Holly's Crush: The Complete Trilogy (2 page)

Read Holly's Crush: The Complete Trilogy Online

Authors: Bree Dahlia

Tags: #happily ever after, #Humor, #Sexual Intercourse, #Romantic comedy, #romance, #Steamy Romance, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Holly's Crush: The Complete Trilogy
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“This is how it works.” A woman was demonstrating to a couple on using an inflatable hot seat, which was a blowup ball with a fake cock sticking out of the top. The woman bounced up and down, going through the motions of impaling yourself on the stiff rod. At least she looked old enough to work there.
Maybe that kid is her son?
Holly shuddered at the thought.

Grunting noises directed her attention to an area covered with a black sheet. It was called The Viewing Room and Holly assumed it was for porn movies, but she really wasn’t sure. She was curious enough to walk over there when a man, old enough to be her grandfather, stuck his head out and leered at her. He grinned in a way that made Holly feel defiled. She definitely needed a shower when she got home.

“Hey there, girly. I could use some company in here,” the creep said to Holly.

Holly, consumed with the heebie-jeebies, got herself the hell out of there. She felt like bugs were crawling all over her skin. She didn’t need some vile old man trying to follow her home. She was ready to leave the store when she remembered why she came in the first place; she wasn’t about to make this a wasted trip. Glancing back at the black room, she noticed that his head was back inside. Even though that relieved her, she still didn’t want to spend any more time there.

Holly went back to the women’s toy section and was completely overwhelmed at the selection. She ended up just grabbing something that looked similar to her last vibrator and went up to the counter to pay.

Back in her car, Holly was glad to be heading home. She almost left without getting her toy at the last minute, due to the boy working the cash register. He was really starting to get on her last nerve and she wanted to pop him one.

Holly: (Places item on counter).

Boy: Is this all you want today?

Holly: Yes.

Boy: There must be something else that interests you. We have such a large selection.

Holly: I can see that. This is all I want today, thanks.

Boy: These are very popular (pulls out some Ben Wa Balls from behind the counter).

Holly: No, this is all I want. Can you please just ring me up?

Boy: A beautiful young woman, such as yourself, may want a higher level of arousal.

   This is our best seller (grabs a large contraption off the wall).

Holly: This will be just fine. I’m in a hurry. Is there a manager here?

Boy: This device is designed for maximum penetration and clitoral stimulation. There is    

   also an adaptor for anal probing. You will experience the most intense orgasm of

   your life. If you’d like, I can show you how it works.

Holly: Listen, Junior. How about you take one of those eggplant dildos over there and go

   fuck yourself? I’m not going to say it again. Ring me up (smiling sweetly).

Boy: That will be 39.95.



Once she got back to her apartment, she felt quite impressed with herself for sticking it out and coming home the proud owner of a Magic Flipper.

She was like a kid at Christmas, eager to rip open her present as soon as she walked in the door. Unfortunately, she was expecting a work call – what was she thinking offering to take a call from a client so late? – and she had to be responsible, eating her vegetables before she could have dessert.

Stupid work. But yay! I have a vibrator again and what a relief to not have to hide it like I had to do when living with Brian. He never approved of them, always felt like he should be enough for me. The problem was – he wasn’t. It’s not like I have anything to compare him to, since he was my first and only, but should sex feel so blah and clinical? It shouldn’t feel like a trip to the gyno…okay, exaggerating a bit but come on! I deserve something spicier. He turned me on less in 3 years than Mr. Zesty did in 3 minutes. Mmm…those eyes and that voice…

Brrring, Brrring

Now that her work call was out of the way, Holly brought her focus back to those eyes…that voice…that ass…she could imagine him gazing at her naked body while telling her exactly what he wants to do with it. Her eyelids closed and she allowed herself to envision those lips and what they’d feel like making their way down her body…sucking…kissing…licking…

30 minutes later…

Frustration sets in big time as Holly tears her place apart looking for batteries. “I can’t frickin’ believe I bought a vibrator, but no batteries. Who does that? And that punk at the porn shop didn’t even mention it. Aaah!” Yes, she had been in a hurry and that kid was pissing her off, but it should have been a no-brainer to include the double A’s. If there was ever a time to first try it out, it was NOW! She was all hot and bothered from thinking about Mr. Smoky Eyes and she could use some relief. She emptied out her flashlight – kept for emergencies and this was considered one – just to discover that those batteries were dead. Fuck! Unfortunately (or fortunately, if there was a fire), the smoke detector didn’t take the same kind and she couldn’t find anything else in the place to take apart.

