His Obsession Next Door (In the Line of Duty) (12 page)

BOOK: His Obsession Next Door (In the Line of Duty)
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“I’m okay.” He inched back and scanned her face, assessing her. “Coffee?” he asked, a tactic to distract her from the storm and give her something to do with her hands, she assumed.

Just then, her house shook and the power blinked off. She looked up at him and he pulled her back against him. As her body pressed against his, he tightened his grip and he rested his chin on the top of her head.

“I was actually thinking I should head to the shelter. Most of the animals are afraid of storms and it might help if I’m there.”

“I’m coming with you.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I didn’t say I had to.” He eased back and looked at her. “You know, Gemma, it’s okay to ask for help sometimes. It’s also okay to accept it when it’s offered. It doesn’t mean people won’t think you’re capable of taking care of yourself or that you’re not all grown up. Everyone needs someone sometimes.”

“I’m glad you’re here, Cole.” She was about to ask if he ever needed anyone but when he captured her hand in his her words fell off—once again the protective soldier was about to give instead of take.

“Come on,” he said and led her down the hallway and into her bedroom. He ushered her to her bed and sat her down. “Where will I find your clothes?”

“I can get them.”

The house shook again and there was nothing she could do to stifle the sound crawling out of her throat.

“Stay put, Gems. I can get them.”

Conceding, she said, “There’s a pair of scrubs in my top drawer.”

He walked to her dresser and pulled it open. As she watched him move with confidence, she had to admit, even though she was all grown up and trying to prove herself, she kind of liked it when he took care of her. He handed her a pair of scrubs and when eyes full of worry met hers, her insides quivered. As emotions rolled through her, her stomach clenched. She suddenly felt like she was freefalling without a net. God, this was not good, not good at all. Cole said he could only offer her one night of sex. Her mind flashed back to Victoria’s silver charm bracelets, and she silently cursed herself for not armoring herself better.

Then again one night of sex had turned into two. Would it be possible for sex to turn into something more? Did she dare hope?

His hand stilled when he spotted the package he’d sent her on top of her bureau. He grabbed a pair of panties and arched a playful brow.

“No,” she said, answering his unasked question. “I am not wearing them. My panties are in that cabinet.” She pointed to her lingerie chest.

“Yeah, well, these didn’t work anyway.” He grunted something under his breath as he tossed the granny panties back onto her bureau.

“Didn’t work?”

“I saw you parading around in them and it still made me want to come over here.” His jaw clenched. “I swear to you, Gems, if you don’t cut it out, I’m going to sew your curtains together.”

The tortured look on his face eased the tension inside her. She was about to ask why he hadn’t come over but her words dissolved when the lights flicked on then off again.

Cole frowned. “We’d better hurry.” He pulled out a bra and matching pair of panties from her chest and brought them to her.

He turned his back to her, giving her privacy.

She stood and slipped off her robe. “What, you’re not going to watch?”

His body tightened. “No, I’m not going to watch.”

“And here I thought you liked watching,” she murmured under her breath.

“Gems,” he said, his voice sounding tortured. “If I turn around there is no way we’ll get to the clinic.”

“Oh,” she said, a little breathless. While she liked the idea of that, the dogs needed her so she quickly pulled on her scrubs.

Once she was dressed, Cole followed her down the hall. When they reached the door she grabbed her raincoat.

“Wait here. I’ll get the truck.” He looked at Charlie. “Take care of these two until I get back.” Charlie barked, like he knew exactly what Cole was saying.

Gemma stood inside her door, both Stallone and Charlie beside her. Rain pelted hard, blurring the streets and obscuring her vision. When Cole’s headlights flashed in her driveway, the dogs bolted. She locked up and followed them down the stairs. Cole had both dogs secured in the truck when she reached him. She jumped in next to them and he shut her door and ran around to the driver’s side.

Water dripped down his face and his hair was plastered to his forehead. He used the back of his hand to brush it away.

