His Taste (By His Command #7) (billionaire domination / erotic romance) (5 page)

BOOK: His Taste (By His Command #7) (billionaire domination / erotic romance)
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He smiled and I looked away.

I had to collect myself.

I needed to go face Jonathan Black.


Jonathan sat on the couch with one leg on top of the other, his hands gripping at his ankle and just under his knee.  His stare deadly and intent on me as I strutted through the open door of the room.

I can watch you do that all night,” he said.

Do what?” I asked.

Walk in that dress.  You’re like a dream... my dream.”

I kept walking until I stood before Jonathan.  I swallowed and knew my face painted the scene.  Not that I planned on lying to Jonathan or holding anything back from him, I had learned my lesson about that from before.  It was just hard to accept that the night didn’t go as Jonathan planned.

I let you down,” I whispered.

Did you?  How so?”

He came to me like you said but he left first.”

Jonathan nodded.  

He was bold, daring, like he had all the confidence in the world.”

Of course he did,” Jonathan said.  “I wasn’t there.”

I tried my best.  I pushed back, rejecting him, making sure you were brought up as much as I could...”

Until he touched you,” Jonathan said.  “And you froze.  You watched.  You... you watched him touch you.”

I didn’t mean...”

But you spoke well.  That I liked.”

My face burned.  I connected the dots and it shouldn’t have surprised me for a second.

You were there,” I whispered.

Of course I was,” Jonathan said.  “I wouldn’t let you out of my sight, Isabella Grace.  What kind of man do you think I am?”

I didn’t answer the question.  I wasn’t supposed to.  

My hands were at my sides and my body suddenly felt neglected and unwanted.  I expected Jonathan to lunge at me.  The time we spent apart, even though he watched me, should have been enough to entice him.  To make him want me.  To make him need me.  To make him use his body to show me he was the dominant one.  That Kellen didn’t stand a chance.

But Jonathan didn’t.

He sat there, in the same position.

You look troubled,” he said.

I let you down.”

No, you didn’t,” he said.  “Kellen is hooked.  But you did break my rule.  He touched you.  His greasy finger touched my precious angel’s shoulder.  His touch, seeping through your beautiful pores.  Like a venom.”

No, not like that,” I said.  “I wasn’t sure what to do once he stood up.  I thought I was going to leave first.”

You broke the rule,” Jonathan repeated.  “And now, I’m afraid I can’t touch you...”

My mouth opened and a rush of tears came to my eyes.  I let out a shaking breath.  

Jonathan finally moved, putting a hand up.

I can’t touch you until you wash him off you.”

Wash him...”

That dress must be destroyed and you must take a shower.”

Yes, anything, Mr. Black.  Anything.”

I turned to run to the bathroom and Jonathan cleared his throat.

Of course, Isabella, I must watch...”

I was thankful then that my back faced him because I smiled.  Technically, this was punishment, but to have Jonathan’s dark and beautiful eyes upon my naked body... that wasn’t a punishment, not at all.

He stood at the bathroom door with his arms folded, waiting for me to take the dress off.  I reached for the zipper and couldn’t reach it without a struggle.  I stopped and looked at Jonathan, thinking he’d want to make his mark and strip the dress off me.  But he didn’t.  He stood there, cold and annoyed.  Of course he didn’t want to touch the dress... Kellen had touched me.  He wanted nothing to do with me until I was fully clean of Kellen.

I fought to get the zipper started.  Then I had to reach behind myself and I somehow managed to lock two fingers to the tiny zipper and pull it down far enough to pull the top down.  I kept my back to Jonathan and even as the dress came down past my knees and finally off, his reaction didn’t change.  When I stood fully nude, the curves of my backside leaving the allure of what waited at my front, it did nothing.

Kick the dress to me,” he said.

I turned and did.  

He took the dress in disgust and left the bathroom.  

I waited for his return and when he came, he pointed to the shower.

Leave the door open and wash yourself,” he said.

I turned the water on, amazed at how fast it became hot.  I stepped in and instantly enjoyed the warm, refreshing downpour.  With the eyes of Jonathan Black upon me.  

