Read His Perfect Lady Online

Authors: Jenn Langston

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Regency, #Historical Romance

His Perfect Lady (14 page)

BOOK: His Perfect Lady
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“Mrs. Gates, what are you doing in there?” Andrew asked, dropping his rake and hurrying to hold the stall door open for her. “You know it isn’t safe sitting under a horse’s feet.”

“I know. I only wished to brush Daisy.” Her voice shook.

Andrew nodded and went back to his work. “Heard the men, did you?”

“Didn’t you?” She clutched the sides of her skirt in an effort to prevent herself from wringing her hands. Rumors about the house would only create more problems for her cousin.

“It isn’t the first time my ears took in something that’s none of my business. You’d best forget it. That’s what I do.”

“But what if Kenneth needs help?” she blurted out, unable to keep her worry to herself.

The older man paused in his work and leaned his arm on the top of his rake. “Then he will seek out the proper people to aid him. Your interference now would not help him. Trust me.”

As Andrew continued on his task, Catherine left the stable, hanging her head low. The man Kenneth spoke to sounded dangerous, and she refused to idly sit by and leave Kenneth to handle the trouble alone. However, Andrew was correct about one thing. She couldn’t help him.

But Jonathan could.

Tonight Lord Dudgery and his mother were hosting a ball. Although she hated the idea of appealing to her betrothed to invite her former lover, she saw no other option. If she approached Jonathan in a private location, she feared she would be unable to resist him. Her heart already ached too much at the mere thought of him.

That night as she entered the sparsely decorated ballroom, she surveyed the crowd for Jonathan. Lord Dudgery assured her he had already sent an invitation to Jonathan after having discovered he currently resided at Linwood.

“Mrs. Gates, I’m so pleased you could make it,” Lord Dudgery greeted her. “Please allow me to introduce my mother, Countess of Dudgery.”

The old woman slid her gaze to Catherine without bothering to make eye contact or lower her nose that practically faced the ceiling. Her disdain for Catherine couldn’t be mistaken. Trying to keep her opinion to herself, Catherine clamped her mouth closed as she curtsied.

“I don’t like her, William. Why is she here?”

“She is our neighbor, Mother. Daughter to the late Baron Berwick.”

“I didn’t like him either.” The countess turned away from Catherine. “Why, they are almost commoners. Honestly William, you must think before you add to my guest list. Next time I will have to monitor your selections more closely.”

Catherine stared as the countess walked away. She could hardly believe the woman would act in such a manner to her guests. Would she stay away after she wed Lord Dudgery, or would she remain to be a thorn in their side?

“You must excuse my mother,” Lord Dudgery apologized. “She has spent too many years away from polite society.”

“Tis all right, my lord. I just hope her opinions of me change once we’re wed.”

The earl’s eyes darted around quickly. “You must not speak of that here. Don’t you remember we agreed not to make any announcements at this time?”

“I will be more careful in the future.”

At his nervous reaction, she remembered how Jonathan questioned the earl’s decision. Although originally believing his thoughtfulness toward his cousin to be sweet, it no longer made sense to her. Wouldn’t the cousin be pleased to know the line would be secure before his death? In addition, if he wanted the title so bad, surely he would do more than sit back and hope the earl never married.

With a promise to dance with her later, Lord Dudgery moved on to the next guest. She wished they’d have an opportunity to speak about announcing their betrothal soon, but she didn’t imagine the conversation would occur tonight. A part of her felt anxious to have the whole wedding ordeal over with. Until then, she had no way of knowing if she had, in fact, broken the curse.

“Catherine.” Jonathan’s low voice came from behind her.

She didn’t turn around. She simply allowed the pleasure of his presence to prickle her skin and speed her heart.

“May I have this dance?”

Feeling grateful the dance wasn’t a waltz, she accepted. As they moved through the motions, Catherine caught sight of Evelyn dancing with Lord Dudgery. Her presence in the country presented a mystery, but even more compounding was her appearance in the earl’s house.

“You seem preoccupied tonight,” Jonathan observed.

As her cheeks heated, Catherine forced her attention back to her dance partner. “Not anymore, my lord. I’ll offer you my full attention now.”

“I require nothing else.” His gaze fell to her lips. “Well maybe a little more,” he whispered before they parted to conduct the next few steps with the person on their right.

Catherine’s heart pounded to see herself paired with Lord Dudgery. Her face flamed as she felt as though he’d caught her being unfaithful to her promise. His mouth opened slightly when his eyes made contact with hers.

