Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series)
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Charlie sensed the escalating need and unbuttoned his jeans
pulling his erection free.
His hands on
my hips, he lifted my body pressing the head of his arousal at my aching chore,
rubbing and teasing me further.

My eyes fell to his lips; I wanted a kiss, his kiss.
Looking at me, his own breathing was
Placing both hands to his
shoulders, I adjusted slightly and lowered down on his poised erection.
Inch by glorious inch, the need to feel him
in me, stretch me, sent a shudder up my spine.
Perhaps it was the sense that we were not fucking that had me suddenly
shaken, or my need to feel his lips against mine.
Whichever it was, I didn’t care.

He lifted me slowly up and down forcing to take more of him
in me.

Slowly, I debated my desire.
I lowered my lips to his chin.
I felt him tense, hold in the control from
kissing me on his own.

Pulling up slightly the debate was had.

My lips fell slowly to his.
Closing my eyes and focusing on just him, his lips, and the way his body
felt moving in mine.
The tremble
rocketed through me.

He took such care, affording me the time to work it out
before; he took command of the kiss.
anxiety still under the surface but overshadowed with my want, my need.
I knew that this was it.
There would be nothing more after this
For one night, I wanted to allow
the belief that he felt the same about me.
That it was worth my broken heart tomorrow.
With that thought, I could help but lose
control of my tightly controlled emotions.
The pooling in my eyes released.

He pulled from the kiss and forced me to look at him.
“What changed and why me?”

I had no answer that I was willing to give.

“I didn’t earn this right Lilly, I’m certainly not worthy
of it.” He offered remorsefully.

“You may be right, but I want it.
If only for a night, I want normal.
I want you.”

“Only a night” He looked curiously to me.
I couldn’t tell if it was a statement or a

“What more could you possibly be able to give me if not a
I meant it as a statement, with
an urgency, I kissed him with the need I had.
His arms holding me tight to his body, Charlie took command of both the
kiss and my body.
For a night, I was
surrendering fully.

True to form, he gave me all night. By morning, we would
part ways.
That would be the last time
he and I saw each other in this way.

Somehow, this was
It was on my terms, no lies or
promises of a future he and I would never have.
I suppose it made the heartbreak hurt a little less.

Chapter 13

So much had changed and yet so little really had.
But isn’t that always the case?

It had been only 8 months, since I had seen or heard from

Vaihn Enterprise took control of Holtinbach
To their surprise, they now
had control over a few sewage facility treatment plants.
Sebastian was less than pleased.
My understanding was that Charlie found
amusement in the discovery.

Showing up during the finalizing of their take over wasn’t
a priority for me.
Fortunately, Brady,
being both my attorney and business partner took the lead and handled what
needed to be, as I couldn’t find enough excuses to be absent.
The idea of being in the same room as Charlie,
for any amount of time was something I wasn’t ready for.
He was only in my life for a weekend, yet his
wake would last me a lifetime.

My life was taking a turn away from the Vaihn brothers, I
finally felt free of all that it entailed.
I made sure not to follow any stories or article about either of
I didn’t want to get sucked back
into the black whole of lies and deception that they embodied.
It was better this way.
Holt Holdings was exploding, requiring all my
I was on my own ride of
In many ways life was enfolding
the way it should.
Brady and Sam; now
engaged, planning on a winter wedding.
As for Julie and Chris, they’re relationship moved very quickly.
They were about to be wed this weekend.

I could say everything has been smooth sailing for me, but
that would be a lie.
Three months ago,
grief and tragedy found me.
I guess I
was a magnet for tragedy.
Spending time
with Nicholas, my son helped me manage my loss.
I had taken a good month with him.
Still keeping him a secret from the world, it was wearing on me.

Traveling between Maryland and New York became a common
routine these days.

Thinking about Julie’s wedding had me tied up in
For the life of me, I couldn’t
understand why she picked me to be her maid of honor, even more so the fact
that I said yes still boggles my mind.
Julie and I did finally become the friends we should have been, now that
there was no longer a strife or misunderstanding between us.

Chris’s family was large and all located in Maryland, they
were keeping the wedding here.
It worked
well for Julie’s father, as DC was a close commute.
Julie’s mother was the only one that had
protested, she would have preferred a New York Venue.

The few times I had met Julie’s mother, she and I seemed to
get along better than expected.
So much
so, that I find myself being swamped with emails and phone calls from her.
Grant it, I was the maid of honor and pretty
much a go between; more like buffer, between her and Julie.
Perhaps it was my position in the wedding
that had her so far up my ass.
I suppose
it didn’t really matter, I found myself actually liking her.

