His to Claim (4 page)

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Authors: Sierra Jaid

Tags: #Fiction, #Paranormal & Urban, #Paranormal, #Romance, #romance adult, #romance series

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“Aye, I remember how sensitive yer breasts are.” Neither realised when he lapsed into his Scottish burr. “How quickly stroking ‘em could get ye wet.”

Elaine would have been assailed with chagrin were she aware of anything beyond what her body felt.

Her breasts fit perfectly in his palms; the smooth, firm globes excited to be stroked, kneaded by him.

Trevor’s inquisitive hands, the hot steel sheathed within her were showing her a kaleidoscope of sensations. And when he started moving in her unbridled, every dream from their one time together felt but a fragment of what he was kindling in her now.

He pinched her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, having them pucker up so tightly, it sent sharpest shootings of unbearable, yet just too delightful shockwaves down to the pit of her stomach. There, the amazing swirl multiplied as his razing shaft continued the unstoppable momentum of slamming into her.

The blast came uncontrollable in her, leading a spasm of volcanic effect.

“Fuck, Fuck, Jesus. Elaine.” Trevor felt the burning intensity of Elaine’s orgasm, the inexorable pulls compelling him to give her more. It was as if she were trying to suck his heart out from his dick.




revor had never fought so hard in life to keep from taking his pleasure, what mattered most was Elaine. And to give her the sweet release was heady in its own.

The weight of her head thrown back over his shoulder was seal to his success in giving her a mind boggling orgasm.

But what that cost him was impossible to describe in words.

His every thrust into her convulsing channel was cushioned by the soft rounds of her delicious arse. And while his one hand couldn’t be stripped away from that hidden, erogenous hood between her legs–slick with her juices–his other hand filled with a creamy orb of her breast revelled in its perfect size and firmness.

His body bellowed to leave no tide of her passion go untouched. To pour into Elaine the hunger, the fervour, the tenacity with which he desired her.

But instead he denied himself, keeping a practised pace that would bring her another of the most rending completion. His fingers worked, played with the nub of her need–every rub, every flick sending her into greater ecstasy.

He wrote this moment to her, but soon the next ride would count for his.

Elaine felt her inner muscles, for the second time, clasping down on Trevor’s fullness with unabashed eagerness. He had provoked such a rush of pleasure to hit her, that the force of it threatened to sweep her into unquestioned obeisance.

All the fire, the strong power slamming into her, it was feeding the hot flames licking at her, fanning the gale swirling within into a storm.

When the descent from her crest at long last came, the cloak of sweet radiance fell as warmth from dunes of sand in the approaching twilight.

But it was his pulsating heat, unsatisfied, roaring inside her still, that kept the chilling shadow of some indistinguishable, inchoate fear from seeping into her marrow.

However, the term of this reprieve didn’t last long.

The blaze of his hardness dislodged from her flesh, leaving Elaine feeling empty, lost. Its absence was stark.

But it was the breakage of the last of her links with him–his body shielding her back like a second skin–that Elaine suffered the worst beat of that cold fright stalking her. And before long, the malicious, amorphous shadow had started taking shape.

She didn’t want to find what it was! She wanted to slip back into the silken haze he had woven for them just now.

Starving for a strike, a flint of spark to drive that shadow away, she prayed.

Where had he gone? Come back..

A commanding hand took her trembling shoulder and swerved her from the cold blankness of the door in front.

Elaine bowed to its dictates as water took to gorge, and found herself facing the fiery width of Trevor’s sculpted chest.

The indomitable blades of his shoulders crowded her. His mouth once again plunging, demanded she let him in, and that’s how life reasserted itself in her full bloom.

With her chained in the ungiving strength of his arms, the danger of that creeping fear was extant no longer.

A regalia of starlights spilt before her eyes. Trevor fed her his breath, his tongue delved into every corner of her mouth pouring magic into her veins.

She couldn’t get close enough to him. Her leg skimming up and down the length of his relished the heat emanating through the pants covering him still, when she was bare to skin.