“Catherine, I didn’t realize you were beside me.” He offered her a smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

Had she come upon him in a similar situation to her own? “Quite the coincidence.”

When the steps took her back to Jonathan, and Lord Dudgery back to Evelyn, her mouth almost dropped to see how bright red the girl’s face had turned. What could they possibly be discussing to give both of them such a reaction?

“I fear I have lost you again.” Jonathan’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “And right after the promise to bestow your attention upon me.” Jonathan slowly shook his head.

“I’m truly sorry. This evening isn’t . . . well, right.”

“Is it anything I can assist with?”

His offer brought back her intention to speak with him tonight. Glancing around, she knew it wouldn’t be wise to speak here. They needed privacy.

She dropped her voice as low as she could while still allowing him to hear. “Actually there is, but we can discuss it later.”

“I understand,” he assured.

When the song ended, he took her in the direction of her uncle, not the garden as she assumed. She tugged on his arm, knowing she didn’t have many opportunities to speak with him. He smiled down at her but didn’t change his direction.

“Relax, my dear,” he soothed. “After I leave you with your uncle, I will take a walk down that hallway. Two minutes later, you should do the same. You will find me in the first room on the right that has the door cracked open.”

She nodded, not surprised by his instructions. Clearly it wasn’t the first time he’d arranged a clandestine meeting with a woman. However, she felt too grateful to be jealous.

After watching him disappear down the indicated hallway, she began to count as she anxiously tapped her foot. Luckily she had yet to fill her dance card and therefore didn’t have to worry about turning a gentleman away. Lord Dudgery hadn’t even removed himself from Evelyn’s side even to secure a dance with his betrothed. The situation with the two of them irritated her more than she wanted to admit.

Once the allotted time passed, she made her way across the room and disappeared inside the slightly open door. To her surprise, she found herself in Lord Dudgery’s study. She felt uncomfortable in there, as she had no idea why the earl would leave it unlocked with the potential of guests stumbling in.

“Catherine,” Jonathan breathed from behind her as he closed the door.

“Thank you for meeting me. The matter is somewhat urgent,” she said quickly in case he misinterpreted her need to see him alone.

“What is wrong? I will help in any way I can.”

His offer nearly brought her to tears. In all her life, Jonathan had been the only person who willingly gave of himself to her whenever she required it. Her heart swelled as she gazed into his earnest face.

“I do want your help, but not for me. Kenneth needs it.”

Jonathan’s eyebrows rose as suspicion crept into his features. “Considering the request is coming from you, I can’t refuse. However, my unconditional assistance only extends to you.”

“What do you mean, exactly?” She crossed her arms over her chest as the pleasant feelings from moments ago drained away.

He shrugged. “That all depends on what you want from me. Why don’t you tell me what your cousin needs, and we will discuss this later.”

Catherine surveyed him with narrowed eyes but could not ascertain anything else. She knew he would reveal his meaning in his own time, but she couldn’t shake the feeling she wouldn’t like what he had to say.

“Very well,” she conceded grudgingly. “I overheard Kenneth speaking to another man who threatened him. I don’t know what it was about, but I can’t sit by and wait for something bad to befall my cousin.”

With a sigh, Jonathan ran his fingers through his hair. “What do you propose I do?”

“Talk to Kenneth. Maybe between the two of you, a plan can be devised to remove him from the situation he’s in.”

“You’re not asking me to do something easy. I don’t imagine he’ll be willing to speak with me.”

“Then you won’t help?” Panic welled up inside of her and flowed into her words. Who could she turn to now?

“I didn’t say that.” He tapped his fingers against his chin. “Now I am tasked with determining what payment I will place upon my help.”

Trepidation snaked up her spine, making her shiver. “You will not give me your help willingly?”

“For you, I would, but not for your cousin. As I’m unsure the scale of work required of me, the payment will have to be given out in portions. I believe we should begin with a kiss.”

He moved toward her, but she held her hand out to stop his progress. “I can’t. Don’t you remember I’m a betrothed woman?”

“Not yet. Until he has announced it to the world, you appear as prey to predators such as myself.”

As his body met up with her extended arm, she felt the warmth of him seeping into her cold hands. The rapid rising and falling of his chest further encouraged her as it spoke of his desire.

Although she wanted his help for Kenneth, she couldn’t betray Lord Dudgery. “Is there not another method of payment I can offer you?”

Jonathan shook his head as his lips tightened into a hard line.

