Read His to Claim Online

Authors: Opal Carew

His to Claim (12 page)

BOOK: His to Claim
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Then her hot mouth surrounded him and the groan escaped. Her gaze locked with his
as she glided down his hard shaft. With her dark blonde hair pulled tight on her head
and her conservative business suit, he could almost believe she was his secretary
again. And she was in his office sucking his cock.

Fuck, this was hot. He closed his eyes as she glided deeper, imagining this was an
ordinary workday when she was still his secretary and he’d called her into his office
just to give him head.

She drew back, then glided deep again. Her soft fingers stroked his balls, which turned
up the heat several notches. As her lips hugged him tightly, gliding up and down,
his head started to spin and his groin tightened.

“Fuck, I’m so close.”

She squeezed his base, then drew her lips from his erection, an impish grin on her

“I forgot to tell you, Jessica told me you have a meeting in ten minutes.” She stood
up. “Maybe I should stop now.”

“Oh, fuck, woman!”

He pulled her onto his lap, and his mouth captured hers in a crushing kiss. His hand
found her breast and he fondled it roughly, loving the feel of her nipple pushing
into his palm through the thin silk of her blouse.

If he was going to make that meeting, he couldn’t take this where he wanted it to
go. But he also couldn’t go into the meeting with his cock rock hard and aching.

He drew his lips back and murmured against her ear, “Well, you’d better get on with
it, then. Now kneel down and suck my cock.”

He rested his hand on her head and pressed downward. She sank to her knees in front
of him again, then took his cock lovingly in her hands and stroked it. He groaned
at the feel of her delicate fingers around him, then again when she captured his cockhead
in her mouth.

“Oh, yeah.” His fingers curled around her head as she glided deeper, taking his cock
down her throat. Then she slid back and glided deep again.

Oh, God, he would come any second, but feeling the moistness of her delightful mouth
around him made him crave even more. He wanted to be inside her sweet pussy.

Her fingers tucked around his balls and pleasure shot through him. She caressed them
as she glided back and forth, taking him deep each time.

“No wait, I’m going to … Fuck!” He shot down her throat, his pelvis jerking forward,
intense pleasure pulsing through him.

She drew back and licked her lips. Damn it, he hadn’t wanted to come in her mouth.
He wanted to be inside her hot, sweet body.

“Stand up and turn around,” he demanded.

She stood up and faced the desk, as instructed.

“Now show me what’s under that skirt of yours.”

He watched in anticipation as she wiggled her skirt up, baring her perfect, round

God, it was so appealing. His fingers itched to glide over the firm, round flesh.
Then to smack it, enjoying the sharp connection of flesh on flesh.

The urge to spank her, again and again, became overwhelming.

He stood up and cupped her ass, loving the feel of her smooth skin against his palm.

“You dare to come in here after you walked out on me. After I was a fair and generous
boss. And now you want your job back?” He tightened his fingers around her firm flesh.
He leaned closer and murmured, “The only thing you deserve from me is to be punished.”

“Please, Mr. Ranier. Don’t punish me.” But she gazed over her shoulder with longing
in her eyes, belying her words.

“Silence,” he snapped.

He slid his hand over her smooth, round ass, then slapped it. Her fair skin blushed
pink. He smacked again, then again, the sharp sound filling the office.

God, his cock was stiffening again.

He smacked a couple more times, then stroked her reddened flesh. He wanted to be inside
her, pumping his cock until he exploded.

He stepped back.

“Open yourself to me and beg me to fuck you,” he commanded.

His breath caught as she reached behind her and grasped her round cheeks, then drew
them apart, revealing her glistening folds.

“Please fuck me, Mr. Ranier.”

God damn. Her invitation acted like an electric prod. He grasped his aching cock,
almost drooling at the sight of his secretary bent over his desk, her pussy exposed
and glistening. Ready for him.

He positioned himself behind her and pressed his cockhead to her slick flesh, blood
thundering through him. God, he thought he’d die with need. He thrust forward.

“Oh, yes,” she whimpered.

