His Wicked Pleasure (8 page)

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Authors: Christina Gallo

BOOK: His Wicked Pleasure
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Getting off the highway, Kristie sat up a little straighter in her seat— she knew exactly where Declan was taking her.


Glancing over at her, he said, “I see you approve.”


“I do. I love the Bronx Zoo.”


“Good. I’m glad.”


He parked his truck and got out, immediately walking over to Kristie to help her. Once she was safely out, he closed the door and held out his hand for her to take.


They walked through the zoo at a leisurely pace and Kristie couldn’t remember the last time she had enjoyed herself so much. As they moved past her favorite exhibits, they stopped in front of the Mouse House...a favorite exhibit for everyone but her.


She grimaced as she watched a group of school kids run past towards the exhibit, “ Yeah, I don’t think I want to go in there,” she spoke between clenched teeth while squeezing her hands together nervously.


“What’s the matter?” asked Declan. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her off to the side.


Kristie glanced around and then back at him. She bit her lip. “It’s creepy and dark in there.” Declan raised an eyebrow at her and she added, “And there are vermin in there.”


His eyes sparkled but he didn’t laugh, instead, he moved his mouth to her right ear, nuzzled it with his nose and whispered, “I’ll keep you safe.”




“Cross my heart,” he said as he drew back and crossed his heart with his index finger. “Look around,” said Declan as he pointed to all the small children lined up to get inside. “You got this. I have faith.”


Taking his extended hand, she swallowed and said, “I honestly don’t like creepy things.”


They joined the crowd of people and followed them inside. Declan squeezed her hand and they took a moment for their eyes to adjust to the darkness. Declan said,  “Look, they’re behind glass. You’ll be just fine.”


“Okay,” Kristie wrinkled her nose, ready to shriek in distaste when she noticed to large, velvety ears pointed towards her. Taking in the large eyes of the baby chinchilla, she smiled, “It’s not so bad,” but she wasn’t sure if she was talking to Declan or trying to convince herself.


“Look, this mouse just had babies,” said Declan moving closer to another glass enclosure.


Peering around him, she said, “Eww, they’re ugly. Come on, lets keep moving.” Kristie pulled him down the dark aisle and then gave a shriek as something fluttered past her ear and right onto the back of her sweater. Declan let go of her hand and looked at her.


“Oh my god. Something is on me! Oh god, oh god, oh god! Get it off! It’s moving. It’s got claws,” she screamed and began running towards the exit.


“Miss, Miss,” yelled one of the workers nervously. “Stand still, stop jumping around! I’ll get it off of you.”


Declan raced after her and captured her in his arms. She struggled against him as he said, “Breathe. Calm down.”


“You promised to protect me in there,” she cried. “Please. Is it off of me? I feel teeth digging into my skin. Oh god. I’m gonna faint!” She cringed and felt the creature move towards her hair. “Get it! Hurry! Oh come on now, not my hair!”


“I got it,” said the worker in a soft voice as she felt hands lifting something out of her hair. “It’s one of our baby bats. He must like the way you smell.”


“Well imagine my delight,” said Kristie panting. “Does that thing carry rabies? Do I need one of those horrible shots now?” Tears stung her eyes but she wasn’t going to cry, no matter how terrifying it had been.


Glancing at Declan, the guy gulped nervously as he shook his head. “Our animals are healthy here, I think you should be fine.”


Declan smiled at the nervous guy and said, “Thank you. I’ll take it from here.”


“Will you be filing a complaint?” he croaked.


Turning around, Kristie glanced at the pale face of the worker. He looked like he was no older than seventeen and he looked ready to faint. Giving him a reassuring smile, Kristie said, “Absolutely not. In my eyes, you’re a hero. I should be hugging you. Thank you for rescuing me.”


She watched as the young man’s smile filled his face as quickly as the blush did his cheeks and laughed as she watched the incredulous expression that filled Declan’s face.




Chapter Seven


“Seriously Lor, you should have seen this thing,” Kristie shuddered as she held out her hands so there was about a foot between them. They were sitting outside eating lunch with their dates and Kristie was quickly filling them in about her morning. “It was huge, hairy and had fangs.”


Declan choked on his food. Swallowing back his laughter, he looked at both Lorie and Paul as he shook his head in disbelief. “It was a baby bat about this big,” he said holding up his index finger and pointing to the halfway mark.


“A high school boy saved my life,” Kristie ignored him as she batted her eyes and pretended to swoon. “I think I’m going to get his name and give him a proper thank you.”


“You mean you didn’t help her?” asked Paul, looking at his friend while he shook his head. “She told you she was terrified and then she still went inside. When she needed help, you just stood there like a boob.”


“Yup. That’s sounds about right,” laughed Kristie. “Strike two. One more strike and you’re out.”


“Too funny,” said Lorie laughing. “I wish I was there. That must have been hysterical. I’ve seen her flip out over an ant crawling on her. Trust me, I feel Declan’s pain right now.”


