Holding Out For Skye (9 page)

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Authors: S.R. McKade

BOOK: Holding Out For Skye
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“Me and Ash? What do you mean? Nothing.”

Skye gave her a knowing look. “For a moment there I thought I’d turned invisible.”

Kiera’s cheeks turned pink. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Hello, this is me you’re talking to. Skye, your best friend, remember?”

Kiera gave her an eye-roll at that.

Skye continued relentlessly. “You two looked spellbound or something.”

“I don’t know if that’s what it was. I don’t know,” she repeated. “When he looked at me, something… something happened. I couldn’t look away.”

“I thought maybe it’s because his resemblance to Damon is so uncanny.”

“Uh?” Kiera looked confused.

Wait a minute. Skye’s mind whirled. Kiera hadn’t even noticed Ash’s resemblance to Ian Somerhalder? And here she was his biggest fan. Kiera
The Vampire Diaries
even more than she did. This was perfect! Kiera wasn’t going out with anyone right now and neither was Ash.

Kiera glanced at her warily. Skye looked like she was plotting something.

“He’s the guy I told you about who looks like the actor Ian Somerhalder, remember?”

Kiera’s eyes widened. “Yeah, you told me… but—”

“You didn’t notice, did you?”

“No.” A bemused look appeared on her face.

Oh, goodie
, Skye thought. “What did you think of him?”

“Uh?” Her gaze turned dreamy. “He’s got the brightest, greenest eyes I’ve ever seen.”

For a moment, Skye could only stare at her. She had never seen Kiera look like that. That dreamy. Like she had just found a whole new magical world at the end of the rainbow.

“And he’s mouth-watering hot,” Kiera added with a sparkle in her eyes.

Skye laughed, vowing to herself to get Kiera and Ash together. There had just been something in the air when those two had looked at each other. Something worth exploring. Skye decided she’d just have to give Kiera a push in that direction.



SOMEONE WAS knocking on the door. It was later that evening and Skye was sitting on her couch watching the latest episodes of an old TV show,
Full House
, that she’d gotten from Kiera.

She tore her eyes away from her laptop and blearily stared at the door. The knocking stopped. Maybe if she pretended she hadn’t heard it, it would go away.

Then it started again. Annoyed, Skye sat where she was, still debating whether to open the door or not. Who could it be? Then she brightened. Maybe she’d ordered pizza and forgotten about it.

In a decidedly better frame of mind at that thought, she set her laptop aside, got up from the couch and took the few steps to the door. She opened it without looking through the peephole. If she had, she would never have opened the door. Next time, Skye vowed to herself, she was checking through the damn peephole before opening the damn door.

Cian was standing there, one fist raised in midair. He flashed her a charming smile. Skye only stared at him.

“Don’t you have a doorbell?”

“What for?” she said, puzzled.


She nodded.

He rolled his eyes. “So people could ring the bell when they come visit you.”

“Why would they do that?”


“Anyone who comes to visit me knows to call first. They don’t call, they don’t get in. The apartments here don’t have doorbells or a buzzer and I didn’t think it necessary to have one installed.”

“No, you wouldn’t,” he said dryly. “Lucky for me, you knew I was coming. Even though you kept me waiting for ten minutes.”

“I did?” For the first time, she really looked at him. He was in casual attire—black t-shirt and dark blue jeans that seemed made for him and he was carrying a black backpack. For some reason, her stomach quivered.

Skye had never seen him in casual clothes before. The only time she had hung out with him outside of work had been that one time she’d gone to the movies with him, Nick and Thea after work. Even then, they’d all still been in work clothes. In casual clothes, he looked…
. Her tummy dipped again. Maybe she was coming down with something. She tried to ignore it.

He gave her a knowing look. “You forgot, didn’t you?”

She tried to remember. “I didn’t forget.”

“Yes, you did,” he stated. “Mind if I come in?”

“Oh.” Skye thought about shutting the door in his face, then resigned, opened it wider. He smirked at her, well aware she hadn’t wanted to let him in.

As she closed and locked the door behind him, Cian looked around her small apartment. Skye tried to see it through his eyes. She knew it wasn’t much.

The front door opened into a small living room which had a dark blue couch against one wall and a low wooden table in front of it. The walls were a sky blue color and the floor was covered with dark blue carpeting. Her laptop was on the table, its back to him.

From where he was standing he could see into her tiny kitchen, part of the living room really, separated by a breakfast counter, which had two blue-colored stools next to it. Knowing her, the only reason there were two stools was probably because they’d come in pair, he thought wryly.

