His Wicked Lady (22 page)

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Authors: Ruth Ann Nordin

Tags: #comedy, #humor, #sex, #secret, #historical romance, #regency, #regency romance, #arranged marriage, #virgin hero, #inconvenient marriage

BOOK: His Wicked Lady
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It was nice to see him so uninhibited, so
caught up in the moment he didn’t care what else was going on
around them. She could take him into her right now if she’d wanted.
It’d be a simple matter of rising above him enough to take him in.
She was certainly wet enough to make it easy. But she wanted him to
know the pleasure of a lady’s mouth on him. Then, perhaps, he’d
understand why her licking a strawberry was arousing.

She moved down his body, noting the way he
protested. “I’ll make it worth the wait,” she promised.

She took him in her hand, choosing to stroke
him a couple times in a way that could get him to climax if she
continued to do it long enough. He seemed very eager for her to do
it now, based on the way he murmured her name and clenched the
blankets under him. He would definitely enjoy it. Some day she
would do it this way.

But for right now, she lowered her head and
took him into her mouth. Holding the base of his shaft, she traced
the length of him with her tongue. When she got to the tip, she
went a bit slower, choosing to circle around the head before
licking his tip.

He let out a gasp then groaned. “That feels
incredible,” he said, his voice laced with need.

Satisfied, she repeated the action,
thoroughly enjoying the process of prolonging his torment. She knew
this would be one of his favorite sexual activities once he
embraced the notion of making love for more than simply having

Once she was satisfied with teasing him, she
rose up and straddled him. But he shot her a wicked grin and rolled
her onto her back. “It wouldn’t be fair of me not to return the
favor,” he murmured against her neck then kissed it.

His hand traveled along her skin, brushing
over her breasts, stopping long enough to give her nipples a
playful tug before it rested between her legs.

“You’re so wet,” he whispered, tracing the
folds of her flesh. “I assume that means you’re aroused.”

“You assume right,” she replied, her pulse
racing in anticipation. Just what did he plan to do to her?

“Where’s the spot you had me touch on our
wedding night? The one that gave you the greatest pleasure?”

She guided his thumb to her sensitive nub,
and she moved it in circular motions.

He was a quick study and soon picked up on
the rhythm she had established. Letting go of his hand, she ran her
hand up his arm and then brought his head to hers so she could kiss
him. She brushed her tongue along his, groaning when he slid two
fingers into her. She hadn’t instructed him to do that, but she
figured he’d picked up on how much she’d enjoyed having him inside
her when they’d first made love.

She lifted her hips, an action which brought
him deeper into her. Seeming to be encouraged by her excitement, he
stroked her core in earnest and brought his mouth to one of her
breasts. He proceeded to take her nipple into his mouth, swirling
it with his tongue in the same manner she’d swirled hers around his
tip. The action shot bolts of pleasure straight to her core,
further arousing her.

For someone who hadn’t read the book, he
seemed to know what he was doing. Before long, she was moaning in
earnest and moving her hips in desperate need of release. When she
finally climaxed, she let out a cry and grew still, barely aware of
anything but the intensity of each wave of pleasure as it crashed
into her. Who knew someone so rigid upon first glance could be so
incredibly gifted in bed?

When she was able to speak, she whispered, “I
want you inside me.”

He didn’t hesitate to satisfy her desire. He
shifted on the bed and settled between her legs. With a mischievous
grin, he dipped the tip of his penis into her, intentionally
delaying the inevitable. She moaned and wiggled against him, loving
his playful teasing as much as she needed him to stop tormenting
her. She deserved it, she knew, since she’d teased him earlier.

He slid in a little further then pulled back
out. She groaned again and lifted her hips to encourage him to come
back in. He did, but this time, he only went halfway in then slowly
pulled back out.

“How did you learn such restraint?” she
asked, scooting down so his tip was dipping back into her.

“A good investor knows when to wait for the
right moment to make his move,” he replied, his voice tight with
the effort it took to control his movement.

