Holman Christian Standard Bible (319 page)

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Authors: B&H Publishing Group

BOOK: Holman Christian Standard Bible
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Persecutions Predicted
 “If the
hates you, understand that it hated Me before it hated you.
 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own. However, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of it, the world hates you.
 Remember the word I spoke to you: ‘A slave is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will also keep yours.
 But they will do all these things to you on account of My name, because they don't know the One who sent Me.
 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin.
Now they have no excuse for their sin.
 The one who hates Me also hates My Father. 
 If I had not done the works among them that no one else has done, they would not have sin. Now they have seen and hated both Me and My Father.
 But this happened so that the statement written in their scripture might be fulfilled:
They hated Me for no reason.
Coming Testimony and Rejection
 “When the
 comes, the One I will send to you from the Father  — the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father — He will testify about Me.
 You also will testify, because you have been with Me from the beginning.
“I have told you these things to keep you from
 They will ban you from the
. In fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering service to God.
 They will do these things because they haven't known the Father or Me.
 But I have told you these things so that when their time
comes you may remember I told them to you. I didn't tell you these things from the beginning, because I was with you.
The Counselor's Ministry
 “But now I am going away to Him who sent Me, and not one of you asks Me, ‘Where are You going? ' 
 Yet, because I have spoken these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart.
 Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth. It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don't go away the
will not come to you. If I go, I will send Him to you. 
 When He comes, He will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment:
 About sin, because they do not believe in Me;
 about righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see Me;
 and about judgment, because the ruler of this
 has been judged.
 “I still have many things to tell you, but you can't bear them now. 
 When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak whatever He hears. He will also declare to you what is to come.
 He will glorify Me, because He will take from what is Mine and declare it to you.
 Everything the Father has is Mine. This is why I told you that He takes from what is Mine and will declare it to you.
Sorrow Turned to Joy
 “A little while and you will no longer see Me; again a little while and you will see Me.”
 Therefore some of His disciples said to one another, “What is this He tells us:
‘A little while and you will not see Me; again a little while and you will see Me'
; and,
‘because I am going to the Father' 
? ”
 They said, “What is this He is saying, 
‘A little while'
? We don't know what He's talking about! ”
 Jesus knew they wanted to question Him, so He said to them,
“Are you asking one another about what I said, ‘A little while and you will not see Me; again a little while and you will see Me'?
•I assure you
: You will weep and wail, but the world will rejoice. You will become sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn to joy.
 When a woman is in labor she has pain because her time has come. But when she has given birth to a child, she no longer remembers the suffering because of the joy that a person has been born into the world.
 So you also have sorrow
now. But I will see you again. Your hearts will rejoice, and no one will rob you of your joy. 
 In that day you will not ask Me anything.
“I assure you: Anything you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.
 Until now you have asked for nothing in My name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.
Jesus the Victor
 “I have spoken these things to you in figures of speech. A time is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figures, but I will tell you plainly about the Father.
 In that day you will ask in My name. I am not telling you that I will make requests to the Father on your behalf.
 For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came from God.
 I came from the Father and have come into the world. Again, I am leaving the world and going to the Father.”
 “Ah! ” His disciples said. “Now You're speaking plainly and not using any figurative language.
 Now we know that You know everything and don't need anyone to question You. By this we believe that You came from God.” 
 Jesus responded to them,
“Do you now believe?
 Look: An hour is coming, and has come, when each of you will be scattered to his own home, and you will leave Me alone. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. 
 I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.”
Jesus Prays for Himself
Jesus spoke these things, looked up to heaven, and said:
the hour has come.
Glorify Your Son
so that the Son may glorify You,
 for You gave Him authority
over all flesh;
so He may give eternal life
to all You have given Him.
 This is eternal life:
that they may know You, the only  true  God,
and the One You have sent  — Jesus Christ.
 I have glorified You on the earth
by completing the work You gave Me to do.
 Now, Father, glorify Me in Your presence
with that glory I had with You
before the world existed.
Jesus Prays for His Disciples
 I have revealed Your name
to the men You gave Me from the world.
They were Yours, You gave them to Me,
and they have kept Your word.
 Now they know that all things
You have given to Me are from You,
 because the words that You gave Me,
I have given them.
They have received them
and have known for certain
that I came from You.
They have believed that You sent Me.
 I pray
for them.
I am not praying for the 
but for those You have given Me,
because they are Yours.
 Everything I have is Yours,
and everything You have is Mine,
and I have been glorified in them.
 I am no longer in the world,
but they are in the world,
and I am coming to You.
Holy Father,
them by Your name
that You have given Me,
so that they may be one as We are  one.
 While I was with them,
I was protecting them by Your name
that You have given Me.
I guarded them and not one of them is lost,
except the son of destruction,
so that the Scripture may be fulfilled.
 Now I am coming to You,
and I speak these things in the world
so that they may have My joy completed in them.
 I have given them Your word.
The world hated  them
because they are not of the world,
as I am not of the world.
 I am not praying
that You take them out of the world
but that You protect them from the evil one.
 They are not of the world,
as I am not of the world.
them by the truth;
Your word is truth.
 As You sent Me into the world,
I also have sent them into the world.
 I sanctify Myself for them,
so they also may be sanctified by the truth.
Jesus Prays for All Believers
 I pray not only for these,
but also for those who believe in Me
through their message.
 May they all be one,
as You, Father, are in Me and I am in You.
May they also be one
in Us,
so the world may believe You sent Me.
 I have given them the glory You have given Me.
May they be one as We are one.
 I am in them and You are in Me.
May they be made completely one,
so the world may know You have sent Me
and have loved them as You have loved Me.
I desire those You have given Me
to be with Me where I am.
Then they will see My glory,
which You have given Me
because You loved Me before the world's foundation.
 Righteous Father!
The world has not known You.
However, I have known You,
and these have known that You sent Me.
 I made Your name known to them
and will make it known,
so the love You have loved Me with
may be in them and I may be in them.
Jesus Betrayed
After Jesus had said these things, He went out with His disciples across the Kidron Valley, where there was a garden, and He and His disciples went into it.
 Judas, who betrayed Him, also knew the place, because Jesus often met there with His disciples.
 So Judas took a
of soldiers and some temple police from the
priests and the
 and came there with lanterns, torches, and weapons.
 Then Jesus, knowing everything that was about to happen to Him, went out and said to them,
“Who is it you're looking for? ”
 “Jesus the
,” they answered.
“I am He,”
Jesus told them.
Judas, who betrayed Him, was also standing with them.
 When He told them,
“I am He,”
they stepped back and fell to the ground.
 Then He asked them again,
“Who is it you're looking for? ”
“Jesus the Nazarene,” they said.
 “I told you I am He,”
Jesus replied.
“So if you're looking for Me, let these men go.”
 This was to fulfill the words He had said:
“I have not lost one of those You have given Me.”

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