She touched his forehead to swipe at a fat drop. “You need a raincoat.”

“A raincoat was the last thing on my mind. When the storm hit overhead, all I could think about was you. I know you don’t like thunder and lightning.” He cast her a quick glance before turning his eyes back to the road. “I was there that night, remember?”

“I remember,” she said quietly. Her heart fluttered as she listened to the rush of the windshield wipers. “Always my protector,” she murmured and he gave her an apologetic look. And why wouldn’t he look sorry? Hadn’t she blatantly told him she didn’t need him looking out for her? Except it was ingrained into his nature, she reminded herself, and once again she couldn’t deny there was a part of her that secretly liked that about him.

Less than five minutes later, Cole pulled his truck up in front of her work. She opened the door and the dogs hopped out with her. As he parked, she grabbed her key and opened her clinic door. She tried the lights, but the power was off. Hugging herself, she stood inside waiting for him. The dogs were howling in the back. Worry moved through her, knowing Danielle had her hands full. When she spotted Cole rushing down the sidewalk, she pushed the door open for him.

Thunder and lightning hit again and Stallone yelped. “Let’s put these two in my office. There are no windows and it should be quieter.” Cole agreed and after they secured the two dogs away from the windows, they made their way to the back shelter.

Gemma opened the door and as she rushed to Nana, she looked for Danielle, who was nowhere to be found. Panic moved into her stomach and she reached inside Nana’s cage to brush a soothing hand over her muzzle.

“What is it?” Cole asked, from behind her.

“I don’t know where Danielle is.”

A gust of wind caught the back door leading to the grassy area and it flew open. Gemma jumped when it smashed against the wall. Cole caught hold of her. “She must be out back.”

They hurried to the door. In the dark Gemma caught a glimpse of Danielle trying to rustle the howling dogs back into their cages.

“Dammit,” Gemma said. “We didn’t lock the doggy doors. The animals are spooked and trying to run away.”

“Danielle,” she called out, her voice catching in the wind as it whipped her hair around her face.

Danielle spun around. Relief moved over her mud-coated face when she saw Gemma and Cole there to help. She held up one of the howling pooches. “They got out,” she yelled over the wind.

“We need to rustle them up and lock them in,” she alerted Cole. Gemma moved farther into the grassy area, the heavy rain turning the ground to mud beneath her. Her feet sank in and she slipped, going down on her hands and knees, mud splattering her face and hair. She sputtered and cursed herself for not putting on her rain boots as Cole helped her to her feet.

“You okay?” Cole brushed mud from her cheeks as the heavy downpour matted his shirt to his skin.

“Yeah, let’s split up.”

In the dark, Gemma followed the sounds of howling dogs and gathered up a few muddy animals. After securing them inside and locking their doggy doors, she trekked back out into the rain. Close to a half an hour later, with each dog finally secure in its kennel, they made their way inside to the shelter area.

Standing in the long corridor, lightning struck. Gemma tried to slow her heart rate as she counted the seconds until the rumble hit. “Looks like it’s passing.”

“Thank God,” Danielle said.

Gemma made her way to Nana’s cage to kneel down beside it. “It’s okay, girl,” she whispered to the trembling dog.

Nana gave a yelp and her tail wagged harder when Cole came over. Everything from his dirty clothes to the streaks of mud on his face and the way he came to her rescue tonight had a lump pushing into Gemma’s throat.

“I think she likes you,” Gemma said, then scowled playfully. “What’s with these dogs and their bad judge of character?”

Cole gave her a cocky grin, and spoke soothing words to Nana as Danielle tried to wring mud out of her long ponytail.

Gemma stood and she cringed when her hands went to her own soaking wet hair. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get the mud out.”

“Thanks for coming to help.” Danielle frowned. “I tried to call but the phones were down, and I couldn’t seem to get service on my cell.” She shook her head. “I still can’t believe I forgot to double check the doggy doors.”

