His Hired Girlfriend (29 page)

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Authors: Alexia Praks

Tags: #book about refugees, #novel about love, #book about new york city, #novel about forbidden love, #fiction novel, #romance novel, #book about cambodia, #contemporary romance

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Alexandra? Jayden?”
pause, as though he was trying to think who these people
“Ah, that Alexandra.”

“Well?” Britney prompted.

I think in this case,
sweetheart, you and your enemy will have to work together. You two
have the same purpose.”

“Are you talking about Sarah?”
Britney snapped.

Who else, darling?”

Britney took a deep breath.
“Fine, I’ll see her. Where?”

Good, darling.”

After Kyle had given her the
location in which they were to meet, Britney flip her cell shut and
sighed. “Shit!” she swore and stalked to her car.

In the music room, clutching
her trusty duster against her chest, Maggie felt sick to her
stomach after she had heard the monologue outside the window.
Ignoring her half-finished job, she hurriedly made her way to the
door to find Gracie.











the mirror, wondering if perhaps she was a bit too pale in that
lotus pink mini wrapped dress. No, no, she looked all right. She
was just a bit tired that was all.

She groaned. She didn’t feel up
for the Hen’s Night, but she had agreed with Kelly that she’d come
along. It was supposed to be fun, after all, with only the girls
out and about having a good time. She hoped they wouldn’t be doing
anything too embarrassing or naughty like back in Dunedin such as
making the bride kissing random guys and asking for guys’ underwear
in the bar etc.

“You look fine,” she murmured
to herself, once again wondering where Jayden was. She hadn’t seen
him all day and already she missed him dearly, which was a bad
sign. She knew she had gotten too attached to him. Now every minute
she’d start thinking about him, which was crazy.

She quickly put on her black
pump, grabbed her handbag and left the room.

Down by the door, she saw
Gracie who looked rather anxious. Perhaps she was nervous and
emotional about the wedding. It was a big thing for a mother, after
all, to let her only daughter go.

“You look beautiful,” Gracie
commented, taken a hold of Alex’s hands.

“Thank you,” Alex replied. “I
love Laura’s makeup. She makes my eyes look bigger.”

“Yes, she is good. Are you sure
you’re feeling well enough to go?”

“Oh yes. I’ve agreed with
Kelly, so I’m not letting her down.”

“Don’t you tired yourself you
out,” Gracie tsked. “You have to look after yourself.”

“Of course I won’t tired
myself,” Alex chuckled.

At that moment Kelly came down
the stairs and said, “Don’t worry, Mum, Alex is a big girl.”

“Yes, yes,” Gracie agreed. “Now
two you go and have fun.”

Kelly kissed Gracie on the
cheek. “We will,” she said and led Alex towards the BMW.

“Goodnight,” Alex said to

“Goodnight,” Gracie replied,
nodding. She watched until the convertible was out of sight before
she shut the door. At the corridor, she halted and gazed at the
phone. She sighed, picked the receiver up, and started






Parcha where they had their late dinner in a privately booked room.
The food was excellent and the service was impeccable. Alex
thoroughly enjoyed herself, and as she looked around the table, she
was sure so was the other eight girls, of which she could not
remember any of their names. She was glad that Kelly and Stephanie
had chosen to sit next to her and that she had never felt
uncomfortable or left out despite that she was an outsider.

When the meal was over they
left for the club.

Alex couldn’t believe there
were so many people, young women dressed in their most expensive,
sexiest dresses and men in jeans and formal shirt. The music was
very loud as people mingled and danced.

Stephanie and Kelly both pulled
Alex’s hands towards the dance floor. Oddly enough the fast beating
of the music made her heart pump faster and her blood to rush about
her vessels like a formula one car racing. Alex suddenly felt like
dancing, not that she was very good at it.

All the girls shrieked, “The
bride! The bride!” as they were dancing and laughing along with the
song Barbara Streisand by Duck Sauce. Suddenly Kelly was in the
middle of the dance floor and did her moves, which Alex thought was
very impressive. Then Kelly grabbed her hands to join. Alex was
very embarrassed and stood there awkwardly at first, not knowing
what to do. When Kelly pulled her along in tune with the music,
Alex let go of her reserves and started to really dance – shaking
her body and moving her hands as if she was a pro. She closed her
eyes, allowing her mind to relax and simply take in the beats of
the music. She moved along with the beats, synchronising her body
and the music as one. She didn’t know that time past as she was
having so much fun.