Fuck, she was so hot and welcoming.

“Fuck me hard, Mr. Ranier.”

He drew back and thrust again, knowing he was dangerously close.

“Oh, please, more,” she begged.

He grasped her hips and kept thrusting. Suddenly, intense heat rushed to his groin
and … God he tried to stop it but … The flood of pleasure spiked and he groaned as
he released inside her.

He kept on thrusting as he filled her hot passage, then finally collapsed against
her, his cock still nestled in her warmth.

But, damn it, she hadn’t come.

He drew back and she stood up, smiling at him.

“Don’t think you’re getting away that easily.” He pushed her back against the desk,
then reached under her skirt and stroked her slick flesh, his finger finding her sensitive

Her eyelids lowered and need filled her big, green eyes. He flicked it and she moaned

He started to crouch down, but she grasped his shoulders.

“You really do have a meeting now,” she said halfheartedly.

“I know.” He captured her lips and plunged his tongue inside, thrusting the way he
wanted to again in her pussy.

He lifted her onto the desk and knelt in front of her, then licked her flesh, slick
with both their fluids. He drew her pink folds apart and drove his tongue inside.
But his cock twitched and he realized he needed to be deep inside her again.

“Rafe, really. You’re going to be late.”

As his secretary, she had always prided herself on ensuring he was never late for
a meeting.

He stood up and lifted her from the desk, then spun her around and pressed her to
the wall.

“Fuck it. I’m in charge here.” Then he drove his cock into her again.

She gasped, staring up at him with wide eyes. He grasped her wrists and held them
over her head, then thrust into her again, driving her hard against the wall.

“Oh, yes.” Her whispered words drove his need higher.

He rammed into her again. And again. Her slick passage massaged him as he filled her
over and over. She whimpered and moaned softy, her eyes glittering with desire. Every
beautiful, feminine sound of need she uttered, drove his need higher.

He wanted to know she was going to come. He wanted to hear her say it.

“Are you going to come this time?”

She nodded, her gaze locked on his as she pushed against the grasp of his hands, her
body arching against him.

“Tell me,” he said forcefully. “Say it.”

“Yes, Mr. Ranier, you’re—” She gasped as he drove in hard, slamming her against the
wall. “You’re making me come.”

He thrust and thrust again, loving the sound of her whimpers. Then she arched against
him and her whimpers turned to a rising moan. Her face glowed and her eyelids fell
closed as she rode the wave of pleasure. He reached between their bodies and his calloused
fingers found her clit. She gasped and moaned louder.

Then, incredibly, he erupted inside her. He lurched forward, crushing her to the wall.
But she just kept moaning. His pelvis ground against her and she gasped, then collapsed
against him.

They stood together like that for several moments, their erratic breathing slowly
calming to normal. Finally, he drew back and gazed down at her.

“You’ve got your job back.”

She laughed. “You’d be crazy to hire me back. I just made you late for your meeting.
Probably the first time ever. What will the marketing department think?”

He chuckled. “Fuck them.”

Then she grinned and raised her eyebrows. “Is that an order?”

He pulled her from the wall and smacked her bottom. “You are really bad today.”

She giggled as she pulled her skirt down over her delightful cheeks, then headed to
the door of his private bathroom.

“And that’s why you love me.” Then she disappeared inside.

His smile faded as he realized there was more truth to that than he wanted to admit.

Fuck, he did not want to fall for her. He’d just had a disastrous experience with
Jessica, where he’d been so sure he was head over heels for the woman, only to realize
it was just wishful thinking. He didn’t really trust his interpretation of his own
feelings these days.

And he didn’t like what had just happened between them. At least, the way he had acted.
Clearly, he still had issues to work out.

*   *   *

Melanie was nervous as she dressed for work on Friday morning. Today she had her three-month
evaluation. She knew she’d been doing a fine job, but that didn’t matter to Karen.
The woman hadn’t liked her from day one.

She took the bus to work, chiding herself that there was no reason to be nervous.
The worst-case scenario was that she’d lose her job, and then she’d simply find another
one. Still, she hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

As she got off the bus, she saw Sue heading down the street.