“Don’t beat yourself up. It’s happened to me before too.” Gemma looked at her young assistant, who’d been through a lot tonight. “Why don’t you head home, Danielle. I can take over from here.”

“No, you don’t have to—”

“I insist.” She put her hands on her assistant’s shoulders and turned her toward the front reception area. “I slept earlier and I can crash on the sofa in the back lounge if I get tired. The storm is almost over and the dogs are already starting to settle. You need to get home and get cleaned up.”

Danielle shot a glance over her shoulder. “But you need to get cleaned up too.”

Gemma slipped off her muddy raincoat and set it on a hook to dry. She toed off her shoes and said, “I keep fresh scrubs in my office and I can shower in the lounge.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

Conceding, Danielle made her way to the front and Gemma turned to Cole. With heavy-lidded eyes, she gave him a tired smile. “Thanks for everything tonight.” She paused, looked over his mud-coated clothes and added, “I think you owe me a dry cleaning bill.” She took two steps toward the front clinic. “Come on, I’ll walk you out.” The hand on her shoulder stopped her. She spun back around.

Something warm moved over Cole’s eyes. “Did you think I was leaving?”

“I thought—”

The power flicked back on as his mouth closed over hers and his kiss was so achingly gentle, her entire body weakened. After a long moment he broke the contact. “Come on.”

“Where?” she asked, wondering how she managed to push that one word past the lump in her throat.

“The storm’s not over yet, and I’m not about to leave you.” He captured her hand and led her from the back shelter to the front door. He set the deadbolt, pulled her closer and guided her down the long hallway, leading to her employee lounge.

Once there he directed her to the shower area at the back. He pushed open the door, ushered her inside, then locked it behind them.

“Cole?” she asked, her stomach fluttering as his presence swallowed up the small room.

“Shhh,” was all he said as he reached into the shower to turn on the hot spray. He adjusted the nozzle and steam filled the space as he lowered the lid on the commode and crooked his finger. “Come here.”

Gemma stepped up to him. He widened his legs, gripped her hips and, in a move that was all male, pulled her in between his thighs. A warm, intimate silence fell over them as his hands went to the hem of her shirt. Acting like it was the most natural thing in the world, he began to undress her. He peeled off her mud-soaked top, reached around to unhook her bra and tossed the wet garments to the floor. Next, his hands went to her drawstring. Deft fingers loosened the knot and when he widened the waist and let go, her scrubs fell to her ankles. Touching her in such a familiar way, he gripped her panties and hauled them down, tapping one leg for her to lift it.

Once her clothes were removed she stood there, trying to remember how to breathe as he, in turn, stood and pulled off his wet shirt and jeans. Warm steam filled the room, and everything in what he was doing seduced her senses in the most profound of ways. His expression was tender, the look in his eyes attentive and thoughtful when he put his hand on the small of her back to guide her into the hot, needle-like spray.

They both stepped into the small, tiled area and Cole closed the floor to ceiling glass door behind them. The hot water acted like a soothing balm to her cold skin. She let it flow over her naked body and soothe her ragged nerve endings.

Cole moved under the spray with her, turning her around so her back was pressed to his chest. As she pushed against him and his hardness meshed against her softness, a need so frightening it had her shuddering warned she might be in way over her head where he was concerned.

He tilted her chin back to soak her hair before squeezing a generous amount of strawberry-scented shampoo into his palms. He lathered her hair, his touch shockingly intimate as he ran his fingers through the stands to clean the mud. The sheer intimacy in the way he was taking care of her nearly stopped her heart.

He reached for the soap and lathered her quivering body with his hands. His palms slicked over her flesh. His touch warming her from the inside out as he washed the night from her flesh. Starting with her throat, he ran his soapy palms over her shoulders, her breasts and her stomach. Then he turned her to face him while he reached around her to scrub her back.

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