Home to Me (The Andrades, Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Home to Me (The Andrades, Book 2)
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With a pained expression, Gio looked across at Rena. “I would do anything for my brothers—you know that. I want to trust Nick.”

“Then give him a chance to prove himself.” As Gio softened to the idea, Rena prayed she was right.
Please, Nick. Please be here because you want to patch things up with your family. This is your chance. Get it right this time.

“The photograph was honestly your doing? There isn’t anything going on between you and Nick?” Rena knew her answer would determine how much he would or wouldn’t trust his brother’s intentions.

So she forced a smile. “Nick and I have always ribbed each other, but it’s always been just that—a joke. I had no idea he’d decided to work here, because we’re not close. I went to see him because I felt badly about how the two of you had argued. He was at that club he frequents. I should have left him alone, but I thought I could help. I’m sorry my little prank at the end of that visit caused anyone worry. That wasn’t my intention.”

Julia’s easy smile returned. “See, Gio, it’s not as bad as you thought. Let’s go home. You can talk to Nick tomorrow after you’ve both had a day to cool down.”

Gio nodded. “That’s a good idea.” With his arm around Julia, he said, “Rena, sorry about my mood today.” He gave her a small smile. “I’ll think about what you said. You’ve known us for a long time. I should tell you to stay out of this, but God knows my family is in need of an intervention. I almost strangled Nick this morning. You don’t know how relieved I am to hear he’s not messing with you. When I saw that photo, I thought for sure he was.”

Rena let out a long breath. “Don’t kill your brother. This time it was me,” she said, forcing a forced light tone into her voice.

Arm in arm, Gio and Julia walked away, talking in a tone that made their words inaudible. They entered the elevator and held the door. Julia asked, “Rena, are you coming?”

Shaking her head, Rena said, “Not yet. I forgot something in my desk. Go on without me.”

The door closed on them, and Rena brought a shaky hand to her temple. With her other hand she retrieved her phone and reread Nick’s messages.

He wanted to see her.

And more.

Rena shivered as she imagined all the possible things that could mean. Images of the two of them, naked and sprawled across his bed, sweaty from a marathon of raw fucking, brought a blush to Rena’s cheeks. Part of her wanted to simply text

Yes to whatever he had in mind. If their kiss was anything to go by, sex with Nick would be unlike anything she’d experienced.

It wouldn’t be warm and comfortable.

It would be hot, consuming . . . and wrong.

The heat of the desire that throbbed through her was cooled by the doubt Gio had planted in her heart. Would Nick use her to get back at Gio? Would he sleep with her to get information about Cogent that he could use to take Gio down?

She didn’t want to believe he was capable of it, but she wasn’t sure anymore.

She read his texts again.

Nick has never lied to me. He doesn’t lie. That’s part of how he always gets in trouble. He says it as it is. No, he argued with Gio because he was worried about his mother. He threatened Gio because he wanted to make a point. He kissed me because . . .

Okay, it’s better not to think about why he kissed me and just focus on why it can’t happen again.
Even if his interest in her were sincere, being with Nick would only hurt his chances of making up with Gio. Giving in to temptation would achieve the exact opposite of what she’d hoped to achieve by going to see him.

Whether you’re asking me out because you’re trying to stick it to your brother, Nick, or because you found our kiss as amazing as I did—my answer has to be the same.

She chose her path and typed,
I’m sorry, Nick. I don’t feel that way about you. We’re friends. Nothing more.

He didn’t text back.




Nick threw his phone on his desk and slumped forward, his head in his hands. He’d told himself not to text Rena. He’d spent the day fighting off the desire to go upstairs and see her.

He didn’t believe for a moment she wasn’t interested in him. No woman kisses a man the way she’d kissed him unless she feels something for him.

She’s scared.
She said she’d been warned to stay away from him, and Rena had always been one to play it safe.

He told himself he should respect her decision.

He should call any of the women he’d been with recently and fuck them until he couldn’t remember how incredibly hot Rena’s mouth had been. Or how her tight little body had felt pressed against him. He needed to do something that would dull how vividly he remembered how her perfectly rounded ass felt in his hands.

There was only one reason he wouldn’t do that.

He looked down at his traitorous dick. “You’ve never been picky before. Why start now?”

“Who are you talking to?” his brother Luke asked from the doorway. “I didn’t see your secretary at her desk—tell me she’s not under yours. That’s not a good start to working here.”

Nick stood, shaking his head with reluctant amusement at being caught talking to his cock. “I’m alone.”

Luke didn’t look convinced.

Nick waved at the area below his desk. “You can check if you don’t believe me.”

Janet popped her head in behind Luke. “Mr. Andrade, I’m so sorry. I went down to HR like you asked me to. I probably shouldn’t have left my desk. I guess I’m still getting used to you being here.” She looked from Luke to Nick and then hastily added, “Not that you’re not always here and haven’t always been here. Because you have been. Right here. In your office. Every day.”

Nick raised a hand to stop her. “Relax, Janet. This is my brother Luke.”

A smile returned to her face. “Thank God. Hey, then do you mind if I go home now? I actually worked today.”

Nick couldn’t help but smile back. He had the secretary he deserved, he supposed. He shrugged. At least he’d never wonder what she was thinking. “Go home. I’m done for the day. See you tomorrow.”

“Really?” she asked, sounding pleased.

“Totally,” he answered with humor, but she didn’t get the joke. Being around her made him feel old.

Luke dropped into the chair in front of Nick’s desk. “Well, she’s pretty. Not that I’d expect you to have anything different, but you might want to find yourself a secretary that sounds like she’s out of high school.”

“I don’t care how she looks or how she sounds, as long as she does her job.”

