Holding Out For Skye (19 page)

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Authors: S.R. McKade

BOOK: Holding Out For Skye
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“He would not!”

Was she blind? “Yes, he would have. You never smile at
like that.” Was that why he was suddenly so angry? God, he couldn’t believe it, he was actually

Skye scowled. “Not if you keep acting like this.”

“So you
flirting with him?” Cian demanded hotly.

Tasha and Kiera shared an alarmed look at the argument escalating in front of them. Tyler looked like he was enjoying a soap opera.

Skye shot him a glare. “What? Will you stop? He wasn’t interested in me. And I wasn’t flirting.”

“Aww, our little Skye’s growing up,” Tyler quipped, adding fuel to fire, a little smile playing at his lips.

“Shut up!” Cian and Skye snapped at him in unison.

“Uh, oh, I think we should give you two a little alone time,” Tasha ventured cautiously.

“Yes, let’s go find your car, Tasha,” Kiera agreed, eyeing Skye and Cian like they were a ticking time-bomb that was about to explode any minute now.

“You two go, I’ll just wait right here,” Tyler announced.

“Oh, no, you troublemaker, you’re coming with us,” Tasha said firmly, grabbing his arm and carting him away.

Jaw set, Cian rounded the car and unlocking it, got in the driver’s seat. What the hell was wrong with him? Being so jealous of a guy Skye didn’t even know. It wasn’t until now that he’d understood just how fragile a hold he had on her. There was nothing stopping her from leaving him.

Skye stood rooted by the car for a moment.
What had just happened?
she asked herself, confused. She let out an unhappy sigh. Were they fighting for real? This didn’t feel like their usual bickering, it felt like something bad. Skye finally pulled the passenger door open and got inside.

“What is wrong with you?”

“Were you interested in him?” Cian’s knuckles whitened as he gripped the steering wheel and stared straight ahead.

No! What kind of question is that?”

Cian could hear the earnestness in her voice. The ball of dread in his gut finally unknotted as relief slowly spread through him. He understood now why he was so bothered and jealous. He didn’t want another guy to see her cuteness except for him. He wanted her all to himself. If that was selfish of him, to hell with it.

Skye was worried. This wasn’t like him. Why would he think she’d be interested in another guy? “Why would you think that?”

“You’ve never been in a relationship before, Skye. You could fall for someone and not even know it.”
Until it was
too late
, he thought,
for him.

Cian knew the only reason he’d been able to get as close as he had to Skye was because of her impulsive pretense of them being a couple in front of Vanessa and Alastor. If not for that, she would never have let him in.

Skye was instantly peeved. “YOU IDIOT!” she yelled. “Just because you’ve dated hundreds of women, no,
of them,”—just the thought of him with other women ticked her off even more—“you think that I’m an ignoramus and you’re some kind of an all-knowing experienced guru?”

Cian blinked at her outburst. “What?”

Skye shot him a lie-dead glare and slapped her hand against his shoulder. “Well, pal, you don’t know shit! I may not have dated a lot, okay, make that never, but that doesn’t mean I have no clue what my freakin’ feelings are, you

Unexpectedly, a laugh burst out of Cian. She would have scared the milkshake guy shitless. He had been an idiot after all but hell, she was the only one who could undermine his confidence and make him feel like he was fumbling in the dark.

His laugh topped up the scale on her PO meter. Here she’d been so worried about him and he was
at her? With a withering look, Skye snapped, “Piss off!” and grabbed the door handle.

“Shit.” Cian hit the electronic locks lightning fast.

Steamed, Skye turned to him and very carefully, she enunciated, “Let. Me. Out.”

“Not before we talk, no.”

“I’m done talking,” she informed him, brown eyes flashing with temper.

Cian could clearly see she was in no mood to listen to him. No wonder, after the ass he’d made of himself. Ah, well, this called for other ways. So, he shackled her wrist in an iron grip and tugged her towards him. Skye let out a surprised gasp as she fell against him.

“Let me go!”

Undeterred, Cian covered her snarling mouth with his. God, he had wanted to kiss her ever since he had seen her plotting earlier. She fought him for like two seconds, then melted against him. He tasted her temper and the same longing he felt. Heat flashed through him.

Cian wanted to shout with triumph. He was never going to take for granted her reaction to him. Her response was like a drug he was already addicted to. He buried his fingers in her hair, tilting her head slightly and deepened the kiss. He tried to move closer but the gear stick got in his way. He groaned as he slowly pulled away.

Skye stared at him, wide-eyed and breathless. For some reason, she felt like crying.
God, this was
turning into a damn long day
, she thought unhappily, averting her eyes from him.