“Can you give me more time to think on this?”

His shoulders sagged as he stepped back and allowed her hand to fall back to her side. Both relief and disappointment filled her, making her knees weak with the force of it. Why did he have to torture her?

“Certainly. In the meantime, I will see if there is anything I can do for your cousin for free.”

“Thank you,” she breathed, grateful he still planned to offer Kenneth assistance in some way.

“We must return to the ballroom in the same manner. Would you care to leave first?”

“I believe I need a few minutes.”

He nodded, then exited the room.

Staggering over to the sofa positioned directly in front of the fireplace, she slumped onto the soft cushions. The evening had been much too trying. Thoughts of Jonathan and his payment and Lord Dudgery and Evelyn clouded her mind and sent her beyond exhaustion. She couldn’t be sure how long she remained there, but she couldn’t muster the desire to move.

Hearing muffled male voices, Catherine peered over the back of the sofa to see the door opening. Panicked, she lowered herself to lie down while silently praying they would not come this way and discover her here.

“Now what do you need to discuss so urgently?”

Her mouth dropped open. Uncle Toban!

“I wanted to speak to you again about my shipping investment,” Lord Dudgery answered.

Uncle Toban sighed. “That again. I know you’ve been trying to persuade my son, but we’re not interested.”

She winced as a loud sound, as if someone dropped a large object onto the desk, filled the air. “Do you hold no value for our upcoming alliance? Have you forgotten I have proposed to your niece? I would say that alone should encourage you to invest with me.”

“I don’t understand your reasoning.”

“Would you like this marriage to take place or not?”

Chapter 12

Jonathan threw another useless account book onto the floor. Resisting the urge to toss the whole lot of them in the trash, he slid the next book forward. His eyes itched and his back ached after poring over each line for the majority of the day.

Knowing the reason for Linwood’s shortfall existed within these pages made him press on. The only possible reason for the deficit he found was the low amount of rent they collected from the tenants. However, that alone could not account for everything. Making a mental note to check the tenants’ records later, Jonathan pushed back in his chair.

After pouring himself a much-needed brandy, he swirled the liquid in his glass, watching as it coated the interior. He wanted the mind—numbing burn, craved it even, but he couldn’t bring himself to imbibe it. Although he didn’t want to, he needed to think.

The ball last night had been very illuminating for him. Catherine had made it clear she had no intention of reconsidering her decision to marry Dudgery. Her request for his help with her cousin showed she still trusted him, but their relationship would not go further than that.

He also realized how many silly young girls were seeking a husband. In all his experiences with women, he’d never spent much time around innocent ladies. Although he knew they would eventually grow up, the question remained if he were willing to wait that long. For the sake of his brothers, he would have to learn to live with one of them until she became bearable.

A knock at the door brought Aunt Mildred in to plague him. He knew he was in a bad state, because he actually welcomed her interruption.

“What can I help you with this fine morning?” Jonathan greeted as she sat in the chair across from him.

“Did you enjoy the ball last night?” Her question sounded innocuous, but her eyes were too intense.

“No more than I expected,” Jonathan diplomatically responded.

“And the ladies? Were they not to your liking?”

Jonathan sighed. “I don’t understand your line of questioning, as I made it clear I would not wed a lady of your choosing. In addition, I can’t imagine one night of introductions would bring me to my knees in a proposal.”

She nodded slowly, as if the realization hadn’t dawned on her until this moment. “Well, I’d like to thank you for taking this matter seriously. Your attentiveness toward the young ladies didn’t escape my notice.”

“I live to please you.” Jonathan placed his hand on his chest and bowed his head in an exaggerated manner.

Her face turned bright red. “Now I know you have no desire to accept any of my choices, but I invited a dear friend over for tea. She has a young daughter she’d like you to meet. Would you mind joining us?”

“I have already said—”

She held up her hand. “I know. However, as this request is not from me, I’m not offering my approval or disapproval of her. You may decide that without my interference.”

Looking at his aunt in exasperation, he shook his head. He couldn’t fault her as she attempted to appease him. In addition, no harm could arise from a simple meeting with the lady.

“I can’t see any trouble in indulging you for now.”

Her eyes glistened as she smiled. “You’ve finally grown into a man your father would be proud of.”

His fingers tightened on the arms of his chair as he clenched his teeth. Nothing he did had ever made his father proud. As a child, he’d strived for such acknowledgment from the man, to no avail. Now that his father lay in the ground, Jonathan couldn’t be sure he wanted his deference any longer.

