Home Is Where the Heat Is (26 page)

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Authors: Amelia James

Tags: #sexual situations, #amelia james, #adult literature, #evolved publishing, #Fiction, #Romance, #erotic, #erotic romance, #sex, #home is where the heat is, #Contemporary Romance

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Her sudden convulsion knocked JT on his ass, and she watched Kurt pound her throbbing flesh. “Oh God, oh God, oh God.” She writhed on his lap, and he leaned down to claim her mouth, his tongue mimicking the thrusts of his cock.

JT grabbed her quivering thigh and she linked her fingers with his. “Get up,” she instructed. “I need to suck your dick.”

He grunted and stood, stroking the erection he offered to her.


Chapter 20

Claire’s tongue circled JT’s aching wood, and he nearly lost it right then. He’d made the right choice—for once—to encourage her to pursue her fantasy. He’d made her happy, and that thought sent him along a lazy river of bliss. Her mouth might’ve had something to do with it, too. He reached down and caressed her wild hair. “I need to come, sweet thing.”

She released his dick. “No, no, not yet. I don’t want this to end.”

Kurt groaned as if begging for release. “I’m about to explode.”

Their pretty slut pouted and swayed her hips on the poor geek’s lap.

He hissed and held her still. “That’s not helping.”

She ignored him and clamped her lips around JT’s cock.

Fuck me with
an insatiable Rebel.

The quietly flowing river suddenly churned, tossing his body without mercy. He tightened his grip on her hair, but she cupped his balls and squeezed.

Her touch shot him off the edge, tumbling down as blood roared in his ears. His knees hit solid ground and he grabbed Claire’s shoulders, kissing her while his cock exploded. Stars spun around his head and he fought for every breath, panting on her breast while she stroked his damp hair.

“Thank you,” she whispered in his ear.

Satisfaction dripped like sweat onto the floor as JT’s limbs melted over hers.

“Wow.” Kurt moaned and his body seized, kicking JT off.

Claire leaned back against the geek and kissed him, sliding her hand between their legs to fondle his balls.

“Mmm….” JT laughed under his breath, knowing exactly what she could do to a man. His strength left him and he fell back, just missing the window.

Claire slid off Kurt and crawled on top of JT. He wrapped his arms around her while she pressed her lips on his chest, working her way up his neck to his mouth.

“‘Thank you’ isn’t enough.” She breathed on his lips.

He swept her tousled hair back from her flushed face. “Yes, it is. Just knowing I made you happy….” His voice broke, caught on a lingering fear. But he pushed it aside. “I’ll do it all day long. Whatever you want, whatever you need… if I can give it to you, I will.”

She smiled, and her hazy eyes fluttered shut as their tongues mingled. She accepted his offer, not with words, but with a lingering kiss that ignited a long dead hope. Maybe he just might be worthy of this woman. He could gamble on loving her.

Too late, fool, you already do.

Could he tell her? The fear he’d pushed aside seeped into his heart and rattled him to the core, but he held on to that flickering hope. He needed to do more for Claire, give her all the evidence she needed to prove him guilty of loving her for a life sentence.


Claire sighed and listened to JT’s pounding heart. He’d not only fulfilled her fantasy, but also found the perfect man to help them do it. How could ‘thank you’ be enough?

Kurt had flopped back onto the bed, lying with his arm flung over his eyes. He stretched out and bumped her leg, so she sat up and stroked his thigh. He flinched and blinked at her.

“Come here.” She pulled him down onto the floor, sandwiching her body between him and JT.
Sweet fucking bliss.
She slid her breasts against JT and wiggled her ass into Kurt, trying to extend the orgasmic buzz she’d been riding since she’d stripped for them. Her fantasy had worked out perfectly with every detail fulfilled—and a few amazing surprises thrown in, too. Must do

Could they? They had plenty of time for another romp before Kurt’s flight, but what about after that? Would they go their separate ways when they got back to Denver?

JT’s arm tightened around her and the arrowhead poked her as she snuggled against him.

Or could they make this three-way fling into a real relationship? She’d witnessed proof it could be done. Would JT’s luck favor all three of them?


