Read His to Claim #5: Breaking Storm Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

His to Claim #5: Breaking Storm (2 page)

BOOK: His to Claim #5: Breaking Storm
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“I went back there to take my place at Ranier Industries. My father owned the company and when he died a while ago, my brother and I inherited it.”

“That’s the place where Jessica and Melanie worked. It’s owned by Dane, Jess’ fiancé.”

“That’s right.” Storm locked gazes with Travis. “He’s my brother.”

Travis tilted his head. “You’re a Ranier?”

Storm stuck out his hand. “Rafe Ranier.”

“Shit, man, you’re a billionaire?” Travis chuckled and shook his hand. “Then you buy the first round of drinks tonight.”

Storm grinned. “No problem. Does that mean I’m forgiven?”

Travis shrugged. “Sure. Why not? You’re going to be my brother-in-law.” He grinned. “And my sister did wind up with the better brother.”

Storm laughed. “Yeah, thanks.”

Travis leaned forward again. “Look, man. All kidding aside, I’m sorry I hit on Melanie. It’s one thing to punish you by stealing groupies on the road, but another to go after Melanie.” He shrugged. “You can’t blame me, though. She’s a great girl. But she obviously loves you. And you love her.”

Storm took a swig from his water bottle and Travis’ brow furrowed.

“Look, I don’t even know who I am yet. I sure as hell don’t know how I feel.”

“Bullshit. You are clearly in love with Melanie.”

“You say that, but I thought I loved Jess.”

Travis slumped back in his chair. “Sure, but even I can see the difference. I thought you loved Jess, too. That’s why it hit me so hard when you walked out on her. But when you look at Melanie …” He shook his head. “God damn, man. It’s clear as day.”

The fact that Travis was so definite about it gave Storm a ray of hope.

Travis’ eyebrow arched. “You haven’t told her yet?”

Storm shook his head. “I didn’t want to lead her on like I did Jess.”

“Ha. That ship has already sailed. Melanie is stuck on you, no matter whether you’ve declared your feelings or not. But you do love her, so there’s no problem.”

Storm sighed. “Last night, she told me she loves me.”

“Shit, and you left her hanging?”

“I know. I fucked up so badly. But I couldn’t say it because I didn’t know it was true. Love isn’t a word I take lightly. But, man …” He rubbed his hand across the back of his neck. “Yeah, of course, you’re right. I do love her.”

Travis nodded. “Okay, make some grand gesture then.”

“Like what?”

Travis scratched his chin, turning thoughtful. “Let’s think about this. What does Melanie really want?”

“She wants to find out who she really is. She wants to be free from rules.”

Travis nodded. “And she wants you.”

“Fuck, she wants you, too. And Diego.”

Travis grinned. “Yeah, she does. But that’s not an option.”

Storm gazed at him, an idea taking shape in his brain. “I don’t know about that. Maybe it is.”


Two days later, a breeze fluttered through Melanie’s hair as she laid the stacks of T-shirts on the table, preparing for the crowd to come. They were at the Delta Classic Chastain Park Amphitheater in Atlanta. There were other people setting up tables around her, some with merchandise for the other two bands playing this afternoon and evening.

Storm had told her he had a surprise for her after the show. Savage Kiss was scheduled to finish at about five or so, so it would be the first full evening they’d had to spend together since Storm joined the tour. She was looking forward to some romantic time together.

Once the show started, the crowd was energetic and enthusiastic. They applauded so long and loud that Savage Kiss had to play three encores.

Finally, it was time for Melanie to pack up, and excitement about the evening to come fluttered within her.

“Hey, you ready to go?”

She glanced up at Storm’s voice. She dropped the last T-shirt into the box in front of her and closed it. “I just need to carry these boxes to the bus.”

“Don’t worry about that. Jimmy and Dan said they’d do it.”

On cue, the two men appeared and started moving the boxes.

“Thanks, guys,” she said as Storm took her hand and led her away.

“Yeah, no problem,” Jimmy said. “Have fun.”

Storm guided her to a waiting car with a driver. It wasn’t a fancy limousine like he had in Philly, but it was a nice, comfortable vehicle with leather seats that she sank into happily after being on her feet for hours.

