His Just Desserts (7 page)

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Authors: Dakota Trace

BOOK: His Just Desserts
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Dhanajit, spoke up when the idiot started to protest. “He’s right, Tlotzin. There was no call for your accusation. It is really bad form as well, considering we’ve just had the pleasure of eating this wonderful meal.” His Afghani accent thickened. “It’s enough to make the food curdle in my stomach.” He glanced at the rest of the guests. “Is there anyone else here who thinks Sean bent the rules by having Isaiah help?”

There were head shakes from everyone around the table, including Tlotzin’s wife, Naima. When her husband glared at her, she reproved him with a finger. “Don’t you give me that look, Tlotzin Filbeck. The young man didn’t cheat. Food isn’t free, and as long as he did more than watch Isaiah cook, he fulfilled the stipulations of your test. He helped prepare a delicious meal which, I might add, you ate every crumb of.”

Isaiah almost burst out laughing when the man turned red. Next to him, Sean relaxed. Isaiah gave his fingers a reassuring squeeze. Everything would be okay, but he wanted his reward now.
Time to move this meal along
. “Since that’s been settled, who’s ready for dessert?”

Nico licked his lips. “What is it? Those delicious
that you made last week? I told Kell about them earlier.”

“Which reminds me. I have a bone to pick with you, Sean. You didn’t save me any.” Kell pouted.

Sean shrugged his wide shoulders. “Sorry, when I came back from my meeting, I found Nico in my office and nothing but crumbs on the plate. Next time I’ll hide them. Promise.”

Kell glared at Nico. “You told me he ate them all.”

“Well there were only two left and they were so good, I couldn’t resist.” Nico shot Sean a dirty look.

Before a heated argument broke out between the two men, Isaiah stepped in. “Kell, why don’t you stop by Nonlia’s sometime next week, and I’ll set you up with your very own basket of them?”

Kell turned his big eyes toward him. “You’d do that?”

He smiled. “Of course. You’re a friend of Sean’s. It’d be a pleasure.” He leaned in close. “Then just think. You can rub it in his nose in that you have a whole tray to yourself.”

A grin split Kell’s face. “Oh yeah.”

“Now that’s settled, I think it’s time to go get the dessert ready.” He stood, dropping his man’s hand. “Breaking with our Czech theme, since Sean helped me shop yesterday, instead of
, I’m going to serve you an American treat. Shopping with a chef is no picnic; we demand the very best. So he’s definitely earned his reward.”

Dhanajit licked his lips. “What kind of dessert are we talking about?”

His smiled. “Sean’s favorite. Bananas Foster.”

An almost-squeal escaped Kell. He tried to lunge past Isaiah to get at Sean. “You told me you didn’t like it.”

“Whoa.” Catching him with one arm, Isaiah pushed him back. “Sit down, or you don’t get any.”

That seemed to cool Kell’s jets. Nico laughed. “I think he means business, honey.” Lifting the wine glass to his lips, Nico took a sip. “Are you planning on lighting it at the table? When Kell makes it, he always does it in the kitchen.”

“Well duh, it’s to keep from setting anything on fire.” Kell crossed his arms. “It still pisses me off, though, that Sean wouldn’t try mine.”

He squirmed in his chair. “I haven’t had Bananas Fosters since the last time Isaiah made it for me. It’s sorta our thing.” He brought Isaiah’s wrist to his mouth, kissing the inside. “If you know what I mean?”

Kell’s expression shifted from anger to speculation. “Ohh….really?” He brightened when Sean nodded. “Well thank you for sharing it with us tonight.”

Isaiah tugged his lover out of his seat, floored that the man had acknowledged they were more than friends to his bosses. “With that said, I’m kidnapping him for a moment, so he can help me get it ready.”

Sean’s eyes widened in surprise. “You are?”

“Yes…” He gave a curt nod. Keeping his voice low, he stared directly into his eyes. “Get your ass in the kitchen now.”

“I guess we’ll be right back.” Sean followed him into the kitchen.

As the door closed behind them, he spun Sean around to face him.

“Okay, what’s so important?”

Pressing him up against the fridge, Isaiah groaned. “You owe me.” Then he covered Sean’s mouth, swallowing whatever protest his sexy attorney had thought to voice.