A surge of protectiveness rolled through him at her meager abode. When he turned to look at her, her face was set in defensive lines. She probably thought he’d find some fault with her apartment.

He smiled at her. “So this is The Fortress of Skye. It suits you.”


Hadn’t expected that, did you?
Cian thought. “Your apartment. It suits you.”

Not knowing what to say to that, Skye replied, “Uh, thanks.” His presence seemed to fill the whole room. With him in it, the room felt small now. It was unsettling to say the least.

“So have you remembered yet?”

“What?” She was beginning to sound like a parrot.

Cian took pity on her. “Our date. Dinner and movie.”

Dismay crossed over her features. He had to fight not to laugh.

It was that time already? She tried to think of something to say. “Uh, so how do we start?”

Cian couldn’t help it this time. He laughed out loud. He’d been laughing a lot more since she came into his life again. Real fun-filled genuine laughter. Naturally, she glared at him.

“We don’t need a timetable actually. How did it go with Kiera?”

“She’s okay. She’s going to look for another job. We had lunch and hung out window-shopping.” Before he could ask, she said, “And, yes, I told her about you and me.”

“How did she take it?”

Skye stomped to the couch and sat down with her arms crossed. “After choking with laughter, you mean?”

Cian sat down next to her. She tried not to let his nearness affect her. He smelled good, a woodsy spicy scent that tickled her nose. Skye was mortified that she wanted to lean closer to him.

“You have to admit it, love. It’s hard to believe we’re dating.”

“Don’t call me ‘love’,” she scowled.

He smiled. His gaze drifted to her laptop screen and his eyes widened slightly. “You’re watching

Startled, Skye looked at him. “How did you—” She saw she’d paused the episode she’d been watching. Then her brow furrowed. How had he recognised it was an episode of
Full House

It was an old TV show, like eighteen-years-ago old. No one ever watched it anymore. She and Kiera had been delighted to find out they’d both always loved it when they were kids. They’d been trying to get the DVDs of all the eight seasons so that they could watch it again. A thought came to her mind. He couldn’t… . She shook her head. No, no way.

“No, you can’t watch
Full House
too!” she burst out.

Cian grinned at that. She was so adorable. “And why can’t I?”

“Because, because… you’re a guy! You would find
Full House
lame, right? You watch stuff like, like… and… and… You just

“Oh, very eloquent. Yes I can. You’re a girl and you watch shows like
and action movies. So why can’t I watch
?” Cian dropped his bag on the table and quoted, “‘
Have mercy!’”

It was one of the famous quotes from the series, which the playboy uncle said every time he kissed a pretty woman. That should have warned her.

Skye turned towards him, about to blast him off when his mouth covered hers.

It was like falling into the sun. She melted against him as their lips clung. His arms came around her, holding her tightly against him, his mouth warm and firm against hers. Her thoughts tumbled as her body responded to his closeness. Heat washed over her, enveloping her entire being.

She was so soft against him. Cian pressed her tighter to him, wanting to get closer. He buried his hand in her hair pulling her closer, turning her face to get better access to her lips. She tasted like chocolate and sunshine, sweet and warm. Her citrusy fragrance wafted to his nose, reeling him in.

He slowly pulled away, stared into her dazed brown eyes. And smiled in wonder. She didn’t know how powerful it made him feel to have been the one to put that dazzled look in her eyes.

Skye’s expression cleared slowly, turned solemn. “What are we doing, Cian?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

“Going with the flow,” he whispered back.

Cian tucked her head under his chin and held her. It felt wonderful to hold her. She was like a crystal, warm and pure, shooting off a kaleidoscope of colors that left him wanting for more. His heart seemed to expand and he felt like his chest would burst from the joy of simply holding her in his arms. How the hell had he been oblivious to his feelings for her all this time?

He sifted strands of her hair through his fingers. He’d been right, her hair felt like silk.

Skye was glad he couldn’t see the blush that crept to her cheeks. Why did he make her feel this way?
could she feel this way about him when all she’d ever felt was annoyance towards him? How could someone’s feelings change so quickly? An alarming thought crossed her mind. Had her unfriendly and surly attitude towards him been a defense mechanism because she was
to him?
Oh hell

These feelings he invoked in her were so powerful they overwhelmed her. Her hands crept up behind his back and held on. She could feel the ripple of muscle under her splayed fingers. He was all hard muscle. Her cheeks heated even more at her thoughts even as a surprising feeling of peace stole over her. She wanted to stay in his arms forever.

our date’s started.” His voice washed over her like a warm wave on a sunny day.

Skye felt her cheeks flush again. There was something she wanted to ask him. “Is it always like this?”