By this point, her sexual tension was pretty much dwindled down anyway, so she just gave up and went to bed. Maybe her dreams would show her some fulfillment.


“Thank God for the weekend,” Holly said, as she woke up on Saturday morning. Those last two days at work felt never-ending. Somehow a bunch of files had gotten messed up and she spent all of her time getting things reorganized. It left her with a headache that made her want to do nothing else but collapse into bed as soon as she got home. The only thing she accomplished that was worthwhile (in her opinion) was picking up several packs of batteries during one of her quick lunch breaks. She used to be a girl scout, damnit! She was going to be prepared next time.

It was a beautiful morning and the sun was shining brightly, it would do her some good to get out and become more acquainted with her new city. She had moved about an hour away from where she lived with Brian; she figured that was enough space to put between them, but not too much distance away from her family.

She didn’t spend much time getting ready – just threw her blonde hair up into a ponytail and slapped on some lip gloss. She wanted to enjoy as much of the day as possible since she heard there was a chance of rain moving in later this afternoon. She didn’t bother with coffee and figured she could always easily find a café somewhere.

Fifteen minutes later she was heading down the street checking out the neighborhood.
I really need to do this more often.
She felt rejuvenated by the fresh air and it made her head feel wonderfully clear. She strolled around, losing track of time, exploring the place she now called home. She passed by a pet shop and considered going inside, but turned around and noticed a coffee shop a block over. Her stomach growled and she suddenly realized she was starving. Coffee and a muffin sounded heavenly, so she made her way to Cedar Creek Café.

Holly found a comfy chair next to the window and kicked back with her large vanilla latte (extra whipped cream) and an enormous cinnamon chocolate muffin. Feeling content and very relaxed, she enjoyed her late breakfast while admiring the view outside. She was feeling really positive – new start and all – and she was relishing her quiet time without obsessing over some guy she didn’t even know. She could even think about going back to work on Monday without freaking out. Yep, it was times like these that recharged her and made her feel like she could handle just about anything.

She could hear some kids getting a little rambunctious behind her but it was easy enough to tune out. She would like to have kids someday, maybe, if she met the right guy. She was so far away from that reality right now so it wasn’t even worth thinking about. Despite the massive amounts of caffeine and sugar that she just put down, Holly started to feel a bit sleepy. She took out the rubber band from her hair and rested her head back comfortably. Feeling her eyelids close, she basked in the early afternoon sun radiating through the window. It was so warm, so peaceful…she started dozing off…

“Huh?” Holly blurted out as she snapped her head up.

“I am so sorry miss,” some woman said to Holly. “Girls, look at what you did – apologize right now!” She looked over at a couple of sticky-faced kids with purple hands. “I probably shouldn’t give them sugar when we are out in public.” The woman laughed nervously. “I never know how they are going to react. It doesn’t look too bad; I bet we can get this out in no time.”

The woman and her two demon spawn stood over Holly and picked at her hair. Confused, Holly put her hand on the back of her head and felt a large glob of something sticky tangled up in her strands. “What the…,” Holly said as she tried pulling it out. She felt a stick.
It’s a fucking lollypop?

“Girls – apologize!” snapped the woman.

“We’re sorry,” they said in unison, sounding bored.

“Uh… don’t worry about it,” Holly said with a fake smile. “I’m sure it will be fine.” She just wanted that woman to stop pawing her head; she was probably making it worse.

Holly couldn’t get out of there fast enough. She worked on dislodging the sucker from her hair as she walked home, vowing to never ever have kids. By the time she got to her apartment, she was feeling annoyed and stressed and had not made much headway tearing out the candy. She stormed inside and immediately stepped into the shower. She lathered up her hair with the last of her favorite mango-papaya shampoo and worked on getting out all the sticky bits still clinging to her scalp.