“Morning.” Sue tilted her head as Melanie fell into step beside her. “You okay? You
look distracted.”

Melanie shrugged. “I guess. I’m just nervous about my review today.”

“Oh, right. Well, don’t worry about it. You’ve been doing a great job.”

Sue pulled open the door and Melanie followed her in.

The worst part of the whole thing was the waiting. Karen had scheduled her review
for three in the afternoon, right at the end of the shift, which Melanie took as a
bad sign. But when Karen arrived at noon, she seemed in a good mood, and the next
few hours flew by as customers came and went at a steady pace.

Finally, the time arrived and Melanie followed Karen to a quiet table in the corner.
Melanie sat down and Karen opened a file folder, reviewed whatever was inside, then
glanced up at Melanie again.

“So, you started working here three months ago and, as you know, you’ve been on a
probationary period during that time.”

Melanie nodded.

“And you know that anytime during that probationary period, we can let you go without

Melanie’s stomach quivered. “We” meant Karen. She was the store manager and the only
one who made the decision.

“For instance, if we find that you just don’t fit in with the other staff.”

Melanie knew the whole staff liked her. Except Karen.

Karen closed the folder and clasped her hands together on top of it. “Unfortunately,
we have decided
to keep you on.”

Melanie felt the color drain from her face and she had to fight hard to stop tears
from welling in her eyes. She felt powerless and insulted, but she would
give Karen the satisfaction. Instead, she simply nodded and stood up. Then, feeling
totally numb, she went to the back and retrieved her backpack, then walked out the
front door.

*   *   *

The limousine pulled up in front of Melanie’s apartment building and Rafe got out.
Melanie had called him that afternoon and asked if he would come over tonight. She’d
sounded upset, but she wouldn’t tell him what was wrong on the phone.

He was hoping that at some point, they could talk about what had happened in his office.
He’d loved the fact she enjoyed role-playing and it had been exciting as hell, but
he didn’t like how he’d acted. The whole thing had left him sleepless that night,
tossing and turning at the memory.

Why did he become like that? Controlling. Demanding. Almost abusive. He’d had to fight
his obsessive urge to thrash her sexy, bare ass. And in the end, he’d rammed her against
the wall and taken her hard.

She’d seemed to enjoy it, but he didn’t like what it said about him.

Once at the door, he texted her and she buzzed him up. A few moments later, he got
off the elevator and walked to her door, then knocked. She opened the door wearing
a burgundy silk robe tied at the waist, then gazed up at him.

“Mr. Ranier. What are you doing here?”

He grinned. “Really? That’s why you called me? Because you’re horny?” He closed the
door behind him. “Not that I’m complaining, but I was worried there was something

She stepped close and stroked the lapels of his finely knit wool suit. “Mr. Ranier,
I just didn’t expect you to show up at my house.”

He smiled. Clearly, she wasn’t willing to drop out of character to discuss it.

“Well, get used to it.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.
“I plan on being here a lot.”

He captured her lips, then drove his tongue into her mouth. Hers glided forward, swirling
with his. He pulled her tighter to his body, her soft curves crushed against him.

Then he released her. “Now take off your robe.”

She stepped back and her fingers tangled with the knot at her waist, then released
it. Slowly, she drew the fabric apart, revealing glimpses of skin and black leather.
Then the robe fluttered to the ground.

His eyes widened at the sight of her in a black leather harness that covered absolutely
nothing. Studded leather straps outlined her perky, round breasts. Her nipples, hard
and thrusting forward, demanded his attention. A pair of straps continued from under
her breasts downward and disappeared between her thighs, outlining her shaven pussy.
Silver chains cascaded from the vertical straps, down the front of her body, while
black leather straps continued around her back.

She backed toward her living room couch, then turned around and bent over the back
of it, exposing her naked ass. The horizontal straps continuing around her torso connected
to a single black leather strap appearing from her cheeks and attached to the strap
under her shoulder blades.

BOOK: His to Claim
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