Folding his arms across his chest, Luke sat back and studied Nick. “You mean that.”

“Is that so hard to believe?”

Luke cocked his head to one side. “A little. So it’s true—you’re working here. Why the sudden interest in Cogent?”

“You’re the one who kept encouraging me to give it a second try.”

Sitting forward in his chair, Luke said, “You don’t have to prove anything to me, Nick. I’m on your side. What are you really doing here?”

Nick walked around his desk and sat in the chair across from his brother. “Did you ever get the feeling that things aren’t the way they’re supposed to be? When we were on Isola Santos Uncle Victor gave a long speech.”

“I remember.”

“He kept saying the most important things to any Andrade are family and taking care of the next generation. Father didn’t take care of us very well. We don’t take care of each other. Hell, if it weren’t for you, I doubt Gio, Max, and I would speak outside of the holidays. I wanted to be the kind of Andrade Uncle Victor described. I started spending more time with Mother, and it all went to shit after that.” Nick leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “She has a way of making me doubt which way the sun comes up. I can’t tell if she’s lying or if Gio is. Every time I try to figure it out I discover another reason to be angry. Last year I would have thrown my hands up and walked away. I don’t want to do that this time. This time, I want the truth.”


“About any of it—all of it. Why did Mother want to keep us away from Father’s side of the family? Why didn’t Gio tell us we had a half sister?” Nick stopped and watched Luke’s expression. “How long have
known about Gigi?”

“Gio told me about her after he found out you knew.”

“And that didn’t make you fucking nuts? That he knew something that important and didn’t tell us?”

Luke balled one hand into fist. “I have to believe that he thought he was doing what was best for all of us. He said he intended to tell us before Mother’s episode.”

“He said he only found out when we went to Stephan’s wedding. You believe that, too?”

“I do.”


“Because that’s what he told me, and Gio is many things but he’s not a liar.” The two brothers sat in silence for a long time, then Luke said, “I don’t know what happened between Mother and our uncles. Or why Father needed another family in Venice when he had us. Whatever happened has weighed heavily on Mother for a long time. You were right to spend time with her. She’s very unhappy right now.”

“Because of her heart attack.”

Luke sighed. “If she had one.”

“Are you suggesting that she didn’t?” Nick’s head snapped back.

“I’m not suggesting anything. Listen, Gio and Mother are at odds, and that’s never good for any of us. They both have a hard time letting go of the past. What’s the truth and what’s a lie? I don’t know. But does it matter? Would knowing change anything? Let it go.”

“Well, Ghandi, you’re a better person than I am. I can’t let it go. I’m done walking away. I’m going to work here, side by side with Gio, until I get some answers.”

Luke nodded.

Nick’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You’re not going to tell me that I don’t belong here? Warn me to leave now before the wrath of Gio descends upon me?”

“No, I think you’re where you need to be.”

“That wasn’t at all what I expected you to say.”

Luke stood and for once his smile didn’t reach his eyes. “None of us are the Andrades we thought we’d grow up to be. I want to know the truth, too.” He laid a hand on Nick’s shoulder. “Gio kept this office for you because he always believed you belonged here. He may not tell you that he loves you, but this is proof that he does. Remember that while you search for your answers.” He dropped his hand. “Now, let’s go to dinner and talk about all the reasons you had better not be dating Rena.”

Nick stood and chuckled. “You’re making me sorry I gave up drinking.”

Luke’s eyes widened in surprise. “Did you really?”

“Three months sober.”

Luke gave him a pat on the back and a wide grin spread across his face, this time brightening his eyes. “Now that is something worth celebrating. Come on, let’s get out of here.”

As they walked out, Luke said, “You should tell Gio. He’d be happy for you, too.”

Nick shrugged. “I’m sure he’ll know, now that you do.”

The both turned when they entered the elevator and stood shoulder to shoulder. Without looking at Nick, Luke said, “No, this time I’m staying out of it. You and Gio need to work out your issues. On your terms. Not mine.”

“You? Stay out of it? That’s like telling Rena to mind her own business.”

“Oh, yes, back to Rena. What is going on there?”

“We’re friends,” Nick said and made a face as he did. “Nothing more.”


Chapter Six


Two weeks later, Rena was sitting at her desk reviewing the calendar on her computer when her cell phone rang. Gio was out of the office for the morning, so she answered it without hesitation.

As soon as she heard the voice that greeted her, she wished she’d taken the time to check caller ID.

“Rena,” the woman said cheerfully.

“Maddy, what a surprise. If you’re looking for Gio, he’s out of the office this morning.”

“Actually, I’m calling to talk to you. It’s a private matter. Do you have a moment?”

“It’s pretty busy here today. Could I call you—”

“This will be quick. I promise. I heard that Nick is working there now. Is that true?”

Rena pushed a pen around on her desk. “I never feel comfortable discussing Cogent business with anyone.”

“I’m not just anyone, I’m their cousin. Besides, I couldn’t care less about the business side of why he’s there. Have you met his secretary?”

“I’ve spoken to her on the phone.”

“Does she seem to like her job more now that Nick is there?”

Rena picked up the pen and started to doodle on a piece of paper. “I haven’t spoken to her enough to know.”

“Could you? Speak to her, I mean. It would look weird if I started hanging around Nick’s office, but I have to know how they are getting along. Curiosity is killing me. Luke told me Nick likes her, but he won’t say more than that.”

Rena pressed so hard on the pen that it tore into the paper. She threw the pen down. “I don’t understand.”

Maddy said excitedly, “Don’t you think she would be perfect for Nick? She comes from a great family in Connecticut. And she’s drop-dead gorgeous.”

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