Cian’s heart twisted at the forlorn look on her face. He tipped up her chin with a finger and when she met his eyes, he said softly, “I’m sorry.” Surprise crossed her features. “You were right. I was an idiot. You’re not the only one having your first relationship.”

“But all those women—”

“—weren’t anything serious,” he finished. “Yes, I did care about them but none of those relationships were meaningful.”

“Oh.” Skye couldn’t think of anything to say, though her heart was doing happy jumps in her chest.

Cian smiled wryly. “So I’m kinda in unchartered territory. Like you, I’m figuring things out myself as we go along so bear with me when I act like an idiot next time, will you?”

Skye’s heart lightened and she finally smiled at him. “I’ll be sure to tell you when you act like one.”

“Of course you will.” Cian cupped her face in his hand. “Just for the record, there weren’t thousands. There might have been a few hundreds though.”

She let out a laugh. Feeling better, he smiled at her. “We better call Tasha and the others.”

Remembering them, Skye bemoaned, “Ugh, they’re gonna tease the hell out of me over this. Especially Ty.”



As she’d expected, when they met up with them, Ty said, “Spat all over?”

Skye blushed at the knowing look in his chocolate brown eyes. “You’re impossible.”

Tasha and Kiera giggled. Cian was no help, he only smirked as Ty ragged her.

The girls spent the rest of the afternoon trying on clothes, browsing jewellery stores, much to the groans of mock agony from the guys. When they finally called it quits it was late afternoon. They all agreed to hang out at Kiera’s house and have a small dinner party, with the idea not to give her time to feel sad and alone. They got pizza and drinks to go.

Pulling up at her house, they saw Ash get up from his perch on the steps leading to the front door. Skye and Cian shared a worried glance then turned around to look at Kiera who was in the backseat.

“Kiera,” Skye started. “Ash’s here.”

Kiera’s head came up as her eyes widened. “What?”

“Tyler and I can run him off if you want,” Cian offered.

Kiera took a deep breath as she thought about it, then shook her head. “No. No, it’s okay. I’ll see him.”

Skye reached out and squeezed her hand. “You don’t have to.”

Kiera gave her a grateful look. “I know. Thanks. Here, take the keys. I want you guys to get in the house in the meantime.”


“Skye, I need this.”

“Very well, sweetheart,” Cian acceded. “You only have to call us out, okay?”

Kiera nodded and they got out. Tasha had a restraining hand on Tyler’s arm, who was leaning against her car, eyeing Ash coldly.

Skye joined them. “Kiera wants us to get our things in the house while she talks to Ash.”

“What? And give that asshole another opportunity to hurt her?” Tyler protested.

“Trust me, I want to kick his ass as much as you do,” Cian said. “But she needs to feel capable that she can deal with him alone. Besides, we’ll be right there in the house.”

“Let’s give her some time alone with him,” Tasha added.

They grabbed the purchases from the cars and headed towards the house. Skye shared a comforting glance with Kiera and unlocked the front door.

“Skye,” Ash called out.

She only shook her head at him and went inside. Cian followed her, carrying the pizza boxes, sending Ash a warning look. Tasha nodded noncommittally at him and entered after Cian, her arms full of shopping bags.

“Careful with her, bozo,” Tyler warned as he passed by Ash, carrying the rest of the bags.

Once they were inside, they looked at each other in worry.

“Now what?” Tyler demanded.

Skye sighed. “Now we wait.”


KIERA SLOWLY took the steps up to the porch and stopped a few feet from Ash. For a moment they just stared at each other. She alternately wanted to fling herself in his arms and shout at him for breaking her heart. She did neither. He didn’t look any better than her. She pushed away the sympathy that crept in her heart.

“Why are you here?”

Ash took a deep breath, trying to think of the right things to say to her. She looked pale and tired. Her eyes had a wary look in them that he feared he was the reason for.

“I’m sorry. God, Kiera, I’m so sorry.” Ash took a step towards her only to have her flinch and back away. Her reaction was like a knife through his heart.

“Why now?”

He slipped hands that yearned to hold her in his pockets. “I was so wrong. I should have trusted in you. Instead of believing the words of that—that girl. I should have known she was no friend of yours. I was a fool.”

How did he know Rachel wasn’t her friend? “How do you know she wasn’t my friend?”

He looked at her, startled. “What? How—?”

Suspicion spun a thread inside of her. “It’s Skye, isn’t it? You were her errand,” she realized, feeling betrayed. She should have known.