“So where are we going?” she asked.

“It’s a surprise.”

“Okay.” She settled against him and, with the gentle motion of the car, soon dozed off.

She felt Storm’s lips on her forehead. “Baby, it’s time to wake up. We’re here.”

She opened her eyes to see his sky blue ones gazing down at her. She wrapped her hands around his shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss. He indulged her, the delightful movement of his lips on hers stirring a need within her.

“Are we going to a hotel room?” she asked hopefully.

He chuckled. “Not yet. I thought I should feed you first.”

“If you insist.” But her stomach grumbled, reminding her she hadn’t eaten for several hours.

The driver opened the door, then she and Storm walked hand in hand into the lovely old inn. The restaurant overlooked a beautiful garden with a lake beyond. The sun set as they enjoyed their gourmet food, the flaming colors reflected in the calm water.

Finally, dessert came. She barely tasted the delightful chocolate mousse as she anticipated getting Storm alone in the room.

Once the bill was paid, Storm stood up and offered his hand. A few moments later, they were alone in the elevator heading up to their room. “I must warn you, the surprise I have for you is a little … unconventional.”

“But I thought the surprise was the nice dinner and staying in this lovely inn.”

He shrugged. “That’s just the setting. The real surprise is something a little more … exciting.”

“And unconventional?” She smiled, curiosity buzzing through her.

The elevator stopped and the doors whooshed open. He led her down the very short hallway to a double door.

“This is the penthouse, so there are no other rooms on this floor.”

She grinned. “So are you saying we can make all the noise we want?”

“That’s right.” His eyes glittered. “After all, I wouldn’t want to disturb the other guests.”

He opened the door and she stepped inside. She drew in a breath at the lovely surroundings. Bright and spacious, the suite was furnished with modern, but elegant furniture in subtle tones. The wood was teak and the upholstery was cream and tan. He led her into the living room and sat down on the couch, then patted the cushion. She settled down beside him.

“Okay, so before I bring in your surprise, I need to explain something.”

“About why it’s unconventional?” She was bursting with curiosity.

“So let’s start with the fact that I know you’re attracted to Travis and Diego.”

Her stomach clenched and she gazed up at him. Oh, God, why was he bringing that up?

“I don’t want you to deny it, or apologize for it. It’s reasonable that you might be attracted to other men. We’re dating, but you’re not dead.”

She shook her head. “Where are you going with this?”

“The point is being with other men is only cheating if you’re doing it behind my back.”

Confusion swirled through her. “I don’t understand. I don’t want to be with other men.”

“Look, I know that women sometimes fantasize about being with more than one man. Even Jessica once told me about a fantasy of having a threesome.”

Her eyes widened. “I know. She told me you and Dane brought that one to life for her.”

Excitement and disbelief rippled through her.
Oh, God. He could he actually mean …

“There are a couple of reasons I set up this particular surprise for you,” he continued. “One is because I know you are trying to connect with your wild side. To be free from the rules you usually allow to bind you. Also, I find the idea of watching you with two other guys extremely hot.” Heat blazed in his eyes. “To watch them touching you. You getting turned on by them. As long as I’m there, that is.”

“Are you really saying you’ve arranged for me to … uh … for Travis and Diego to …” She swallowed. “Are you going to watch us have sex?”

“Not just watch,” he murmured. “I’m going to participate.”

Oh, God. Three men.

She trembled in excitement.

“But … I don’t really understand why.”

He stroked a hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. “Melanie, the idea of being with them excites you—and me—and I don’t want you to deny what you truly want.” He leaned closer, his sky blue gaze holding her transfixed. “And you know how the old expression goes. If you love someone, set her free. If she comes back, it’s meant to be.” He stroked her cheek. “I know you love me. And I trust you. If I allow this to happen, you’ll be allowing yourself to truly fly, and I believe it will make our relationship stronger. I believe you will come back to me.”

She stared deeply into his eyes. “Of course I will. I love you.”

She pressed her lips to his and his arms swept around her, pulling her close. Her heart pounded as he kissed her passionately. Finally, his lips released hers.

“Are you ready?”

“I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

He smiled. “Good.” He winked. “Because I can hardly wait.”

