Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part Two (8 page)

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From Here to Eternity


hen I asked
Kelly to meet me at the dock, I wasn’t totally sure she would come. Everything was so weird here, like time was speeded up. When I saw her talking to Steve-O this morning, I wanted to punch him. Then she looked up at me and winked, and I felt a rush of something warm. Every guy in camp wanted Kelly, and she seemed so oblivious. She was older than me, but she was a total innocent. How could she walk around in the world without something bad happening to her? I wanted be around her all the time and protect her. When I was with her, I thought she liked me, but when we were apart I had no idea if she cared at all. I figured if she came to meet me, she liked me.

I looked out at the lake and sighed. I had to leave in a week for meetings with my agent and P.R. training. Then I’d be starting preseason training. If nothing happened at camp, it never would. I couldn’t believe I had told her we couldn’t go out. Kelly was becoming an obsession for me. All I wanted to do was hang out with her, hold her again, and kiss her. She tasted so good last night.

Was she even going to come?

I heard a noise behind me and turned around. Kelly was walking towards me. She was wearing a white t-shirt and a solemn expression. She paused and kicked off her sandals and then pulled off the t-shirt. She had on a bikini with flowers on it, but all I could look at was her skin—all the golden parts I’d never seen before. Her naked stomach was taut and I had this urge to stick my tongue into her tiny belly button. Kelly made me want to do every perverted thing I’d ever imagined.

Her sun-streaked hair was shadowing her face and I couldn’t see her expression. But she was here and that meant she liked me. Awesome.

I said the only thought on my mind, “You’re so beautiful.”

Kelly didn’t reply, and I wondered if she’d even heard me. There was tension in the air; she broke it by diving into the water, and I followed her. I would have followed her anywhere.

She rose up out of the lake with water streaming off her. She looked even hotter with her hair was all slicked back, her face shiny wet, her dark brows straight, her eyes watching me, and her lips slightly parted. I swam right up and put my arms around her. When I saw her brown eyes looking questioningly into mine, I wanted to say the right thing, but I had no idea what that was. So I kissed her, real gentle. I was afraid I might scare her off. Her lips felt so soft and wet, and I could feel her breasts against my chest. I was already hard, but I swelled up even more. As we kissed, we sank into the water, and Kelly came up sputtering and laughing.

“Swim over there.” I pointed to a tiny beach that was more private.

We swam side by side. She got out of the lake and shook, water spiralling off her in tiny golden drops in the sunset light. She sat on the sandy beach, and I lay down beside her. I propped my head up with one arm, but kept one hand holding Kelly’s. She might disappear if I let go.

I wasn’t sure what my next move should be. Her hair was all wet, and she pushed it back from her face. Her lips looked red where I had been kissing her. There were drops of water on her face and sand on her arms and chest. I wanted to brush it off, but I was afraid to touch her—afraid I would screw things up when they were so perfect.

Kelly made the first move. She reached across and put her hands on the side of my face and pulled me towards her. She kissed my cheek, my jaw, and then finally my lips. When she slipped her tongue into my mouth, it felt unbelievably hot.

We started making out, and she rolled on top of me. Feeling her firm body all over mine was unreal. Then she reached back and pulled off her bikini top. Oh yeah. Her tits were amazing, with big round nipples. The cooling air turned them into hard nubs that she pressed into my chest. I reached up to touch her tits, and they were so nice and soft. I could feel her breathing faster when I played with them. I pulled on her nipples, and she made a little moaning noise. I ran my hands down her back and up her sides, I had been imagining touching her every night, and now here she was. She was warm and real. She was rubbing her hands over my chest and arms, and then she put her hands on my back and pulled me closer. I moved my hands down and squeezed her perfect ass. Her whole body was this great combination of strong and soft. I was rock hard and then Kelly reached down and touched my cock through my board shorts.

“Fuck,” I said, and she started laughing. Man, was she treating me like a kid again?

“Why are you laughing?” I asked.

Kelly smiled. “I never heard you swear before. I think you like this.”

“Fuck, yes,” I told her. But I wanted to show her I was man enough for her. I kissed her hard and started kissing her everywhere. I kissed her mouth, then her nipples and down her stomach. She was into it, and making little noises. She reached down to take off my board shorts and then asked me if I had a condom.

Was she already ready to have sex with me? This was awesome! But I shook my head.

“What?” she said.

Man, was I going to lose out on my big chance because I wasn’t prepared? And I prided myself on being prepared for everything. But Kelly wasn’t something I could have ever predicted. I mean, who thinks they’re going to get laid by their dream girl at hockey camp? I never expected we’d do it this soon.

“I don’t usually bring condoms to hockey camp. Aren’t you on the pill or something?” I asked her.

“No, not now.”

She sounded a little offended I had asked. I hoped asking wasn’t an insult. I apologized, and then wondered, “Jeez, you’re not a virgin are you?”

“No, why? Are you?”


Not going there. Then, she started laughing again. Crap, I wanted to show her I was a man, and I was blowing it at every turn. I was completely frustrated and told her so. “So not funny, Kelly. I want you so much. It’s never been like this before.”

