His Reverie (19 page)

Read His Reverie Online

Authors: Monica Murphy

Tags: #New Adult, #Romance, #Love, #Young Adult

BOOK: His Reverie
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She must’ve gotten a new swimsuit for her birthday because there isn’t a thick black strap in sight. All I see is skin. Her shoulders, her chest, her stomach and those sexy long legs, all on display since she’s wearing a colorful bikini that manages to cover all the important parts up pretty well but still fuels my imagination.

“You’re a fucking liar, bro. That guy is all over your woman.” Michael pauses, scrutinizing me a little too closely. “Or are you two on the outs already?”

I shrug and look away, my gaze snagging on Reverie yet again. After going days without looking at her at all, now she’s all I can see. All I can hear. She’s treading water in the deep end, her hair slicked back from her face, water droplets still clinging to her cheeks. Glenn’s running around the pool like he’s ten and ready to do a cannonball right in front of her, which is probably what he’s planning to do.

Her gaze meets mine and she flashes me a little smile. A smile that says,
look but don’t touch.
Diamond studs sparkle in her ears and I wonder where the hell she got those.

Probably Daddy’s the one who got his precious baby girl earrings that could pay my rent for at least two years, maybe more.

How nice.

Her smile falters a little bit but she doesn’t look away and I can’t either. We stare at each other, even though Michael’s still talking to me and the obnoxious Glenn is yelling her name. She mouths ‘hi’ at me and gives me a little wave.

I look away from her and focus on Michael. “I decided you were right,” I say, interrupting him.

Michael’s eyebrows went up. “Yeah? That’s a first. No one ever thinks I’m right.”

I chuckle. Even when I’m thoroughly pissed off, this guy can still make me laugh. “Yeah well, in this situation you definitely are. She’s nothing but a goody goody virgin. I gave up on her.” The words leave a sour taste lingering in my mouth the moment I say them. Because I don’t mean it. I only gave up because I had to. And yeah, she might be a virgin, but I have a feeling it would’ve been real easy for me to show Reverie a thing or two. She would’ve been a more than willing participant. She melted every single time I got her in my arms…

But I’ll never know what could’ve happened because that is over and done with.

“You sure about that? You look kinda wound up. Not that I can blame you since Rev looks pretty damn hot in that bikini. Who knew she was hiding such a bangin’ body?”

Just like that, I go from appreciating Michael’s sense of humor to wanting to bash his face in. This isn’t good. I’m not the jealous type. I need to get my shit under control.

“I’m sure,” I say, my lips barely moving. Breathing deep, I tell myself to get a grip. Wanting what I can’t have is getting me nowhere. “Besides, look at her. She has a new guy to play with.”

“Please. Glenn Williamson has been coming here every summer with his parents since I’ve worked here. He chases after her for a few days, she tolerates him, they have fun but it’s nothing serious. That guy is a complete loser.” Michael makes a dismissive noise but it doesn’t ease the jealousy tearing up my insides.

I need to face facts. I’m not over Reverie. I still want her. Bad. So bad, I feel ready to beat some innocent dude’s face in just so I can prove a point. He needs to keep his hands off her.

“Come on, the party is gonna start in a little over an hour and they want us to finish arranging everything over at the tent,” Michael reminds me.

I follow him away toward the rose garden, keeping my gaze straight ahead versus looking at the pool one last time. But I can feel her eyes on me, watching as I leave. I wonder if she’s flirting with that guy on purpose. Does she want to drive me crazy or is she innocent in all of this? I’m not sure.

She’s unpredictable. That’s half the reason I’m attracted to her.

A tent for the small dinner party they’re having in celebration of Reverie’s birthday has been set up in the garden. A long table awaits inside, lavishly set with a deep pink tablecloth and a scattering of lit votive candles. A local florist brought in colorful arrangements that run down the entire center of the table. There’s even a freakin’ chandelier hanging from the highest point of the tent, casting a rich golden glow that makes the entire setting look like something out of a fairytale.

