Hitler's Lost Spy (25 page)

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Authors: Greg Clancy

Tags: #Australian National Socialist Party, #Espionage, German–Australia, #World War Two, #Biography

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Midway, Battle of, 210

Military Intelligence (Australia),

Military Police Intelligence Section,

Mitchell, Inspector D.,

Morton, Jean,

Nanking, atrocities at,

Naval Intelligence (Australia),

Nazi Harbour Port Service,

Nazi Party Council,

Nazi Sabotage Squad,

Netherlands East Indies,

New Caledonia,

Newcastle, NSW, 

Spy Flight over,

Submarine attack on,

New Guinea,

Norden bombsight,

Oliver, Dr Pam,

Operation Ironclad,

Orcades SS,

Otabe, Kenichi,

Pearl Harbor,

Petain, Marshall Philippe,

Pfennigwerth, Dr Ian,

Poland, invasion of,

Port Stephens NSW,

Annette Wagner at,

Military exercises at,

Naval plans for,

Price, Willard,

Radio, coded messages via,

Radio Stations,

ABC (2FC & 2BL),





Renz, Hans,

Ridgley, Howard & Gertrude,

Sato, Kennosuke,

Schellenberg, Walter,

Schneider, Ernest & Sophie,

Scott, William,

Shipping, Axis attacks on,

Siberia, as Japanese military objective,

Skerst, Arnold von,

Sleeman, John,

Smith's Weekly,

Southeast Asia Co Prosperity Sphere,

Solomon Islands,

Spain, neutrality of,

Spies and Spying operations,

Assimilation of,

Communication methods,


Defection of,


Female spy, attributes of,



Microdot, use of,

Requirements of,

Results of,


Training of,

Stanley, Dr Peter,

Sweden, neutrality of,

Swiss Consulate,

As Protecting Power for Germany,



Switzerland, neutrality of,

Sydney Harbour, submarine attack in,

Taylors Bay, Sydney Harbour,

The Manor, Clifton Gardens,

Location, importance of,

Visitors to,

Theosophical Society,

Tojo, Hideki,

Trans Radio, news agency,

Truk, Caroline Islands,

U-862 submarine,

U-Boats, operations of,

Vautier, Dorothea,

Versailles Conference,

Vichy government,

Vinen, Richard, 12

Wagner, Annette,

Age, doubts as to,

Arrival in Australia,

Artistic ability,

BHP visits,

Departure from Australia,

Durkop, Rudolph, and,

Early life,


Family (Switzerland),

Family (UK),

Fashion, radio program on,

Finances, personal,

Franze, Helene, and,

French language, doubts on,

German affiliations, 

German intelligence, Paris,

Hydro Majestic, residence at,

Kaemper, Arnold, and,


Medical missions and,

Personality traits,

Physical appearance,

Port Stephens at,

‘Renee Laval', alias,

Spy flight,


Surveillance of,

Typhoid Fever,

War Office, and, 

Wagner, Robert,

Ward, Eddie,

Washington Conference,

Wembley House,

Williamtown Air Force Base,

Windsor Castle,

Winter, Barbara,

Yamamoto, Admiral Isoroku,

Yamashita, General Tomoyuki,


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