Hollywood Princess (21 page)

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Authors: Dana Aynn Levin

BOOK: Hollywood Princess
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Lizzie J!” Grant called out. Danny glared at Grant, all sexy tousled brown hair and pale sea-green eyes.

Grant always called me Lizzie. He was the only person who did. I hated it, but he was Grant Barnes. He could call me whatever he wanted. With his posh London accent, it was music to my ears.

Grant threw his arms around me and kissed my cheek. “I didn’t know you were in town!” he exclaimed.

“I got home the other day. Grant,
I live here, remember?” 

“Yes, I’ve been there. How is university?”

“Amazing. What are you doing in town?”

First flight home tomorrow. Mum can’t wait and neither can I. I’m tired of living out of a suitcase. I haven’t been home in over a year thanks to you.” We both laughed.

“Do you know how many actors
would kill for your life?” I asked.

“Don’t get me wrong,
Lizzie,” Grant explained. “I’m living the dream, but I’m exhausted. I’ve just been stuck in Utah for three months. It was good coming to L.A. for ADR just to see my mates.”

, not pleased with the warm reception I had received from the terminally attractive actor, stood with his arms possessively around my shoulders, but he laughed at Grant’s story.

“Boyfriend?” Grant asked.
I nodded yes, and then introduced them.

glad you’re Lizzie’s boyfriend,” said Grant. “You look right together.” Then he added, “When I was staying with your family, I always wondered why a girl as attractive as you are didn’t have a boyfriend.”

“Elizabeth was waiting for me to
return to her life,” Danny answered. I blushed and turned to gaze into his sparkling sapphires.

“That’s pretty close to the truth,” I told Grant.

“I’m happy for you Lizzie.” Grant turned to Danny. “Why were you laughing about Utah? You’ve spent time there?”

“My Dad
worked there years ago. Let’s just say it’s my family’s least favorite state. Dad was so lonely he developed a drug problem.”

“Steve had a drug problem?”
I never knew that and I was family.

“It was
years ago. We don’t discuss it, Eli.”  But he was.

Then Danny turned back to Grant.
“Dad’s fine now, but he’s never gone back. Mom won’t let him.”

“I don’t blame her.
I won’t let you work there either, “ I declared.

“What does your dad do?” Grant asked.

“He’s Steven Newman,” Danny answered knowing the name said it all.

“Of course
. I’d love to work with him. He’s brilliant.”

Later, p
aparazzi were staking out the sidewalk as I left the club flanked by Danny and Grant. We lingered, talking by the side of the Porsche. Grant warmly embraced me before Danny and I got into the car for our drive to Malibu. By morning, pictures of Grant embracing me would be all over the internet. 


Flying from Santa Monica to Aspen in our Gulfstream takes only about two hours, which was good because today I was an inexplicably nervous flyer.

Danny, Teddy and I sat apart from our parents. Teddy had the right idea. During take-off,  his iPad earbuds were in place and he concentrated on reading a book. 

Seated beside me, Danny tried putting me at ease by talking into my ear about an item in the morning newspaper. Then in mid-sentence, Danny leaned over and kissed me. “We’re up, baby,” he said and smiled. 

Then it hit me.
“You were boring me so I wouldn’t think about the take-off?” His guilty smirk answered my question. Then I reclined against Danny, resting my hand on his chest, while he settled into reading
The Grapes of Wrath
on his iPad.

Set against a snow-covered mountain, the
large, mission-style lodge beckoned. Danny, Teddy and I approached in the car we were sharing. The house was surrounded by a stand of evergreens, seemingly cut off from civilization. Smoke rose from the multiple chimneys against the clear blue sky. The household staff had prepared for our arrival. 

Keeping our excitement tamped down
, Danny and I carried our luggage to the private downstairs suite. The spacious room was decorated in warm, southwestern hues. The bed and bureau were made of rustic thick cut pine. A deep-seated studded leather love seat with matching ottoman faced the sizable window with its views of the majestic mountain. An overhead antler-styled lighting fixture made this the perfect spot for curling up with a book, though I doubted I’d have time to indulge.

Best of all, on the wall opposite the king-sized bed was a wood-burning fireplace. The staff kept it stocked and ready to go. All we needed was a match to light the kindling. Nothing would be better after a day on the slopes than a hot whirlpool bath followed by snuggling by the fireplace with Danny.