About two hours later, Kelly
said, “I’m thirsty. Let’s get a drink.”

The girls agreed and they all
squeezed their way towards the bar. Alex collapsed on the comfy
seat next to Stephanie and laughed. “I’ve never have so much fun,”
she shouted.

“What?” Stephanie blared

“I said I never had so fun,”
Alex yelled.

Stephanie laughed. “That’s
good,” she shouted.

A waiter came to their table
and took their orders. About five minutes later, after the waiter
had managed to bump into an arrogant man in black, and uttering
some apology, Alex finally received her lemon, lime and bitter. She
was so thirsty she finished her drink within five minutes, which
was a record for her. A few moments later, Kelly leaded the way
back into the dance floor. When she saw that Alex didn’t move, she
grabbed Alex’s hand.

“No.” Alex shook her head.
“I’ll be there in a second. I need a little rest.”

“All right then. Come soon,”
Kelly chuckled.

“Will do,” Alex replied,

Alex watched as Kelly and the
girls disappeared into the thick crowd. She was now alone. Well not
that she was really alone since there were loads of other people
around, only she didn’t know any of them.

She relaxed back in her seat
and closed her eyes, listening to the pounding of the loud music.
This time it was Memories by David Guetta. Her mind drifted off
into a dream world. Her dream, however, only consisted of

She flashed her eyes opened,
angry at herself for thinking about him again. She must forget
about him, she told herself, at least for tonight.

“Hey, there,” a male voice

Alex looked up, shocked. Her
heart missed a beat as Kyle moved in to sit next to her, too close
for her comfort. She shifted, her body quivering uncomfortably.

“I see you’re feeling lonely,”
he said, resting his arms over the sofa so that it was resting over
her shoulder.

Alex grabbed her bag and stood
up, intending to leave. She suddenly felt a wave of nausea rushing
through being.

He caught her arm and pulled
her back down on the seat.

“Hey, let go,” she snapped.

“Feisty,” he chuckled.

“Let me go or I’ll scream,”
Alex said through gritted teeth.

Kyle moved closer, his grasp
around her wrist tighten, hurting her. “Go on. Do it,” he said, his
eyes cold. “No one will hear. The music is too loud.”

Alex couldn’t stand one more
second in his presence. She hit his chest and wiggled her wrist.
But Kyle only tightened his hold on her, laughing.

“Come here and give me a kiss,”
he chuckled, wrapping his other hand around her neck and pulling
her towards him.

His lips were inches from hers.
He was about to make passionate kiss to her when Alex clawed his
face with her fingers hard as she shoved him back.

“Bitch!” he swore.

Alex managed to pull herself
free as he struggled to compose himself. She slapped him hard on
the face for good measure and then ran away towards the crowd of

“Shit!” Kyle swore again, going
after her. People were looking at them curiously, but Kyle wasn’t
paying them any attention. He was furious that Alex had disfigured
his handsome face.

Alex suddenly found herself
surrounded with people. She glanced behind her. Her stomach knotted
when she saw Kyle coming after her, an intense determination look
in his cold eyes.

She bit her lip and hoped like
hell that she was able to find the girls. Only the dance floor was
very big and there was people everywhere – squeezing, hitting and
shoving her about. The air was hot and tight plus the smell of
mixed perfumes and sweat caused her stomach to turn over. That
feeling of nausea came again, taking control of her consciousness.
She felt sick.

“Kelly, where are you?” she
muttered, her heart pounding away in tune with the music.

She was lost in the jungle of
people, who were dancing and screaming. The disco light above her
flicked this way and that, here and there, making her losing her
bearing and sense of direction. She twisted around in her spot,
wondering which way she should go. Then she glimpsed Kyle who was
getting closer to her, growling.

She panicked
and rushed off, begging her way through the throng of people. She
breathed a sigh of relief once she was out off the dance floor.
Heart still pounding furiously, she glimpsed the double door

the exit
– and
headed that way.