She was ready to tell him it wasn’t fair to
practice such control in bed, but then he slid all the way into
her, and she gasped. It felt so much better the way he was doing
this. Grasping his arms, she dug her nails into his skin as he
proceeded to make love to her. At first, he was slow and
deliberate, often pausing and moaning, his body tense with need to
release his seed, but he intentionally kept putting it off.

She had no idea he had such restraint. No
wonder he was able to hold out this long since their wedding night.
She doubted any other gentleman could have done it, but then, they
didn’t have his gift for patience. In time, he was moving faster,
but each thrust was calculated and controlled. And it drove her to
such distraction, she ended up climaxing again. Her flesh wrapped
around him, pulling him deeper into her.

As she was caught up in her bliss, he joined
her and released his seed, the throbbing of his penis only serving
to prolong her pleasure. She’d heard of couples reaching their peak
at the same time, but until now, she’d never experienced it. It was
absolutely heavenly. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled her
deeper into her. He let out a moan and murmured her name.

Once they relaxed, he spent considerable time
kissing her. She kept her legs securely around him, reluctant to
let him go. How she’d missed having this intimate connection with a
gentleman. She’d keep him inside her all night if he’d let her. And
it seemed he was in no hurry to get out of her since he stayed
right where he was.

After a while, he lowered his head to her ear
and whispered, “I suppose we should get something to eat.”

Noting the thickening of his penis, she
chuckled. “Are you hungry?”

With a moan, he moved inside her, and sure
enough, he was fully aroused. “Not for food. You?”

She lifted her hips and began rocking them,
delighted when he let out another moan. “Let’s stay here all night
and make love.”

He lowered his head to hers and kissed her.
Then he began making love to her in earnest once more.

It wasn’t until the next morning she
remembered she hadn’t told him about the book.


Chapter Nineteen


hen Malcolm woke up, the first thing he became aware of was
how relaxed he felt. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d
experienced such contentment. Keeping his eyes closed, he rested on
his back, taking a moment to thoroughly enjoy this new

His entire body felt good, and thankfully,
his penis had stopped pestering him. That, in itself, was a huge
relief. It has gotten to the point where he had trouble
concentrating on his investment plans. Today, however, he’d have no
such difficulty.

But then, he decided he’d rather not dwell on
such matters. He’d rather spend the day with Regan and Leonard.
Maybe he’d take them to the Royal Menagerie. Malcolm had been
meaning to check out the newer attraction, Martin, the Grizzly
bear, but he hadn’t taken the time to do so. Leonard, no doubt,
would have a good time.

Even Regan might find pleasure in it,
especially since these were exotic animals, which seemed more her
style. Malcolm sensed she’d enjoy them more than the tamer animals
at the circus. She’d been on her best behavior for his sake. He
owed her something exciting. Then, maybe this evening, he’d take
her to the theatre. Lots of ladies seemed to enjoy that, too.

Smiling, he rolled onto his side, fully
expecting Regan to be right beside him, but when he reached for
her, she wasn’t there. Surprised, he opened his eyes and sat up.
She wasn’t anywhere in the room. In fact, her clothes were gone. He
hadn’t been all that surprised when she’d disappeared right after
their wedding night. He hadn’t exactly been the most gracious
groom. But he thought last night he’d made it clear he wanted her
in bed with him.

He slipped out of bed and checked the time.
It was late. Well, late for him. He wasn’t used to sleeping in
until nine. He did his best work early in the morning. But he
wasn’t going to work today, so that was irrelevant. After he got
dressed and made himself presentable, he left his bedchamber and
went downstairs.

As it turned out, she wasn’t anywhere down
there, either. That was odd. Last night really had happened, hadn’t
it? He was in her townhouse. Surely, that meant the marriage really
happened. It hadn’t been some elaborate dream.

“May I help you, Mr. Jasper?” the butler
asked, coming up to him in the hallway.

“Yes,” Malcolm said. “I’d like to know where
my wife is. Has she come down here yet?”

