Holding You (7 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

BOOK: Holding You
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: Use protection.

: Dad, really. Are we going to go there?? I’m not irresponsible!

My heart was pounding in my chest. Here I was telling my father I wasn’t irresponsible and I forgot to wear a damn condom the second time I’d ever had sex. Fuck!

: I know. It’s my job to pester you. How far are y’all from A&M?

Oh shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Scrubbing my hands down my face, I paced back and forth. Glancing at the time on my phone, we had left the reception almost three hours ago. I never lied to my father. Ever. Okay, that’s not true. I may have told a white lie every now and then.

Get a grip on yourself, Mathews!

: We aren’t that far away.

Not a lie. We’re not that far away.

: Okay. Be careful driving and kiss Lauren for me.

Letting out the breath I had been holding, I typed back my response.

: Will do! Later. Love ya, Dad.

: Love you, Colt. Later.

The next message was from Will.

Did my eyes deceive me or did I see you and Lauren kissing?

: No asshole, they did not deceive you.

Will responded back within seconds.


: So . . . what?

Don’t be a dick. Are y’all together?

: Maybe. Define together.

Holy fuck. Y’all slept together? Where in the hell are you ‘cause if you’re at one of the beach houses you’re about to be caught!

Letting out a chuckle, I shook my head and glanced over to my sleeping beauty.

: Nope, took Lauren to St. Claires in Rockport. Told our parents we were heading back to A&M for Lauren to work on a project.

Please let me tell Luke! You’ve got to let me tell Luke.

Shaking my head, I set my phone back down on the coffee table, but not before I turned it to silent. Taking the blanket I still had in my hand, I draped it over Lauren. She mumbled and let out a contented sigh. She looked happy.

Crawling in bed, I pulled the cover over me and brought Lauren up against my body. She fit perfectly. The feel of her naked skin up against mine was heavenly. Unlike anything I had ever imagined. It didn’t take me long to completely relax as I listened to Lauren breathing in and out softly.

Pulling her closer, I whispered, “I love you, Lauren. I’m never letting you go.”

and stretch next to me, I felt my hard dick pressing into her back. “Mmm . . . I take it that means you’re ready for round three, Mr. Mathews.”

Opening my eyes, I saw goose bumps covering Lauren’s body. Turning, she faced me as her hand rested under her cheek. “Are you sore, sweetheart?”

Scrunching up her nose, she whispered, “A little. But I want you, desperately.”

I was hyper-aware of the warmth radiating from Lauren’s body as she spoke. “I’ll never get tired of hearing you utter those words from your lips.”

A wistful smile spread across Lauren’s face. Leaning in, I kissed her lips gently. The kiss was soft and slow at first. Pulling her over and onto my body, we both began to lose control as things heated up. Lauren began rubbing against my hard dick, and I was wishing like hell I had a condom on.

Breaking our kiss, I panted out, “Condom . . . Lauren . . . we need a condom.”

Her eyes were lost in a need I wanted to satisfy. “Where? Colt, where are they?”

“Wallet, it’s in my wallet.”

Jumping up, Lauren searched for my wallet. “Where is it?”

Sitting up, I pointed to the coffee table. Lauren reached down and paused as she looked at my phone. Standing back up, she spun around. “Where’s my phone? Oh my gosh, Colt where’s my phone?”

“Um . . . I don’t know. In your purse?”

Lauren ran over to her phone and my dick became so hard I was sure I could cut glass with it. Watching her breasts bounce as she ran was almost enough to make me come.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as I pushed the covers off of me.

Pulling her phone out then swiping it open, Lauren glanced back at me with a panicked look on her face. “My dad was calling your cell phone. I had my phone muted from the wedding.”

Scrubbing my hands down my face, I let out yawn. “Why are you freaking out, just tell him that. It was muted from the wedding and you forgot to turn it back on.”