Across the quiet, dimly lit
corridor, she ran – at least she thought she was running. She was
hoping that there was a lady’s room somewhere so that could go in
and hide. Only her world seemed to be getting slower and slower, as
if time itself was slowing down. She glanced behind her, saw the
hazy figure of Kyle reaching for her, and then her hand was

“Let go,” she said weakly as if
she had no strength left. Her mind threatened to black out any
moment now. She couldn’t think. She couldn’t control her body.

Kyle laughed as he pulled her
to him. “Have enough yet?”

Alex tried. God, how she tried
to keep herself alert, but it was to no avail. “Let go,” she
managed to weakly say.

Kyle ignored her and moved his
head toward her. “You’re going to be mine tonight, Alexandra,” he

“No,” Alex whispered, shaking
her head.

“Oh yes, sweetheart,” he said,
his lips near hers. He was going to savour every moment of it, he
thought, an exciting thrill rushing through his body. He gently
touched his lips to her. Suddenly he felt himself yanked backward
and then a hard fist smacked on his jaw like a tone of brick.

He fell to the floor, his lips

“Get your dirty hands off her!”
Jayden growled. He pulled Alex into his arms, searching her face.
He knew instantly that she was too pale and her eyes were sunken
and lifeless, like she had been drugged.

Holy shit! He clenched his jaw,
turning to glare at Kyle who was busy pulling himself up.

“What the hell did you do to
her?” he shouted.

“What do you think?” Kyle
chuckled. “Hey, she agreed to it.” He wiped the blood from his lip.
“Damn, Jay, your fist is still as hard as ever. You know, bro,
can’t help it. She’s attracted to me. Can’t keep her hands off me.
Man, I tell you that girl knows how to flirt. ”

“You bastard!” Jay growled.
“Alex would never be interested in the likes of you. You drugged
her. You spiked her drinks?”

“What’s going on?” Kelly
shouted from the other side of the corridor, rushing toward them.
“Jay?” She glanced at Kyle and frowned. “Alex? Are you all right?”
she asked, touching the girl’s face.

Jayden was so
angry that he let go of Alex. Kelly quickly took hold of the
unconscious girl as she watched her brother, his hands fisted,
marching towards Kyle. Before Kyle could back away, Jayden smashed
Kyle on the nose.
Kyle fell back again,
landing on the floor, his nose bleeding severely. Jayden grabbed
Kyle by the shirt collar, shoved him up and thrust him against the

“You bastard!” he gritted out.
“You’re going to pay for this.”

“Shit, Jayden,” Kyle snapped.
“She’s only a girl.”

girl,” Jay growled.
“Don’t you ever touch her again!”

BAM! A fist landed against
Kyle’s stomach. Kyle groaned. All he saw was blackness and felt the
deep pain about his stomach.

“Jay, stop it!” Kelly

Jayden tightened his grip about
Kyle’s collar, wanting to do more damage.

“Jay! That’s enough!” Kelly

Jay didn’t think it was enough.
He wanted to beat Kyle senseless, but he knew he couldn’t. It would
solve nothing beating Kyle senseless. Right now he needed to get
Alex home.

Slowly and reluctantly, he
released his grip on Kyle’s collar and stepped back. “Stay away
from Alex,” he said coldly. Kyle knew it was his chance. He grabbed
Jay by the shoulder, shoved him round and his fist smashed on Jay’s

Jay was thrown to one side.

“Jayden!” Kelly shouted in
respond, her voice quivering with fear.

Jay gritted his teeth and
glared at Kyle. He shook his head and fisted his hand tighter. He
marched forward and gave Kyle a hard blow on the right side of
face. He grabbed the man and gave him another hard blow to the
stomach with is knee.

“Jay, Alex is getting cold!”
Kelly shouted.

Jayden heard his sister and
glanced back. He saw Kelly begging him with her eyes. He turned
back to Kyle and said, “You’re not worth it.” He shoved Kyle back
against the wall, and the man slide down in pain.

Jayden took Alex into his arms.
“I’m taking her home. You go back and enjoy your night.”

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