I bet Reverie is going to love it. She seems like the type of girl who still believes in the fairytale.

Michael and I need to do a few little things to prep for the dinner, including set up the torches around the tent and light them, then wheel over the portable bar, which is a heavy son of a bitch. Once we’re done with that, we can head back to the pool to clean up and then we can make our escape.

Thank God. I’m ready to get the hell out of here. I can only handle so much torture before I’m pushed beyond my limits. And I’m pretty sure I already hit that mark a couple of hours ago.

We work silently, Michael and I. Even the people from the kitchen are quiet as they finish setting the table with the fancy china and making sure everything’s ready. All I can do is think about the birthday girl. I don’t know if I could stand watching Reverie at her special dinner. She’ll probably wear something amazing and look gorgeous. Her parents will shower her with more gifts. Stupid Glenn Williamson will give her something too. Something expensive and out of my reach and she’ll give him a big hug for it. Maybe even a thank you kiss.

My blood boils just thinking about it.

“Uh oh,” Michael utters under his breath.

“You two!” I hear hands clap twice, a sure sign that Valerie Hale has blessed us with her presence. “Hurry up! I don’t want you around when Reverie arrives.”

“We’re almost done,” Michael tells her as I shoot her a quick look. I don’t dare stare at her too long for fear she says something to me. Like,
you’re fired.

Yeah. I know she’s not happy with me. Feeling’s mutual. I did what she asked me to do and I stayed away from her daughter. What more could she want?

“You. You’re done,” Valerie says as she stops directly in front of me. I’m lighting one of the last torches, holding the lighter to the thick wick before it finally catches. “You can go.”

“Are you dismissing me?” Ah hell, I didn’t mean to talk back but I’m holding on by a thread here. My temper is this close to exploding and I’m not one to explode.

She crosses her arms in front of her chest, plumping up her boobs. I figure she’s doing it on purpose but I refuse to ogle her. I don’t know what’s up with this woman but I don’t like it. “I am,” she says coldly. “Now go. Before our guests see you.”

I feel like a lowly hideous servant she wants to hide. My hand curls tight around the lighter and I feel like I could bust the plastic into a million little pieces with my fist. Instead I turn and leave, muttering a low ‘see ya’ at Michael as I stalk away toward the house.

“You need us to still clean up the pool?” I hear Michael ask her.

“Just you. Let him go. You don’t need him.” The contempt in her voice when she says
is more than obvious. “You can handle everything on your own, right Michael?”

What a bitch. She dismisses me and unloads an unfair amount of work on Michael. God, I hate her. Maybe I should quit. It’s probably what Valerie Hale wants. She treats me like shit in the hopes she can get rid of me and normally, that would make me want to stay even more.

I’m not sure if it’s worth the trouble though. I’d rather give her the satisfaction and get away from her smug ass than have to deal with her every day.

That would also mean I won’t see Reverie anymore, but maybe that’s okay. It’s better for me actually. A couple of days ago I viewed this job as my saving grace. Now quitting Hale House is the perfect excuse for me to get away from Reverie once and for all.

No matter how much I need this job and how much I would miss Reverie I know it’s what’s best. I gotta look out for myself. No one else gives a crap about me. I have no one.

No one at all.

I’m planning my giving notice call to Reverend Hale when I run into her. Reverie. Just plow straight into her slender body so hard I almost knock her on her ass. Her startled gasp reverberates through me and I reach out to grab her upper arms. My fingers tingle as I hold her steady and she finds her footing. “God, I’m sorry. Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

She lifts her head, her gaze meeting mine and I’m stunned silent by her beauty. Fucking corny as hell but it’s the truth. She must be wearing makeup because I’ve never seen her eyes look that intense before and her lips are this glossy, tempting pink. Her hair is slicked back into a tight bun that sits practically on top of her head and she’s wearing a dress that is almost…indescribable.

Short. Strapless. Gold and lace and a black ribbon wrapped around her waist as a belt. Slender arms on display, long legs on display, she’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. A sexy fairy princess who’s come to me in my dreams, only this is my fucking reality.