Placing the phone up to her ear she shook her head as she chewed on her lip. “You don’t understand my dad, Colt. He’ll think I’m irresponsible for
turning my phone back on.”

I knew Scott was pretty strict when it came to Lauren, but I didn’t think he was too terribly bad. He expected a lot from her. Just from our talks about the business, he felt like Lauren could do a good job running things, but he didn’t think she was responsible enough to handle it all on her own. That’s where I came in. I knew me being involved in Scott’s business was a sore subject with Lauren, and I was not about to bring that shit up.

Making my way into the bathroom, I pushed the door open to the small room that held the toilet.

“Holy sheets! Motherfucker.”

Smiling, I shook my head. Only Lauren would attempt to not use one swearword, only to follow it up with a larger one.

“Colt! We have to go! We have to leave now!”

Lauren came running in and grabbed my arm, mid piss. “Lauren! Wait, I’m using the toilet! Holy shit, what is wrong with you?”

Glancing down at me peeing, Lauren made a funny face and then looked back up at me. For one brief second I had a complex about my dick.

“My parents are leaving Port Aransas.”

“So, why does that mean we have to leave our little heaven?”

Finishing up, I motioned for Lauren to step out so I could head over to the sink. Turning on the water to wash my hands, Lauren let out a frustrated breath. “No, you don’t understand. They’re leaving Port Aransas and heading to A&M.”

Grabbing the hand towel, I wiped off my hands and nodded. “Really? What for?”

Placing her hands on her hips, she tilted her head and pursed her lips before she said, “They want to visit with me and see the house. See the project I’m working on.”

It took a solid ten seconds for it to soak in. “Oh. My. God.”

Nodding her head frantically, Lauren quickly found her bag and got dressed. I stood there stunned. My life flashed before my eyes as I pictured Scott’s fist making contact with my face.

“Colt! What are you doing? Get dressed. We have to leave!”

Quickly running over to my bag, I grabbed sweats, a football practice T-shirt and my sneakers. Lauren was damn near almost done dressing as I let out a chuckle. Hearing my phone go off again, I reached for it. I had two missed calls, both from Scott. And three text messages, one from my mom and two from Will.

Hey darling. Dad and I are leaving early along with Scott and Jessie. We’re gonna drive and get a place in College Station.

Wait. What?
My parents were coming to A&M . . . also? Looking back at my phone, I had two text messages from Will.

Hey dude, you might want to think about heading back to A&M this afternoon. Your mom and dad are talking about road tripping it up there.

Code red! Your parents and Lauren’s are headed to A&M. I have no clue what you’re doing . . . well I do but . . .

“Oh no. No. No. No,” I said as I quickly threw everything into my bag. Lauren and I were both running around the room like maniacs. “What’s wrong?” Lauren asked as she stopped right in front of me.

“My parents are leaving with your parents and heading to A&M.”

A look of horror crossed over Lauren’s face. “What? Why now? Why all of sudden do they want to know where we live or what we do? I mean they bought the house! They’ve seen it.”

My phone buzzed in my hand. “Hello?”

“Hey, darling.”

Hitting the speakerphone I said, “Hey, Mom. What’s up?”

“Your father and I are on the ferry with Scott and Jessie. We are heading to College Station. I know it will be late by the time we get there, probably around eight or eight thirty, but let’s plan on dinner, okay?”

My eyes widened as Lauren slowly shook her head and whispered, “We need to leave.”

Holding up my hand and motioning for Lauren to calm down, I said, “Hey, Mom. Y’all aren’t staying in Port A? What’s wrong? Did the party break up?”

Chuckling, my mother said, “Jessie and I want to see y’all. Besides, we hardly got to see you and Lauren before you both cried projects and homework and took off.”

“So you’re on the ferry?” I asked as my hands started sweating and I imagined what Scott would do to me when he found out I had stopped at a hotel and had sex with his daughter.

“Yeah, we are about to cross and head that way. Y’all are back, right? You left before noon.”

