Honeymoon Bite (Golden Vampire Legacy) (12 page)

BOOK: Honeymoon Bite (Golden Vampire Legacy)
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She was fully orgasmic, moving to his ministrations of love. He felt her muscles clamp down on his fingers. A new wetness thickly rewarded his efforts.

He whispered in her hair that covered the side of her face, “I have a place I want to take you. Will you let me trace us there?”


“May I show you how we can travel together?”

Her large eyes scanned his soul. He felt her trust and the blissful experience of her need. She nodded. He stood and held her thighs around his waist, then moved her so he was holding her sideways, one arm under her knees.

“Hold on. Sometimes it gets cold.” He set her down, then brought a throw from the couch and placed it around her shoulders. It was his excuse for touching her while covering her lovely body. She nodded again and, laid her head against his chest.

There was a flapping sound as they instantly transported to the sacred temple pool. He set her down at the top of the stairs that descended into the water. Steam rose. A faint smell of oranges and spice lingered in the air.

He started to take his clothes off. Anne let the blanket fall to the tiled floor, then stood naked before him. His erection throbbed. She finished his undress. Each piece of his body that was revealed to her brought kisses. He had never felt so worshiped. No woman had demonstrated her desire for him in such a manner.

On her knees, she encircled his cock with her fingers and looked up at him. She took him into her mouth, the force of her tongue wrapping around his shaft, calling forth a hardness he had never experienced in his ancient lifetime. It was heaven.

Fated. We are fated. It has to be.

She worked over his skin, sucking and caressing him, making him harder, the blood expanding him still. She dug her nails into his buttocks to push him deeper into her mouth. She gasped, and he felt her need for his seed as she drew him in and out with her wet lips. Her moans nearly made him explode. He was desperate to release into her mouth. She paused, the look of need in her eyes, confirmation of what she wanted from him.

He could not speak. His passion flared as she studied him, let him see her desire. With her mouth all over his throbbing cock, her tiny fangs grazed the flesh. The small wound wasn’t painful. She drew him in deeper and sucked again, which drove him over the edge. He spilled his seed deep in her throat. The edges of her lips curled up as she swallowed him again and again. He felt her body temperature rise.

She was hot with lust, and she refused to stop. Her skillful mouth and tongue worked on him again, urging his full member on. She rubbed her sex against his leg. He smiled and motioned for her to rise up.

“I am thrilled beyond belief, my little pet, that you have such an appetite.” He smoothed the hair back from her forehead and kissed her there. She claimed his lips, pressing her sex into his thigh and rubbing back and forth.

“Ah, Marcus,” she sighed into his open mouth, “I will never be able to get enough of you.”

“Well, you have only tasted blood these past weeks. We don’t want to upset your delicate stomach.”

She shot him a questioning look.

“My semen is an aphrodisiac, as perhaps you have noticed, especially for my fated female.”

She flashed him a sinful smile. “Then you must not give me so much.”

It truly was a wicked thought. Impossible to accomplish as well. He chuckled at her humor.
Fated. Comfortable with me completely.
He took her hand and they walked down the steps into the pool together. Her face became radiant in the light, the ripples of water casting golden ringlets onto her skin.

“What is this place?” Her eyes were wide, excited.

“It is special to our kind. We call it the Pool of Grace. It’s where we go to wash our conscience, our bodies of impurities, where we confess . . . things.”

“What things?”

“You will see. Soon, my love.” He knew she wouldn’t be satisfied for long with this answer, but was grateful she had no more questions.

They dipped to their necks into the warm water. She encircled his waist with her legs and wrapped her arms about his neck. She pulled out the leather string that tied his hair back and let the black curls fall at the sides of his face. She kissed him, showing him her hunger for his body.

“Oh, God, I confess I love this man, this man’s body. Forgive me for wanting him so.”

“Yes, my pet. I’m yours. I’m yours forever.” But he did not take the oath. He stopped just short. He wanted to complete the ceremony, wanted to bind them together for all eternity when he was at liberty to do so, when the words could take hold. When it was real. Oh, God, how he wished for that moment now. But he would have to be patient. Just like he told her.
In time.