His hand moved slowly up and down her back, his touch branding heat into her skin through her long-sleeved t-shirt.

“No,” Cian replied quietly, understanding what she meant and giving the question the seriousness it deserved. “It’s never been like this with anyone else.”

A smile curved her lips as she pressed her face against his shoulder. “Good.”

Skye felt the laugh rumble through his chest as he let it out. When he pulled away, she immediately felt the loss of his embrace and hoped it didn’t show on her face.

The corners of his mouth turned upwards as he watched her. “You need to eat.”

At the word ‘eat’, her stomach grumbled right on cue. Cian grinned at the sheepish look on her face. “Come on, slugger, let’s go feed that monster.”


HE HAD BROUGHT spicy chicken sandwiches which were to die for, from the deli around the corner of her apartment building. When Skye asked him how he knew she liked them, he would only say he had his ways of finding these things out. There was chocolate fudge cake for dessert.

The kitchen was too small for the two of them so he leaned on the counter while she heated up their dinner.

Cian looked around searchingly. “Where’s your TV and DVD player?”

Skye froze in the process of taking the sandwiches from the microwave. Damn, she’d completely forgotten about that. “Um, we can watch the movie on my laptop.”

“The only way we’re watching the movie on your laptop is if you don’t have a TV and I know darn well you have one stashed around here… somewhere.” He gave the room a dubious look. Seriously, the room was too small to hide anything out here.

“Well. Um, my TV is…” An idea perked in her head. “ . . . it’s not working.”

He sent her a yeah-right expression. “It sure was working last night.”

Skye looked up, startled. “Last night?”

“Yeah, when I called—” He stopped in mid-sentence. “Your TV and DVD player wouldn’t happen to be in your bedroom, right?”



“Fine. They’re in my bedroom. You don’t suppose we could carry them out here?”

Cian kept his smile to himself. “No, I don’t suppose we could. You wouldn’t by any chance be worried about me being in your bedroom, would you?”

“What? No.” Yes. He couldn’t see her bedroom.

Cian could tell she was nervous. He took her hand. “You don’t have to be worried.”

“I’m not,” she snapped. She tugged her hand out of his and put their plates on the breakfast counter. “But we’re still eating here. You can get the iced tea and glasses.”

He hid his grin at her military tone. “Yes, ma’am.”

Skye turned to round the counter and found him blocking her way. Her pulse jumped. He was so tall, he towered over her. She swallowed. Hard.

“Cian, you’re in my way.”

“I like being in your way.” As he moved closer, she backed away.

“If you don’t behave, I’m not letting you in my apartment ever again.”

His eyes laughed at her. “Man, you’re so strict.”


“Alright, alright.” He held up his hands in a harmless pose.

Harmless, my ass,
Skye thought as she inched past him, watching him warily. He looked way too innocent.

The moment she brushed past him, he placed his arms on each side of her, effectively pinning her against the counter. His silvery gaze watched her with a narrowed intensity that had a swarm of butterflies bursting in her stomach. She had to fight the urge to bite her lip from nervousness.

He tucked her hair behind one ear as he leaned closer.


“Skye,” he whispered. Then his mouth swooped down on hers.

Her heart stopped. Sparks seemed to fly around, literally singeing her. She instinctively leaned into him, wanting to get closer.

Then it was over. Confused, she looked up at him, only to find him grinning down at her. Coming to her senses, Skye pushed at him.

“Don’t do that again!”

“How can I resist temptation?”

She glared at him. “Try.”

Smiling, Cian turned to get the glasses and iced tea. Out of curiosity, he stared at the contents of her small fridge. She had all the necessary stuff: milk, orange juice, cheese, jam, left-over food. He was pleased to see the box of donuts occupying a place of honor on the top shelf. He blinked in surprise at the several bottles of the soft drink
gracing the door of her fridge.

“Nosy much?”

His mouth quirked at the hostility in her tone. “Just looking.
addict much?”

“I like the taste,” Skye said defensively. Actually, she
the tangy taste.

“No beer?” He knew she didn’t drink.

“No.” She glanced at him uncertainly. “Is it a problem that I don’t drink alcohol?”

“If it were?” Cian challenged, anticipating her answer, knowing full well what she was going to say. She didn’t disappoint him.

She scowled. “You can stuff it. Plus, the door’s wide open.”

He laughed with genuine pleasure. She didn’t know how much it delighted him that she always stood her ground, no matter what.

Skye’s eyes slit in suspicion at his reaction. “You were testing me!”

He schooled his features into a look of innocence. “Who, me?”

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