Dinner at the lodge was a casual, raucous affair with seven of us at the table. The cook had prepared an old-fashioned barbeque as our welcome meal with platters of ribs, warm homemade potato salad, a green bean casserole, and the most delicious cornbread. 

Later, Teddy joined Danny and me in the
lower level playroom to shoot pool. The over-sized room also contained air hockey and foosball tables. There was a large screen television, cozy seating areas and a bar. Sliding doors led to a patio where the hot tub was discretely hidden by landscaping.

Pool does not work with three people. I
offered to play for both Danny and Teddy to even the sides, but they both declined my offer. After warming up, it was clear why. Elizabeth Jacobs sucks at pool! 

If Teddy would disappear, Danny and I
could play and then I might improve. I felt like the stereotypic jealous lover only it was my brother whom I was jealous of.

Instead I amused myself by throwing darts. Grant Barnes had taught me proper British pub techniques. I’m good at darts. In fact, I
excel, but neither Danny nor Teddy noticed the bulls-eyes I was throwing.

You can throw darts without competition for just so long. Tired of being ignored, I
called it quits. Saying good-night would be safer, as I was tempted to throw a few darts at painful places neither my boyfriend nor brother would be pleased with.

approached Danny and hugged his waist. 

I’m going to bed,” I whispered. “Don’t be long.”

I kissed his
cheek promising more to come. Danny rested his cue, against the pool table.  Hint received.

“Teddy,” he said
, “I’ll be right back.” Danny turned to me. “Let’s go, Eli.”

arm around my shoulder, we walked into the bedroom. I grabbed Danny’s shirt collar, pulled him to me, and planted a warm kiss on his lips. 

“Get rid of Teddy,” I


Visions of bumping off Teddy filled my brain. Admittedly, this was not healthy. Saner was turning my attention to the handsome bare-chested man sleeping beside me. 

I had no recollection of Danny coming to b
ed, so it must have been late. What could have been so fascinating about Teddy to keep Danny from me?

I touched my
hand to Danny’s stubbled cheek and gently kissed his full lips. 

“Good morning
beautiful,” he whispered, so content. 

All evil thoughts
vanished as Danny responded with his own kisses. I was happy all over again that we had been given our own private suite.

“You didn’t wake me when you came in,” I complained.

“I didn’t want to disturb you. You were sleeping so soundly.”

“Do you think anyone is up?”
I felt compelled to whisper though nobody could hear us. Our families were at minimum two flights up.

“I do
n’t know,” Danny answered.

I smiled wickedly. Danny grinned. Then I
threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. Danny tightened his hold and returned the kiss. My leg wrapped around his and he urgently pressed against me, hard, ready. Our hearts were pounding. I was breathless.

Danny worked open the buttons on
my shirt. I took a deep breath as Danny pushed it off my shoulders and tossed it aside leaving me naked. Electricity radiated between us. Pressed against the pillows with Danny poised above me, his fingers feathered down my side and he prepared to enter me.

A quick, loud knock came on the door
, followed by Teddy’s entrance. I gasped, horrified. Danny jerked his fingers back and collapsed on top of me, shielding me from Teddy’s view. I hastily pulled the sheets up around us. 

I couldn’t look at
my brother. I didn’t know if ever could again. The thought that fourteen-year-old Teddy had caught us naked in bed was mortifying.

Teddy was
equally shaken. “Mom wants to know when you’re coming to breakfast?” he stammered.

“Tell her
we’ll be right up,” Danny answered. Teddy flushed and hastily retreated out the door.

Danny moved
off me so I could breath again. He held me and stroked my back. I was shaking.

“I’m going to
kill that kid,” Danny said, more annoyed than angry.

“I have first dibs. Teddy
’s my brother.” 

“Poor Teddy!” Danny laughed
. “He’s probably traumatized. Walking in and finding your sister…” Danny kissed my forehead. “We better get upstairs before a parent shows up next.”

Teddy accompanied Danny and me to the slopes. I felt inappropriate
ly dressed for skiing with my brother. My new Bogner jumpsuit clung to every curve. I had purchased it with only Danny in mind. The Bogner had seemed sophisticated. With Teddy at our side, and Danny gawking at my every movement, I felt like an expensive slut.

The mountain air was
crisp and fresh. The powder was pristine and perfectly groomed. It was cold, but not uncomfortable on this sunny day. Perfect conditions for starting a ski trip!