Kurt ran his hand through his hair and reviewed the events of the day, grasping at the wildly snapping short-circuits in his brain and plugging them into some sort of order. The Consumer Electronics Show had ended on a high note, and he’d headed to the airport with new gadgets, great ideas, and tons of new information that would impress his superiors and move his career along, but his good mood had crashed and burned when he couldn’t get a flight out, leaving him stranded in Las Vegas with nowhere to stay.

Then he heard Claire’s voice and his wildest dreams had come true. He’d taken a chance on a bet that could’ve turned ugly, but…
holy shit! I’m naked in a hotel suite with her.
Her body brushed his as a deep, contented sigh escaped her, and he answered with a soft groan. Good day, indeed.

He’d learned so much about her: sexual arousal made her swear, she tasted sweet like the white chocolate she loved, and her nipples were as fat as those juicy raspberries. Her skin felt softer than anything he’d ever touched, and a few simple keystrokes resulted in orgasms that overloaded his hard drive.

And she liked him!
I would’ve said yes.
She did say yes—over and over—and begged for more, but his realistic brain overanalyzed the details.

“You didn’t swear the last time you came,” he said out loud. He rolled up against her backside and pressed his lips to her warm shoulder. “Do I do something wrong?”

Claire laughed and JT explained for her. “She runs out of profanities when she’s too fucked up to think.”

“Mmm….” She nodded and drew circles around JT’s nipple.

JT. Kurt had forgotten about him. The gambler had provided him access to Claire, but now that Kurt had made a connection with her, JT became a bug in the system. But with a little thought and the right plan, that problem could be avoided or eliminated altogether. He had her all to himself at the office, so he could use that to his advantage.

Oh shit, the office.
How would he face her on Monday?
didn’t even begin to cover it. If she thought him a bumbler last week, what would she think of him now? Would one crazy night in Vegas change anything?

She rolled over and snuggled close to him. “You two wore me out. I’ll be walking funny for a week.”

So he’d proven his sexual skill. Now he just had to show her what was in his heart.


Claire’s eyes drifted shut as the heat from two male bodies lulled her into a dreamy haze.
Ahh… doesn’t get much better than this.
Satiated and content. Naked and sprawled on the carpet between two hunky men. “What are we doing on the floor?”

JT groaned. “I can’t move.”

Kurt grunted.

A surge of energy propelled her upright. “I’m starving. Let’s order dinner. On me. I want to spoil you two the way you spoiled me.”

Kurt propped himself up on his elbows. “I’m good with that.”

JT stretched out and hoisted his body onto the bed. “Where’s the room service menu?” He searched the nightstand while Claire bounced beside him.

“Here it is,” he said, and held it up.

She snatched it from his hand and flipped it open, scanning the expensive gourmet entrees. “Ooo… lobster. Market price. How much is that? I don’t care. I won ten thousand dollars!”

JT laughed and read the page over her shoulder. “Want more raspberries and chocolate?”

“Yes. What happened to that bottle of champagne?”

“I think it’s in the other room.” Kurt got up for it.

“Do we need another one?”

“I’d rather have scotch.” JT dropped back on the bed.

“I want vodka.” Kurt sat down beside Claire and worked on the cork. “In something bigger than those pathetic mini-bottles.” Champagne sprayed over them as the cork bounced off the ceiling. He grabbed a glass and caught the spilling bubbles.

“Lobster and champagne for me. What do you guys want?” Claire picked up the hotel phone and dialed room service.

“The biggest burger they’ve got.” Kurt pointed to the list. “With extra bacon and cheese.”

“Steak.” JT sat up and grabbed the menu. “With white cheddar mashed potatoes and bourbon gravy.”

“Worked up an appetite, did you?” She repeated their dinner choices into the phone, then ordered a double fudge brownie with ice cream and warm chocolate syrup for dessert. Instead of charging it to the room, she gave them her card number. JT had spent enough on this trip, and she had no idea if Kurt had any money. Besides, blowing her winnings on indulgent excesses made it that much more fun. She hung up the phone and settled beside JT.

He’d picked up the TV remote and was flipping through the channels while Kurt stood and stared out the window, still naked. JT wore nothing but his arrowhead.

All this male nudity. I must have it within my reach.

Claire smiled at Kurt and patted the bed. “Come sit by me.”

He tore his gaze away from something outside. “Do you want me to close the curtains?”

She shook her head. “I doubt anyone can see us.”