Over the past four months, I found myself having lunch with
her at least once a week.
She seemed to
have my schedule down and I couldn’t ever find a good enough reason to say no
to the woman.
Holt Holdings had me in
New York, once per week sometimes more.
Beyond business associates, I really didn’t know anyone in New York, so
having lunch with her was nice.

It was almost a bit odd.
Our lunch this past week rang longer than normal and again I noticed
that she did her best to introduce me to the who’s who of New York’s upper
In many ways, I felt like she was
showing me off like a new toy.
take on it was more to the point that her mother was taken with me and I should
take is as a compliment.
Patricia Lever didn’t take to many.
I suppose
the more I think on it, the more I realize she and I had many things in common
even if I didn’t care to admit it.

Finally, home, I pulled up my driveway.
Returning from a long weekend in Turks and
Kakos for Julie’s Bachelorette party, more like mini vacation was fun but
I need some re-coop
It was Midweek and her rehearsal
dinner was set for Friday.
I couldn’t
wait for this wedding to be over.

I suspected Brady would be getting back from Vegas today as
Chris decided on taking his
bachelor party to where else but sin city.
I knew Brady had everything to do with that, as he was Chris’s best man.

Parking the car and grabbing my bags from the trunk, I felt
so tired.
The sun was setting yet the
oppressive heat and humidity seem to be as thick as midafternoon.
Unlocking the door and stepping inside was an
instant relief to the heat.
I was more
than appreciative of the ac that greeted me the moment I stepped in.
Damn it was like a sauna outside.

In the house, I walked my bags back to my room and pulled
my cell phone free.
Changing quickly
into something more comfortable, a strapless white maxi dress, I walked to the
kitchen pulling my favorite liquor from the cabinet. My eyes quickly spotted
the view of the back yard.

Hell ya!!
The pool
was now completed and landscaped.
Walking thru the French doors into the now balmy evening the water
looked pristine and inviting.
the pool in was probably the smartest thing I could have done.
The pool ran horizontally across the back of
the house and the lighting was perfect.
Stepping to the edge, I couldn’t resist but dip my toes in.
Oh, yes the water was cold.

Walking to the lounge chair, I place my now empty drink
down and pulled my dress off.
Skinny-dipping was more than acceptable in my opinion.
I had no visitors nor could anyone see me as
the house sat a ways up from the road.
Most of the trees now grown and full of leaves would hide the back part
of the house.

Jumping in the water was divine.
Swimming a few laps my mind was finally
Resting at the end of the pool,
I simply wanted to stay in a bit longer.
Shaking my head, my cell phone was ringing.
I needed a just a little more peace.
Dipping down under the water, I didn’t care
who was calling.

I needed a break from everyone and thing.
After a few minutes I decided on another few
laps, knowing this would help sleep find me.

Pulling my head up and wiping my eyes from the water, I was
almost taken off guard.
Brady sat on the
lounge chair, cigar in hand.

“Jesus Brady!
almost gave me a heart attack!”
I swam
up to the edge of the pool as he laughed.

“I see you got quite the tan in Turks.”

“Oh fuck off Brady, How was Vegas?”
I laughed

“Fun” he raised his eyebrows teasingly.

“Fun huh?
I’m almost
afraid to ask, so I won’t” I kept myself in the water at the edge of the pool.

“So, you wouldn’t believe whom I spent the entire time

“Truly, I don’t want to know.”
I rolled my eyes.

“Sure you do.
seems that both Sebastian and Charlie were invited and stayed with us.”

I really didn’t want to hear about it yet reading Brady’s
expression, I could tell he was going to share regardless.

“And how was that for you?”
I smirked

Apparently, Charlie and Rebecca are now divorced and Sebastian, well,
hasn’t changed much.
It seems that the
Vaihn brothers are still hung up on you and what you’re up to these days.”

“I don’t see why I would be of any interest to either of
them.” I rolled my eyes.
I really didn’t
need this.
Flashes of Charlie popped through
my mind, the last time I was with him.
Shaking my head, I couldn’t let myself down memory lane.

“I only bring it up because they will both be in attendance
and Charlie is part of the bridal party.” His voice was that of a concerned

Looking up at him his eyes were cautiously on me; waiting
for a response.

“Charlie is Julie’s brother Brady, and yes, I was informed
that he would be there.
Hell, it was a
no brainer Brady.” Slighting my head at him I could tell he looked worried,
“What’s really bothering you?”

“I don’t know exactly.
Let say I have a bad feeling.”

“About the wedding?
Or me?”
I looked to him, as he
seemed a little lost in his own mind.

“They’re not done with you yet Lil.
My instincts tell me the two of them have
been plotting.”
He paused before adding,
“I’m sorry, I just wished and hope this would have all been done and over.
Those fucking bastards are just like Henry
and Prescott.” He shook his head.
is more to all of this than just them taking over Holtinbach.
We’re missing something.”

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