Read HisIndecentBoxSetpub Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

HisIndecentBoxSetpub (50 page)

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everyone has finished with dessert, you'll refill their glasses
before we return to the living room. You'll be given fifteen minutes
to clear the table, after which you'll be expected to join us. You
will check everyone's beverages a final time, and then you will
perform for our entertainment.”

The word caught me off guard. Damien had mentioned I would be
required to entertain his guests, but he had never mentioned how I
would go about doing it. I was almost afraid to ask.

basically a demonstration of obedience,” he told me.

I could only imagine
that meant I'd be expected to demonstrate my knowledge of the
position commands. Hopefully, Damien would be pleased in my
performance, since I had spent a large portion of the day practicing
them, so I wouldn't screw up.

Damien continued,
“When it's time for our guests to leave, you will promptly
retrieve their belongings from the coat closet and thank them for
coming as you walk them to the door. That's pretty much it.”

doesn't sound too difficult. The hardest part is going to be walking
and moving in all of this.” I held up my wrist restraints with
a scowl.

He shook his head. “I think the hardest part for you is going
to be remembering to call me Sir. Please remember to do it in front
of them. It means a lot to me, and as a reward, I'll never punish you
for forgetting to say it in private again, though I might still
verbally chastise you from time to time.”

thought we had already agreed you weren't going to punish me for
forgetting to say it.”

never promised that. I've just been lenient lately because I feel
like you spend more time being punished than the time we spend
together, and though it may not have seemed like it since your
training began, I do rather enjoy spending time with you.”

My heart flooded
with warmth at his words. These rare moments when Damien expressed
his enjoyment of my company were precious to me. It made me want to
try even harder to please him.

Sir,” I replied with a happy sigh, “I promise not to let
you down.”

my girl.” He kissed me tenderly on the lips before giving my
ass a gentle slap. “Now, up with you. We should probably do a
bit of role-play before the guests arrive so you'll be ready.”

Sir.” I nodded enthusiastically, then carefully lifted myself
off his lap.

The next hour and a
half was spent role-playing. First, Damien played the part of a
guest. I greeted him, took his coat, led him inside, served him real
tea in the living room and an imaginary plate of food in the dining
room. He showed me where to park myself in both rooms, the position
that he wanted me to stand in, and made me practice the serving
rotation in the dining room several times. With the ankle cuffs
allowing me only limited mobility, it made me feel like I was moving
at a snail's pace.

My performance was
far from flawless, but instead of punishing me for my mistakes,
Damien simply corrected me and gave me guidance. He seemed especially
patient tonight, perhaps knowing that pressuring me would only make
me more nervous and likely to screw up.

By the time the
first guests arrived, I felt pretty confident in my abilities and was
well into submissive mode. Oddly, I was more worried about being seen
topless than I was about making a mistake.

I opened the door
with a smile. The first guests to arrive were an older Dom and his
female submissive. They were both dressed casually, and it made me
wonder if BDSM people actually wore fetish gear at all. Playing my
role, I took their coats, placed them in the coat closet, and led
them into the living room where Damien took over the greetings, and I
immediately went to retrieve their requested beverages.

Both of them had
given me a good look over, which made my cheeks grow warm. Would I be
punished for blushing? I wondered. Probably not, if Damien didn't see
it. How could he punish me for blushing anyway? It's not like I could
control it. Besides, this was all new and strange for me. Surely, he
understood I wouldn't react to it the same way as someone who had
done this a dozen times before.

As I reached the
kitchen, the smell of meat filled my nostrils. On the menu tonight
was a light garden salad followed by beef wellington and mashed
potatoes. Dessert would be crème brulee garnished with fresh
strawberries. My mouth watered just watching the chef prepare the
food. His mouth was watering for another reason.

When Damien
introduced us, he seemed embarrassed to look upon my mostly nude
body, but the second it was just him and I alone in the kitchen, all
modesty went out the window. His eyes were glued to my breasts,
watching my every move. The tent in his pants was apparent, and I
could only imagine that his mind was far from cooking. To be honest,
I was more uncomfortable around him than anyone else. Damien's
friends were accustomed to seeing the naked bodies of strangers, and
they handled it with tact. This guy looked like he had never seen a
pair of large tits in his entire life.

Trying to ignore the
pervert in the kitchen, I went about my duties, thinking about how I
wasn't going to be able to partake in the meal until after everyone
had left. Damien didn't want me eating before the guests arrived
because he was concerned it would bloat me and make me look less
appealing. It was kind of a rude assumption, but I could understand.
After all, as he had said, tonight was largely about showing me off,
so he wanted me to be as perfect as possible.

Walking in the heels
and ankle cuffs was a real pain in the ass. By the time half of the
guests had arrived, my feet were aching, but I knew I had to press

It wasn't long
before I had gotten into the swing of things. The guests were all
talking to each other, hardly even acknowledging my existence past
the point of me greeting them at the door. To be honest, despite the
pain in my feet, I was actually starting to have fun. Instead of
pretending to be a waitress, as Damien had suggested, I imagined I
was a penguin, waddling around, listening to conversation but unable
to say anything because, after all, penguins can't talk.