Is the dress gone?” I asked as the water pounded against my back. Trickles came over my shoulders and down my chest, tickling my sensitive nipples all before making their way along the curves of my body to between my legs.  



Jonathan looking at me.

It came as no surprise to me that within the first minute of showering I was fully turned on.  The water washed the wetness down my legs.  My nipples were so erect, they actually throbbed and hurt a little.

The dress is gone,” Jonathan finally said.  

I left it at that.

I couldn’t believe he was so serious and adamant about Kellen.  The destructive look in his eyes was greater than the look he gave talking about Oliver Rush or Peter Cresh...
or even his own father

I shivered in the shower and began to wash myself.  

The shampoo and soap, a lavender and eucalyptus mix together, felt amazing on my skin and I loved the way it made my hair feel when dry.  I  didn’t dare to imagine the cost of such products but I enjoyed using them while I could.  

After I rinsed my body, I ran my hands through my hair, letting the extra water fall.  I looked at Jonathan, hiding my emotions, and I touched my face.  Then my neck.  My fingers curled and I slowly ran down my own body, touching my breasts, my stomach, and stopped my fingers just above my sex.  I curled my fingers some more, pulling at myself.  I opened my legs a little and showed Jonathan my tender, pink skin.

I was clean.

All clean.

For him.

Do it again,” he said.


Your shoulder.  Scrub it harder.”

I nodded, remembering I had broken his rule.

I washed again and when I saw the same look in Jonathan’s eyes, I did it again, scrubbing so hard that when I finished, my shoulder was raw red.  

Perfect,” he finally whispered.

He pushed from the sink where he had been leaning and stepped to the shower.  He reached for my hand and just that touch alone caused a gush of warmth to come to me.  Jonathan pulled and forced me to stand almost out of the shower.  He touched my shoulder, circling around the red spot I had inflicted upon myself.  

Now, maybe you’ll listen to the rules,” he whispered.

His lips touched my shoulder in a delicate kiss.

Yes, Mr. Black, I will.”

Good.  Because you and Kellen are going to have a second date.  Now come out of the shower and pleasure me.”

He backed away and my body felt tangled.

Jonathan left the bathroom and I counted to three before stepping from the shower.  Those quick seconds gave me the chance to regroup and find both strength and balance to exit the shower and prepare myself for him.  I dried and wrapped the towel around my body.  Of course, I didn’t have clothing in the bathroom with me and that left me no choice but to walk to the bedroom and find Jonathan.

As I walked through the hotel room I noticed the curtains were still closed.  That was a good thing but it did nothing as my mind wondered if ‘K’ was still watching us, even with the curtains closed.  

At the bedroom I expected to see Jonathan naked, getting naked, or getting ready for me.  He wasn’t naked and he wasn’t getting naked.  He was, however, busy.  He had a black tie draped over his shoulder.  Standing at one side of the bed, I watched him tie a tie around one of the bedposts.

Just getting ready,” he said as he started his walk to the other side.  

My shock left me voiceless.  Jonathan took the tie from his shoulder and repeated the process.  He tugged on the tie and nodded. Then he turned to me and took the tie he wore off, and started to strip himself of his buttoned down shirt.  His body made my mouth water.  

Towel.  Drop it.”

I nodded and pulled the towel from my body.  Everything remained the same as in the shower.  My nipples throbbing, my center warm and damp, the results of Jonathan Black and his command.  

The bed.”

I stepped towards it and climbed, going to my hands and knees, leaving myself exposed from the back.  I crawled on the bed, feeling Jonathan’s eyes staring at me.  I looked over my shoulder, throwing my wet hair to the side.  My pussy ached for Jonathan and he stepped towards the bed.  His large hands touched my ass, rubbing and cupping me.  He groaned and then pushed.

Turn around and put your hands up.”

I did as told and began to shake.  My back now to the bed.  My body was so tender.  I was naked.  Jonathan only topless.  He moved to the side of the bed and took my left wrist, tying it into the tie.  The silky knot was tight and harsh on my wrist but I managed.  Again, Jonathan walked slow and with confidence, a confidence that poured so much out of him, it made Kellen look foolish.  

