Alec’s backside.

“Ow! Why did you do that?” Al
ec rubbed his abused posterior.

“Because you’re being an ass. I like that story too, so clench it.” Meagan gave him a mutinous look

“I’m sorry, lass.” Alec pulled her close. “I was being insensitive.”

Cat decided not to share the fact that the plantation had a haunted history. Braden had shown that he didn’t like to hear stories about the supernatural. Then again, who could blame him? She was hoping that the night would provide him with a distraction. As each day passed, he seemed more and more unsettled. As a result so, too, did her concerns. Things were not helped by the fact she was busier than usual at work, having picked up three commissions in one day. Good for her pocketbook, not so good as far as time spent with Braden.

“This place is creepy,” Alec commented as he
smacked at a bug on his chest.

Cat laughed when she looked at him dressed as a Chippendale dancer. The tight black pants and black tie around his neck made him look sexy, not as sexy as Braden, but good looking nonetheless. He had no idea he was dressed as a member of a male review until Cat accidentally let the secret slip. He didn’t seem to mind and was rather good natured about the whole thing. Personally, Cat suspected he liked the exhibitionist freedom the costume offered.

“You don’t like it?” Cat gazed at the flickering gaslights on the porch. She could almost picture women wandering around in their belled skirts and gentlemen in their breeches and waistcoats. She didn’t feel uncomfortable here, and she had a creep meter that was very active. “I love this place.”

Alec gave her a disbelieving look. “You’ve got to be jesting.”

“No, not at all. I love homes like this. If I could, I’d live here myself.”

“No, thank you, I’ll take a musty pile of stones like Castle Ross before I’d submit myself to the caprice of the ghostly inhabits.”

Cat knew she was standing with her mouth hanging open. She didn’t know if Meagan knew the truth of where he came from, so she said nothing but she cocked a brow at him. “That’s rich, coming from you.”

Alec narrowed his eyes but didn’t say anything when Braden started to snarl. He smiled at his cousin. “I think you should have dressed him as a growly bear or something. He already has the sound effects down pat.”

Before Braden could say anything, Meagan dragged Alec away and up the steps to the verandah. Cat slipped her arm through Braden’s and they followed.

Stephen opened the door dressed as a spooky vampire and a round of introductions were made. After this social ritual was seen to, the group made their way down th
e long hallway to the ballroom.

The parquet flooring was lovingly cared for and the flickering candlelight cast its golden glow o
ver the rest of the partygoers.

“Alec and I are going to head over to the bar. You want anything?” Meagan asked.

Since Cat was the designated driver, she requested a Cola. Braden didn’t want a drink and was instead occupied with looking at some of the other costumes.

When a pair of hands covered Cat’s eyes, she squealed and turned, throwing herself into the waiting arms of Remy.

“Welcome home, Remy.” She kissed his cheek and tightened her hold on him.

“How did you know it was me?” He hugged her tight.

“Because you’re the only one that covers my eyes as a way of greeting.”

Remy put her down and turned to face Meagan, Alec and Braden. “Hey, Meags, how are you?” He hugged her and kissed her forehead.

“I’m good.” She turned and pointed to Alec. “Meet my date tonight, Alec Ross. Alec, this is our good friend, Remy.”

The two men shook hands and offered a greeting.

“This is Braden, Alec’s cousin,” Cat offered with a smile.

“Good to meet you.” Remy held Braden’s stare for a little longer than Cat liked. “Make sure you take good care of my girl here.”

“You have my word that I will let no harm come to her.” Braden put his arm around her. “She holds my heart.”

Remy nodded. “Good man.”

Braden led her to the dance floor and they swayed to the sexy beat of the bass. She loved the way she fit against him as if she were made just for him. They were interlocking pieces of each other. For the first time in her life, she felt complete. No matter what seemed to be upsetting him, when they were like this she was sure nothing was as bad as it seemed.

When the band took a short break, Stephen wheeled out the karaoke machine. Cat was surprised when Alec was the first to take the stage. She watched with laugher on her lips as he did a raunchy rendition of Justin Timberlake’s Sexy Back. Although he didn’t really know the song, the way he circled and gyrated his hips to the funky beat attracted the attention of every female in the room. Meagan was waiting for him to get done before she
lured him out of the ballroom.

Braden laughed at his cousin’s antics and, when the performance was over, laced his fingers with Cat’s. “Let’s get some air. Show me the grounds.”

Since the weather was unseasonably warm, she thought this was a fine idea. They stepped out onto the terrace and she was captivated by the white twinkle lights that were strung on the trees and shrubs. “It looks like something out of a fairytale.” She smiled at Braden.