Her dress in twisted ring was slung low over the flare of her generous hips. Her thong lay, torn and abandoned, somewhere far in the pitch black boundaries of the apartment.

Hands desperate for the feel of the man in her arms floated over every inch of him they could reach. Sinew to tendon, her mind’s eye brought up images that rendered her slicker where the pang to have him again grew with each intake of her flaming breath.

His majestic rise turgid with unspent passion scorched her stomach. It lured, it seduced, it called for her surrender.

“I got tae have ye on yer back, lass. Now.”

And surrender, she did.

Laid spread on the floor, Trevor’s foraying touch reduced her into an undulating mass. When the hot fire of his mouth enclosed over the throb of her nipple, it imploded a sequence of phantasmagoria from the centre of her breast to the shores of her every nerve-ending.

Sensations reigned her wild. Moans that let loose from her throat were unrecognisable as her own laced with the trill of some sensuous ballad. And in the cloak of darkness, their hips moved in chime with the nuances of that music playing in her head.

Releasing one breast from the hot cavern of his mouth, Trevor rolled his dextrous tongue over the budded tip of the other. Elaine nearly came off the floor, shuddering.

“My lass likes it, eh?”

Yes, I do. I do. Just, just don’t stop.
Too far gone in the throes of her fervid craving, she let her thoughts escape aloud.

“I willna. Trust me this.” He growled, impassioned.

Next, she was fully tugged under Trevor, poised to receive him. He guided her legs to lock behind his back. And eager for the connection both craved, she obeyed.

“Devil himself tugging at my ballocks from hell couldna stop my cock from giving ye an explosion hot enough tae dig yer heels in my back.”

“Now, Trey. Now..” The ache to have him inside her was greater than any she had ever experienced. It seemed even a second’s delay was going to slice her up.

Had Elaine been able to look at herself as she were, it would have been too appalling for her to believe.

Five years of rigour and discipline practised to keep herself from falling under his power again–in one weak moment–all regressed into wasted pangs. Self-preservation might be a primordial instinct, but it paled before the tempest of unrequited love that had had an aeon to mature into a most enthralling force.

It had her bound now, enflaming her.

As Trevor entered Elaine, her body crooned with a sigh of contented bliss. Her pliant flesh conformed to the solid contours of his remarkable length and girth with a loving caress. His kisses being strewn from the arch of her throat to the valley between her breasts had her heart fluttering like a caged bird.

Trevor could feel the delicate walls clenching now and again, trying to adjust him better. Though coated from her multiple orgasms, his sinking into her this time brought Elaine no discomfiture. This liberating knowledge nipped at Trevor’s already crumbling control.

Control, that he wanted to give up so

There was nothing holding him back now. Elaine wanted him. And he wanted her. Desired her with an obsession that rode his every passing thought in life.

She’s his

Hips thrust forward into her, his body’s demand in tandem with the will of his mind.

She emitted a sweetest sound, and it took the final swipe at his damned control, setting him free.

And it felt fucking great.

He pounded into her. His breaths burned his lungs. Sweat beaded on him, muscles thundered like a stallion’s in rut.

The abandoned cries and moans of the woman beneath was gearing him into a frenzy. Trevor drove into Elaine with the grace of a hammerhead, no rhythm at all. There was only one goal, run both her and him to the apex of fulfilment.

Eagerly taking that which he gave Elaine drew her legs higher, digging her heels onto his back.

“Aye Elaine, dig in, as I dig ye. Dae ye feel it?”

When she didn’t answer for long, Trevor methodically slowed to a frustrating, agonising pace.

Elaine whimpered in protest, frantically trying to reach down behind him, somehow to make him reclaim his vigorous momentum. Her need for him had only sharpened.

“Dae ye?” He demanded of her again.

Little pink tongue darting out, she wet her drying lips before nodding. “Yes,”

“Yes, what?” He stopped altogether.

“No, please..”

“Say it.”

“I feel ev..every caress, every stroke of your pe..penis.”

His body above her convulsed.

Convulsed from trying to repress, hide his mirth. “Remind me later, lass, to give you some pointers on bedroom talk.”

