Hole in My Life (15 page)

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Authors: Jack Gantos

BOOK: Hole in My Life
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Copyright © 2002 by Jack Gantos
All rights reserved
eISBN 9780374706104
First eBook Edition : April 2011
First edition, 2002
Farrar, Straus and Giroux paperback edition, 2004
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Gantos, Jack.
Hole in my life / Jack Gantos.—1st ed.
p. cm.
Summary: The author relates how, as a young adult, he became a drug user and smuggler, was arrested, did time in prison, and eventually got out and went to college, all the while hoping to become a writer.
ISBN-13: 978-0-374-43089-4 (pbk.)
ISBN-10: 0-374-43089-6 (pbk.)
1. Gantos, Jack. 2. Authors, American—20th century—Biography. 3. Ex-convicts—United States—Biography. [1. Gantos, Jack. 2. Authors, American. 3. Criminals. 4. Authorship.] I. Title.
PS3557.A5197 Z468 2002
Excerpt from
On the Road
by Jack Kerouac, copyright © 1955, 1957 by Jack Kerouac; reprinted by permission of Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. Excerpt from
Revolutionary Road
by Richard Yates, copyright © 1961, renewed 1989 by Richard Yates; reprinted by permission of the Estate of Richard Yates.

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