Chapter Seven



“Thank you for such a lovely meal, Sean.” Irinia stood on tiptoe and brushed a kiss over his cheek as she and Dhanajit stood by the front door, the last guests to leave. Nico had lingered, but after consuming what he’d declared Isaiah’s orgasm-inducing Bananas Foster, Kell had dragged Nico out. It hadn’t taken a rocket scientist to figure out what would probably happen once they got home.

The same ending Sean anticipated, judging by the look in Isaiah’s eyes when he’d lifted the creamy vanilla bean ice cream and caramelized bananas and rum syrup to his mouth earlier. His cock throbbed in his pants. He’d been hard since his sexy chef had plastered him against the fridge and proceeded to kiss him senseless. The constant brushing of their bodies while they served the flaming dessert kept him ready, distracted him to the point he wanted to kick everyone out.
Of course that bastard didn’t help matters by groping my cock once we sat down to eat
. By the time they were done and Isaiah wandered off to clean the kitchen, Sean had been relieved to see his guests out. It gave him a much needed respite.

“It almost ranks up there with your personality. You’re everything Dhanajit told me you were. You will definitely have to come and visit us once my husband retires.” Irinia’s request forced him to push aside his thoughts.

“Of course, Mrs. Sachse.”

“How many times do I have to tell you, it’s Irinia?”

Dhanajit shrugged, not helping at all. Deciding to risk the wrath of the retiring partner, he pressed a kiss on her cheek. “Fine…Irinia. I’d be more than happy to stop by sometime in the future. I can’t thank you enough for coming tonight. Your presence was a delightful addition to the evening.” He leaned in. “You kept it from being all business.”

“Oh Dhanajit, I do believe this young man learned from the master. He’s got quite the silver tongue.” She patted Sean’s cheek. “Why don’t you use some of that charm on your young man?”

He stepped back. “I intend to. This little meal has given me the chance to find something I thought I’d lost.” He gave her a solemn smile.

Dhanajit clapped his hand over his shoulder. “Now just make sure you don’t lose him. He’s one helluva a cook.”

“Oh, I won’t, sir.” While he couldn’t read the future, he certainly wouldn’t let Isaiah walk away without a fight. He would get down on his knees and beg him to stay. He’d fucked up ten years ago, but he learned from his mistakes.

A few moments later, he shut the door behind the Sachses and locked it. Resting his forehead against the cool surface, he tried to calm his racing heart. The moment of truth had arrived. He would submit to Isaiah, and in the process, hopefully reclaim what they’d lost. Turning away from the door, he went in search of his mouth-watering chef.

“Baby? Everyone is gone, and they told me to tell you again how great the meal was….”

He came to a sudden stop when he spotted the dining room table. Gone were the ivory linen tablecloth, silver candlesticks, and ornate flower arrangement he’d used at Isaiah’s insistence. In their place, a plastic tablecloth, a steaming teapot, several silver bowls, a couple of towels, a razor, shaving mug and a…basting brush awaited him.

“Strip, Counselor.” Isaiah appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, his suit jacket gone, his tie poking out of his slacks pocket. His ivory silk shirt was unbuttoned at the throat, sleeves rolled up to expose his dark, muscled forearms. Sean wanted to moan and did when the other man crossed his arms. “I want you naked like thirty seconds ago, and I’m not waiting. Either you do it, or I will.”

He didn’t protest. He obeyed. Despite his recent solo session with his fist, he shook with need. He kicked off his loafers then unbuckled his belt. Yanking it free of his slacks, he let it clatter to the floor. Fumbling to open the tab at his waist, he jerked down his zipper. When his pants pooled around his ankles, he freed the tail of his dress shirt. No doubt a sight to see in his socks, tighty-whities, and dark blue shirt as he kicked the pants away, he couldn’t care less. Struggling with his tie, he managed to loosen it enough to rip it over his head, still tied. He would have tossed it to the floor with the rest of his clothing, but Isaiah stopped him.

“No. Give it here.” He held out his hand.

Without contemplating what would happen if he did as requested, Sean tossed the wadded up material to him. Slipping the shirt’s buttons through their holes, he held Isaiah’s gaze. When the chef arched an eyebrow at him, he tore at the material, ripping off the buttons in his rush. His desire to give up his control consumed him.

Soon he stood in nothing but his socks and underwear. He looked to Isaiah for direction.

“All of it, Counselor. I didn’t stutter.” The prominent bulge in the front of his slacks assured him Isaiah found the play arousing.