I let my gaze linger as I drink her in. Slowly I ease my grip on her arms but I don’t release her. It’s like I can’t. “I’m fine,” she finally answers. “Are you all right?”

That she cares about my wellbeing says a lot. I’ve treated her like shit all week and she still asks. When she should kick me in the shins with those sexy shoes she’s wearing and tell me to go to hell.

“I’m fine,” I say as I realize I’m slowly stroking her upper arms with my thumbs. I immediately release her, glancing around to make sure that her mom is nowhere in sight.

“Are you leaving?” She sounds disappointed.

“Yep. Work day’s over.” I offer her a grim smile as I step away from her, creating some much needed distance between us. Of course, all this does is allow me to see her even better and man, is she a sight to see. It’s like a transformation happened in the last few days. She went from sweet, innocent Reverie to sexy, all grown up Reverie.

I don’t know which version I like better.

“I haven’t seen you much this week,” she says, getting straight to the point, as is her typical style.

“Been busy.” I shrug.

“More like been avoiding me.”

I don’t say anything because she’s right.

“Did I do something to make you mad? It’s like we haven’t even talked since…the stable.” She looks worried. I did that to her and it makes me feel like shit. “I was afraid that maybe what happened…wasn’t good. For you. Or whatever.” She waves a hand, her cheeks coloring a pretty shade of pink that reminds me of a summer sunset. “I’m being stupid. Just ignore me. Have a good night, Nick.” She starts to walk away.

“Wait a minute.” I grab hold of her arm again to keep her from escaping and turn her to face me. “I’m not mad at you.”

“You seem mad.”

“Other shi—stuff is making me mad. It’s not you. I’m sorry that I ignored you.”
What are you doing, asshole?
“And just to let you know, it has nothing to do with what happened in the stables.”

“Um, okay,” she whispers, nodding. Looking like she wants to believe me but she’s not quite sure if she can.

“And you’re never being stupid.
the stupid one,” I reassure her because damn it, it’s true. What I’m doing right now is so stupid, so risky. Her mom sees us and I’m done.

Fired. Gone. Out of her life.

Reverie smiles a little at that. “No you’re not.”

“Yeah, trust me I am. Just…don’t ask me to explain what happened. It’s all me. My own issues. You’re perfect. I hope you realize that. ” I return her smile, just basking in her presence. If that’s all I can get then I’m going to enjoy every minute of it. “Happy Birthday, Reverie.”

“Thank you,” she says, her voice so soft I almost don’t hear her. “I wish you could go to the dinner with me.”

My entire body tenses. She’s offering me something I can never have. What sucks worse is I want it. So bad, I’m tempted to say screw it and accompany her to that dinner. Wouldn’t her mom just shit if I pulled out a chair and sat right next to Reverie? If she put her hand on my arm and told her parents, “He’s my guest and he’s staying.”

It would never happen. But a man can dream.

“I don’t belong at that table,” I finally say, facing my truth. I’m not worthy. Of her, of her family, of any of them. We live on opposite sides of the world and the divide between us is so wide I don’t know why I’m even attempting this.

“Yes, you do. You’re my friend. I want you there.”

“Just your friend?” I ask, pissed at myself for even saying it.

Walk away, walk away, walk away.

I don’t move. My entire body is frozen as I wait for her answer.

“I…” She smiles prettily and lowers her lashes, like she can’t look straight at me when speaks. “I’d like us to be something more. I made a birthday wish this morning but I don’t know how you feel.”

I want more but I can’t tell her that. Can I? “A birthday wish?”

“It’s dumb. Completely immature.” She huffs out a sigh and glances over her shoulder. “I should probably go. My mom will come looking for me.”

“Tell me your birthday wish.” I should let it go but I can’t. I want to know what she wished for.

I want to know if it has to do with me.

“Really?” She flashes me a tremulous smile and I feel it to the very depth of my soul. Her uneasiness. Her fear that I’ll laugh or worse, reject her.

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