Disembarking from the
gondola, I noticed several girls my age wearing similar attire. Now I was glad to be wearing my Bogner. The hell with Teddy! Danny’s eyes would have no reason to stray today. 

I adjusted my
helmet and lowered my goggles. Danny and Teddy did the same. I sidled up to Danny and playfully smiled. 

“Race you
to the bottom,” I challenged before taking off. 

The wind flying through my hair
was invigorating. The quality of the snow was exemplary. The mountain wasn’t crowded this early; perfect conditions for a friendly race.

I ha
d the early advantage. Still, after skiing about halfway down the run, neither Danny nor Teddy had caught up. I anticipated them passing at any moment because I was losing steam. Rustiness and the thin Rocky Mountain air, were taking a toll.

The tortoise and the hare;
I definitely related to the old yarn. Forced to stop, and out of breath, I was the arrogant hare. The tortoise would soon catch up and gloat.

I moved to the side, practically asthmatic, and
attempted deep breathing exercises. Danny made a dramatic entrance, stopping beside me, spraying me with soft powder. He starred through my goggles to my eyes.

Eli. Are you okay, hon?”

“I’m a lit
tle out of breath. I’ll be okay,” I answered with a wheeze.

Babe, you’re not okay. You’re not used to the thin air.”

I nodded, embarrassed

. No more racing. We’ll go slowly. Together.” Danny smiled warmly. His love was reassuring.

“Okay,” I whisper
ed, and Danny and I took off, this time at the same slow pace.

Teddy was
at the base waiting. 

“I beat you!” He
exuberantly announced.

“Good going, squirt,” Danny responded enthusiastically. Teddy beamed.

“Juice break,” I announced.

Outside the base lodge we propped
our skis. Then we removed our helmets and gloves, and entered the building to find a table.

“Large cranberry,” I told Danny
. As I put down my gloves and my helmet with goggles attached, I added, “I’ll be right back. I’m going to the restroom.”

As I tu
rned to go Danny grabbed my arm.

“You’re okay now?” He asked

“Yeah. I can breath again.”
I smiled and gave Danny a quick kiss before leaving.

Men stared at me
as I walked toward the restroom. How unusual. It was quite disconcerting. I missed not having my sunglasses shielding me from uninvited eye contact and I quickened my pace.

While r
eturning to the table, I was stopped three times by men who wanted to buy me a drink. Of course I politely declined, but the unsolicited attention stunned me. I purposely bestowed an affectionate welcome back on Danny so they would see that I was taken.

“If this is the greeting I get, next time I’ll pay men to hit on you,” Danny teased.

“Can you stop doing that?” Teddy complained.

Then I turned to Danny. “You saw?” I gulped down my juice. The thin air was dehydrating.

“Who could miss?” he laughed.

“They’re very bold here. Why are those men bothering me?”

“You are kidding, right?”

“No,” I said. “Can you please order me another?” I indicated my empty glass.

“Sure,” he replied.
“Have you looked in the mirror today, Eli?”

“When I got dressed this morning.”

“Baby, you’re like Snow White in spandex.”

rolled his eyes, took his iPhone from his pocket, and inserted his earbuds.

A waitress passed and Danny ordered me another large cranberry juice.

“When you bought this, didn’t you notice how it clings to every luscious curve on your body?” Danny grinned.

thought you’d like it,” I said n a flirty voice.

Danny smiled, almost laughing
, and hugged me. “Of course I like it.” He released me and held my gaze. “It’s amazing on you. And with your coloring, well you do look like Snow White if she skied.”

I wanted you to like it.”

“Why do you think I didn’t pass you
on the mountain? I liked the view.” Danny laughed. “It never entered your mind that I’m not the only man who would be looking at your ‘ass-etts?’”

I rolled my eyes at his attempt at humor. “No.
Why would I think about people I don’t know?” Danny wrapped his arm around my neck and playfully gave me noogies.

abeth you lovable knucklehead. I love how naïve you can be.”

There was enough time
for one more run before lunch. This time, even Teddy took it easy. When we finished, I was beat. I hoped eating lunch would revive me.

Delicious, hot food was
what my body craved, but it wasn’t enough. I was history, and it was obvious enough that Danny took one look at me and without asking, called the house caretaker to come and get me.

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