He set her on the steps and watched as the golden waters glowed against her body. He put his hands inside her knees, which parted for him at his slight touch.

“I wish to pleasure you. I wish to do more, but this is all I can tonight. Please enjoy what I can give. I hope it is enough.”

“Then take all of me you can, please. Take all you can, Marcus.”

Her folds were pink and hot for him. She leaned back on her elbows, watching him approach her, her eyes wide and dancing.

I’ve waited centuries for my female to need me like this.

He needed to see her desire and abandon for him as much as his cock needed to spill inside her.

He slipped his long forefinger into her dripping sex. She arched back, breasts reaching to the sky. He massaged her with gentleness, rubbing over her button, causing her to jump with each little friction. He was thrilled to see her spot swollen and bright red. She moaned as he took forever to tickle his next finger up inside her. His other hand squeezed her nipples. Her warm pink breast filled his hand with the flesh he craved. She jerked as her pleasure began to build.

Anne sat up onto his fingers, pressing her sex against his palm, squeezing his fingers with her muscles. Marcus felt the need to satisfy her fully as she rocked herself back and forth on his hand, looking into his dark eyes. He smiled, loving the vacant stare she gave him when she began to climax, sweat beads collecting on her forehead and on her fuzzy upper lip. That lip needed to be taken, he thought as he bent down and slanted over her mouth. He tasted the salt of her sweat and his fingers completed their thrusting until she fell backwards, but he caught her with one hand at the small of her back, that place where he had touched her in the coffee shop. Her scream was exquisite.

“Ah, yes, my pet. But I am not done with you.”

He seemed to have piqued her attention. She raised her head to look at him, a question written on her face. He smiled.
Good, she was not expecting more.
His insides were roaring in flames. He could not get enough of the sight of her, spread before him under the lights. Water dripped and splashed, and the warm moist fragrance of orange spice and sex floated on the air. He licked his lips to taste the salt of her sweat.

He lowered his mouth to her mound and kissed the bare pink flesh. Her lower lips were soft as a newborn’s skin as he teased them apart, running his tongue along the meaty dark pink of her insides. She was fruit of the gods to him—the elixir of life was the taste of her orgasm. He placed one of her knees, then the other, over his shoulders, then knelt on the steps before her, his head deep between her thighs. She clutched his hair. He knew she was pulsing with pleasure that grew inside her with each lap of his tongue.

“Oh, Marcus, Marcus, please. Please take me.” Her voice was soft and more breath than words. He heard her perfectly.

“There is one more thing I can do. Oh, sweet Anne, I wish I could do more.” He moved his lips to the side of her sex in the little hollow between her labia and the top of her thigh. He replaced his tongue with his two long fingers inside her, twisting them, causing her to gasp. He first kissed the little hollow area, and then bit her hard, drawing blood.

She went wild. Marcus wondered at that moment whether he might not be able to contain himself. But he forced a stop and kissed the redness he’d left behind while her body still shuddered from her orgasm. He slowly lapped up the juice from her sex, then sucked her with his lips and tongue.

“I could live on your taste alone.” In his dialect, he whispered some of the ancient love poems he knew, calling forth the goddess of her womb. He would teach her these words in time. In time, she would say them back to him. In time.

In time.

She dropped her knees, then leaned forward and wrapped herself around his body. He floated with her across the pool. Their lips caressed each other’s, their hands explored and rubbed. Marcus wanted to put his shaft inside her, but that would be on another night, when he was given permission to take her in the ancient way of their kind.

They lazily wafted around the pool. She was now looking at the white gazebo structure overhead and the stars in the background.

“Don’t count them. I am all you need,” he said, smiling.

“I don’t think I can. I seemed to have lost the ability.” She smiled, as if shy.

“Then you’re satisfied, my pet.”


Chapter 12


“It pains me to leave you.” Anne could hear the crackling in Marcus’s voice and the catch in his throat. Sun had invaded her brightly wallpapered bedroom. She rolled over to entangle their legs again, loving the feel of the hard length of his lean body against hers. They’d stayed up all night. First at the temple, then from the early morning hours until this glorious dawn in her own bed. The satin sheets still smelled of lavender as she moved about. But there was also the scent of their mingling love.