However, the thought couldn’t leave him alone. Would his father truly be proud, or was his aunt manipulating him? An hour later, he still couldn’t come up with an answer.

As he sat in the drawing room, he decided no amount of his father’s pride was worth listening to his aunt and Lady Wegan gossip. Glancing at the other occupant, Miss Glace appeared to share his sentiment. One way to escape the room existed, and he would be able to save the lady from this inane conversation in the process.

“Miss Glace, would you care for a tour of the manor?” Jonathan offered.

Her gaze slid to her mother, who nodded. Then her face lit with pleasure as she looked at him. “I would be delighted.”

He took her arm and led her toward the portrait gallery. Although not one of his favorite places, most people found the past viscounts and their families to be quite impressive. All he ever saw was his father’s disapproval.

“This is a beautiful room,” Miss Glace gushed as she spun around in a little circle as if wanting to take it all in. “My family only recently began commissioning portraits. I do wish they’d chosen to do so sooner.”

“I’m glad you enjoy it. Linwood has always made a point to obtain likenesses of all the family, even if they passed before doing so.”

Her wide eyes fixed on him. “How is that possible?”

He laughed. “The painters were quite skilled and moved their brushed on the canvas based solely on descriptions.”


As she continued to slowly move through the room, Jonathan trailed behind her, taking the opportunity to study her. Her height almost matched his, and hairpins obediently held her black hair into place. Her nose stretched too long and her lips too thin, but she still held an appeal. He imagined he could find much worse.

“Does your family reside solely in the country, or do you spend time in London as well?”

“I’ve never been to London.” Disappointment laced her words. “It’s been a longstanding wish of mine to live there.”

Jonathan nodded solemnly. He wasn’t surprised her wants didn’t match his own. Apparently finding a bride would come with some compromise. “London does have its appeal.”

When he escorted her back to the drawing room, she stopped him outside of the door.

“I have enjoyed myself today.” She placed her free hand upon his arm and leaned toward him. “Will I be able to see you again?”

Catherine rode as fast as Daisy could manage, allowing the wind to blow her hair and whisk her troubles behind her. Lord Dudgery had not come yesterday, and she refused to remain at home in the event he chose to arrive today. He needed to learn she wouldn’t sit at home anxiously waiting for him.

Uncle Toban wouldn’t approve, but after his conversation with the earl at the ball, he spent little time around her, or at home for that matter. She didn’t care, as he was the other party bartering with her life.

Overwhelmed with the need to disappear or lose herself, she trespassed on Jonathan’s property as she rode to the maze. Not many knew the secret to reaching the center, but Jonathan had taught her years ago. When no one could find him, she always knew to look for him there. He had always enjoyed the place and the privacy earned there.

After tying Daisy at the entrance, she navigated the paths, wishing she had brought a book along. Although the cool breeze and overcast sky proved she might not have a chance to stay long, she intended to remain as long as the weather allowed.

Turning the last corner, she stopped abruptly. Jonathan was there with two young boys she could only assume were his brothers. Without making a sound, she spun on her heel, hoping to escape unnoticed.

“Who are you?” one of the boys asked.

Her heart stopped. She could not escape seeing Jonathan now. Slowly she continued the circle until she faced them again. Jonathan’s shocked gaze and two pairs of curious eyes met hers.

“Catherine?” Jonathan’s voice sounded incredulous, as if he didn’t truly believe she stood there.

Honestly, she could hardly believe she found herself in his presence either.

“Well, you gave me permission to trespass whenever I like,” she reminded him.

His face broke out into a smile, and he reached his arm out to her. “Come. Join us. This is Darin and Lawrence.”

“Nice to meet you.” She curtsied.

“I like her,” Lawrence admitted. “She’s pretty.”

“Is this the girl you told us about?” Darin asked.

Jonathan cleared his throat as his eyes shot to Darin. “No. This is Mrs. Gates, our neighbor.”

Jealousy heated her face. What other woman? She clenched her teeth tightly to keep the question from flowing out. He just arrived in the country, and he already met someone who reduced Catherine’s status to “the neighbor.” Part of her wanted to remind him he loved her, but she couldn’t.

“Mrs. Gates, do you want to see the fish?” Lawrence pointed to the large fountain in the direct center of the labyrinth. “Stanwick and Jonathan put them here a long time ago.”

“I’d love to.” She moved past Jonathan to stand beside the young boy. The fish he indicated were small and colorful. “They are beautiful.”