Declan pulled Kristie into his arms. Kissing her on the cheek, he took her hand in his and said, “That was not strike two. You took off running and screaming through the Mouse House so quickly that you left small children on the ground as you ran through them. I swear, the kids were flying left and right. I was picking them up and apologizing on your behalf.”


“No! She didn’t,” Lorie laughed and it was clear that she was having a great time listening to the story.


“She did,” said Declan shaking his head, “One poor baby face planted into the cold ground and started screaming.”


“Kristie,” Lorie gasped with disgust. “What’s wrong with you.”


“Lorie, Don’t believe one word Lurch has to say. He promised to protect me and failed. All bets were off at the moment I had to protect myself.”


Declan tossed his half-eaten french fry onto his plate and sat there with his mouth open as he stared at Kristie. The fun of the afternoon lost as he tried to process what she called him. No way possible. Seriously, did she? No way, I’m hearing things. “Lurch?” he asked with his mouth agape.


“That’s right. You heard me correctly,” snapped Kristie as she tossed her hair out of her eyes. She gave him a defiant stare but he couldn’t help but notice her sliding her chair a little further away from him.


Reaching over, Declan pulled her back with ease. “Lurch? Of all the names in the world...Lurch?”


“Um, maybe we should get going now,” Lorie glanced at Paul and she looked like she was trying to control her laughter.


“No way, this is getting good,” Paul replied as he leaned forward acting like he was watching a first rate movie. “I want to see how she squeezes out of this.”


“I’m waiting,” barked Declan staring at Kristie.


She glanced around looking for a means of escape but couldn’t find one. Finally, she shrugged her shoulders, “Well, um. Do you remember the day when you knocked me down and just stood there leering at me?”


Declan groaned inwardly. “Unfortunately, I do. How could I forget? It was only two days ago,” groaned Declan as he wondered where she was going with this.


“Well,” she paused and bit her lip, “That’s the day you earned that nickname.”




“Well for starters, you’re extremely tall,” she pointed out matter-of-factly, “and you stood there with a dumb look on your face after knocking me to the ground. You just left me there as I aimlessly struggled to collect my belongings and stand back up. So yeah, I nicknamed you Lurch.”


He thought about their first meeting and had to admit that he had seemed like a Lurch. “Fair enough,” he replied. “But haven’t I redeemed myself yet?”




Looking at Kristie intently, Declan rubbed the tension in the back of his neck and adjusted his position. “I don’t like that nickname.”


“Hmm, you’re clearly not a Ken doll,” said Kristie looking around at the other tables. “See that guy over there,” she said softly while pointing to another row of tables. “He’s what I would call a Ken doll.”


Lorie scanned the room before she focused on where Kristie was pointing. “Wow, he’s kind of cute in a plastic sort of way.”


“I hope you’re not sitting here looking at other men,” Declan growled as he slipped his fingers under Kristie’s jaw and pulled her face towards his.


“No. Just showing you a Ken doll. You’re safe.”


Searing his lips against hers, he whispered, “Find a better nickname for me. Please.”


“Yes sir,” said Kristie in a teasing voice.




              The moment Kristie pulled up to the fancy restaurant, camera lights began flashing and media hounds flocked to her like moths to flame. “Miss Rossi, is it true that Rossi Co. is having problems?”


              Kristie startled as she thought of the report she’d sent to her uncle but she recovered quickly and smiled as she walked to the center of the crowd. She wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, probably just desperate media hounds grasping at straws, but she knew she needed to look unfazed by their questions or they would eat her alive. Looking directly into the camera, she gave them her famous smile and stated, “Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see.”


              With that, she turned away from the reporter and made her way into the restaurant. She was led to a nice quiet table discretely to the side of the restaurant. “Kristie,” said Paolo standing up immediately with his arms open. “So nice to see you.”


              Once she sat down, the two of them perused the menu, placed their orders, and made small talk while they waited for their food.


              “Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I know you have a very busy schedule,” Kristie said, getting right to business. Paolo nodded and pulled out a stack of photos that he had for her. After they settled on six different photos, Kristie handed him the article written about her and her accomplishments. “So what do you think?” she asked nervously while she tapped her fingers on the tabletop.


              “I’m impressed. Your family will be so proud,” said Paolo offering a smile. “I have to go, we have a doctors appointment and we just might have our new addition real soon.”


              “Give you gorgeous wife my love and please keep me posted on the baby,” Kristie gave him a warm hug and then walked with him out of the restaurant.


              The moment she walked near her car, she could hear her phone ringing away. Opening the driver side door, she reached into her console, checked the caller I.D. and answered,
‘Hello Uncle Frank. Hang on while I put you on my blue tooth. Okay, you’re on.’


‘Kristie. I went over the reports you sent me and agree. You have a thief working for you. Not sure if it’s just isolated to one employee or a few.’


‘Okay. That explains the media circus.’
She sighed and began to drive.


‘I made a call to the networks and scheduled a news conference. Just keep it short and sweet like you always do.’


‘Uncle Frank,” Kristie stared out at the street before her as she asked in a concerned tone, “How did this leak?’


‘I don’t know,’
he sighed,
‘Maybe the person who stole the money is trying to sabotage the company in more ways than one.’

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