Hooking his thumbs in the waistband, Sean shoved the white material down his thighs. Bending over at the waist, he pushed them all the way down. Freeing his feet from the material, he toed off both socks. Then he straightened, not the least bit cold or self-conscious. The heat from Isaiah’s gaze was all he needed to stay warm.



Standing next to the table, naked, with an impressive hard-on, Sean took Isaiah’s breath away. The heady feeling of power as the other man did as he asked had gone straight to Isaiah’s groin. He couldn’t remember being so fucking hot in his adult life. Nothing compared to watching the boy he’d loved, now a grown man giving over to him. Clenching the tie tight, Isaiah reminded himself to stay in control, to not rush their eventual coming together, no matter what his cock wanted.

“On the table, Counselor. I want to see that fine body spread out for me.”

Sean’s resulting groan washed over him like fine wine. Potent, it went straight to his head. Then the larger man climbed onto the sturdy table. The sight of Sean Whitcomb crawling on all fours across the plastic he’d placed there to protect its surface tantalized him. Tempted him.

Once Sean settled his long body across the twelve-foot expanse, Isaiah joined him, pulling out one of the chairs. Stuffing the tie in his pocket with his own, he leaned down to kiss the man. He shoved his tongue inside, roughly taking the kiss he wanted, uncaring that their teeth mashed together while their noses bumped. He’d hungered too long to be gentle. He growled against Sean’s lips when the other man dug his fingers into his shoulders. Isaiah used his weight to press his lover down as Sean’s body bowed off the table in an effort to get closer.

Isaiah ripped his mouth away, his chest heaving. “Enough.” He needed to take control of the situation, before he creamed his pants. On a hair trigger, since he’d resisted jacking off for the past week, the mere thought of claiming the man under him made him crazy with lust. More than anything, he wanted to see his seed decorating his counselor’s skin. He pried Sean’s arms from his neck. Straightening, he placed a palm on Sean’s sternum to keep him from sitting up. “Obviously you’re not going to be still for what I want, are you?”

Sean licked his lips. “Depends. What are you planning?”

He gazed down at the light covering of curls on his lover’s chest. “I’m going to shave every hair off your body, then I’m going to create my own masterpiece using your skin as a canvas.”

Sean’s mouth opened and then closed. “When you say every hair, do you mean…?”

He rubbed his hand over Sean’s abs. “Relax, Counselor. Just from the neck down. You don’t have much body hair, but what you do have will interfere with my work.” He brushed a stray lock of blond hair back. “I love your curls.”

Sean relaxed. “Then I’m game. Do with me what you will, baby. I’m yours.”

Passion hit him hard. Against the edge of the table, he could feel the dampness where his cock pressed against the front of his slacks. Reaching for the ties, he held them up for his lover’s inspection. “I’m going to tie you to the table.”

He made his movements slow, searching Sean’s gaze for nervousness, amazed when he found none. Desire and something more seemed to pool in the dark blue depths. He shied away from the “more” but took the other as a silent agreement. Looping the soft red tie he’d worn earlier around Sean’s left wrist, he tied the long length around the slotted back of a nearby chair. Once the tie was secure, he checked the tightness of it. Then he moved around the other side of the table, repeating the process to the opposite arm. While the ties would give the illusion of being bound, if Sean pulled hard enough, he’d overturn the chairs. He could get free if he chose to. “You okay? I want to torture you with pleasure tonight, not pain.”

Sean grinned, his smile lighting up his whole face. “I’m good.” Then he wiggled. “But I’m ready for what you promised, baby. Take control, make me scream with pleasure.”

Taking his lover’s words to heart, he hardened his voice, slipping into the dominant role. “We’re moving at my pace, not yours. Now lie still so I don’t nick you.”

Isaiah picked up the shaving mug he’d brought with him. Using a bit of hot water from the cooling kettle, he worked up a thick froth. The light scent of musk filled the air when he brushed Sean’s torso with the lather. Once everything from chest to groin was covered, he picked up the straight razor from the folded towel.

Pressing down on the skin, he scraped the razor over the smattering of hair. A soft sigh filled the air. He paused to glance at his lover’s face. The total bliss he found surprised him. He hadn’t expected this response. Sean’s pleasure sent a shot of desire straight to his groin. He swallowed hard. “I’ve reheated what was left of the caramelized bananas. It’s going to look and taste delicious when I lick it and nibble it from your skin. Almost as amazing as the softened ice cream I took from the freezer.”

Sean moaned softly. “Ah hell…you’re going to use me as a human bowl.”

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