“You can’t catch them, though.” Lawrence touched his finger to the top of the water, making the fish scatter. “They don’t like that.”

She laughed, enjoying the innocence of the child. One day he would grow up to be a man and become just as frustrating as all the others of his gender. She turned as Jonathan came up beside her. Darin remained where he was, eyeing her with curiosity.

“What brings you out here?” Jonathan inquired. “Have you made a decision since our last discussion?”

Forcing her shoulders back, she met his gaze. His face displayed nothing but mild interest, and as she couldn’t see his eyes, she had no way of knowing what he wanted to hear. Immediately thoughts of the other woman invaded her mind and firmed her resolve.

“I have.” If Lord Dudgery intended to use her as a bargaining chip, she owed him nothing.

Jonathan’s eyes sparkled with the intensity she hoped for. “And?”

“And we can speak at another time.” She smiled at both his brothers. “I’m sure they don’t wish to hear our boring discussion.”

“You’re right.” Jonathan turned to Darin. “Do you remember the way out?”

“I do!” Lawrence answered.

“Maybe, but I’m not taking the chance that I’m wrong.”

Jonathan nodded before addressing her. “Will you wait for me to return?”

“But I know the way,” Lawrence pressed.

“I’m sure you do, but I can’t chance that you’ll get mixed-up.”

“I won’t. I promise.” Lawrence jumped up and down in excitement. “I can do it. Trust me.”

Darin crossed his arms over his chest as he glared down at his younger brother. “I’m not going out there so you can get us lost.”

“You won’t get lost. I dropped my marbles along the path.” He pointed down the path where a yellow marble sat.

Darin grinned. “I’ll race you home!”

Both boys hurried away, yelling and arguing as they went.

Jonathan shook his head with an indulgent smile.

What it would be like to have close siblings? she wondered. Most of her life she’d been alone.

“So, now the audience is gone. What is your answer?”

Questioning whether she made the right decision, she crossed the path to put some distance between them. Jonathan’s presence overwhelmed her, and she needed him to understand she didn’t give in due to her desire for him.

“Putting everything aside, Kenneth is in danger and needs help. How could I possibly refuse doing my part for him?”

Jonathan’s face remained unreadable as he slowly took a step forward. “So you are sacrificing yourself to me?”

“Yes,” she replied, hoping her admission would discourage him. After all, he wasn’t the kind of man who took advantage of women. “Otherwise I wouldn’t agree to this.”

One eyebrow lifted as he continued toward her. The slow motion seemed deliberate, as if he hoped to fill her with anticipation. His ploy worked. Her breath increased and her body tensed as she waited. He stopped and leaned down until his face was directly before hers.

“Is that your way of trying to deter me?” His breath washed over her face. “You can’t stand there looking at me like that and convince me you don’t want me.”

Her heart raced as she looked at his mouth. So close. He was right. She wanted him. Much more than she should. Her body smoldered and demanded she close the distance between them, but she couldn’t move. Impatience gripped her and brought pain to her muscles as she held herself back.

When his eyes dropped to her mouth, his lips parted. She rejoiced. Soon he would satisfy the unbearable ache within her.

A cold droplet of water landed on her face, dragging her from her passionate thoughts. As more rain fell on them, Jonathan laughed, a strained sound. What was the rain’s obsession with interrupting them?

He grabbed her hand and led her out of the labyrinth. The sky opened up and pelted them with its wrath as they traversed the maze. When they reached Daisy, Jonathan untied her and lifted Catherine onto the saddle before settling himself behind her. Had the rain not assaulted them, she would have found Jonathan clinging to the back of the mare behind her sidesaddle amusing.

Arriving at Linwood’s stables, they dismounted and handed Daisy off to the stable boy. Then Jonathan took her around the back of the stable, not toward the house. Confused, she wanted to question him, but she didn’t want to yell through the banging of the water on the earth.

Jonathan suddenly stopped and tugged her into his embrace. His warmth overwhelmed her, heating her all the way to her bones as his lips crushed hers. Wrapping herself around him, she met him eagerly. As it had months ago in Hyde Park, the rain intensified her reaction.

Her hand trailed down to his trousers. She boldly stroked over the length of him as her other arm secured him to her. Desire pooled between her legs, and she had an overwhelming need to experience making love in the rain. Fumbling at the flap of his trousers, she rejoiced to feel a button give way. Her goal came within reach.

BOOK: His Perfect Lady
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