Ash didn’t want to get Skye in trouble but couldn’t lie to Kiera and muck things further between them. “Yes, she came to see me. I’m glad she did. If she hadn’t—”

“You would have kept on thinking I was a bitch,” Kiera interjected bitterly.

“No, no.” He looked aghast. “Kiera, she was right to set me straight and to kick me while I was down. I don’t blame you or her for hating me for what I did to you.”

When she kept silent, Ash strived to plead his case. “Most girls only go out with me because I look like the actor. I thought I’d never find someone who would want me for
. And then I met you and I fell for you. Hard. I was wrong to think you were just like the others. God, I was so wrong. Please forgive me. Give me another chance.”

Kiera stared at him. This man who had made her feel encompassing love and utter joy and unbearable pain. She’d thought he understood her but she’d been wrong.

“Last night, it would have meant everything to me if you’d just given me the chance to explain. If you had said those same words. If you had believed in me. But I had a whole night to think. You tore my heart into pieces.”

Pain slashed at him for having hurt her. “Kiera.”

“Don’t. Just don’t. I can’t let you in again. I can’t trust you not to hurt me a second time. I don’t want you in my life anymore.”

Her words hit Ash like lightning, felled him where he was standing. “Please.”

Kiera’s own heart suffered at seeing the look of pain in his eyes. But she couldn’t let him hurt her again. “Please, just leave me alone.”

Ash turned to go, aching all over. Every breath hurt. He’d lost her. Lost her forever. He looked back at her one last time.

And everything inside him stilled, the pain, the fear of losing her. There was only her. And he asked himself, could he let her go like this? Without a fight?
Hell, no!

With a new sense of resolve, Ash strode to her. Kiera’s eyes widened in alarm and she instinctively backed away but he caught her hand in his.

“I’m sorry, Kiera, but I can’t let you go. Not again. I’ll never forgive myself for hurting you like I did. But
love you

Kiera’s breath caught in her throat at his declaration of love.

“I love you,” Ash repeated fiercely. “I’m going to love you forever. So I won’t give up on you. I’ll keep trying, however long it takes. I promise you this—I’ll earn my second chance with you. If you ever deem me worthy again, I won’t let you down. I’ll make you happy.”

Ash tugged hard at her hand, holding it prisoner in his. His other hand caught her waist and yanking her close, he covered her mouth in an intense heartfelt kiss. Kiera couldn’t resist him. When it was over, he pulled away but didn’t let go of her.

“I just want you to let me go,” Kiera managed shakily.

“Too bad. I won’t let you go. Not again.”

Ash gave her another steamy kiss and finally let her go. Kiera stood there, staring after him as he strode to his car and with a wave, drove away.

What the hell just happened?
she thought, baffled. She shook her head and turned to go inside. She’d analyze it all later, all these conflicting feelings inside of her. She couldn’t think about them now.

As she stepped in the door, her friends scrambled away from the windows.

Skye gave her a worried look. “Are you okay?”

Skye. She had a bone to pick with her.

“Just say the words, and Daniels’ a dead man,” Tyler stated.

“Ty, you idiot!” Tasha exclaimed in an exasperated voice.

“Could you guys give me and Skye a moment?” Kiera asked.

Shit, I am
so busted!
Skye thought.

Cian must have realized it too. “Kiera—” he started but she cut him off.

“I’ll deal with you later,” she snapped.

“Ok, we’ll be in the kitchen.” Tasha grabbed Cian and Tyler, towing them with her. Tyler sent Skye a what-did-you-do? look.

“You’ve been busy,” Kiera stated.


“You went to see him.”


“For god’s sake, why? Because he’s your friend? You’re supposed to be
best friend! Did you think we’d just kiss and make up after the way he hurt me?”

“That’s not why! And I
your best friend!”

“Was it all an act? Taking me shopping, telling me I was strong. That I could get over him?”

“No. God, no!” This was going all wrong. “Kiera, believe me. I only went to see him because I wanted to kick him for hurting you. There’s no worse pain than realizing how you let go of the best thing in your life because you were so wrong. To discover just how awfully you messed up and lost the person who truly loved you. I couldn’t let him go on thinking
was in the right. I’m sorry I hurt you by going to see him. That was never my intention. But if I had to do it all over again, I still would have done it.”

Kiera deflated. “You should have told me.”

“I’m sorry.” Skye took a deep breath. “If you want me to leave, I’ll go.”

“No. I don’t want you to leave. I’m sorry too, for jumping down your throat like that. I know you were only looking out for me.”

“Are we good?” Worry clouded Skye’s eyes.