Jonathan tied my other wrist and then climbed the bed.  He wasted no time moving over me, just below my breasts.  I let out a whimpering cry.  He wasn’t going to have sex with me.  He wanted another kind of pleasure.  

He reached down and unzipped his pants, not speaking a word, not breaking his stare.  I broke the stare to watch as Jonathan retrieved himself, pulling his thick shaft out of his pants.  He released his hold and let it stand there, hard and throbbing, ready for my enjoyment.  

You know what to do,” he whispered moving towards my mouth.

His hands slapped against the wall and as he looked down at me, he positioned his cock to my lips.  He gently touched me and teased me.  I let my tongue explore the tip of him, circling the best I could, barely able to make a circle around his immense girth.  He then thrust, forcing his thick tip into my mouth.  My lips had no choice but to be tight, my mouth already running out of precious room.  But I knew Jonathan would find a way to make more room.

I took deep breaths, wanting to relax, accept Jonathan inch by inch.  When my mouth was literally full he paused and groaned.  He reversed his motion, taking his time sliding out of my mouth.  I could already feel saliva trickling down my mouth.  That’s when Jonathan came at me again.  I moaned and jumped, not expecting the sudden thrust.

Relax,” he said.  “I’m going to savor you... and you’re going to savor me.”

I could see Jonathan’s body tightening as he started to pump at me.  It started slowly, in and out of my mouth, every few seconds, pushing himself deeper, bringing me close to letting out a gag.  But he never did.  He forced me to trust him, and with that, I relaxed.  I let him enjoy my mouth and I enjoyed it in return.  Even when the pace started to grow faster, my breaths feeling shorter and less frequent, I closed my eyes and stayed with him.  He reached an ultra fast pace, taking my breath, and when I reached my climax, the point where my instinctive need to breathe and survive was about to kick in, he  pulled out of my mouth and took a break.

I gasped for air, over and over, as Jonathan stared at me.

I’m going to come now,” Jonathan said.  

Before I could make a sound, he was back at my mouth.  I accepted him again, moaning as long as I could, wanting the sound vibrations to torture him.  

He started to slow again but picked up his pace faster this time.  He reached
speed and I handled it.  I felt his cock thickening and becoming more rod like, leaving no room for air and no room for my tongue to do a thing.  

He grunted and his hands became fists, punching the wall with a one-two hit.  He sped up and then climaxed with a deep thrust, just like our sex before.  I felt him release deep in my mouth, his orgasm pouring down my throat.  With his cock still in my mouth, Jonathan untied my wrists.  I let my hands fall.  He slid himself from my mouth and stepped from the bed, tucking himself away.  I licked my lips as I caught my breath.

That’s how you deserved to be touched,” Jonathan said.  “Not with the casual tease of a finger.  Someone with the intention to trick you or hurt you, Isabella.  You deserve the intention of pleasure... rest peacefully tonight.”

Jonathan left the bedroom and I let out a quiet cry.  I had just gotten to pleasure Jonathan Black yet my mind was back to Kellen.  I thought about what Jonathan wanted, what he demanded.  A second date.  What would be the rules then?  What would I do?

I wanted it to end.

Worst yet, each time I heard Kellen’s name or looked in Jonathan Black’s eyes, I thought of ‘K’... the greatest threat was still lurking...


Night came and went with the morning greeting me yet another empty bed and a heart full of emotion.  Just once, I wanted to wake next to Jonathan or feel his arms around me.  I wanted to those precious early moments of the day together, staring hopelessly into each other’s eyes, teetering on losing control and letting the morning waste as we enjoyed the company of each other’s bodies.

Nothing about Jonathan Black was hopeless and probably never would be.  I considered the possibility that perhaps Kellen was hopeless.  The image of him next to me in bed - let alone actually near me - made me cringe and shiver.  I stood from the bed still naked and dressed in a thick robe to leave the room.  I found Jonathan hard at work.

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