My parade got rained
on when Mistress Danica arrived. She had come alone, and looked
equally as seductive and stunning as the time I had met her. When I
opened the door, she made no attempt to hide that she was looking me
up and down. To my surprise, she even reached out and groped one of
my breasts. I gasped in shock, and she just giggled.

and supple,” she commented with a grin as she handed me her
coat. It was large and expensive looking, red fur with streaks of
black, probably fox, though I couldn't be sure. Fur coats had never
been appealing to me. They looked nice, but I didn't like the idea of
killing an animal just for its skin. I thought about peaking at the
tag to see if it was faux, but that would have been rude.

Beneath the coat was
a sexy black vinyl corset trimmed in red. Danica's breasts were
pushed up high, threatening to spill out. There was no doubt in my
mind that Damien would be glancing at them again, and that made
jealousy rip through me like shards of glass. Hopefully, he'd be
looking at me more. After all, I was the topless one.

The corset was
complimented with tight leather pants and finished off with vinyl
boots that had heels every bit as tall as mine. All in all, she was
the only one at the party who looked the part of her BDSM role. She
was dominatrix, Domme, Mistress, through and through.

I tried not to frown
as I led her to the rest of the guests, watching Damien's eyes as
soon as he came into sight. He seemed to light up when she stepped
into the room. Then again, so did every other guy. She was sex on
legs, and it pissed me off.

the time I was sent to fetch her a bottle of water, I could feel the
tears welling up in my eyes.
No, Chey. Not now. Don't get
upset. She hasn't done anything. You can't let this get to you.
Nothing is going on between them.

They had hugged
though, too tightly, for too long. And he had glanced at her breasts.
And she had fucked him with her eyes. I could see it all, even if
they didn't know I was watching.

When I got to the
kitchen, I lingered there for a while, trying to recompose myself.
Why do you let this woman have such of an effect on you? She's the
past. You're the now. Nothing is going on between them.

The pervert cook
stared at me, licking his lips as if I was more delicious than the
Why doesn't Damien look at me like that? I want him to look
at me like that. Not her.

It couldn't be
helped though. Whatever went on between them tonight, whatever looks
that they gave each other, whatever subtle touches she tried to get
away with, I would have to endure it—
endure it for him,
because this is what he wants. This is what will make our
relationship stronger. And this will show her that I am better for
him than she ever was.

I took a deep
breath, straightened myself, and strode out of the kitchen . . .
well, waddled out of the kitchen, with as much confidence as I could
muster. Danica had integrated herself with the group, talking and
laughing. Thankfully, guests had already filled up the seats closest
to Damien, so she was a safe distance away. That made me feel a
little better.

After handing Danica
the bottle of water she had requested, I did my best to ignore her
until the other guests arrived. Thankfully, she was a slow drinker,
so I didn't have to attend to her.

It wasn't much
longer before everyone showed up. There were twelve people, including
Damien, which was easy enough to keep up with. I spent a good amount
of time parked, which allowed me to listen in on the conversation.
One of the Doms said he was having a large dungeon built on his
property and would be holding a play party when it was finished.
Damien told him we would attend, which gave me something else to both
look forward to and dread.

Finally, Damien
called everyone into the dining room for dinner. I did my duty
filling up glasses before going to retrieve the salads. The serving
was slow, since I wasn't a practiced waitress and could only carry
two bowls at a time. If I had full use of my arms, I might have been
able to manage more, but I didn't want to chance it.

I shuffled along,
serving Damien first and then making the clockwise rotation, clanking
as I went. Oddly, this was when everyone started to feel the need to
touch me. One of the Domme's poked at me when I placed her salad in
front of her. It was strange to be touched in such a way, and I
honestly didn't know how to react, so I just finished what I was
doing and continued on as if nothing was happening to me at all.

By the time the
first course was served, the people who had initially received their
salads were already finishing. Apparently, it wasn't proper etiquette
in the BDSM circle to wait until everyone had been served before they
started eating. Bored with waiting, one of the Dom's called me over.
I thought he wanted a different beverage, but as soon as I flanked
his side, he pulled his chair out, grabbed me by the wrist manacles
and yanked me down over his lap.

My gasping was met
with a round of light laughter from the rest of the party. Nervously,
I glanced over at Damien, who looked back at me with a deadpan
expression before continuing his conversation with the Dom to his
left. Others whispered their amusement about how I was in trouble.

I turned to look at
the man who had captured me right before I felt the first smack
across my ass. He rubbed my cheeks between slaps, alternating them.
The pressure was light but pleasurable, and I felt myself becoming
aroused, enjoying the spanking, wishing he would do it harder.

A hand tangled into
my hair, gripping me harshly and drawing my head forward. That's when
I realized who the hand belonged to. Danica stared down at me with
dominant eyes. I wanted to be angry at her for touching me, but the
forcefulness of it coupled with the spanking only worked to arouse me

Oh God, what's wrong
with me? I shouldn't be liking this. This woman is my enemy, but. . .

such a cute little thing,” she said. “You like having
that ass spanked, don't you?”

I nodded, tensing up
as I felt my underwear being pulled down. My backside was full of
heat, my body quickly flooding with lust. In that moment, they could
have done anything they wanted to me. I was a slave to my desire.

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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