She smiled and said there was other stuff we could do. My cock was aching for her, so I told her to bring it on.

She pulled down my board shorts, and my cock sprang up. It was almost painfully hard. She pulled my shorts off all the way, and positioned herself between my legs. She started to stroke my balls really gently and ran her fingernails against them. Holy, that felt so good. Then she leaned in and started licking my balls. Fuck, I wanted to explode right on the spot. She put her hand on the base of my cock, holding it tightly, almost like she was stopping me from coming. And then she started to lick my cock, running her tongue up from the base, and pausing to flick on the ridge. To look down and see Kelly doing this to me was amazing. I mean, she was doing stuff I had never even imagined her doing. After a while, my cock was pulsing and aching, the sensations were unreal. Then she put the tip in her mouth and started taking more and more of my cock in her mouth. She couldn’t take the whole thing, so she kept her hand at the base and then started moving her mouth up and down my cock. It was an incredible feeling. I wanted it to last forever, but I knew I was close.

“Can I, um, come in your mouth?” I asked her. I was having trouble getting the words out.

“Mmmmhmm,” she said, and the vibrations of her voice were enough to send me over the edge. I started to come and come. When I was done, I groaned. Kelly sat up. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, then swallowed, and laughed.

“I didn’t realize you had been saving up for years,” she said.

“Oh sorry, Kelly. Was it too much? Oh man, that was amazing. Thanks.” Did it sound dumb to say thanks? But I really meant it; the blow job had been incredible. I started looking around for my board shorts.

Kelly ran her hand up my arm. “Thanks? I think you can thank me another way.”

“Oh, okay.” I stared at her uncertainly. This wasn’t what usually happened with chicks.

She took my hands and put them on her hips. I started to pull down her bikini bottoms. She raised her hips up to help me, watching me the whole time. Once she was naked, I looked up and down her body, and she was smoking hot. I was already getting hard again seeing all of her. I ran my hands over her, cupping her tits, squeezing her tiny waist, and feeling her muscular thighs flexing under my fingers. I bent down and stuck my tongue into the tiny divot at her navel. Kelly giggled and tried to wriggle away from me, but I held her in place.

I moved up and sucked on her nipples, first one and then the other. I ran my hand over her stomach and then onto her mound. I put my hand between her legs and felt around—chick parts were so hidden compared to guys’. Down there, Kelly felt soft, warm, and wet. I let my forefinger follow the wetness and kind of explored around her folds. It was easy to tell what she liked because she was pretty noisy.

“Oh, yeah. That feels so… mmm… yeah, ohhh.”

I knew when I found the little bump of her clit because Kelly just about took off when I touched it.

“Yes, there—right there,” she cried out. So I kept rubbing it gently. Her eyes were closed, and her whole body was pushing up against my hand. I reached down with my other hand and put a finger up inside her. It felt so hot there that I wanted to do her even more. If someone had offered me a condom right then, I would have paid a thousand bucks.

After a few minutes of fingering her, I knelt down between her legs. I wasn’t exactly an expert, and things were pretty complicated down here. I began by kissing her all over, then parted her folds and found her clit again. I touched it with the tip of my tongue and she reacted almost violently, pushing up her whole body towards my mouth. I pushed her hips down and held her legs apart with my hands. I went at her with my tongue—licking around her clit in circles, sucking it, and pushing my tongue inside—all the time watching to see what she liked the best. Man, she seemed to like everything, and in no time she was arching her back and flexing her quads against my hands.

“Jimmy, mmmm, you’re making me come. Fuck, it’s good, so good, ooooh fuck.”

She let out a soft scream, and then her body relaxed. I moved up and kissed her on the tummy, and then lay beside her with my arm across her waist, looking at her. Her nipples were still hard, and she was breathing heavily. God, she looked amazing.

She propped herself up on her elbows a little dizzily and looked at me. When she saw my erect cock, she laughed.

“If you keep this up we’ll be here all night, taking turns coming.”

Sounded good to me.

Leave It To Beaver

he next morning
I woke up feeling refreshed and happy. Note to self, have orgasms more frequently. All the girls in the cabin were still asleep, so I slipped out and went to the gym. I heard the familiar clang of barbell meeting rack and went inside.

“Kelly.” Jimmy stopped his set and came over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. Luckily, I had brushed my teeth this morning. His lips were soft and warm, and the fireworks were going off between my legs. We had some major chemistry going on.

“Stop,” I said finally, pushing him away. “You need to finish your workout. And I have to start mine.”

“Okay,” he said cheerfully. “How about if you spot my chest press? And every time I do a set I get a kiss.”

Despite his motivational ideas, we managed to get a workout in. We didn’t shower, but we were both on the ice after breakfast anyway. We were heading back on the trail and Jimmy grabbed my hand.

“What are you doing? Someone’s going to see us,” I hissed at him.

“So? What’s wrong with that?” He was completely matter of fact.

I figured Jimmy and I would keep things on the down low, and kind of see each other secretly. “We’re supposed to be working. And it’s so—I don’t know—high school.”