Closing my eyes, I said a silent prayer we could pull ahead of our parents. Luke and Libby had decided to get married early in the morning and have the reception right after. Since they were working on the schedule of the baby. Lauren and I left the reception around eleven and it was now almost four. We wouldn’t be back to A&M until almost eight.

“Yep, we are. Um . . . hey, Mom, I need to let you go. Y’all be careful driving and see you around eight.”

“Sounds good. Love you.”

“Love ya too, Mom.”

Hitting End, Lauren and I stared at each other with blank expressions. “Our parents are on their way to A&M?”

Raising my eyebrows, I said, “Yep. And they think we’re already there.”

Turning and heading to the door, Lauren called out, “You better drive like you’ve never driven before.”

Walking up behind her, I pushed the door closed as she went to open it. Turning her head, she gave me a confused look. “What’s wrong?”

Dropping my bag, I grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. Pushing her against the door, I smashed my lips against her lips. Lauren dropped her stuff and wrapped her arms around me. The next thing I knew, her legs were wrapped around me and she was grinding on my hard dick.

Pulling her lips away, she dropped her head against the door. “Colt, I’m going to come. God, what are you doing to me?”

I watched the flush move across Lauren’s cheeks as she fell apart. I wanted nothing more than to fuck her against this door, but I knew she was sore and we had zero time to be doing this.

Slowly lowering her down, I pushed her blonde hair from her face. “Will that keep you satisfied until later?”

Lauren’s eyes were intense as they searched my face. “I think so.”

After checking out of the hotel, we got in my truck and headed to A&M. The drive back was amazing. It was like old times with Lauren and I talking, laughing and enjoying each other.

Lauren cleared her throat and said, “So, maybe we should talk about the elephant in the truck?”

Quickly peeking at her, I tried to keep my out of control heart from racing so fast. “What do you mean?”

Smiling sweetly at me, Lauren turned and looked out the front window. “The reason I’ve been pushing you away, and frankly just being a bitch to you.”

“I don’t think you’ve ever been a bitch, Lauren.”

Looking back at me, Lauren raised her one eyebrow and lowered her head at me. “Seriously, Colt. It’s okay, I know how I’ve behaved. That night I walked away from you at the party, I saw the hurt in your eyes and it killed me. I was mad and acting like a little spoiled brat.”

I kept my eyes on the road as I listened to Lauren talk. Things were amazing between us right now, and I didn’t really want to risk the chance of us getting into a fight over something that happened in the past.

Lauren fiddled with her ring. It was a small diamond and emerald ring her parents had bought her when she turned sixteen. She’d spin it one way, and then the other. It was a nervous habit she had since she got the ring.

“Lauren, we don’t . . .”

Holding up her hand, she sucked in a shaky breath. “Colt, please let me say this.”

Giving her a weak smile, I motioned for her to keep talking. We had been driving with the sunroof open and I couldn’t help but notice how the wind was sweeping around in the truck and blowing Lauren’s curls around. She didn’t seem to care one bit.

“My dream, since I’ve been a little girl, is to run Daddy’s breeding business. I swear I remember the first time Daddy put me up on a horse. The smell of leather, to this day, reminds me of it.”

Chuckling, I knew how she felt, because I felt the same way.

Clearing her throat, Lauren pulled her legs up and rested her chin on her knees as she kept talking. The smell of her perfume swept across my face and I inhaled deeply, feeling my dick jump in my pants.

“Daddy told me he thinks I can’t run the ranch by myself. He says I’m not responsible enough and need someone like . . . someone like . . .” Her voice trailed off and my heart slowly broke as I listened to the sadness in her voice.

“Someone like who, Lauren?”

Lauren looked at me and my heart stopped beating the moment I saw the tear. Looking over my shoulder, I quickly pulled over to the shoulder and stopped the car. Putting it in park, I jumped out of the truck and ran around to the passenger side. Opening the door, I reached in and pulled her out. Holding her in my arms, Lauren began crying.

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