Oh, the arrogant ass!
The sound of his condescending chuckle inflamed Elaine. Though evidently not enough to try to buck him off her.

She wanted him today despite all the nasty curve balls he was pitching her. And the fact that the cover of darkness protected her from baring it all, abetting her in hiding her face, the emotions which could reveal how mere a touch of his finger had the strength to rock her world, was too tempting to pass.

When he resumed creating in her the most exquisite stirrings, a savage fire unleashed, insatiable. She exulted in the ferocity of its naked hunger, in the dominance of a powerful man. Man, whom she had loved with everything breaking inside her.

With all her strength, Elaine held onto Trevor against the tempest he was building in her. Each of his grinding plunge hurled her deeper into a vortex.

When she felt him grow harder, bigger–nearing that edge–her body matched the roll of its own climax to join him in his ultimate fall. And its dynamic implosion had her crying out his name.

Trevor ploughed into her with a passion that bordered on savagery. The ropes in his muscles grew tenser. Hot blood boiled, and he shot his essence in her.

It went on and on, a never ending conflagration. His breaths too shallow, his heartbeats too fast. The longer it went, that much closer he felt to his death.

But did he want it to end?

No! He would fight to keep it going. “Not yet, not yet!” His teeth gnawed.

When Elaine returned to earth, she was amazed to find Trevor still pumping in her. The drum of his heart loud against her breast, his voice, hoarse with laboured breaths, kept demanding to go on.

He was like a man possessed, who knew no tomorrow.

This had to stop before he killed himself.

Tenderness swelled in her. He alone in the world had power to give her extreme happiness, or extreme sorrow.

She stroked his head with a calm touch and welling tender love, then witnessed their phenomenal effect bring Trevor’s culmination to its spectacular end. A resonance of the same gratification she was floating in at the moment.

Drained, he collapsed on her, and Elaine, welcomely cocooned him in her embrace.

After their vigorous play-off, a sweet, tranquil inertia permeated, perturbed only by Trevor’s face buried in the curve of her neck scattering shots of tiny electric kisses, that sent lovely tingles all over her sensitive body.

Gliding through a fog of pink stupor, she noted his shaft coming to life again, rubbing, straining against one of her inner thighs.

It unsettled Elaine a little. Although, she wasn’t opposed to have another go at the amazing action they had just shared, but she doubted her only twice before tried body would be inclined to take up yet another of that rigorous exercise this soon.

But when Trevor looked up from the graceful column of her throat searching for a kiss on the soft, swollen petals of her lips, she returned the fervour of his mouth with equal zeal.

All of her poured out in that kiss, their lovemaking having decimated her guard. Its intensity screaming to him,
I love you. Trevor. It’s always been you, only you. I love you. I love you...

He was keeping her close to him, supporting her head up in his hands, proceeding to take Elaine to a resplendent oblivion where woes of past and fears of the future didn’t exist.

What had them swathed together was present–giving, taking, feeling.

She couldn’t tell how long they stayed tangled in the mass of their languorous limbs. But later, groggy with sleep, she faintly sensed being carried in strong arms–a husky whisper asking for the way to her bedroom.

Did she tell him? Who knew..?

But some very pleasant moments in the cradle of those arms and then, she was being laid on a fluff of cool clouds.

Severed from their strength Elaine whimpered, shivered from cold, but when a male bonfire joined her under the quilt, she warmed deliciously. She couldn’t resist snuggling into him.

Eyelids closed, a disturbing frown creased between her curved brows.

Her hand moved over his chest, seeking.. When it found a small opening to burrow, she slid her palm in and let it coast over the beats of his blazing heart with a contented sigh.

Elaine’s fingers brushed his flat nipple and she heard him hiss sharply. A most complacent smile graced her face then.

Everything was better now.



uffeted with a wave of anxiousness, Elaine wakened to a splash of morning light brightening her room. Something was different–with this day, with her.

Her head still induced with the effects of sleep was slow in processing. But a strange apprehension inside was quickly shaping into anxiety.

A pulse of disquiet started jumping at the base of her throat. What was wrong?

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