“Aye, ‘tis a very beautiful sight.” They ambled down the stairs that led to the gardens. Even though it was November, several of the magnolia trees were in bloom along with the night-blooming jasmine. The combined aroma of the flowers and the damp, musty smell of the Mississippi River nearby,
was strangely a pleasant scent.

They walked hand-in-hand down the crushed shell pathways, past rose bushes and fallow flowerbeds, to a large oak tree with a wooden swing susp
ended from its mighty branches.

“Look, a swing.” Cat moved towards the tree. She took a seat on the wooden plank and nudged her toe, setting the swing in motion. Braden stood propped against the rough bark of the trunk and watched her intently.

“What are you thinking?”

“That you are the most beautiful thing in the world and that I love you.”

Cat held his gaze. “You know we’re going to have to stop this strange dance we’ve been doing. I know that something has been bothering you. I wish you trusted me enough to share with me what has you so upset.”

Braden pushed away from the tree and caught the ropes, stopping her movement. “I know.”

“Talk to me.” She heard the pain in her own voice and cringed. Cat didn’t want to appear as if she were whining or badgering him.

“I don’t know how to tell you this, or if you’ll even believe what I’m about to say.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Remember the other night when we took that ghost tour and we were stopped by the woman with the purple hair?”

Cat vaguely remembered the encounter. “Yeah, she was a tarot reader, right?

“Aye. The other day when you were gone working, Alec and I took a walk around the Quarter. We came upon this shop and Alec, being Alec, wandered into it. The store was dedicated to magic and other mystical things. The lady with the purple hair owned the place.”

“That’s not so unusual here, Braden. There are all kinds of voodoo and mystic shops in the Quarter. Shoot, I visited one before I flew to Scotland.”

“I ken this now. Anyhow, the woman’s name is Constance. When we stepped inside, she came to us and told me there was danger that I needed to listen to. In my arrogant way, I ignored her warnings. Or at least, I tried.”

“What are you trying to tell me?”

“My fear that the curse could be reversed is a very real one and you could be in danger if I stay here.”

“And Constance told you this?”

“Yes, she knew who Alec and I were, Catrìona. She said she’d felt a shift in the spiritual world when you brought me forward to this time.”

Cat shook her head. This was too much to take in. “Are you saying I’m in danger because I accidentally pulled you and your cousin into this realm?”

“Aye. The original Morgana apparently made sure that future generations knew of the hurt I dealt her.”

“This is ridiculous, Braden. You heard Elspeth; your soul would be free when released by your soul mate. That’s me. There was nothing about the curse being reversed.”

Braden smiled just enough that the dimple in his cheek showed. The shadows were playing hide and seek with his features and she cursed the darkness that prevented her from seeing the emotions in his eyes. “You’re correct.” He chuckled. “I confess to having a hard time believing my nightmare is over.”

Cat stood and ran her hands up his hard chest. “Sit down, Braden. Tonight was supposed to be all about fun. It’s not about curses and revenge-driven druid priestesses.”

He took a seat on the swing and Cat wasted little time reaching up and untying the band that held back his dark hair. She loved his long hair and when the silky locks were free of their confines, she indulged herself by ru
nning her fingers through them.

She straddled his lap and looked him in the eyes. “I know that I’ve had fears about you being taken from me. But I don’t fear this now. We’re togethe
r and that’s all that matters.”

Braden wrapped his arms around her waist. “Did I tell you how sexy you are in a corset and these stockings?”

“Why, no, you haven’t.”

“My bad. I guess I’ll have to make up for my oversight.”

“I guess you will.”

Cat met his gaze and licked her lower lip, unaware of what she was doing. Braden slowly lowered his head and lightly ran his tongue along the seam of her lips. He then started nibbling at her lips, gently lapping at them, begging entrance into the honey sweetness that was her mouth.

Cat moaned and accepted his tongue. She suckled on it as their lips melded into the sweetest of kisses.

Slowly she rubbed herself against his rock hard arousal, tormenting them both with her actions. Greedily, she ate his mouth, giving and
taking all he offered and more.

Braden raised the skirt of her dress and palmed the silky softness of her buttocks as she gently rocked herself against him. He tore his mouth away from her sweet lips and began nibbling his way down her neck while he pulled down the straps of her dress. When he finally uncovered her to her waist, he sucked the hardened point of her nipple through the lacy cup of her bra. He worked the aching bud with his teeth and tongue, and used the lacy fabric as a way to heighten the sensitivity of her straining flesh. Back and forth he lavished attention on the rosy tips of her nipples. Cat groaned and rocked harder against his cock as she accepted his ministrations, but she soon realized that it was not enough, she had to touch him, and she had to feel skin against skin.

She started to unbutton his shirt but became impatient and tore the button off as she ripped the shirt apart, then she started on the buttons of his breeches. His throbbing erection sprung free of its restraints and into her waiting hands.

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