He looked out the window again. “I can see people in a room across the courtyard. A man, a woman. She just took off her dress.”

The channel surfing stopped and JT grinned. “He’s gonna get lucky.”

Claire approached the window and followed Kurt’s gaze. “Oh wow.” The light from the other room showcased the action inside. “It’s like watching a dirty movie.”

“They’re not looking at us, but I’m sure they’d have the same view.”

Her nipples tingled. “Maybe they did.” She wiggled back against the naked yummy IT guy.

He slipped his arms around her waist and glanced back at JT. “She’s a little show off.”

“A little?” JT laughed.

She pressed her palm against the glass as movement from another room caught her eye. Two men, naked and doing things that…
oh my
. “We’re leaving the curtains open. And no one is allowed to get dressed.” A knock rattled the front door. “Except to answer that.”

JT jumped up, threw on a robe and greeted room service while Kurt and Claire stayed in the bedroom and stared out the window. He came back and tossed the garment in the closet. “They’re gone. Let’s eat.”

Claire grabbed the champagne bottle and followed the guys to the living room where the scent of decadent food drew her to the table. The men had moved it in front of the couch so they could all sit together.

JT’s plate dripped with rich gravy, and Kurt’s bacon-topped burger spilled over onto his fries. The lobster steamed on a bed of mushroom risotto, and the chocolate smothered brownie and ice cream begged to be consumed in sinful ways.

“Mmm… how are we going to eat all of this?” She popped a raspberry in her mouth.

“With a fork.” Kurt stabbed his burger, then picked up a knife and cut it into pieces.

“Damn, Rebel.” JT sliced into his steak. “When you decide to cut loose, you
cut loose.”

“Did I overdo it?” She sat between the two men she’d just screwed abundantly, and dug into the lobster. A twinge of guilt pricked at her conscience, but she smothered it with butter sauce.

“Hell no.” JT dragged a raspberry across her nipple then slipped it into her mouth. “This is Vegas, the world capital of excess. Live it up.” He licked the juice from her skin.

She shivered and savored the tart berry, then stole a piece of Kurt’s overabundant bacon. “Excellent point. How often do I get to do this?”

“Not often enough.” Kurt stuffed a handful of fries in his mouth.

Claire scooped up the creamy risotto and let its velvety texture and nutty scent awaken her senses.
Guilt and shame be damned.
She’d come to Las Vegas to have fun, and if she wanted to take a bath in champagne, she would. “Exactly. I’d never do this at home, but here I can eat as much as I want, drink as much as I want, have sex as much as I want… all weekend.”

“That’s my Rebel.” JT slid closer and slipped his hand between her thighs.

Kurt swallowed hard. “But we’ll pay for it on Monday.”

“Forget Monday.” JT poured himself a glass of scotch and winked at Claire. “How much do you want to fuck?”

“That’s a good question.” Her delicate flesh still ached from their first encounter, and Kurt appeared to be worried about their work relationship. She’d never considered the consequences for him… But JT’s evil grin aroused the wanton female side of her unleashed by winning that jackpot. The appeal of fucking those two again couldn’t be denied.

“Argue both sides,” she said.

“What?” JT squeezed her leg.

“Alex taught me to argue both sides of a case so I’d be able to see holes in the opposing argument.” She searched for a glass to pour champagne in, but couldn’t find one within reach so she drank straight from the bottle. “Present your evidence supporting round two.”

JT laughed. “I’m not done spoiling you yet.”

The bubbles fizzed straight to her head. “Mmm… that’s a strong point. Kurt?”

He leaned over and peeked at the clock on the end table. “I still have a few hours to kill before I go back to the airport.”

Claire sipped from the bottle. “Good start, but it needs more.”

The sexy geek fixed his gaze on her and a timid smile cracked his logical mask. “I need more of you while I have the chance.”

“Very good. ‘So stipulated.’” She rapped the butt of her fork on the table. “That means I agree. Any other provisions?”

JT shook his head, but Kurt downed half a glass of vodka and braced a trembling hand on his thigh. “I’d like to… ah… be in charge this time, play a bigger role.”

I’ll take that under advisement.
Claire dropped the judge robe and cast a glance at JT. “What do you think?”

He raised an eyebrow, scanning Kurt as if measuring him, then he smiled at Claire. “It’s your choice, sweet thing. This is all about you.”

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