“Then don’t. Don’t leave me, Marcus.” She tried to reach his neck again, so he lifted her small frame and held her by her buttocks as she straddled him. She kissed him, begging him to resume their passionate play.

He cupped her face with his enormous hands. “Even immortals rest sometimes. Last night you wore me out, little one.” He placed his hand on his chest. “My heart feels like it is going to burst. But there are some things that have to stay the same for awhile. There is much we need to talk about.”

His warm smile made her hot for him all over again. She could see herself spending days in bed with him. “But I have only just started.”

“Yes.” He chuckled deeply, drawing her body to his. “I can only imagine what you have in store. That’s what I’m talking about.” He put his forefinger on her nose and tapped it. “You have much to do today.” He held his palm up to his eyes, looking at the fancy watch he wore on his wrist. “In fact, you’ll start in about three hours. These things you must do on your own. It is a big day for you.”

“And for you,” she said.

“And for Robert.” Marcus did not smile when he said this. She had told him Robert was coming to the house to collect his things. They both knew it was important that he recant his vows.

“He will be safe with me. I’ll help him with the packing. I could probably move everything for him!”

They both laughed. “He is lucky you are so strong.” Marcus kissed her along the sensitive part of her neck just under her right ear. “So deadly beautiful.” They kissed again.

 She could tell he wanted to say that she belonged to him. She ached to hear it. Anne traced the pectoral muscles of his chest, circling a nipple. “Marcus, what do I have to do to be . . . released, so we can . . . you know?”

“He must agree to let you go. He has to declare it. I must hear him say it.”

“Doesn’t the fact that there is no license on file satisfy the requirements? I’m not legally married.”

“You swore an oath in front of witnesses. The paper is not significant. The oath has to be taken back.”

She slipped her fingers along the bulging muscles of his abdomen. “And you have to hear the renouncement?” She continued counting his ribs, running her fingers up and down his chest.

“Um hum.” She kept up her fiddling. “Counting so soon?” he asked.

She nodded and sighed. “I’m a hopeless case, aren’t I?” She felt his eyes on her as she reveled in the glory of his tanned chest, kissing his nipple in order to feel his flesh on her lips one more time. “Can a golden vampire want . . .” She looked up at him and saw his warm brown eyes pulling her to him again. Resisting him only made the experience more delicious. “Is it a bad thing to want too much?” She gave him a pout, knowing what it would do to him inside.

She felt his body lurch. His erection, unfulfilled, persistently looked for a way inside her.

He laughed. “I have never heard of a golden vampire dying from exertion in the arms of his fated love, but somehow I think if there was a first, I could claim it.”

“And then I could bring you back to life, as you brought me back.”

Marcus stiffened. “Anne, listen to me. You must never do that. You must never create new life that way. That is forbidden, you understand?”

This new revelation concerned Anne. There was so much she did not know. Could she accidentally do something that could cost either one of them their lives? She suddenly felt vulnerable.

“Then, Marcus, you must teach me these things. Please, I don’t want to make any mistakes.”

“Yes. We must begin your training tomorrow.” He drew her to him again. “We have a lesson, then we play, okay? It has to be in that order.”

“Then I’ll look forward to recess.” She kissed him again, wrapping her legs around him.


After Marcus left, Anne stepped into the shower. The water trickling down her body made her think of the temple and her evening with Marcus. Just the thought of him between her legs, hungry for her, tasting and drinking blood there, made her little nub pulse. She rubbed it in slow circular motions, her eyes closed. Willing his mouth there, willing his tongue scraping over her pinkness, perhaps taking a tender bite . . .

The shower curtain abruptly parted, and she was caught in Robert’s gaze. He looked angry. He had reason to be. But not for the reasons he knew about. His neck was a solid mass of bruises, some of them very dark purple. He looked like he was wearing a collar of black raspberry jam. Anne almost laughed.

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