“Kelly, that’s dumb. I’m proud to be with you.” He frowned suddenly. “You’re not embarrassed to be with me, are you?”

“Well, no.” I wasn’t embarrassed to be with him as much as I was embarrassed to be with any guy. I wanted to be a good role model for the girls, and this didn’t seem right.

Jimmy was even more intense than usual. “What happened last night was really special, Kelly. We have a real connection. It’s not just sex either. We’ve got so much going for us. I feel bad I have to leave on Saturday, but I’ve already got things figured out. I can pick you up next weekend and either take you back to Fredericton—or if I can swing the time off, I’ll drive you to Montreal.”

“But—” Had I had landed in some alternate universe? “What’s going on here?”

“You’re my girlfriend. And I’m your boyfriend.”

Holy crap. Luckily, I had only given him a blow job. If we had sex, we’d probably be engaged. But realistically, this could still be a fling. We could sneak away and have sex. If he drove me to Montreal, then we could have sex at my apartment. And then it would be over. No big deal, even if Jimmy seemed to be way more romantic than me.

Jimmy opened the door of the lodge for me, still holding my hand.

“We can’t be doing this during breakfast.” It was too early for me to deal with all this.

As usual, I found it impossible to predict what Jimmy was going to do or say next. He replied, “Look, everyone is going to know about us by lunchtime anyway. Why not get in front of it?”

I could only think of a dozen reasons why not, topped by the fact this was supposed to be my secret fling. “Um, I have to help Loreal make sure all the girls get to breakfast.” I fled back to my cabin. Loreal was used to my morning gym times and had efficiently woken both cabins already. Dressing and teeth-brushing was in progress. I changed from my gym clothes to regular clothes and did a quick onceover with a washcloth in lieu of a shower.

“Is everything okay?” Loreal asked as we marched down to the lodge.

“Uh, I have a problem. But it’s too complicated to discuss right now.”

All the girls obediently lined up for breakfast. I got my cereal and fruit, but before I made it to the girl’s table, Jimmy called me. “Kelly! Over here.”

As if I didn’t always know where in the room he was. He had saved a seat for me at the big boys’ table. When I got there, Jimmy pulled out the chair for me. After I sat down, he placed his hand on my back and asked me sweetly how I was doing this morning, as if we hadn’t already spent time in the gym making out.

“Good, I’m good.” Until I went through that 1950’s time portal and ended up going steady with the Beav.

“Well, you look great. As usual.”

Definitely, if a ponytail, jean shorts and the world’s oldest t-shirt qualified as looking great, that was me. I looked down the table, but to their credit nobody else was laughing at this turn of events. Probably none of them were awake yet.

Loreal walked by, and I gave her a raised eyebrow meant to communicate my mystified state of mind, but apparently she didn’t read eyebrows and sat down with the girls. I ate my cereal in silence.

Jimmy kept smiling as he made his way through one of the biggest breakfasts I have ever seen: eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, muffins, yogurt, fruit cup. And with only one hand too, as the other one had to be either around me or stroking my arm or holding my hand. All before 9:00 AM.

The only thing that kept me from slugging him was the fact his touch was igniting a fire in my stomach, or actually in an area six inches below that. All before 9:00 AM.

After breakfast, we split up to work our own schedules. I had an early morning practice session with the Peewees. Then I was supposed to supervise the crafts area, which was an optional activity hardly anyone showed up to. Except one ten-year old boy, who seemed to live in the craft room. His name was Max, and I finally asked him why he didn’t go to art camp instead of hockey camp.

“You wouldn’t get it,” he said, without even looking up from his drawing.

“Try me.”

“There was this one camp: computer animation. I would totally give anything to go to that camp. But here I am instead.”

“Why didn’t you tell your parents you wanted to go there?”

“It’s my dad, he’s a former NHL player. For the Sabres. I have two older sisters, and I’m the one who is supposed to follow in his footsteps and be a big time hockey player. My mom and sisters love hockey too. I’m the only one who’s into computers and art.”

“Wow, that’s so weird. We should totally swap families. My mom is a ceramic artist, my brother is a computer geek who invents stuff, and my dad is a florist. Nobody in my family even watches hockey, they all love the arts.”

Max stared at me like I was kidding him.

“Really? Your family sounds awesome.”

I guessed my family was awesome in one way, instead of discouraging me because I liked something they didn’t understand, they had let me play hockey, paid the fees, and bought the equipment I needed. Poor Max. The thing was, I saw him play yesterday, and he was a really good hockey player. The knock on him would be a lack of intensity, but no wonder if his heart wasn’t in it. Trudy had mentioned he was one of the few kids who was staying for two weeks instead of one.

“You know, you can come here anytime you want. Let me know, and I’ll open up the room for you. Maybe I can even negotiate some time for you on Coach Iverson’s computer.”

“Really?” His little face was glowing. He had a happier expression than when I saw him go end to end and score a glorious goal top shelf. “You’re so nice.”

I smiled back. It was so easy to make little boys happy. Come to think of it, it was equally easy to make big boys happy.

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