Storm walked to one of the doors in the suite and opened it. Travis and Diego stepped out and joined them in the living room.

” Diego’s brown eyes glittered with excitement, while Travis smiled, his blue-green eyes intense.

She remembered when Travis had kissed her with a potent authority and she wondered if he would take control again now.

“So you’ve decided to go forward with this adventure,” Travis said.

She nodded, feeling guilty at the intense excitement in her, despite the fact Storm was the one suggesting this.

Travis stepped toward her. “I know you like a man to take control, so consider yourself my slave. Is that understood?”

Her gaze flickered to Storm.

“Look here and answer me,” Travis demanded. “Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she murmured.

“Good. And from now on, you will address me as Master. Now come here, slave,” Travis commanded.

At his authoritative tone, she stepped toward him.

“Very good. Now say, ‘yes, Master.’”

“Yes, Master.”

The words sent chills through her.

“Now go and stand in front of Storm.”

She walked toward Storm’s seated form. His eyes gleamed as she approached him.

“Take off his shirt.”

She unbuttoned his shirt, watching his solid, tattooed chest slowly become exposed as she unfastened each button. Then she slid the shirt from his shoulders and pulled it off.

“Kiss his chest.”

She crouched down and ran her hand along his solid chest, the muscles hard as iron beneath her fingertips.

“Lick his nipple, then suck it.”

She leaned forward and touched his hard nub with her tongue, then swirled her tongue around it. Then she leaned closer and wrapped her lips around him and sucked. His body stiffened and he drew in a deep breath of air.

“Now turn around and sit on his lap, then glide back and forth.”

She turned around, facing Travis and Diego, and sat down on Storm’s lap. Travis’ face remained cool and commanding, but Diego’s eyes blazed with hunger.

“Take off your shirt and cup your breasts.”

She tugged off her top and tossed it aside. Diego’s eyes flamed even hotter at the sight of her baby blue lace bra. When she cupped her breasts in her hands, she saw the bulge in his jeans grow.

She glided forward and back, pivoting her hips again and again. She could feel the bulge in Storm’s pants growing, too. Heat grew within her as his fabric-covered cock stimulated her sensitive flesh through the thick denim between them. Storm groaned.

“Stop, slave.”

She stopped, the ache pulsing inside her.

“Stand up and take off your pants.”

A shiver ran through her as she stood, then faced Storm and unzipped her pants. He watched her zipper release, his gaze following her movements as she slowly lowered her jeans from her hips, then pushed them downward. When she stood up, she felt vulnerable standing there in a tiny thong, her naked ass exposed to the two men behind her.

“Now kneel in front of him and stroke his cock.”

She obeyed, stroking down his belly, then over the huge bulge in his jeans.

“Is it hard?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good. Unzip him and pull out his cock.”

She tugged the zipper down, then reached inside for the hot steel rod. She admired it hungrily as she drew it out. It was thick and hard, pulsing in her hand.

“Do you like it, slave? Does it make you hungry?” Travis asked.

“Yes, Master,” she admitted, her gaze locked on the veins pulsing along the hard shaft.

“Take him in your mouth.”

She gazed at Storm and her eyes widened at the hunger in his eyes. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his tip, then widened her mouth as she wrapped her lips around his bulbous cockhead. It filled her mouth. She squeezed him inside, to his groan of pleasure.

“Drive him deep into your throat, slave.”

She opened her throat and dove downward, his big cock filling her, then she glided back, unable to keep him that deep.

“Suck him.”

Oh, God, this was so hot. All the men were fully dressed, except for Storm’s lack of a shirt, and she was practically naked. And they were watching her bring Storm to climax.

She dove down again, then back. She wrapped both hands around him and stroked while she sucked his big cock. His fingers twined in her hair, coiling in the long strands and his breathing came in deep pants. He murmured little sighs of approval while she stroked and sucked. Then her hands found his balls, which she knew he loved, and she fondled them. He stiffened, then groaned.

“Fuck, baby. I’m going to …” Then he grunted and spurted into her throat.

She kept sucking, milking every drop from him. His fingers, which had tightened almost painfully in her hair, loosened and he slumped back in the chair.

BOOK: His to Claim #5: Breaking Storm
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