Kiera sighed, suddenly sorry she’d worried her. “Yes, we’re good.”

Just like that, everything was okay again. Thank god they could never stay mad at each other.

“So what was that kiss all about?” Skye asked.

“That’s what I want to know too,” Tasha added, Tyler and Cian right behind her.

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you eavesdropping was a sin?” Skye gave her a look of exasperation.

“Why no. I believe eavesdropping is an efficient way to get juicy news that you wouldn’t otherwise get your hot little hands on.”

“Of course,” Cian agreed.

“I told you he’s a bad influence on her,” Tyler complained.

Skye and Kiera shared an eye-roll at their bickering. They were used to it.

“Sorry we sneaked on you,” Cian apologized to Kiera.

“That’s what you were holding over her head?” she inquired.

Cian gave her a sheepish look. “Guilty.”

Skye pointed at him. “You see what a bully he is?”

“I agree,” Tyler retorted.

“You always agree on anything bad about him,” Tasha remarked.

“I do not! I just agree with the truth!” Tyler gave her an innocent look.

“Pffttt!” Tasha said, hiding her smile.

Cian turned to Kiera, “Though I have to say I wanted to let Skye loose on Ash.”

“Shut up, Cian,” Skye hissed.

Kiera’s eyes widened slightly. “What?”

Cian shook his head at Skye. “Not a chance in hell, love. This is too good to keep to myself. Let’s see, darling, what did you call him? Ah yes, stupid ass, fucking moron, a fool.” He turned to Kiera. “Your ruthless champion here bopped him on the head several times. On top of a blinding headache. Not to mention, tried to attack him.”

“You’ve been holding out on me!” Tyler gasped at Skye, with a hand over his heart. He looked like one of those high-class prim ladies who got shocked at anything remotely scandalous. Skye’s lips unwillingly twitched. He was so funny. And he knew it too. He was always doing stuff like that to make her laugh. Ty said her icy shield needed a few cracks.

Tasha gaped at her. “Seriously?”

“What?” Kiera repeated.

“Then she annihilated the guy by stating just how her best friend was too good to mope over a loser like him and would have a wonderful life without him,” Cian related.

Skye closed her eyes with a groan. There was no way she was bringing Cian anywhere with her ever again. She told him so. The goof only flashed her a cocky grin. Probably because he knew he’d get around her.

Tyler hooted with laughter. He patted Skye on the head. “You, my Skywalker, have made me proud.”

“Oh, ye Powerful Obi-Wan,” Skye scowled at him. Tasha belly-laughed at their interaction.

Kiera was the only one who didn’t say anything. The others went quiet when she came to stand in front of Skye.

“Kiera.” Had she made her mad again?

“Oh, be quiet.” Kiera hugged her tightly. “You’re the best friend ever.”

Skye hugged her back, relief washing over her.

Kiera went to Cian next and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you for telling me. She would never have said a word.”

“She goes all Fort Knox on us when it comes to keeping secrets, doesn’t she? Right, love?”

Skye sent him a baleful look. Cian just smiled smugly. Ignoring him, she turned to Kiera. “So what did Ash want?”

Feeling unsettled, Kiera told them. She felt like she’d entered the twilight zone. Just last night, Ash had broken up with her and looked at her with such contempt. Then today, he’d done a turnabout and told her he loved her and wasn’t going to let her go? What should she do?

“So he says he won’t give up, eh? Good for him.”

Startled, Kiera looked up at Cian at his words. Skye silently agreed.

“He hurt you and now he wants to make up?” Tyler resumed in disgust.

“Ty, remind me never to forgive you if you mess up,” Tasha said, exasperated.

Tyler stared at her warily. “Well, I’ll just have to make sure I don’t mess up.” He pulled her into his arms and beamed down a charming smile at her. “Besides, if that ever happened, you’d make my life a living hell, of course.”

“Of course,” Tasha smiled adoringly up at him.

Cian ignored them, addressing Kiera. “When you truly love someone, you fight for her, fight to keep her in your life.” His eyes zoomed in on Skye. She obtusely kept her head down.
Pig-headed woman.

Tasha giggled and poked Tyler. He just shook his head as they watched Skye.

Skye could feel Cian’s stare drilling holes in her. His words robbed her of speech. Her foolish heart filled with overwhelming love for him.

Kiera watched them with a pleased smile. Even with the confused feelings going on inside of her, she was happy for her friend. With Cian, Skye was in good hands. He made her happy. As for Ash, his words resonated in her. Could he truly love her like she loved him? Only time would tell.

But she didn’t feel as broken-hearted as last night.


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