“No, she’s still upstairs. As far as I know
she’s still asleep. She hasn’t called for her lady’s maid.”

“Thank you.”

Malcolm turned and headed up the stairs. He
didn’t know why it didn’t occur to him to check out her bedchamber,
but it was the most logical choice. His first impulse was to enter
in through the hallway. However, that seemed too impersonal, given
how close they’d gotten last night. So he went into his bedchamber
and went to the door connecting their rooms.

He knocked. “Regan, are you in there?”

There was no response. That was odder still,
but then he reasoned she was asleep. He turned the knob and peeked
into the room. Sure enough, he saw her resting under the blankets,
which she’d pulled up over her head. The poor thing must be
exhausted. Maybe he shouldn’t have kept her up as long as he had.
He hadn’t meant to be so demanding, but it’d been near impossible
to stop making love to her.

Thinking to surprise her by being next to her
when she woke up, he tiptoed up to her bed and gently got on top of
it. Then he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to him,
imagining how happy she’d be when she woke up and he was right
there with her.

Such a fantasy, however, did not play out,
for just as he closed his eyes, he heard a faint sniffle. Eyebrows
furrowed, he sat up in the bed and pulled back the blanket. His
eyes grew wide when he saw her nose was red and her eyes were
swollen from crying.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. “Did I hurt you?”
Perhaps he’d been rough in his excitement last night. Ladies were,
after all, delicate creatures. He touched her shoulder and turned
her so she was facing him. “Don’t lie to me, Regan. If I hurt you,
I need to know so I won’t do it again.”

Letting out a long sigh, she scooted so she
was in a sitting position. He noted she’d put on a shift, which was
a shame since he much preferred her without clothes on. She
swallowed and wiped her damp cheeks.

“No, you didn’t hurt me, Malcolm. Last night
was the most wonderful thing that’s happened to me in a long

“Then why are you crying?”

“You’re going to hate me.”

“What? Why?”

“You remember that thing I wanted to tell you
last night before…before we got distracted?”

Now that she mentioned it, he did remember
something she’d said she needed to tell him that was important. Had
he not been so aroused he would have been more inclined to oblige
her, but with the nights he’d resisted going to her bed, he hadn’t
been in the right frame of mind to have such a conversation. He
supposed this morning was a good time to hear her out.

“What is it you need to tell me?” he softly

She took a deep breath then blurted out,
“It’s about the book Logan tried to give me.”

He shuddered. “Try not to think about it. I
promise you Logan will never do that again. Even if I have to tie
his hands behind his back, you won’t have to endure another shock
like that in the future.”

“It didn’t shock me, Malcolm. In fact…”

She opened her mouth to speak, shut it, and
then groaned in frustration. Finally, she wiggled off the bed and
went to her dresser, pulling open the top drawer. When she turned
toward him, she was holding a copy of the book in her hand.

“You already have one?” he asked, not sure if
this shocked him as much as it should have. This was Regan, after
all, and considering how skilled her mouth and hands were, it made
sense she was well acquainted with such things. But still… “Or is
that a book on how to pleasure a gentleman?” he asked.

“It’s the same book Logan tried to give me,”
she said. “I don’t just own a copy, Malcolm. I’m the one who wrote

His eyes nearly popped out of his head. “You

“Well, it just seemed that it’s so easy to
please a gentleman. All a lady has to do is lie there, and he can
climax without any problems. But it’s not so easy for ladies. Most
of them require more touching and kissing, and these touches and
kisses need to be done in such a way to ensure they have their
climaxes. I didn’t write it to be something distasteful or
scandalous, as some think. I wrote it to help husbands understand
how to better satisfy their wives in bed. And it’s not just
instructions on what to do in bed or ideas on different sexual
positions to try. There are other things in here, too. There are
chapters dedicated to spending time with one’s wife, giving her
attention, caring about her, seeking ways to make her feel loved.
It’s not meant to be an erotic book as so many claim. It’s meant to
strengthen marriages.”

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