Between several washings (with some crappy free sample shampoo) and a ton of conditioner, she was able to rip out the candy with minimal damage. She lost a small clump of hair but realized it could have been much worse if it would have needed to be chopped out.

Feeling relieved, she leaned back against the wall and just let the hot water run over her. Her mind somehow drifted to sexy neighbor (big surprise) as she soaped up her body. There was something about being wet and naked that correlated with a certain man…

I wonder how it would feel to have his hands caressing me like this.
She ran her fingers down her breasts, circling around her hard nipples, slowly making her way down her stomach. She closed her eyes and imagined his fingertips getting close to her pussy, ready to spiral around her clit. She felt her wetness mingle with the water flowing down her thighs; her hand substituting for his when…


“What the –”


It’s the smoke alarm?
Holly jumped out of the shower and quickly grabbed a towel to wrap around herself - there was no time to dry off. Dripping wet from head to toe, she ran out into the hallway. She was barely out the door when she heard, “False alarm.”

“It was just Mrs. Thomas burning popcorn again,” the lady from the unit down the hall said to Holly. She really should start making more of an effort to learn her neighbor’s names.

As she got ready to go back inside, she noticed Him watching her.

“I’m sorry you were interrupted during your shower,” he said with the voice that could melt the clothes right off of her, if she were wearing any. His eyes lingered for a few moments and Holly thought that they moved down the entire length of her body, although it was so subtle she couldn’t be sure.

“Oh, that’s okay…just glad everything is fine.”
Except for the big wet spot I made dripping all over the carpet.
“Okay, then…see you later,” Holly blurted out.

She went back inside and fell face first onto her bed. She reached one hand over to grab her diary out of the nightstand before sitting up. With her towel still wrapped around her and wet hair plastered to the sides of her face, she began to write.

I wish this bed would swallow me whole. He must think I am a neurotic psycho by now. Hell, I think I am a neurotic psycho. The worst part (almost) is that I never even got his name – again. For someone that I don’t want to be thinking about, I sure am spending enough time doing just that. Just who is this guy anyway? And why does he turn me on so damn much? Brian barely made me simmer while some stranger can set me on fire just by looking at me. He is starting to become a distraction – it is impossible to concentrate when all I can think about is his body pressed against me HARD. I bet he is amazing in bed. God, I want him.

Seconds later, Holly’s diary was on the floor and Magic Flipper (complete with batteries) was in her hand. The familiar buzzing sound triggered her juices to flow, as she brought the pulsating rod between her spread thighs. She became lost in a fantasy as the vibrator worked its magic over her swollen clit.

I am back in the hallway wearing my towel, which barely covers my large full breasts and tight ass
my fantasy).
I am standing against the wall when the hottest man walking comes over, never taking his eyes off of me, not even for a moment. He stands close enough for me to feel his heat radiating. His scent is intoxicating, making my mouth water, enticing me to taste him. He runs a finger over my lips; I part them slightly wanting desperately to suck them. He moves his hand slowly down my neck and drags another finger across my chest just under the towel. My nipples harden as he barely touches me, all the while continuing to look me in the eyes. At this point, I am practically panting. My heart is pounding so loudly that he must be able to hear it. I squeeze my thighs together, almost embarrassed at how wet I am already. I glance down and see the huge bulge in his pants. He sees me looking at him and I swear his cock grows even larger. I want to tell him to fuck me now, but I’m having trouble speaking. I am breathing so hard and the words won’t form in my mouth. He can see how turned on I am and how much I want him inside me. He bends down and runs a hand up my leg; I am now going out of my mind with desire. He parts my legs as he works his way up to my throbbing pussy. I want to demand that he spread me wide and pump his thick cock into me. Before I can, he lightly brushes my clit and…

Waves of pure delight rippled through Holly. Her orgasm seemed endless as she continued to hold the vibrator on her overly sensitive nub. Feeling completely spent, she removed it, setting it beside her, too tired to move the short distance to place it back into her nightstand drawer. She drifted off to sleep with a smile, very appreciative that she took the time to pick up batteries this week.

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